GitLab API - get the overall # of lines of code - api

I'm able to get the stats (additions, deletions, total) for each commit, however how can I get the overall #?
For example, if one MR has 30 commits, I need the net # of lines of code added\deleted which you can see in the top corner.
This # IS NOT the sum of all #'s per commit.
So, I would need an API that returns the net # of lines of code added\removed at MR level (no matter how many commits are).
For example, if I have 2 commits: 1st one adds 10 lines, and the 2nd one removes the exact same 10 lines, then the net # is 0.
Here is the scenario:
I have an MR with 30 commits.
GitLab API provides support to get the stats (lines of code added\deleted) per Commit (individually).
If I go in GitLab UI, go to the MR \ Changes, I see the # of lines added\deleted that is not the SUM of all the Commits stats that I'm getting thru API.
That's my issue.
A simpler example: let's say I have 2 commits, one adds 10 lines of code, while the 2nd commit removes the exact same 10 lines of code. Using the API, I'm getting the sum, which is 20 LOCs added. However, if I go in the GitLab UI \ Changes, it's showing me 0 (zero), which is correct; that's the net # of chgs overall. This is the inconsistency I noticed.

To do this for an MR, you would use the MR changes API and count the occurrences of lines starting with + and - in the changes[].diff fields to get the additions and deletions respectively.
Using bash with gitlab-org/gitlab-runner!3195 as an example:
DIFF=$(curl ${URL} | jq -r ".changes[].diff")
ADDITIONS=$(grep -E "^\+" <<< "$DIFF")
DELETIONS=$(grep -E "^\-" <<< "$DIFF")
echo "${MR_ID} has ${NUM_ADDITIONS} additions and ${NUM_DELETIONS} deletions"
The output is
3195 has 9 additions and 2 deletions
This matches the UI, which also shows 9 additions and 2 deletions
This, as you can see is a representative example of your described scenario since the combined total of the individual commits in this MR are 13 additions and 6 deletions.


Reading and handling many small CSV-s to concatenate one large Dataframe

I have two folders each contains about 8,000 small csv files. One with an aggregated size of around 2GB and another with aggregated size of around 200GB.
These files are stored like this to better update them in a daily basis. However, when I conduct EDA, I would like them to be assigned to a single variable. For example.
path = "some random path"
df = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(f"{path}//{files}") for files in os.listdir(path)])
It would take much less time for me to read the dataset with 2GB in total size than reading it on the super computer cluster. And it is impossible to read the 200GB dataset on the local machine unless using some sort of scaling Pandas solutions. The situation does not seem to improve on the cluster even using the popular open-source tools like Dask and Modin.
Is there an effective way that enables to read those csv files effectively with given situation?
Q :"Is there an effective way that enables to read those csv files effectively ... ?"
A :Oh, sure, there is :
CSV format ( standard attempts in RFC4180 ) is not unambiguous and is not obeyed under all circumstances ( commas inside fields, header present or not ), so some caution & care is needed here. Given you are your own data curator, you shall be able to decide plausible steps for handling your own data properly.
So, the as-is state is :
# in <_folder_1_>
:::::::: # 8000 CSV-files ~ 2GB in total
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| # 8000 CSV-files ~ 200GB in total
# in <_folder_2_>
Speaking efficiency, O/S coreutils provide the best, stable, proven and most efficient (as system tool used to be since ever ) tools for the phase of merging thousands and thousands of plain CSV-files' content :
###################### if need be,
###################### use an in-place remove of all CSV-file headers first :
for F in $( ls *.csv ); do sed -i '1d' $F; done
this helps for case we cannot avoid headers on the CSV-exporter side. Works like this :
(base):~$ cat ?.csv
(base):~$ for i in $( ls ?.csv ); do sed -i '1d' $i; done
(base):~$ cat ?.csv
Now, the merging phase :
###################### join
cat *.csv > __all_CSVs_JOINED.csv
Given the nature of the said file storage policy, performance can be boosted by using more processes for independent taking small files and large files separately, as defined above, having put the logic inside a pair of conversion_script_?.sh shell-scripts :
parallel --jobs 2 conversion_script_{1}.sh ::: $( seq -f "%1g" 1 2 )
As the transformation is a "just"-[CONCURRENT] flow of processing for a sake of removing the CSV-headers, but a pure-[SERIAL] ( for larger number of files, there might become interesting to use a multi-staged tree of trees - using several stages of [SERIAL]-collections of [CONCURRENT]-ly pre-processed leaves, yet for just 8000 files, not knowing the actual file-system details, the latency-masking from a just-[CONCURRENT] processing both of the directories just independently will be fine to start with )
Last but not least, the final pair of ___all_CSVs_JOINED.csv are safe to get opened using in a way, that prevents moving all disk-stored date into RAM at once ( using chunk-size-fused file-reading-iterator, avoiding RAM-spillovers by using mmaped-mode as a context manager ) :
with pandas.read_csv( "<_folder_1_>//___all_CSVs_JOINED.csv",
sep = NoDefault.no_default,
delimiter = None,
chunksize = SAFE_CHUNK_SIZE,
memory_map = True,
) \
as df_reader_MMAPer_CtxMGR:
When tweaking for ultimate performance, details matter and depend on physical hardware bottlenecks ( disk-I/O-wise, filesystem-wise, RAM-I/O-wise ), so due care may take further improvement for minimising the repetitive performed end-to-end processing times ( sometimes even turning data into a compressed/zipped form, in cases, where CPU/RAM resources permit sufficient performance advantages over limited performance of disk-I/O throughput - moving less bytes is so faster, that CPU/RAM-decompression costs are still lower, than moving 200+ [GB]s of uncompressed plain text data.
Details matter,tweak options,benchmark,tweak options,benchmark,tweak options,benchmark
would be nice to post your progress on testing the performanceend-2-end duration of strategy ... [s] AS-IS nowend-2-end duration of strategy ... [s] with parallel --jobs 2 ...end-2-end duration of strategy ... [s] with parallel --jobs 4 ...end-2-end duration of strategy ... [s] with parallel --jobs N ... + compression ... keep us posted

