Enforcing Incoming X-Axis Data to map with Static X-Axis - Plotly - plotly-python

I am trying to plot a multi-axes line graph in Plotly and my data is based on the percentage (y-axis) v/s date (x-axis).
X and Y-axis coming from the database via pandas
Now since Plotly doesn't understand the order of string date in the x-axis it adjusted it automatically.
I am looking for something where my x-axis remains static for dates and in order and graph plots on top of that mapping based on their dates matching parameter.
static_x_axis = ['02-11-2021', '03-11-2021', '04-11-2021', '05-11-2021', '06-11-2021', '07-11-2021', '08-11-2021', '09-11-2021', '10-11-2021', '11-11-2021', '12-11-2021', '13-11-2021', '14-11-2021', '15-11-2021', '16-11-2021', '17-11-2021', '18-11-2021', '19-11-2021', '20-11-2021', '21-11-2021', '22-11-2021', '23-11-2021']
and the above list determines the x-axis mapping.
I tried using range but seems that does not support static mapping or either map all graphs from the 0th point.
Overall I am looking for a way that either follows a static date range or either does not break the current order of dates like what happened in the above graph.
Thanks in advance for your help.

from your question your data:
x date as a string representation (i.e. categorical)
y a number between 0 and 1 (a precentage)
three traces
you describe that x is unordered as source. Require it to be sorted in the x-axis
below simulates a figure in this way
then applies categorical axis sorting
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
s = pd.Series(pd.date_range("2-nov-2021", periods=40).strftime("%d-%m-%Y"))
fig = go.Figure(
y=np.linspace(n/4, n/3, 10),
for n in range(1,4)
).update_traces(texttemplate="%{y:.2f}", textposition="top center")
fig.update_layout(xaxis={"categoryorder": "array", "categoryarray": s.values})


Cannot plot a histogram from a Pandas dataframe

I've used pandas.read_csv to generate a 1000-row dataframe with 32 columns. I'm looking to plot a histogram or bar chart (depending on data type) of each column. For columns of type 'int64', I've tried doing matplotlib.pyplot.hist(df['column']) and df.hist(column='column'), as well as calling matplotlib.pyplot.hist on df['column'].values and df['column'].to_numpy(). Weirdly, nthey all take areally long time (>30s) and when I've allowed them to complet, I get unit-height bars in multiple colors, as if there's some sort of implicit grouping and they're all being separated into different groups. Any ideas about what I can do to get a normal histogram? Unfortunately I closed the charts so I can't show you an example right now.
Edit - this seems to be a much bigger problem with Int columns, and casting them to float fixes the problem.
Follow these two steps:
import the Histogram class from the Matplotlib library
use the "plot" method, which will accept a dataframe as argument
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.hist(df['column'], color='blue', edgecolor='black', bins=int(45/1))
Here's the source.

How to overlay hatches on shapefile with condition?

I've been trying to plot hatches (like this pattern, "//") on polygons of a shapefile, based on a condition. The condition is that whichever polygon values ("Sig") are greater than equal to 0.05, there should be a hatch pattern for them. Unfortunately the resulting map doesn't meet my requirements.
So I first plot the "AMOTL" variable and then wanted to plot the hatches (variable Sig) on top of them (if the values are greater than equal to 0.05). I have used the following code:
import contextily as ctx
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse, Polygon
data = gpd.read_file("mapsignif.shp")
Sig = data.loc[data["Sig"].ge(0.05)]
data.loc[data["AMOTL"].eq(0), "AMOTL"] = np.nan
ax = data.plot(
figsize=(12, 10),
vmin = -1,
vmax= 1,
map = Basemap(
Now the problem is that my original image (on which I want to plot the hatches) is different from the image resulting from the above code:
Original Image -
Resultant image from above code:
I basically want to plot hatches on that first image. This topic is similar to correlation plots where you have places with hatches (if the p-value is greater than 0.05). The first image plots the correlation variable and some of them are significant (defined by Sig). So I want to plot the Sig variable on top of the AMOTL. I've tried variations of the code, but still can't get through.
Would be grateful for some assistance... Here's my file - https://drive.google.com/file/d/10LPNjBtQMdQMw6XmXdJEg6Uq4icx_LD6/view?usp=sharing
I’d bet this is the culprit:
data.loc[data["Sig"].ge(0.05), "Sig"].plot(
column="Sig", hatch='//'
In this line, you’re selecting only the 'Sig' column, eliminating all spatial data in the 'geometry' column and returning a pandas.Series instead of a geopandas.GeoDataFrame. In order to plot a data column using the geometries column for your shapes you must maintain at least both of those columns in the object you call .plot on.
So instead, don’t select the column:
column="Sig", hatch='//'
You are already telling geopandas to plot the "Sig" column by using the column argument to .plot - no need to limit the actual data too.
Also, when overlaying a plot on an existing axis, be sure to pass in the axis object:
column="Sig", hatch='//', ax=ax

How to create a (bar) graph using plotly express from a dictionary?

