Domino web app (traditional, not XPages)
Simple form with a single subform. I add a button and a hotspot, each with action set to Web/Javascript
Javascript : alert('hello');
Neither the button nor the hotspot are visible in the browswer. No hide formulas on either.
DB Setting of "Use JavaScript when generating pages" is checked.
Can anyone point out something that I am missing? I have double-checked there's nothing like a div set to dislay:none; or hide formula in place.
Domino 11.01 on server
Browsers: Chrome and Firefox
Figured it out...I had accidentally included the button as set to pass-thru soon as I took that checkmark off, the button now shows. It's not evident that is set without highlighting the button and looking at 'text' menu option.
Thanks for trying to help me.
I installed XamlSpy using NuGet in my UWP app.
I debug my application and connect it successfully using the XamlSpy.
The problem is that every mouse hover is responses by XamlSpy what prevents me from clicking on buttons etc'...
How can I start inspect only when needed ?
I tried CTRL+Shift without success...
How can I start inspect only when needed
According to this article, Ctrl+Shift is worked for XAML Spy 2. By testing on my side, I guess you are using XAML Spy 3.
In that case, when you are using the XAML Spy desktop app to inspect, the "Select Visual" button which is for moving your mouse to the app, and click to select a visual in the user interface, is highlighted by default. You may need to click it to not highlight the button to stop inspecting, and click again can start inspecting again when you needed.
I am working with IE11. After loading my website elements like checkbox, radio button, drop down arrow get automatically hidden then after hover on them they get visible then after click anywhere in page they again get hide. All this element are present and style are applied tested with developer tool but still they was giving problem. Then after check "use software rendering instead of gpu rendering" option from settings->Internet option->Advanced->"use software rendering instead of gpu rendering" everything got ok. Now my website element not getting hide all style applied perfectly. But I doesn't understand why this happen? How this setting fixed issues. Please any idea help!
I'm trying to implement the Magnific-popup on a website. Source is a jquery ( html articles with a header paragraphs...) object loaded as inline type. The shown source is on the same page as the popup. To this point it is working fine, popup is working, content is loaded.
Now I'm unsure whether this is standard behaviour or not: In the background the shown article is hidden, while the rest of the articles are still there. When closing the popup, the shown article stays hidden.
tl;dr: Magnific-popup hides the source of the opened information, not making it visible again after closing the popup.
Am I doing anything wrong or is it just the expected behaviour of Magnific-popup?
Any hints/solutions appreciated.
its general behavior.
when you close the popup once, it adds class "popup-hide" to hide the popup content, though which may not be applied by you in its html
i hope you are referring to something like this : (when you click the trigger (the team logo), the inline-content gets hidden once the popup is closed.)
i'll try to get more (solution) on this later.. :)
So I have this application I have made in VB. The problem is that when I start it it does not show up in my taskbar. It only shows up if I maximize another window infront of it and then minimize it. Also it has the basic VB icon even though I changed the icon in the properties.
There is no relevant code for this issue.
I found the same thing; no icon was showing in the taskbar. I had to go into Task Manager and Switch To the program to get it to show. I could ' maximize another window in front of it and then minimize it as well.'
Found the solution that worked for me. The 'Main' form did not have anything in the 'text' property because I was doing that and a Ver number in the program. As soon as I put text into the 'text' property, it started working. The problem was only with VB2015. Worked fine in VB2010.
I have a winmo application running on win mobile 6.5 using the 2.0 ce framework:
On some forms, I make use of the menu bar to have custom menu items, as seen below
The "More" and "Cancel" buttons have events wired up so that I can actually make the form behave how I want to. But the problem is the "OK" that is always there by default and just closes the current form. I want to remove this completely so that it looks like this
But from what I have been researching so far, it is impossible. I have come across solutions to remove the whole menu bar (I still need the other buttons) or to disable the OK button (but even having it there will confuse the users)
Is this possible?
would be cool to also remove the windows "start" button, but not necessary
You can "dynamically" show/hide the Star icon when using small code BEFORE the window/form is created:
The trick is to just change one registry key BEFORE create windows/form:
set to 1 to hide the start icon for new windows and set to 0 to have new windows show a start icon.
The change will NOT affect already open/created windows/forms. Only newly ones will be affected.
To Hide/disappear the Ok button or x (close) button,
Enable, controlbox=false.
To disappear/Hide the whole header or menu bar,
Use, WindowState=Maximized.