Cluster sharding client not connecting with host -

After recent investigation and a Stack over flow question I realise that the cluster sharding is a better option than a cluster-consistent-hash-router. But I am having trouble getting a 2 process cluster going.
One process is the Seed and the other is the Client. The Seed node seems to continuously throw dead letter messages (see the end of this question).
This Seed HOCON follows:
akka {
loglevel = "INFO"
actor {
provider = "Akka.Cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider, Akka.Cluster"
serializers {
wire = "Akka.Serialization.WireSerializer, Akka.Serialization.Wire"
serialization-bindings {
"System.Object" = wire
remote {
dot-netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = 5000
persistence {
journal {
plugin = "akka.persistence.journal.sql-server"
sql-server {
class = "Akka.Persistence.SqlServer.Journal.SqlServerJournal, Akka.Persistence.SqlServer"
schema-name = dbo
auto-initialize = on
connection-string = "Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Initial Catalog=ClusterExperiment01"
plugin-dispatcher = " dispatcher"
connection-timeout = 30s
table-name = EventJournal
timestamp-provider = "Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common.Journal.DefaultTimestampProvider, Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common"
metadata-table-name = Metadata
sharding {
connection-string = "Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Initial Catalog=ClusterExperiment01"
auto-initialize = on
plugin-dispatcher = ""
class = "Akka.Persistence.SqlServer.Journal.SqlServerJournal, Akka.Persistence.SqlServer"
connection-timeout = 30s
schema-name = dbo
table-name = ShardingJournal
timestamp-provider = "Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common.Journal.DefaultTimestampProvider, Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common"
metadata-table-name = ShardingMetadata
snapshot-store {
sharding {
class = "Akka.Persistence.SqlServer.Snapshot.SqlServerSnapshotStore, Akka.Persistence.SqlServer"
plugin-dispatcher = ""
connection-string = "Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Initial Catalog=ClusterExperiment01"
connection-timeout = 30s
schema-name = dbo
table-name = ShardingSnapshotStore
auto-initialize = on
cluster {
seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://my-cluster-system#"]
roles = ["Seed"]
sharding {
journal-plugin-id = "akka.persistence.sharding"
snapshot-plugin-id = "akka.snapshot-store.sharding"
I have a method that essentially turns the above into a Config like so:
var config = NodeConfig.Create(/* HOCON above */).WithFallback(ClusterSingletonManager.DefaultConfig());
Without the "WithFallback" I get a null reference exception out of the config generation.
And then generates the system like so:
var system = ActorSystem.Create("my-cluster-system", config);
The client creates its system in the same manner and the HOCON is almost identical aside from:
remote {
dot-netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = 5001
cluster {
seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://my-cluster-system#"]
roles = ["Client"]
role.["Seed"].min-nr-of-members = 1
sharding {
journal-plugin-id = "akka.persistence.sharding"
snapshot-plugin-id = "akka.snapshot-store.sharding"
The Seed node creates the sharding like so:
typeName: "company-router",
entityProps: Props.Create(() => new CompanyDeliveryActor()),
settings: ClusterShardingSettings.Create(system),
messageExtractor: new RouteExtractor(100)
And the client creates a sharding proxy like so:
typeName: "company-router",
role: "Seed",
messageExtractor: new RouteExtractor(100));
The RouteExtractor is:
public class RouteExtractor : HashCodeMessageExtractor
public RouteExtractor(int maxNumberOfShards) : base(maxNumberOfShards)
public override string EntityId(object message) => (message as IHasRouting)?.Company?.VolumeId.ToString();
public override object EntityMessage(object message) => message;
In this scenario the VolumeId is always the same (just for experiment sake).
Both processes come to life but the Seed keeps throwing this error to the log:
[INFO][7/05/2017 9:00:58 AM][Thread 0003][akka://my-cluster-system/user/sharding
/company-routerCoordinator/singleton/coordinator] Message Register from akka.tcp
://my-cluster-system# to akka://my-cl
uster-system/user/sharding/company-routerCoordinator/singleton/coordinator was n
ot delivered. 4 dead letters encountered.
Ps. I am not using Lighthouse.

From the quick look, you're starting a cluster sharding proxy on your client node and you're telling it that sharded nodes are those using seed role. This doesn't match the cluster sharding definition on seed node, when you haven't specified any role.
Since there is no role to limit it, cluster sharding on a seed node will treat all nodes in the cluster as perfectly capable of hosting sharded actors - including client node, which doesn't have cluster sharding (non-proxy) instantiated on it.
This may not be the only issue, but you could either host cluster sharding on all of your nodes, or use ClusterShardingSettings.Create(system).WithRole("seed") to limit your shard only to a specific subset of nodes (having seed role) in the cluster.

