Got NPE after integrating play framework with play-redis - redis

After integrating play-redis( with play framework, i've got an error when a request incomes:
[20211204 23:20:48.350][HttpErrorHandler.scala:272:onServerError][E] Error while handling error
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at play.api.http.HttpErrorHandlerExceptions$.convertToPlayException(HttpErrorHandler.scala:377)
at play.api.http.HttpErrorHandlerExceptions$.throwableToUsefulException(HttpErrorHandler.scala:367)
at play.api.http.DefaultHttpErrorHandler.onServerError(HttpErrorHandler.scala:264)
at play.core.server.Server$$anonfun$handleErrors$1$1.applyOrElse(Server.scala:109)
at play.core.server.Server$$anonfun$handleErrors$1$1.applyOrElse(Server.scala:105)
at scala.runtime.AbstractPartialFunction.apply(AbstractPartialFunction.scala:35)
at play.core.server.Server$.getHandlerFor(Server.scala:129)
at play.core.server.AkkaHttpServer.handleRequest(AkkaHttpServer.scala:317)
at play.core.server.AkkaHttpServer.$anonfun$createServerBinding$1(AkkaHttpServer.scala:224)
at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.processMailbox(Mailbox.scala:270)
at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.exec(Mailbox.scala:243)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask.doExec(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.topLevelExec(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.scan(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(
at java.base/
I am sure the cause must be play-redis cause the app runs smoothly without it. Particularly, i use a custom implementation of the configuration provider, since need to get the ip and port by calling rest API of a name service.
class CustomRedisInstance #Inject() (
config: Configuration,
polarisExtensionService: PolarisExtensionService,
#NamedCache("redisConnection") redisConnectionCache: AsyncCacheApi)(implicit
asyncExecutionContext: AsyncExecutionContext)
extends RedisStandalone
with RedisDelegatingSettings {
val pathPrefix = "play.cache.redis"
def name = "play"
private def defaultSettings =
// this should always be "play.cache.redis"
// as it is the root of the configuration with all defaults
def settings: RedisSettings = {
// this is the path to the actual configuration of the instance
// in case of named caches, this could be, e.g., ""
// in that case, the name of the cache is "my-cache" and has to be considered in
// the bindings in the CustomCacheModule (instead of "play", which is used now)
def host: String = {
val connectionInfoFuture = getConnectionInfoFromPolaris
Try(Await.result(connectionInfoFuture, 10.seconds)) match {
case Success(extractedVal) =>
case Failure(_) => config.get[String](s"$")
case _ => config.get[String](s"$")
def port: Int = {
val connectionInfoFuture = getConnectionInfoFromPolaris
Try(Await.result(connectionInfoFuture, 10.seconds)) match {
case Success(extractedVal) => extractedVal.port
case Failure(_) => config.get[Int](s"$pathPrefix.port")
case _ => config.get[Int](s"$pathPrefix.port")
def database: Option[Int] = Some(config.get[Int](s"$pathPrefix.database"))
def password: Option[String] = Some(config.get[String](s"$pathPrefix.password"))
But the play-redis itself have no error logs. After all these hard work of reading manual and examples, turns out that i should turn to Jedis or Lettuce? Hopeless now.

The reason is that i want to use Redis with Caffeine which cause collision, as the document says, need to rename the default-cache to redis in application.conf:
play.modules.enabled += play.api.cache.redis.RedisCacheModule
# provide additional configuration in the custom module
play.modules.enabled += services.CustomCacheModule
play.cache.redis {
# do not bind default unqualified APIs
bind-default: false
# name of the instance in simple configuration,
# i.e., not located under `instances` key
# but directly under 'play.cache.redis'
default-cache: "redis"
source = custom
host =
# redis server: port
port = 6380
# redis server: database number (optional)
database = 0
# authentication password (optional)
password = "#########"
refresh-minute = 10
So in the CustomCacheModule, the input param of NamedCacheImpl need to change to redis from play.
class CustomCacheModule extends AbstractModule {
override def configure(): Unit = {
// NamedCacheImpl's input used to be "play"
bind(classOf[RedisInstance]).annotatedWith(new NamedCacheImpl("redis")).to(classOf[CustomRedisInstance])


error within if condition - 'encrypt' expected type 'bool', got unconvertible type 'string'

