Seaborn time series plotting: a different problem for each function - pandas

I'm trying to use seaborn dataframe functionality (e.g. passing column names to x, y and hue plot parameters) for my timeseries (in pandas datetime format) plots.
x should come from a timeseries column(converted from a pd.Series of strings with pd.to_datetime)
y should come from a float column
hue comes from a categorical column that I calculated.
There are multiple streams in the same series that I am trying to separate (and use the hue for separating them visually), and therefore they should not be connected by a line (like in a scatterplot)
I have tried the following plot types, each with a different problem:
sns.scatterplot: gets the plotting right and the labels right bus has problems with the xlimits, and I could not set them right with plt.xlim() using data.Dates.min and data.Dates.min
sns.lineplot: gets the limits and the labels right but I could not find a setting to disable the lines between the individual datapoints like in matplotlib. I tried the setting the markers and the dashes parameters to no avail.
sns.stripplot: my last try, plotted the datapoints correctly and got the xlimits right but messed the labels ticks
Example input data for easy reproduction:
dates = pd.to_datetime(('2017-11-15',
values = np.random.randn(len(dates))
clusters = np.random.randint(1, size=len(dates))
D = {'Dates': dates, 'Values': values, 'Clusters': clusters}
data = pd.DataFrame(D)
To each of the functions I am passing the same arguments:
So to recap, what I want is a plot that uses seaborn's pandas functionality, and plots points(not lines) with correct x limits and readable x labels :)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

ax = sns.scatterplot(x='Dates', y='Values', hue='Clusters', data=data)
ax.set_xlim(data['Dates'].min(), data['Dates'].max())


Enforcing Incoming X-Axis Data to map with Static X-Axis - Plotly

I am trying to plot a multi-axes line graph in Plotly and my data is based on the percentage (y-axis) v/s date (x-axis).
X and Y-axis coming from the database via pandas
Now since Plotly doesn't understand the order of string date in the x-axis it adjusted it automatically.
I am looking for something where my x-axis remains static for dates and in order and graph plots on top of that mapping based on their dates matching parameter.
static_x_axis = ['02-11-2021', '03-11-2021', '04-11-2021', '05-11-2021', '06-11-2021', '07-11-2021', '08-11-2021', '09-11-2021', '10-11-2021', '11-11-2021', '12-11-2021', '13-11-2021', '14-11-2021', '15-11-2021', '16-11-2021', '17-11-2021', '18-11-2021', '19-11-2021', '20-11-2021', '21-11-2021', '22-11-2021', '23-11-2021']
and the above list determines the x-axis mapping.
I tried using range but seems that does not support static mapping or either map all graphs from the 0th point.
Overall I am looking for a way that either follows a static date range or either does not break the current order of dates like what happened in the above graph.
Thanks in advance for your help.
from your question your data:
x date as a string representation (i.e. categorical)
y a number between 0 and 1 (a precentage)
three traces
you describe that x is unordered as source. Require it to be sorted in the x-axis
below simulates a figure in this way
then applies categorical axis sorting
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
s = pd.Series(pd.date_range("2-nov-2021", periods=40).strftime("%d-%m-%Y"))
fig = go.Figure(
y=np.linspace(n/4, n/3, 10),
for n in range(1,4)
).update_traces(texttemplate="%{y:.2f}", textposition="top center")
fig.update_layout(xaxis={"categoryorder": "array", "categoryarray": s.values})

How can I specify multiple variables for the hue parameters when plotting with seaborn?

