Ad hoc queries against high cardinality columns - sql

How to improve the performance of ad hoc queries against tables having hundreds of high cardinality columns and millions of records?
In my case, I have a table with one indexed DATE column SDATE, one VARCHAR2 column NE and 750 numeric columns most of them high cardinality columns with values in the range of 0 to 100. The table is updated with almost 20000 new records every hour. The queries against this table look like:
So far, I have always advised users not to enter big interval dates so as to put a limit on the number of records resulted from the date index access path; however, from time to time it becomes necessary to specify bigger intervals.
If V1, V2, ..., V750 were all low cardinality columns, I would have been able to utilize bitmap indexes. Unfortunately they are not.
What's the advice on this? How should I tackle this problem?

I assume you're stuck with the design, so a few thoughts that I'd probably look at -
1) use partitions - if you have partitioning option
2) use some triggers to denormalise (or normalise in this case) a query table which is more optimised for the query usage
3) make some snapshots
4) look at having a current table or set of tables which has the days records (or some suitable subset), and roll them over to a big table to store hsitory.
It depends on usage patterns and all the other constraints the system has - this may get you started, if you have more details a better solution is probably out there.

I think the big problem would be the inserts. You have an index on sdate wich slow the inserts and speed up the selects. But, returning to your problems:
If users specify an interval wich is large (let's say >5%) it is beter to have the table partitioned by sdate in a daily or weekly or monthly manner.
Oracle partitioning docs
(If you partition the table, don't forget to partition also the index. And if you want to do it live, use exchange partition ).
Also, as workaround, if you have a powerfull machine, you may use parallel queries.
Oracle Parallel docs


Oracle query: date filter gets really slow

I have this oracle query that takes around 1 minute to get the results:
SELECT TRUNC(sysdate - data_ricezione) AS delay
FROM notifiche#fe_engine2fe_gateway n
WHERE NVL(n.data_ricezione, TO_DATE('01011900', 'ddmmyyyy')) =
(SELECT NVL(MAX(n2.data_ricezione), TO_DATE('01011900', 'ddmmyyyy'))
FROM notifiche#fe_engine2fe_gateway n2
WHERE n.id_sdi = n2.id_sdi)
--AND sysdate-data_ricezione > 15
Basically i have this table named "notifiche", where each record represents a kind of update to another type of object (invoices). I want to know which invoice has not received any update in the last 15 days. I can do it by joining the notifiche n2 table, getting the most recent record for each invoice, and evaluate the difference between the update date (data_ricezione) and the current date (sysdate).
When i add the commented condition, the query takes then infinite time to complete (i mean hours, never saw the end of it...)
How is possibile that this simple condition make the query so slow?
How can I improve the performance?
Try to keep data_ricezione alone; if there's an index on it, it might help.
So: switch from
and sysdate - data_ricezione > 15
and -data_ricezione > 15 - sysdate / * (-1)
and data_ricezione < sysdate - 15
As everything is done over the database link, see whether the driving_site hint does any good, i.e.
select /*+ driving_site (n) */ --> "n" is table's alias
trunc(sysdate-data_ricezione) as delay
notifiche#fe_engine2fe_gateway n
Use an analytic function to avoid a self-join over a database link. The below query only reads from the table once, divides the rows into windows, finds theMAX value for each window, and lets you select rows based on that maximum. Analytic functions are tricky to understand at fist, but they often lead to code that is smaller and more efficient.
select id_sdi, data_ricezion
select id_sdi, data_ricezion, max(data_ricezion) over (partition by id_sdi) max_date
from notifiche#fe_engine2fe_gateway
where sysdate - max_date > 15;
As for why adding a simple condition can make the query slow - it's all about cardinality estimates. Cardinality, the number of rows, drives most of the database optimizer's decision. The best way to join a small amount of data may be very different than the best way to join a large amount of data. Oracle must always guess how many rows are returned by an operation, to know which algorithm to use.
Optimizer statistics (metadata about the tables, columns, and indexes) are what Oracle uses to make cardinality estimates. For example, to guess the number of rows filtered out by sysdate-data_ricezione > 15, the optimizer would want to know how many rows are in the table (DBA_TABLES.NUM_ROWS), what the maximum value for the column is (DBA_TAB_COLUMNS.HIGH_VALUE), and maybe a break down of how many rows are in different age ranges (DBA_TAB_HISTOGRAMS).
All of that information depends on optimizer statistics being correctly gathered. If a DBA foolishly disabled automatic optimizer statistics gathering, then these problems will happen all the time. But even if your system is using good settings, the predicate you're using may be an especially difficult case. Optimizer statistics aren't free to gather, so the system only collects them when 10% of the data changes. But since your predicate involves SYSDATE, the percentage of rows will change every day even if the table doesn't change. It may make sense to manually gather stats on this table more often than the default schedule, or use a /*+ dynamic_sampling */ hint, or create a SQL Profile/Plan Baseline, or one of the many ways to manage optimizer statistics and plan stability. But hopefully none of that will be necessary if you use an analytic function instead of a self-join.