I'm trying to define a config block for two environments - local and cloud and I'm using the if/else condition but I got an error message for the encrypt attribute of the s3 bucket: 'encrypt' expected type 'bool', got unconvertible type 'string'.
If I remove the if/else condition block then it worked but I need to choose between the two environments, so I've to use if/else condition.
The config block code:
config = local.is_local_environment ? {
# Local configuration
path = "${path_relative_to_include()}/terraform.tfstate"
} : {
# Cloud configuration
bucket = "my-bucket"
key = "terraform/${path_relative_to_include()}/terraform.tfstate"
region = local.region
encrypt = true
dynamodb_table = "terraform-lock"
the issue is that local backends don't take any configuration, use null
config = local.is_local_environment ? null : {
# Cloud configuration
bucket = "my-bucket"
key = "terraform/${path_relative_to_include()}/terraform.tfstate"
region = local.region
encrypt = true
dynamodb_table = "terraform-lock"

Invalid character error while running terraform init, terraform plan or apply

I'm running Terraform using VScode editor which uses PowerShell as the default shell and getting the same error when I try to validate it or to run terraform init/plan/apply through VScode, external PowerShell or CMD.
The code was running without any issues until I added Virtual Machine creation code. I have clubbed the, terraform.tfvars and the main Terraform code below.
web_server_location = "West US 2"
resource_prefix = "web-server"
web_server_address_space = ""
web_server_address_prefix = ""
Environment = "Test"
variable "web_server_location" {
type = string
variable "resource_prefix" {
type = string
variable "web_server_address_space" {
type = string
#variable for network range
variable "web_server_address_prefix" {
type = string
#variable for Environment
variable "Environment" {
type = string
# Configure the Azure Provider
provider "azurerm" {
# whilst the `version` attribute is optional, we recommend pinning to a given version of the Provider
version = "=2.0.0"
features {}
# Create a resource group
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "example_rg" {
name = "${var.resource_prefix}-RG"
location = var.web_server_location
# Create a virtual network within the resource group
resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "example_vnet" {
name = "${var.resource_prefix}-vnet"
resource_group_name =
location = var.web_server_location
address_space = [var.web_server_address_space]
# Create a subnet within the virtual network
resource "azurerm_subnet" "example_subnet" {
name = "${var.resource_prefix}-subnet"
resource_group_name =
virtual_network_name =
address_prefix = var.web_server_address_prefix
# Create a Network Interface
resource "azurerm_network_interface" "example_nic" {
name = "${var.resource_prefix}-NIC"
location = azurerm_resource_group.example_rg.location
resource_group_name =
ip_configuration {
name = "internal"
subnet_id =
private_ip_address_allocation = "Dynamic"
public_ip_address_id =
# Create a Public IP
resource "azurerm_public_ip" "example_public_ip" {
name = "${var.resource_prefix}-PublicIP"
location = azurerm_resource_group.example_rg.location
resource_group_name =
allocation_method = var.Environment == "Test" ? "Static" : "Dynamic"
tags = {
environment = "Test"
# Creating resource NSG
resource "azurerm_network_security_group" "example_nsg" {
name = "${var.resource_prefix}-NSG"
location = azurerm_resource_group.example_rg.location
resource_group_name =
# Security rule can also be defined with resource azurerm_network_security_rule, here just defining it inline.
security_rule {
name = "RDPInbound"
priority = 100
direction = "Inbound"
access = "Allow"
protocol = "Tcp"
source_port_range = "*"
destination_port_range = "3389"
source_address_prefix = "*"
destination_address_prefix = "*"
tags = {
environment = "Test"
# NIC and NSG association
resource "azurerm_network_interface_security_group_association" "example_nsg_association" {
network_interface_id =
network_security_group_id =
# Creating Windows Virtual Machine
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "example_windows_vm" {
name = "${var.resource_prefix}-VM"
location = azurerm_resource_group.example_rg.location
resource_group_name =
network_interface_ids = []
vm_size = "Standard_B1s"
delete_os_disk_on_termination = true
storage_image_reference {
publisher = "MicrosoftWindowsServer"
offer = "WindowsServerSemiAnnual"
sku  = "Datacenter-Core-1709-smalldisk"
version = "latest"
storage_os_disk  {
name = "myosdisk1"
caching  = "ReadWrite"
create_option = "FromImage"
storage_account_type = "Standard_LRS"
os_profile {
computer_name = "hostname"
admin_username = "adminuser"