When using seaborn, is there a way I can include multiple variables (columns) for the hue parameter? Another way to ask this question would be how can I group my data by multiple variables before plotting them on a single x,y axis plot?
I want to do something like below. However currently I am not able to specify two variables for the hue parameter.:
sns.relplot(x='#', y='Attack', hue=['Legendary', 'Stage'], data=df)
For example, assume I have a pandas DataFrame like below containing an a Pokemon database obtained via this tutorial.
I want to plot on the x-axis the pokedex #, and the y-axis the Attack. However, I want to data to be grouped by both Stage and Legendary. Using matplotlib, I wrote a custom function that groups the dataframe by ['Legendary','Stage'], and then iterates through each group for the plotting (see results below). Although my custom function works as intended, I was hoping this can be achieved simply by seaborn. I am guessing there must be other people what have attempted to visualize more than 3 variables in a single plot using seaborn?
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
grouping_variables = ['Stage','Legendary']
group_1 = df.groupby(grouping_variables)
for group_1_label, group_1_df in group_1:
ax.scatter(group_1_df['#'], group_1_df['Attack'], label=group_1_label)
ax_legend = ax.legend(title=grouping_variables)
Edit 1:
Note: In the example I provided, I grouped the data by obly two variables (ex: Legendary and Stage). However, other situations may require arbitrary number of variables (ex: 5 variables).
You can leverage the fact that hue accepts either a column name, or a sequence of the same length as your data, listing the color categories to assign each data point to. So...
sns.relplot(x='#', y='Attack', hue='Stage', data=df)
... is basically the same as:
sns.relplot(x='#', y='Attack', hue=df['Stage'], data=df)
You typically wouldn't use the latter, it's just more typing to achieve the same thing -- unless you want to construct a custom sequence on the fly:
sns.relplot(x='#', y='Attack', data=df,
hue=df[['Legendary', 'Stage']].apply(tuple, axis=1))
The way you build the sequence that you pass via hue is entirely up to you, the only requirement is that it must have the same length as your data, and if an array-like, it must be one-dimensional, so you can't just pass hue=df[['Legendary', 'Stage']], you have to somehow concatenate the columns into one. I chose tuple as the simplest and most versatile way, but if you want to have more control over the formatting, build a Series of strings. I'll save it into a separate variable here for better readability and so that I can assign it a name (which will be used as the legend title), but you don't have to:
hue = df[['Legendary', 'Stage']].apply(
lambda row: f"{row.Legendary}, {row.Stage}", axis=1) = 'Legendary, Stage'
sns.relplot(x='#', y='Attack', hue=hue, data=df)
To use hue of seaborn.relplot, consider concatenating the needed groups into a single column and then run the plot on new variable:
def run_plot(df, flds):
df['_'.join(flds)] = pd.Series(df.reindex(flds, axis='columns')
sns.relplot(x='#', y='Attack', hue='_'.join(flds), data=random_df, aspect=1.5)
To demonstrate with random data
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
### DATA
random_df = pd.DataFrame({'#': np.arange(1,501),
'Name': np.random.choice(['Bulbasaur', 'Ivysaur', 'Venusaur',
'Charmander', 'Charmeleon'], 500),
'HP': np.random.randint(1, 100, 500),
'Attack': np.random.randint(1, 100, 500),
'Defense': np.random.randint(1, 100, 500),
'Sp. Atk': np.random.randint(1, 100, 500),
'Sp. Def': np.random.randint(1, 100, 500),
'Speed': np.random.randint(1, 100, 500),
'Stage': np.random.randint(1, 3, 500),
'Legend': np.random.choice([True, False], 500)
run_plot(random_df, ['Legend', 'Stage'])
run_plot(random_df, ['Legend', 'Stage', 'Name'])
In seaborn's scatterplot(), you can combine both a hue= and a style= parameter to produce different markers and different colors for each combinations
example (taken verbatim from the documentation):
tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")
ax = sns.scatterplot(x="total_bill", y="tip", data=tips)
ax = sns.scatterplot(x="total_bill", y="tip",
hue="day", style="time", data=tips)

Matplotlib/Seaborn: Boxplot collapses on x axis

I am creating a series of boxplots in order to compare different cancer types with each other (based on 5 categories). For plotting I use seaborn/matplotlib. It works fine for most of the cancer types (see image right) however in some the x axis collapses slightly (see image left) or strongly (see image middle)
Looking into the code how seaborn plots a box/violin plot (line 961)
violin_data = remove_na(group_data[hue_mask])
I realized that this happens when there are too many nans
Is there any possibility to prevent this collapsing by code only
I do not want to modify my dataframe (replace the nans by zero)
Below you find my code:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
sns.violinplot(data=boxp_df, ax=ax)
The output is a per cancer type differently sized plot
(depending on if there is any category completely nan)
I am expecting each plot to be in the same width.
trying to use the order parameter as suggested leads to the following output:
Maybe this toy example helps ?
|3.93| |0.52| |6.01
|3.34| |0.89| |2.89
|3.39| |1.96| |4.63
|1.59| |3.66| |3.75
|2.73| |0.39| |2.87
|0.08| |1.25| |-0.27
Apparently, the problem is not the data but the length of the title
Therefore I would close the question
#Diziet should I delete it or does my issue might help other ones?
Sorry for not including the line below in the code example:
ax.set_title("VERY LONG TITLE", fontsize=20)
It's hard to be sure without data to test it with, but I think you can pass the names of your categories/cancers to the order= parameter. This forces seaborn to use/display those, even if they are empty.
for instance:
tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")
ax = sns.violinplot(x="day", y="total_bill", data=tips, order=['Thur','Fri','Sat','Freedom Day','Sun','Durin\'s Day'])

Adding Arbitrary points on pandas time series using Dataframe.plot function

I have been trying to plot some time series graphs using the pandas dataframe plot function. I was trying to add markers at some arbitrary points on the plot to show anomalous points. The code I used :
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Entropy Values' : MeanValues}, index=DateRange)
df1.plot(linestyle = '-')
I have a list of Dates on which I need to add markers.Such as:
Dates = ['15:45:00', '15:50:00', '15:55:00', '16:00:00']
I had a look at this link matplotlib: Set markers for individual points on a line. Does DF.plot have a similar functionality?
I really appreciate the help. Thanks!
DataFrame.plot passes all keyword arguments it does not recognize to the matplotlib plotting method. To put markers at a few points in the plot you can use the markevery argument. Here is an example:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': range(10), 'B': range(10)}).set_index('A')
df.plot(linestyle='-', markevery=[1, 5, 7, 8], marker='o', markerfacecolor='r')
In your case, you would have to do something like
df1.plot(linestyle='-', markevery=Dates, marker='o', markerfacecolor='r')

Stacking multiple plots together with a single x-axis

Suppose I have multiple time dependent variables and I want to plot them all together stacked one of on top of another like the image below, how would I do so in matplotlib? Currently when I try plotting them they appear as multiple independent plots.
I have a Pandas dataframe with K columns corresponding to dependent variables and N rows corresponding to observed values for those K variables.
Sample code:
df = get_representation(mat) #df is the Pandas dataframe
for i in xrange(len(df.columns)):
I would like to plot them all one on top of another.
You could just stack all the curves by shifting each curve vertically:
df = get_representation(mat) #df is the Pandas dataframe
for i in xrange(len(df.columns)):
plt.plot(df.ix[:, i] + shift*i)
Here shift denotes the average distance between the curves.