I have a dictionary of dates (keys) to a value for each date. I'm trying to show this in a simple bar graph using plotly-express in python. I've tried putting it in a pandas DataFrame and Series object and just using a plain dict, but I seem to get an error/not what I want each time when I try to put it in a plotly express bar graph as such:
fig = px.bar(daily_charge_dict, x=daily_charge_dict.keys(),y=daily_charge_dict.values(), barmode="group")
Any suggestions on how to complete this? Thanks!
To plot a bar from a dictionary, the x and y must be a list. For example in your case, you want x axis to be a list of dates and y axis to be some values for each date. So the dictionary should look like:
the_dict = {'dates': ['2020-01-01', '2020-01-02'], 'y_vals': [100,200]}
So rather than have several keys of dates, have just a two key dictionary, with the list of dates being the first element and the list of corresponding values being the second.
Then plot them using plotly express as :
import plotly.express as px
fig = px.bar(the_dict, x='dates', y='y_vals')

Seaborn time series plotting: a different problem for each function

I'm trying to use seaborn dataframe functionality (e.g. passing column names to x, y and hue plot parameters) for my timeseries (in pandas datetime format) plots.
x should come from a timeseries column(converted from a pd.Series of strings with pd.to_datetime)
y should come from a float column
hue comes from a categorical column that I calculated.
There are multiple streams in the same series that I am trying to separate (and use the hue for separating them visually), and therefore they should not be connected by a line (like in a scatterplot)
I have tried the following plot types, each with a different problem:
sns.scatterplot: gets the plotting right and the labels right bus has problems with the xlimits, and I could not set them right with plt.xlim() using data.Dates.min and data.Dates.min
sns.lineplot: gets the limits and the labels right but I could not find a setting to disable the lines between the individual datapoints like in matplotlib. I tried the setting the markers and the dashes parameters to no avail.
sns.stripplot: my last try, plotted the datapoints correctly and got the xlimits right but messed the labels ticks
Example input data for easy reproduction:
dates = pd.to_datetime(('2017-11-15',
values = np.random.randn(len(dates))
clusters = np.random.randint(1, size=len(dates))
D = {'Dates': dates, 'Values': values, 'Clusters': clusters}
data = pd.DataFrame(D)
To each of the functions I am passing the same arguments:
So to recap, what I want is a plot that uses seaborn's pandas functionality, and plots points(not lines) with correct x limits and readable x labels :)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
ax = sns.scatterplot(x='Dates', y='Values', hue='Clusters', data=data)
ax.set_xlim(data['Dates'].min(), data['Dates'].max())

Using pd.cut to create bins for a graph, but bin values are not coming out as expected

Here is the code I'm running:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
titanic = sns.load_dataset("titanic")
y =titanic.groupby([titanic.fare//1,'sex']).survived.mean().reset_index() #grouping by 'fare' rounded to an integer and 'sex' and then getting the survivability
x =pd.cut(y.fare, (0,17,35,70,300,515)) #I'm not sure if my format is correct but this is how I cut up the fare values
y['Fare_bins']= x # adding the newly created bins to a new column "Fare_bins' in original dataframe.
#graphing with seaborn
g = sns.factorplot(x='Fare_bins', y= 'survived', col = 'sex', kind ='bar' ,data= y,
size=4, aspect =2.5 , palette="muted")
g.set_ylabels("Survival Probability")
The problem I'm having is that Fare_values are showing up as (0,17].
The left side is a circle bracket and the right side is square bracket.
If possible I would like to have something like this:
(0-17) or [0-17]
Next, there seems to be a gap between each bar plot. I was expecting them to be adjoined. There are two graphs being represented, so I don't expect of the bars to be ajoined, but the first 5 bars(first graph)should be connected and the last 5 bars to eachother(second graph).
How can I go about fixing these two issues?
It seems I can add labels.
Just by adding labels to the "cut" method parameters, I can display the Fare_values as I want.
x =pd.cut(y.fare, (0,17,35,70,300,515), labels = ('(0-17)', '(17-35)', '(35-70)', '(70-300)','(300-515)') )
As for the brackets showing around the fare_value groups,
according to the documentation:
right : bool, optional
Indicates whether the bins include the rightmost edge or not. If right == True (the default), then the bins [1,2,3,4] indicate (1,2], (2,3], (3,4].
Still not sure if it's possible to join the bars though.