admin_password = "Password1234!"
os_profile_windows_config {
disable_password_authentication = false
tags = {
environment = "Test"
PS C:\Users\e5605266\Documents\MyFiles\Devops\Terraform> terraform init
There are some problems with the configuration, described below.
The Terraform configuration must be valid before initialization so that
Terraform can determine which modules and providers need to be installed.
Error: Invalid character
on line 89, in resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "example_windows_vm":
89: location = azurerm_resource_group.example_rg.location
This character is not used within the language.
Error: Invalid expression
on line 89, in resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "example_windows_vm":
89: location = azurerm_resource_group.example_rg.location
Expected the start of an expression, but found an invalid expression token.
Error: Argument or block definition required
on line 90, in resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "example_windows_vm":
90: resource_group_name =
An argument or block definition is required here. To set an argument, use the
equals sign "=" to introduce the argument value.
Error: Invalid character
on line 90, in resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "example_windows_vm":
90: resource_group_name =
This character is not used within the language.
I've encountered this problem myself in several different contexts, and it does have a common solution which is no fun at all: manually typing the code back in...
This resource block seems to be where it runs into problems:
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "example_windows_vm" {
name = "${var.resource_prefix}-VM"
location = azurerm_resource_group.example_rg.location
resource_group_name =
network_interface_ids = []
vm_size = "Standard_B1s"
delete_os_disk_on_termination = true
storage_image_reference {
publisher = "MicrosoftWindowsServer"
offer = "WindowsServerSemiAnnual"
sku  = "Datacenter-Core-1709-smalldisk"
version = "latest"
storage_os_disk  {
name = "myosdisk1"
caching  = "ReadWrite"
create_option = "FromImage"
storage_account_type = "Standard_LRS"
os_profile {
computer_name = "hostname"
admin_username = "adminuser"
admin_password = "Password1234!"
os_profile_windows_config {
disable_password_authentication = false
tags = {
environment = "Test"
Try copying that back into your editor as is. I cannot see any problematic characters in it, and ironically StackOverflow may have done you a solid and filtered them out. Literally copy/pasting it over the existing block may remedy the situation.
I have seen Terraform examples online with stylish double quotes (which aren't ASCII double quotes and won't work) many times. That may be what you are seeing.
Beyond that, you'd need to push your code to GitHub or similar so I can see the raw bytes for myself.
In the off-chance this helps someone who runs into this error and comes across it on Google, I just thought I would post my situation and how I fixed it.
I have an old demo Terraform infrastructure that I revisited after months and, long story short, I issued this command two days ago and forgot about it:
terraform plan
This creates a zip archive of the plan. Upon coming back two days later and running a terraform init, my terminal scrolled garbage and "This character is not used within the language." for about 7 seconds. Due to the .tf extension, terraform was looking at the zip data and promptly pooping its pants.
Through moving individual tf files to a temp directory and checking their validity with terraform init, I found the culprit, deleted it, and functionality was restored.
Be careful when exporting your plan files, folks!
I ran into the same problem and found this page.
I solved the issue and decided to post here.
I opened my plan file in Notepad++ and selected View-Show all symbols.
I removed all the TAB characters and replaced them with spaces.
In my case, the problem was fully resolved by this.
In my case, when I ran into the same problem ("This character is not used within the language"), I found the encoding of the files was UTF-16 (it was a generated file from PS). Changing the file encoding to UTF-8 (as mentioned in this question) solved the issue.
I found I got this most often when I go from Windows to linux. The *.tf file does not like the windows TABs and Line Breaks.
I tried to some of the same tools I use when I have this problem with *.sh, but so far I've resorted to manually cleaning up the lines I've seen in there error.
In my case, the .tf file was generated by the following command terraform show -no-color >, and this file's encoding is in "UTF-16 LE BOM", converting it to UTF-8 fixed my issue.