how a hive table should be created when we need query based on daily data

i want to understand if i need to query a table and query is something like below
Select * from table_name where date_column > sysdate-2 and date_column < sysdate;
note: my intention is to select data of each day to be specific
then how should i design my table for better results?? i think partitioning based on date will give too many partitions and lead to performance bottle neck , not sure whether bucketing works here.... plz suggest and some explanation
If the data on a daily basis is just not enough to create a partition, you must think on creating partition based on yyyyMM (Year and Month). In that case, your query changes to
Select * from table_name where
my_partition_col in (date_format(sysdate,'yyyyMM'), date_format(sysdate-2,'yyyyMM'))
AND date_column > sysdate-2 and date_column < sysdate;
This optimizes the storage and performance requirement.
You should partition by date.
You are correct that this will create a lot of partitions. Within Hive, each date will be a separate file, and yes, Hive will need to maintain all of that, but that's exactly what Hive is best at.
note: my intention is to select data of each day to be specific
Since this is your intention, you'll get the best performance with daily partitions.
Other sorts of queries, running across multiple dates, may result in the performance bottleneck you're expressing concern about. But if that occurs, you could consider creating a different table to address that use case.
For your primary, current use case, daily partitions are the solution.

Wilcard on day table vs time partition

I try to understand if there is a difference in big query (in the cost or possibility of requesting for example) between :
Create one table per day (like my_table_2018_02_06)
Create a time partitioned table (my-table with time partition by day).
Thanks !
Short explanation: querying multiple tables using Wildcard Tables was the proposed alternative for when BigQuery did not have a partition mechanism available. The natural evolution was to include the feature of Partitioned Table, and currently there is an alpha release consisting in column-based time partitioning, i.e. letting the user define which column (having a DATE or TIMESTAMP data type) will be used for the partitioning.
So currently BigQuery engineers are working in adding more new features to table partitioning, instead of the legacy Wildcard Tables methodology, then I'd suggest that you work with them.
Long explanation: you are comparing two approaches that in fact are used with the same purpose, but which have different implications:
Wildcard Tables: some time ago, when table partitioning was not a feature supported by Big Query, Wildcard Tables was the way to query multiple tables using concise SQL queries. A Wildcard Table represents the union of all the tables that match the wildcard expression specified in the SQL statement. However, Wildcard Tables have some limitations, such as:
Do not support views.
Do not support cached results (queries containing wildcard tables are billed every time they are run, even if the "cached results" option is checked).
Only work with native BigQuery storage (cannot work with external tables [Bigtable, Storage or Drive]).
Only available in standard SQL.
Partitioned Tables: these are unique tables that are divided into segments, split by date. There is a lot of documentation regarding how to work with Partitioned Tables, and regarding the pricing, each partition in a Partitioned Table is considered an independent entity, so if a partition was not updated for the last 90 days, this data will be considered long-term and therefore will be billed with the appropriate discount (as would happen with a normal table). Finally, Partitioned Tables are here to stay, so there are more incoming features to them, such as column-based partitioning, which is currently in alpha, and you can follow its status in this Public Issue Tracker post. On the other hand, there are also some current limitations to be considered:
Maximum of 2500 partitions per Partitioned Table.
Maximum of 2000 partition updates per table per day.
Maximum of 50 partition updates every 10 seconds.
So in general, it would be advisable to work with Partitioned Tables over multiple tables using Wildcard Tables. However, you should always consider your use case and see which one of the possibilities meets your requirements better.
One thing to add to your decision criteria here is caching and usage of legacy vs standard SQL.
Since the syntax in standard SQL for selecting multiple tables uses a wild card there is no way for the query result to be cached.
Interestingly, the query result would have been cached if legacy SQL was used. Just converting the query to standard SQL would disable caching.
This may be important to consider, at least in some cases more than others.
Thank you,
Not exactly a time partition, but one can benefit from both worlds - wildcard "partitions" and real partitions to slice the data even further. Below is an example where we first use the data suffix to select only table holding data from that particular date, then we use actual partitioning within the table to limit the amount of data scanned even further.
Create first partitioned table with data suffix
CREATE TABLE `test_2021-01-05` (x INT64, y INT64)
insert `test_2021-01-05` (x,y) values (5,1);
insert `test_2021-01-05` (x,y) values (5,2);
insert `test_2021-01-05` (x,y) values (5,3);
Create second partitioned table with data suffix
CREATE TABLE `test_2021-01-04` (x INT64, y INT64)
insert `test_2021-01-04` (x,y) values (4,1);
insert `test_2021-01-04` (x,y) values (4,2);
Select all the data from both tables using wildcard notation, 80B of data is the whole test set
select * from `test_*`
-- 80B, all the data
Just select data from one table, which is like partitioning on date
select * from `test_*`
where _TABLE_SUFFIX = "2021-01-05"
-- 48B
Select data both from one table(where I am interested in one date) and only from one partition
select * from `test_*`
where _TABLE_SUFFIX = "2021-01-05"
and y = 1
-- 16B, that was the goal
Select data just from one partition from all the tables
select * from `test_*`
where y = 1
-- 32B, only one partition from both tables
The ultimate goal was to limit the data scanned when reading, thus reducing the cost and increasing performance.

