Clion Header Search Paths ignoring folders - cmake

I have a CLion project, where i need to include a file from /usr/include. I can see all the folders in Header Search Paths but the one i need. Header Search Paths. I edited the CMakeLists.txt with include_directories(/usr/include/mysql). The folder is there, i can see it, but it keeps saying mysql.h: no such file or directory. Whats the problem?

#include <iostream>
#include <mysql.h>
int main() {
std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl;
return 0;
this is the code and the error message:


How to call upon a .dll file from C++ and extract the functions of it?

I would like to know the proper procedure for calling a .dll file with also having a .cpp and .h files for a certain application. I have a program which is the .cpp file with different .h header files and I also included the .dll file into the folder where the .cpp and .h files are located. I would like to know in the .cpp code how am I able to call upon this .dll file since inside of it there are different functions that will allow a DDC264 Evaluation Board to read data from memory through usb and extract the data. I am using a program called DevC++ and I am receiving a current Error which is [Id] returned 1 exit status and MakefileWin has changed.
Attached below is a snippit of the .cpp code:
I also would like to know how to fix both of these errors .enter image description hereenter image description here
// USB_IO_for_VB6.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "USB_IO_For_VB6.h"
#include "CyAPI.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "BASETSD.H"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// #include <string.h>
DWORD ul_reason_for_call,
LPVOID lpReserved
switch (ul_reason_for_call)
return TRUE;
// This is an example of an exported variable
//int USB_IO_FOR_VB6_EXPORTS int USB_IO_for_VB6_API =22;
USB_IO_FOR_VB6_API int nUSB_IO_for_VB6 = 22;
#define STRINGLEN 65536 //the larger this number is, the faster the data is shifted in.
#define MAX_CHANNELS_FAST 4096 // 2048= 1024A + 1024B
#define DBP 0 //debug print - 1 enables writing some information to a file in "C:\temp\"
// This function reads the device descriptors from the Cypress USB Chip(s).
// It returns arrays of values, one set of values per device detected.
// The user can then use the visual basic software to select which device to use.
int __stdcall ReadDeviceDescriptors(int *USBdevCount, int *bLengthPass, int *bDescriptorTypePass,
long *bcdUSBPass, int *bDeviceClassPass, int *bDeviceSubClassPass,
int *bDeviceProtocolPass, int *bMaxPacketSize0Pass, long *idVendorPass,
long *idProductPass, long *bcdDevicePass, int *iManufacturerPass,
int *iProductPass, int *iSerialNumberPass, int *bNumConfigurationsPass)
CCyUSBDevice *USBDevice;
USBDevice = new CCyUSBDevice(NULL); // Create an instance of CCyUSBDevice
USBdevCount[0] = USBDevice->DeviceCount();
for (int i=0; i < USBDevice->DeviceCount(); i++)
if (USBDevice->Open(i))
return( USBdevCount[0] );
I am not sure about how to go about calling a .dll file in C++, I am fairly new to Object Oriented programming.
Regarding the MakefileWin error I tried changing the TDM-GCC release version from 32 to 64 bits and the error continues.
I also tried deleting the dllmain.cpp which is another cpp file that is not needed and moving another original.cpp file from the folder that is shown in one of the images.
I only have a single .cpp file running on my DevC++ compiler which I thought would not cause the Error [Id] returned 1 to exit status to pop up.

How can Poplar codelets include code from other header files?

Is it possible for codelets to reference code in other files, like header files?
If I have a codelet file
#include "FileB.h"
class SomeCustomVertex : public Vertex {
bool compute() {
int a = SomeConstantDefinedInFileB;
and some other "codelet" file
const int SomeConstantDefineInFileB = 42;
and in the host graph program:
graph.addCodelets({"codelets/FileA.cpp", "codelets/FileB.h"});
I get a compile error from popc:
fatal error: 'FileB.h' file not found
#include "FileB.h"
1 error generated.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'poplar::graph_program_compilation_error'
what(): Codelet compilation failed (see compiler output for details)
I figured this out.
Graph::addCodelets has a parameter StringRef compileFlags = "", which you can use to inject compiler options.
popc --help shows an option
-I arg Add directory to include search path
So when I use graph.addCodelets({"codelets/FileA.cpp"}, "-I codelets"); in the host program, and have my codelets in 'codelets' subdirectory, this works. No need to explicitly list the ".h" files in the arguments.
Incidentally, also a good way to ensure compiler optimisation (-O3) for the custom codelets.

How to use stringstream in Xilinx SDK?

When trying to add
#include <sstream>
which is needed for stringstream, I get several errors, the following included:
expected ';' at end of input
expected '}' at end of input
macro "str" requires 2 arguments, but only 1 given
How to enable using stringstream ?
This is a bug in the Xilinx SDK.
You need to undef a macro named str.
#include <sstream>
#undef str
#include <sstream>
This method was proposed by sparks333 and can be found here:
I just signed up just to answer this question.
I went through this post some time ago and used the solution posed, even though I didn't like it very much. It was a mistake.
This solution can cause deadlock of the system after some time in a random way, very difficult to debug.
I propose the following solution:
create the file "compatible_sstream.h":
#pragma push_macro("str")
#undef str
#include <sstream>
#pragma pop_macro("str")
replace #include <sstream> with #include "compatible_sstream.h" in
all the other files.
wrap all calls to std::ostringstream::str in parentheses as in the example:
std::ostringstream foo()
// ...
void main()
// ...
std::cout << (foo().str)() << std::endl;
// ...
Apologies in advance if I have not followed any of the posting rules correctly.