Terraform Variables prompting me when defined in tfvars

There is something that I am not understanding about terraform variables. I am getting prompted for two variables in when I run "terraform apply". I don't think that I should be prompted for any as I defined a terraform.tfvars. I am getting prompted for (applicationNamespace, and staticIpName) but I am not sure why. What am I misunderstanding?
I created a file (terraform.tfvars):
# General
cluster = "reddiyo-development"
project = "<MYPROJECTID>"
region = "us-central1"
credentialsLocation = "<MYCERTLOCATION>"
bucket = "reddiyo-terraform-state"
vpcLocation = "us-central1-b"
network = "default"
staticIpName = "dev-env-ip"
# Specific To NODE
terraformPrefix = "development"
mainNodeName = "primary-pool"
nodeMachineType = "n1-standard-1"
# Specific To Application
applicationNamespace = "application"
I also have a terrform script:
variable "cluster" {}
variable "project" {}
variable "region" {}
variable "bucket" {}
variable "terraformPrefix" {}
variable "mainNodeName" {}
variable "vpcLocation" {}
variable "nodeMachineType" {}
variable "credentialsLocation" {}
variable "network" {}
variable "applicationNamespace" {}
variable "staticIpName" {}
data "terraform_remote_state" "remote" {
backend = "gcs"
config = {
bucket = "${var.bucket}"
prefix = "${var.terraformPrefix}"
provider "google" {
//This needs to be updated to wherever you put your credentials
credentials = "${file("${var.credentialsLocation}")}"
project = "${var.project}"
region = "${var.region}"
resource "google_container_cluster" "gke-cluster" {
name = "${var.cluster}"
network = "${}"
location = "${var.vpcLocation}"
remove_default_node_pool = true
# node_pool {
# name = "${var.mainNodeName}"
# }
node_locations = [
//Get your credentials for the newly created cluster so that microservices can be deployed
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "gcloud config set project ${var.project}"
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${var.cluster} --zone ${var.vpcLocation}"
resource "google_container_node_pool" "primary_pool" {
name = "${var.mainNodeName}"
cluster = "${var.cluster}"
location = "${var.vpcLocation}"
node_count = "2"
node_config {
machine_type = "${var.nodeMachineType}"
oauth_scopes = [
management {
auto_repair = true
auto_upgrade = true
autoscaling {
min_node_count = 2
max_node_count = 10
# //Reserve a Static IP
resource "google_compute_address" "ip_address" {
name = "${var.staticIpName}"
//Install Ambassador
module "ambassador" {
source = "modules/ambassador"
applicationNamespace = "${var.applicationNamespace}"
You can try to force it to read your variables by using:
terraform apply -var-file=<path_to_your_vars>
For reference, read below, if anybody face the similar issue.
“terraform.tfvars” is the default variable file name, from where terraform will read variables.
If any other file name is used, it needs to be passed in the command line i.e: “terraform plan –var=whateverName.tfvars
Also, order of Loading for variables by Terraform program.
Environment Variables
Any .auto.tfvars
Any –var or –var-file options

Cluster sharding client not connecting with host

After recent investigation and a Stack over flow question I realise that the cluster sharding is a better option than a cluster-consistent-hash-router. But I am having trouble getting a 2 process cluster going.
One process is the Seed and the other is the Client. The Seed node seems to continuously throw dead letter messages (see the end of this question).
This Seed HOCON follows:
akka {
loglevel = "INFO"
actor {
provider = "Akka.Cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider, Akka.Cluster"
serializers {
wire = "Akka.Serialization.WireSerializer, Akka.Serialization.Wire"
serialization-bindings {
"System.Object" = wire
remote {
dot-netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = 5000
persistence {
journal {
plugin = "akka.persistence.journal.sql-server"
sql-server {
class = "Akka.Persistence.SqlServer.Journal.SqlServerJournal, Akka.Persistence.SqlServer"
schema-name = dbo
auto-initialize = on
connection-string = "Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Initial Catalog=ClusterExperiment01"
plugin-dispatcher = " dispatcher"
connection-timeout = 30s
table-name = EventJournal
timestamp-provider = "Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common.Journal.DefaultTimestampProvider, Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common"
metadata-table-name = Metadata
sharding {
connection-string = "Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Initial Catalog=ClusterExperiment01"
auto-initialize = on
plugin-dispatcher = ""
class = "Akka.Persistence.SqlServer.Journal.SqlServerJournal, Akka.Persistence.SqlServer"
connection-timeout = 30s
schema-name = dbo
table-name = ShardingJournal
timestamp-provider = "Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common.Journal.DefaultTimestampProvider, Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common"
metadata-table-name = ShardingMetadata
snapshot-store {
sharding {
class = "Akka.Persistence.SqlServer.Snapshot.SqlServerSnapshotStore, Akka.Persistence.SqlServer"
plugin-dispatcher = ""
connection-string = "Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Initial Catalog=ClusterExperiment01"
connection-timeout = 30s
schema-name = dbo
table-name = ShardingSnapshotStore
auto-initialize = on
cluster {
seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://my-cluster-system#"]
roles = ["Seed"]
sharding {
journal-plugin-id = "akka.persistence.sharding"
snapshot-plugin-id = "akka.snapshot-store.sharding"
I have a method that essentially turns the above into a Config like so:
var config = NodeConfig.Create(/* HOCON above */).WithFallback(ClusterSingletonManager.DefaultConfig());
Without the "WithFallback" I get a null reference exception out of the config generation.
And then generates the system like so:
var system = ActorSystem.Create("my-cluster-system", config);
The client creates its system in the same manner and the HOCON is almost identical aside from:
remote {
dot-netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = 5001
cluster {
seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://my-cluster-system#"]
roles = ["Client"]
role.["Seed"].min-nr-of-members = 1
sharding {
journal-plugin-id = "akka.persistence.sharding"
snapshot-plugin-id = "akka.snapshot-store.sharding"
The Seed node creates the sharding like so:
typeName: "company-router",
entityProps: Props.Create(() => new CompanyDeliveryActor()),
settings: ClusterShardingSettings.Create(system),
messageExtractor: new RouteExtractor(100)
And the client creates a sharding proxy like so:
typeName: "company-router",
role: "Seed",
messageExtractor: new RouteExtractor(100));
The RouteExtractor is:
public class RouteExtractor : HashCodeMessageExtractor
public RouteExtractor(int maxNumberOfShards) : base(maxNumberOfShards)
public override string EntityId(object message) => (message as IHasRouting)?.Company?.VolumeId.ToString();
public override object EntityMessage(object message) => message;
In this scenario the VolumeId is always the same (just for experiment sake).
Both processes come to life but the Seed keeps throwing this error to the log:
[INFO][7/05/2017 9:00:58 AM][Thread 0003][akka://my-cluster-system/user/sharding
/company-routerCoordinator/singleton/coordinator] Message Register from akka.tcp
://my-cluster-system# to akka://my-cl
uster-system/user/sharding/company-routerCoordinator/singleton/coordinator was n
ot delivered. 4 dead letters encountered.
Ps. I am not using Lighthouse.
From the quick look, you're starting a cluster sharding proxy on your client node and you're telling it that sharded nodes are those using seed role. This doesn't match the cluster sharding definition on seed node, when you haven't specified any role.
Since there is no role to limit it, cluster sharding on a seed node will treat all nodes in the cluster as perfectly capable of hosting sharded actors - including client node, which doesn't have cluster sharding (non-proxy) instantiated on it.
This may not be the only issue, but you could either host cluster sharding on all of your nodes, or use ClusterShardingSettings.Create(system).WithRole("seed") to limit your shard only to a specific subset of nodes (having seed role) in the cluster.
Thanks Horusiath, that's fixed it:
return sharding.Start(
typeName: "company-router",
entityProps: Props.Create(() => new CompanyDeliveryActor()),
settings: ClusterShardingSettings.Create(system).WithRole("Seed"),
messageExtractor: new RouteExtractor(100)
The clustered shard is now communicating between the 2 processes. Thanks very much for that bit.