Thanks Horusiath, that's fixed it:
return sharding.Start(
typeName: "company-router",
entityProps: Props.Create(() => new CompanyDeliveryActor()),
settings: ClusterShardingSettings.Create(system).WithRole("Seed"),
messageExtractor: new RouteExtractor(100)
The clustered shard is now communicating between the 2 processes. Thanks very much for that bit.


Got NPE after integrating play framework with play-redis

After integrating play-redis( with play framework, i've got an error when a request incomes:
[20211204 23:20:48.350][HttpErrorHandler.scala:272:onServerError][E] Error while handling error
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at play.api.http.HttpErrorHandlerExceptions$.convertToPlayException(HttpErrorHandler.scala:377)
at play.api.http.HttpErrorHandlerExceptions$.throwableToUsefulException(HttpErrorHandler.scala:367)
at play.api.http.DefaultHttpErrorHandler.onServerError(HttpErrorHandler.scala:264)
at play.core.server.Server$$anonfun$handleErrors$1$1.applyOrElse(Server.scala:109)
at play.core.server.Server$$anonfun$handleErrors$1$1.applyOrElse(Server.scala:105)
at scala.runtime.AbstractPartialFunction.apply(AbstractPartialFunction.scala:35)
at play.core.server.Server$.getHandlerFor(Server.scala:129)
at play.core.server.AkkaHttpServer.handleRequest(AkkaHttpServer.scala:317)
at play.core.server.AkkaHttpServer.$anonfun$createServerBinding$1(AkkaHttpServer.scala:224)
at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.processMailbox(Mailbox.scala:270)
at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.exec(Mailbox.scala:243)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask.doExec(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.topLevelExec(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.scan(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(
at java.base/
I am sure the cause must be play-redis cause the app runs smoothly without it. Particularly, i use a custom implementation of the configuration provider, since need to get the ip and port by calling rest API of a name service.
class CustomRedisInstance #Inject() (
config: Configuration,
polarisExtensionService: PolarisExtensionService,
#NamedCache("redisConnection") redisConnectionCache: AsyncCacheApi)(implicit
asyncExecutionContext: AsyncExecutionContext)
extends RedisStandalone
with RedisDelegatingSettings {
val pathPrefix = "play.cache.redis"
def name = "play"
private def defaultSettings =
// this should always be "play.cache.redis"
// as it is the root of the configuration with all defaults
def settings: RedisSettings = {
// this is the path to the actual configuration of the instance
// in case of named caches, this could be, e.g., ""
// in that case, the name of the cache is "my-cache" and has to be considered in
// the bindings in the CustomCacheModule (instead of "play", which is used now)
def host: String = {
val connectionInfoFuture = getConnectionInfoFromPolaris
Try(Await.result(connectionInfoFuture, 10.seconds)) match {
case Success(extractedVal) =>
case Failure(_) => config.get[String](s"$")
case _ => config.get[String](s"$")
def port: Int = {
val connectionInfoFuture = getConnectionInfoFromPolaris
Try(Await.result(connectionInfoFuture, 10.seconds)) match {
case Success(extractedVal) => extractedVal.port
case Failure(_) => config.get[Int](s"$pathPrefix.port")
case _ => config.get[Int](s"$pathPrefix.port")
def database: Option[Int] = Some(config.get[Int](s"$pathPrefix.database"))
def password: Option[String] = Some(config.get[String](s"$pathPrefix.password"))
But the play-redis itself have no error logs. After all these hard work of reading manual and examples, turns out that i should turn to Jedis or Lettuce? Hopeless now.
The reason is that i want to use Redis with Caffeine which cause collision, as the document says, need to rename the default-cache to redis in application.conf:
play.modules.enabled += play.api.cache.redis.RedisCacheModule
# provide additional configuration in the custom module
play.modules.enabled += services.CustomCacheModule
play.cache.redis {
# do not bind default unqualified APIs
bind-default: false
# name of the instance in simple configuration,
# i.e., not located under `instances` key
# but directly under 'play.cache.redis'
default-cache: "redis"
source = custom
host =
# redis server: port
port = 6380
# redis server: database number (optional)
database = 0
# authentication password (optional)
password = "#########"
refresh-minute = 10
So in the CustomCacheModule, the input param of NamedCacheImpl need to change to redis from play.
class CustomCacheModule extends AbstractModule {
override def configure(): Unit = {
// NamedCacheImpl's input used to be "play"
bind(classOf[RedisInstance]).annotatedWith(new NamedCacheImpl("redis")).to(classOf[CustomRedisInstance])
} Should I specify "split brain resolver" configuration for Lighthouse/Seed nodes