How to utilize table partition in oracle database in effective manner?

I have created a partitioned table as
CREATE TABLE orders_range(order_id NUMBER
,client_id NUMBER
,order_date DATE)
(PARTITION orders2011 VALUES LESS THAN (to_date('1/1/2012','dd/mm/yyyy'))
,PARTITION orders2012 VALUES LESS THAN (to_date('1/1/2013','dd/mm/yyyy'))
when I am selecting the records using
SELECT * FROM ORDERS_RANGE partition(orders2011);
in explain plan the cpu cost is 75
but when i go for normal query using where clause the cpu cost is only 6 then what is the advantage of table partitioning when it comes to performance?
Can anyone explain me in detail?
Thanks in advance.
First, you generally can't directly compare the cost of two different plans running against two different objects. It is entirely possible that one plan with a cost of 10,000 will run much more quickly than a different plan with a cost of 10. You can compare the cost of two different plans for a single SQL statement within a single 10053 trace (so long as you remember that these are estimates and if the optimizer estimates incorrectly, many cost values are incorrect and the optimizer is likely to pick a less efficient plan). It may make sense to compare the cost between two different queries if you are trying to work out the algorithm the optimizer is using for a particular step but that's pretty unusual.
Second, in your example, you're not inserting any data. Generally, if you're going to partition a table, you're doing so because you have multiple GB of data in that table. If you compare something like
FROM unpartitioned_table_with_1_billion_rows
FROM partitioned_table_with_1_billion_rows
WHERE partition_key = date '2014-04-01' -- Restricts the data to only 10 million rows
the partitioned approach will, obviously, be more efficient not least of all because you're only reading the 10 million rows in the April 1 partition rather than the 1 billion rows in the table.
If the table has no data, it's possible that the query against the partitioned table would be a tiny bit less efficient since you've got to do more things in the course of parsing the query. But reading 0 rows from a 0 row table is going to take essentially no time either way so the difference in parse time is likely to be irrelevant.
In general, you wouldn't ever use the ORDERS_RANGE partition(orders2011) syntax to access data. In addition to hard-coding the partition name, which means that you'd often be resorting to dynamic SQL to assemble the query, you'd be doing a lot more hard parsing and that you'd be putting more pressure on the shared pool and that you'd risk making a mistake if someone changed the partitioning on the table. It makes far more sense to supply a predicate on the partition key and to let Oracle work out how to appropriately prune the partitions. In other words
FROM orders_range
WHERE order_date < date '2012-01-01'
would be a much more sensible query.

Speeding up aggregations for a large table in Oracle

I am trying to see how to improve performance for aggregation queries in an Oracle database. The system is used to run financial series simulations.
Here is the simplified set-up:
The first table table1 has the following columns
date | id | value
It is read-only, has about 100 million rows and is indexed on id, date
The second table table2 is generated by the application according to user input, is relatively small (300K rows) and has this layout:
id | start_date | end_date | factor
After the second table is generated, I need to compute totals as follows:
select date, sum(value * nvl(factor,1)) as total
from table1
left join table2 on =
and between table2.start_date and table2.end_date group by date
My issue is that this is slow, taking up to 20-30 minutes if the second table is particularly large. Is there a generic way to speed this up, perhaps trading off storage space and execution time, ideally, to achieve something running in under a minute?
I am not a database expert and have been reading Oracle performance tuning docs but was not able to find anything appropriate for this. The most promising idea I found were OLAP cubes but I understand this would help only if my second table was fixed and I simply needed to apply different filters on the data.
First, to provide any real insight, you'd need to determine the execution plan that Oracle is producing for the slow query.
You say the second table is ~300K rows - yes that's small compared to 100M but since you have a range condition in the join between the two tables, it's hard to say how many rows from table1 are likely to be accessed in any given execution of the query. If a large proportion of the table is accessed, but the query optimizer doesn't recognize that, the index may actually be hurting instead of helping.
You might benefit from re-organizing table1 as an index-organized table, since you already have an index that covers most of the columns. But all I can say from the information so far is that it might help, but it might not.
Apart from indexes, Also try below. My two cents!
Try running this Query with PARALLEL option employing multiple processors. /*+ PARALLEL(table1,4) */ .
NVL has been done for million of rows, and this will be an impact
to some extent, any way data can be organised?
When you know the date in Advance, probably you divide this Query
into two chunks, by fetching the ids in TABLE2 using the start
date and end date. And issue a JOIN it to TABLE1 using a
view or temp table. By this we use the index (with id as
leading edge) optimally