How do i create a TCP receiver that only consumes messages using akka streams?

We are on: akka-stream-experimental_2.11 1.0.
Inspired by the example
We wrote a TCP receiver as follows:
def bind(address: String, port: Int, target: ActorRef)
(implicit system: ActorSystem, actorMaterializer: ActorMaterializer): Future[ServerBinding] = {
val sink = Sink.foreach[Tcp.IncomingConnection] { conn =>
val serverFlow = Flow[ByteString]
.via(Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), maximumFrameLength = 256, allowTruncation = true))
.map(message => {
target ? new Message(message); ByteString.empty
conn handleWith serverFlow
val connections = Tcp().bind(address, port)
However, our intention was to have the receiver not respond at all and only sink the message. (The TCP message publisher does not care about response ).
Is it even possible? to not respond at all since takes a flow of type: Flow[ByteString, ByteString, Unit]
If yes, some guidance will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
One attempt as follows passes my unit tests but not sure if its the best idea:
def bind(address: String, port: Int, target: ActorRef)
(implicit system: ActorSystem, actorMaterializer: ActorMaterializer): Future[ServerBinding] = {
val sink = Sink.foreach[Tcp.IncomingConnection] { conn =>
val targetSubscriber = ActorSubscriber[Message](system.actorOf(Props(new TargetSubscriber(target))))
val targetSink = Flow[ByteString]
.via(Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), maximumFrameLength = 256, allowTruncation = true))
val connections = Tcp().bind(address, port)
You are on the right track. To keep the possibility to close the connection at some point you may want to keep the promise and complete it later on. Once completed with an element this element published by the source. However, as you don't want any element to be published on the connection, you can use drop(1) to make sure the source will never emit any element.
Here's an updated version of your example (untested):
val promise = Promise[ByteString]()
// this source will complete when the promise is fulfilled
// or it will complete with an error if the promise is completed with an error
val completionSource = Source(promise.future).drop(1)
completionSource // only used to complete later
.via(conn.flow) // I reordered the flow for better readability (arguably)
// to close the connection later complete the promise:
def closeConnection() = promise.success(ByteString.empty) // dummy element, will be dropped
// alternatively to fail the connection later, complete with an error
def failConnection() = promise.failure(new RuntimeException)