Convert TZ datetime to timestamp - pandas

I have column of dates in the format below in a pandas dataframe.
What is the most effective way to convert
2021-11-6 21:54:35
pd.to_datetime(df['date'], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') only returns 2021-11-06 without the timestamp

You can use .dt accessor on Pandas Series followed by by .strftime property dt.strftime, to format datetime into desired string representation.
import pandas as pd
import datetime
df = pd.DataFrame({'date': ["2021-11-06T21:54:35.825Z"]})
fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
0 2021-11-06 21:54:35
Name: date, dtype: object
Or if you don't want to have zero padding before the day, you can use: fmt="%Y-%m-%-d %H:%M:%S" (notice the hyphen between % and d). This results in: 2021-11-6 21:54:35


Pandas - Converting datetime field to a specified format

I am trying to get a date time field in Pandas in the below format
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
The above code returns date time column in the below format
2021-11-27 03:30:00
I would like to get an output of 27/11/2021 (format is dd/mm/yyyy) and the data type of the column needs to be datetime and not object.
If your column is a string, you will need to first use pd.to_datetime,
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
Then, use .dt datetime accessor with strftime:
df = pd.DataFrame({'Date':pd.date_range('2017-01-01', periods = 60, freq='D')})
Or use lambda function:
df.Date.apply(lambda x: x.strftime('%Y%m%d')).astype(int)

Convert DateTime to TimeStamp Pandas

The objective of this post is to be able to convert the columns [‘Open Date’, 'Close date’] to timestamp format
I have tried with the functions / examples from these links with any results.
Convert datetime to timestamp in Neo4j
Convert datetime pandas
Pandas to_dict() converts datetime to Timestamp
Really appreciate any ideas / comments / examples on how to do so.
Data Base Image
Column Characteristics:
Open Date datetime64[ns] and pandas.core.series.Series
Close date datetime64[ns] and pandas.core.series.Series
Finally I been using these libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, date, time, timedelta
You convert first to numpy array by values and transform (cast) to int64 - output is in nanoseconds , which means divide by 10 ** 9:
df['open_ts'] = df['Open_Date'].datetime.values.astype(np.int64)
df['close_ts'] = df['Close_Date'].datetime.values.astype(np.int64)
If you want to avoid using numpy, you can also try:
df['open_ts'] = pd.to_timedelta(df['Open_Date'], unit='ns').dt.total_seconds().astype(int)
df['close_ts'] = pd.to_timedelta(df['Close_Date'], unit='ns').dt.total_seconds().astype(int)
Try them and report it back here

String to datetime in pandas reversed

I am dealing with time objects saved as strings in the form 57:44.6 (second, minute, hour).I am trying to convert the column elements to datetime using pd_todatetime. There results are Nat. How can i change the format of the string to HH:MM:SS (6:44:57)before converting?
provide the appropriate format specifier '%S:%M.%H'. Ex:
import pandas as pd
s = pd.Series(['57:44.6'])
dts = pd.to_datetime(s, format='%S:%M.%H')
# dts
# 0 1900-01-01 06:44:57
# dtype: datetime64[ns]

Format time data pandas

I have dates in this format: 2015-02-02 14:19:00.
I use this code:
dateparse = lambda dates: pd.datetime.strptime(dates, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
df = pd.read_csv('3df_uniti.csv', parse_dates=True, index_col='date', date_parser=dateparse)
but it doesn't work because it gives me the follow error:
time data does not match format
Can you help me to set the right format?
Your format uses / instead of -. Try changing it to %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.

Anomaly using numPy datetime64 to work with dates in a pandas Dataframe column

Cannot covert 'YYYY-MM' string to YYYY-MM datetime using datetime64 for data in pandas DataFrame.
np.datetime64 works to convert date string(s) of 'YYYY-MM' to datetime when stored in a scalar or array, but not when same data is accessed via a DateFrame.
What I want to do is convert a column dates (format: YYYY-MM) to datetime data (with or without adding another column).
csv file data:
month, volume
2019-01, 100
2019-02, 110
Sample Code:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df=pd.read_csv (r'file location')
# Input (month): 2013-01
# Expected output (date): 2013-01
# Actual output (date): 2013-01-01
So, the datetime64 changes YYYY-MM to YYYY_MM-01
(Also, YYYY is converted to YYYY-01-01)
Perhaps you're looking for pd.Period:
In [11]:, freq='M')
0 2019-01
1 2019-02
Name: date, dtype: object
Similarly, but without the apply:
In [12]: pd.to_datetime('M')
0 2019-01
1 2019-02
Name: date, dtype: object