I have this application using cluster feature. The people who wrote the code have left the company.
I am trying to understand the code and we are planning a deployment.
The cluster has 2 types of nodes
QueueServicer: supports sharding and only these nodes should participate in sharding.
LightHouse: They are just seed nodes, nothing else.
Lighthouse : 2 nodes
QueueServicer : 3 Nodes
I see one of the QueueServicer node unable to join the cluster. Both lighthouse nodes are refusing connection. It constantly tries to join and never succeeds. This has been happening for the last 5 days or so and the node is never dying also. Its CPU and memory usage is high. Also It doesn't have any queue processor actors running when filtered search through the log. It takes long hours for Garbage collection etc. I see in the log for this node, the following.
{"timestamp":"2021-09-08T22:26:59.025Z", "logger":"Akka.Event.DummyClassForStringSources", "message":Tried to associate with unreachable remote address [akka.tcp://myapp#lighthouse-1:7892]. Address is now gated for 5000 ms, all messages to this address will be delivered to dead letters. Reason: [Association failed with akka.tcp://myapp#lighthouse-1:7892] Caused by: [System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Connection refused akka.tcp://myapp#lighthouse-1:7892) ---> Akka.Remote.Transport.InvalidAssociationException: Connection refused akka.tcp://myapp#lighthouse-1:7892 at Akka.Remote.Transport.DotNetty.TcpTransport.AssociateInternal(Address remoteAddress) at Akka.Remote.Transport.DotNetty.DotNettyTransport.Associate(Address remoteAddress) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Threading.Tasks.Task1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification) at Akka.Remote.Transport.ProtocolStateActor.<>c.<InitializeFSM>b__12_18(Task1 result) at System.Threading.Tasks.ContinuationResultTaskFromResultTask`2.InnerInvoke() at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
{"timestamp":"2021-09-08T22:26:59.025Z", "logger":"Akka.Event.DummyClassForStringSources", "message":Tried to associate with unreachable remote address [akka.tcp://myapp#lighthouse-0:7892]. Address is now gated for 5000 ms, all messages to this address will be delivered to dead letters. Reason: [Association failed with akka.tcp://myapp#lighthouse-0:7892] Caused by: [System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Connection refused akka.tcp://myapp#lighthouse-0:7892) ---> Akka.Remote.Transport.InvalidAssociationException: Connection refused akka.tcp://myapp#lighthouse-0:7892 at Akka.Remote.Transport.DotNetty.TcpTransport.AssociateInternal(Address remoteAddress) at Akka.Remote.Transport.DotNetty.DotNettyTransport.Associate(Address remoteAddress) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Threading.Tasks.Task1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification) at Akka.Remote.Transport.ProtocolStateActor.<>c.<InitializeFSM>b__12_18(Task1 result) at System.Threading.Tasks.ContinuationResultTaskFromResultTask`2.InnerInvoke() at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
There are other "Now supervising", "Stopping" "Started" logs which I am omitting here.
Can you please verify if the HCON config is correct for split brain resolver and Sharding?
I think LightHouse/SeeNodes should not have the sharding configuration specified. I think it is a mistake.
I also think, split brain resolver configuration might be wrong in LightHouse/SeedNodes and should not be specified for seed nodes.
I appreciate your help.
Here is the HOCON for QueueServicer Trimmed
akka {
    loggers = ["Akka.Logger.log4net.Log4NetLogger, Akka.Logger.log4net"]
    log-config-on-start = on
    loglevel = "DEBUG"
    actor {
        provider = cluster
        serializers {
            hyperion = "Akka.Serialization.HyperionSerializer, Akka.Serialization.Hyperion"
        serialization-bindings {
            "System.Object" = hyperion
remote {
dot-netty.tcp {
cluster {
seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://myapp#lighthouse-0:7892",akka.tcp://myapp#lighthouse-1:7892"]
roles = ["QueueProcessor"]
sharding {
role = "QueueProcessor"
state-store-mode = ddata
remember-entities = true
passivate-idle-entity-after = off
downing-provider-class = "Akka.Cluster.SplitBrainResolver, Akka.Cluster"
split-brain-resolver {
active-strategy = keep-majority
stable-after = 20s
keep-majority {
role = "QueueProcessor"
down-removal-margin = 20s
extensions = ["Akka.Cluster.Tools.PublishSubscribe.DistributedPubSubExtensionProvider,Akka.Cluster.Tools"]
Here is the HOCON for Lighthouse
akka {
    loggers = ["Akka.Logger.log4net.Log4NetLogger, Akka.Logger.log4net"]
    log-config-on-start = on
    loglevel = "DEBUG"
    actor {
        provider = cluster
        serializers {
            hyperion = "Akka.Serialization.HyperionSerializer, Akka.Serialization.Hyperion"
        serialization-bindings {
            "System.Object" = hyperion
remote {
dot-netty.tcp {
cluster {
seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://myapp#lighthouse-0:7892",akka.tcp://myapp#lighthouse-1:7892"]
roles = ["lighthouse"]
sharding {
role = "lighthouse"
state-store-mode = ddata
remember-entities = true
passivate-idle-entity-after = off
downing-provider-class = "Akka.Cluster.SplitBrainResolver, Akka.Cluster"
split-brain-resolver {
active-strategy = keep-oldest
stable-after = 30s
keep-oldest {
down-if-alone = on
role = "lighthouse"
I meant to reply to this sooner.
Here is your problem: you're using two different split brain resolver configurations - one for the QueueServicer and one for Lighthouse. Therefore, how your cluster resolves itself is going to be quite different depending upon who is the leader of each half of the cluster.
I would stick with a simple keep-majority strategy and use it uniformly on all nodes throughout the cluster - we're very likely going to enable this by default in Akka.NET v1.5.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us:

VM creation using terraform in vsphere gives An error occurred while customizing VM

provider "vsphere" {
vsphere_server = "myserver"
user = "myuser"
password = "mypass"
allow_unverified_ssl = true
version = "v1.21.0"
data "vsphere_datacenter" "dc" {
name = "pcloud-datacenter"
data "vsphere_datastore_cluster" "datastore_cluster" {
name = "pc-storage"
datacenter_id =
data "vsphere_compute_cluster" "compute_cluster" {
name = "pcloud-cluster"
datacenter_id =
data "vsphere_network" "network" {
name = "u32c01p26-1514"
datacenter_id =
data "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm_template" {
name = "first-terraform-vm"
datacenter_id =
resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm" {
count = 1
name = "first-terraform-vm-1"
resource_pool_id = data.vsphere_compute_cluster.compute_cluster.resource_pool_id
datastore_cluster_id =
num_cpus = 2
memory = 1024
wait_for_guest_ip_timeout = 2
wait_for_guest_net_timeout = 0
guest_id = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.vm_template.guest_id
scsi_type = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.vm_template.scsi_type
network_interface {
network_id =
adapter_type = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.vm_template.network_interface_types[0]
disk {
name = "disk0.vmdk"
size = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.vm_template.disks.0.size
eagerly_scrub = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.vm_template.disks.0.eagerly_scrub
thin_provisioned = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.vm_template.disks.0.thin_provisioned
folder = "virtual-machines"
clone {
template_uuid =
customize {
linux_options {
host_name = "first-terraform-vm-1"
domain = "localhost.localdomain"
network_interface {
ipv4_address = ""
ipv4_netmask = 24
ipv4_gateway = ""
The command terraform script throws the below error
Virtual machine customization failed on "/pcloud-datacenter/vm/virtual-machines/first-terraform-vm-1":
An error occurred while customizing VM first-terraform-vm-1. For details reference the log file <No Log> in the guest OS.
The virtual machine has not been deleted to assist with troubleshooting. If
corrective steps are taken without modifying the "customize" block of the
resource configuration, the resource will need to be tainted before trying
again. For more information on how to do this, see the following page:
on line 34, in resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm":
34: resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm" {
Some how the generated vm "first-terraform-vm-1" doesn't have the connected box checked-in in network settings. While i checked my template "first-terraform-vm" it has network connected box checked-in.
I see similar post in github
But not sure why this issue is still surfacing?
Vsphere version: 6.7
Terraform v0.12.28
provider.vsphere v1.21.0
Is there anything wrong with my template? Or am i missing something? Can anyone help please? Stuck with this for last 2 days.
The problem looks to be with the template that i have used. The linux template should have Network Manager installed and running. It looks like terraform uses the network manager to assign IPaddress for newly created vm.