How to enumerate folder contents in Oct 2018

Trying to translate to cppwinrt the StorageFolder method GetFilesAsync I'm unable to get past compiler link errors. Here is a very simple routine to test the concept:
#include "winrt/Windows.Storage.h"
#include "winrt/Windows.Foundation.Collections.h"
IAsyncAction TestClass::LoadFiles()
StorageFolder appFolder = Windows::ApplicationModel::Package::Current().InstalledLocation();
StorageFolder assetsFolder = co_await appFolder.GetFolderAsync(hstring(L"Assets"));
auto files = co_await assetsFolder.GetFilesAsync(CommonFileQuery::DefaultQuery);
The problem seems to lie in the return type for GetFilesAsync. I've tried various types for that, e.g. IVectorView, but nothing seems to work. Does anyone know of a code example showing how this enumeration might be accomplished in C++/winrt?
[UPDATE] Returning to this project with SDK 10.0.17666 and VS 15.9.0 Preview 3 I find that the solution adopted earlier from these answers no longer works. This time I will be sure to include the full error to see if anyone has ideas. For simplicity I'll use just the simple code provided by IInspectable, altered only to make it a class member in my ResourceManager class:
#include "winrt/Windows.ApplicationModel.h"
#include "winrt/Windows.Storage.h"
#include "winrt/Windows.Storage.Streams.h"
#include "winrt/Windows.Foundation.Collections.h"
#include "winrt/Windows.Storage.Search.h"
#include "winrt/Windows.UI.Core.h"
#include "pch.h"
using namespace winrt;
using namespace Windows::Foundation;
using namespace Windows::Storage;
using namespace Windows::Storage::Search;
IAsyncAction ResourceManager::LoadActivities()
StorageFolder appFolder = Windows::ApplicationModel::Package::Current().InstalledLocation();
StorageFolder assetsFolder = co_await appFolder.GetFolderAsync(L"Activities");
auto files = co_await assetsFolder.GetFilesAsync(CommonFileQuery::DefaultQuery);
The call to GetFilesAsync now produces the following link error:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol "public: struct winrt::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation > __thiscall winrt::impl::consume_Windows_Storage_Search_IStorageFolderQueryOperations::GetFilesAsync(enum winrt::Windows::Storage::Search::CommonFileQuery const &)const " (?GetFilesAsync#?$consume_Windows_Storage_Search_IStorageFolderQueryOperations#UStorageFolder#Storage#Windows#winrt###impl#winrt##QBE?AU?$IAsyncOperation#U?$IVectorView#UStorageFile#Storage#Windows#winrt###Collections#Foundation#Windows#winrt###Foundation#Windows#3#ABW4CommonFileQuery#Search#Storage#63##Z) referenced in function "public: struct winrt::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction __thiscall AppEngine::ResourceManager::LoadActivities$_ResumeCoro$2(void)" (?LoadActivities$_ResumeCoro$2#ResourceManager#AppEngine##QAE?AUIAsyncAction#Foundation#Windows#winrt##XZ)
(followed by the path to the object file)
I have to admit I find that error message hard to decipher. Perhaps someone else here will have an idea? Must be something that changed in recent system updates.
For what it's worth, the following standalone code builds just fine. So you're probably either missing a #include or a link library, but it's impossible to tell when you don't share important information like what actual error(s) you're seeing.
#pragma comment(lib, "WindowsApp")
#include <winrt/Windows.ApplicationModel.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.Collections.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Storage.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Storage.Search.h>
using namespace winrt;
using namespace Windows::Foundation;
using namespace Windows::Storage;
using namespace Windows::Storage::Search;
IAsyncAction LoadFiles()
StorageFolder appFolder = Windows::ApplicationModel::Package::Current().InstalledLocation();
StorageFolder assetsFolder = co_await appFolder.GetFolderAsync(L"Assets");
auto files = co_await assetsFolder.GetFilesAsync(CommonFileQuery::DefaultQuery);
int main()

HPDF_SetCompressionMode() not working in Libharu

I am generating Pdf files using LibHaru libraries. My code is following
#include <iostream>
#include "hpdf.h"
using namespace std;
void error_handler(HPDF_STATUS error_no, HPDF_STATUS detail_no, void *user_data)
int main()
HPDF_Doc pdf = HPDF_New(error_handler, NULL);
if (!pdf)
return 0;
HPDF_STATUS Status = HPDF_SetCompressionMode(pdf, HPDF_COMP_ALL);
return 0;
PROBLEM: I debugged the code and found that HPDF_SetCompressionMode() returns 4129, which is the error code for Invalid value set when invoking HPDF_SetCommpressionMode(). .
If you step into the code, you will see you are getting the error because the ZLIB compression library was not compiled into your copy of HaruPDF.
First: comment out this line in ..\win32\include\hpdf_config.h:
/* zlib is not available */
Second: find, download and unzip the ZLIB code. You can obtain the source from the following Website:
Third: tell HaruPDF where it can find the ZLIB code, and recompile HaruPDF.
You should now be able to use compression.
Ain't Open Source grand?