Apache-ignite: Persistent Storage

My understanding for Ignite Persistent Storage is that the data is not only saved in memory, but also written to disk.
When the node is restarted, it should read the data from disk to memory.
So, I am using this example to test it out. But I update it a little bit because I don't want to use xml.
This is my slightly updated code.
public class PersistentIgniteExpr {
* Organizations cache name.
private static final String ORG_CACHE = "CacheQueryExample_Organizations";
/** */
private static final boolean UPDATE = true;
public void test(String nodeId) {
// Apache Ignite node configuration.
IgniteConfiguration cfg = new IgniteConfiguration();
// Ignite persistence configuration.
DataStorageConfiguration storageCfg = new DataStorageConfiguration();
// Enabling the persistence.
// Applying settings.
List<String> addresses = new ArrayList<>();
TcpDiscoverySpi tcpDiscoverySpi = new TcpDiscoverySpi();
tcpDiscoverySpi.setIpFinder(new TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder().setAddresses(addresses));
try (Ignite ignite = Ignition.getOrStart(cfg.setIgniteInstanceName(nodeId))) {
// Activate the cluster. Required to do if the persistent store is enabled because you might need
// to wait while all the nodes, that store a subset of data on disk, join the cluster.;
CacheConfiguration<Long, Organization> cacheCfg = new CacheConfiguration<>(ORG_CACHE);
cacheCfg.setIndexedTypes(Long.class, Organization.class);
IgniteCache<Long, Organization> cache = ignite.getOrCreateCache(cacheCfg);
if (UPDATE) {
System.out.println("Populating the cache...");
try (IgniteDataStreamer<Long, Organization> streamer = ignite.dataStreamer(ORG_CACHE)) {
for (long i = 0; i < 100_000; i++) {
streamer.addData(i, new Organization(i, "organization-" + i));
if (i > 0 && i % 10_000 == 0)
System.out.println("Done: " + i);
// Run SQL without explicitly calling to loadCache().
QueryCursor<List<?>> cur = cache.query(
new SqlFieldsQuery("select id, name from Organization where name like ?")
System.out.println("SQL Result: " + cur.getAll());
// Run get() without explicitly calling to loadCache().
Organization org = cache.get(54321l);
System.out.println("GET Result: " + org);
When I run the first time, it works as intended.
After running it one time, I am assuming that data is written to disk since the code is about persistent storage.
When I run the second time, I commented out this part.
if (UPDATE) {
System.out.println("Populating the cache...");
try (IgniteDataStreamer<Long, Organization> streamer = ignite.dataStreamer(ORG_CACHE)) {
for (long i = 0; i < 100_000; i++) {
streamer.addData(i, new Organization(i, "organization-" + i));
if (i > 0 && i % 10_000 == 0)
System.out.println("Done: " + i);
That is the part where data is written. When the sql query is executed, it is returning null. That means data is not written to disk?
Another question is I am not very clear about TcpDiscoverySpi. Can someone explain about it as well?
Thanks in advance.
Do you have any exceptions at node startup?
Very probably, you don't have IGNITE_HOME env variable configured. And the Work Directory for persistence is chosen somehow differently each time you run a node.
You can either setup IGNITE_HOME env variable or add a code line to setup workDirectory explicitly: cfg.setWorkDirectory("C:\\workDirectory");
TcpDiscoverySpi provides a way to discover remote nodes in a grid, so the starting node can join a cluster. It is better to use TcpDiscoveryVmIpFinder if you know the list of IPs. TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder broadcasts UDP messages to a network to discover other nodes. It does not require IPs list at all.
Please see for more details.

Does ServiceStack RedisClient support Sort command?

my sort command is
"SORT hot_ids by no_keys GET # GET msg:->msg GET msg:->count GET msg:*->comments"
it works fine in redis-cli, but it doesn't return data in RedisClient. the result is a byte[][], length of result is correct, but every element of array is null.
the response of redis is
c# code is
data = redis.Sort("hot_ids ", new SortOptions()
GetPattern = "# GET msg:*->msg GET msg:*->count GET msg:*->comments",
Skip = skip,
Take = take,
SortPattern = "not-key"
Redis Sort is used in IRedisClient.GetSortedItemsFromList, e.g. from RedisClientListTests.cs:
public void Can_AddRangeToList_and_GetSortedItems()
Redis.PrependRangeToList(ListId, storeMembers);
var members = Redis.GetSortedItemsFromList(ListId,
new SortOptions { SortAlpha = true, SortDesc = true, Skip = 1, Take = 2 });
storeMembers.OrderByDescending(s => s).Skip(1).Take(2).ToList());
You can use the MONITOR command in redis-cli to help diagnose and see what requests the ServiceStack Redis client is sending to redis-server.