GitLab API: pipeline not returning all jobs

I'm using the GitLab api, to list out the jobs in a pipeline. It's always been fine in the past, but I've added a couple of extra items to the flow and now it doesn't return all of the jobs:
$ curl --globoff -sSH "$CURL_HEADER" https://.../api/v4/projects/$CI_PROJECT_ID/pipelines/$PIPEID/jobs?scope[]=success | jq --raw-output '.[] | "\(.id)"' | wc -l
The jobs that are missing aren't retries (as noted here).
I can see the missing jobids in the web interface.
Is there a maximum of 20 jobs via this method?
So turns out this API response is paginated, there's no indication in docs for this item.
There is a general item describing this here, but it doesn't give a list of routes it is related to. If it did it would probably show up in a search far easier.
All I needed to do was append &per_page=100 (qq-ing for the & for my use case). Alternatively you can check the return header for the X-Next-Page value and then append &page=X to get the subsequent pages...
Related page variables are:
x-next-page: 2
x-page: 1
x-per-page: 20
x-total: 23
x-total-pages: 2

Is there a way to get a nice error report summary when running many jobs on DRMAA cluster?

I need to run a snakemake pipeline on a DRMAA cluster with a total number of >2000 jobs. When some of the jobs have failed, I would like to receive in the end an easy readable summary report, where only the failed jobs are listed instead of the whole job summary as given in the log.
Is there a way to achieve this without parsing the log file by myself?
These are the (incomplete) cluster options:
jobs: 200
latency-wait: 5
keep-going: True
rerun-incomplete: True
restart-times: 2
I am not sure if there is another way than parsing the log file yourself, but I've done it several times with grep and I am happy with the results:
cat .snakemake/log/[TIME].snakemake.log | grep -B 3 -A 3 error
Of course you should change the TIME placeholder for whichever run you want to check.

SLURM releasing resources using scontrol update results in unknown endtime

I have a program that will dynamically release resources during job execution, using the command:
scontrol update JobId=$SLURM_JOB_ID NodeList=${remaininghosts}
However, this results in some very weird behavior sometimes. Where the job is re-queued. Below is the output of sacct
sacct -j 1448590
JobID NNodes State Start End NodeList
1448590 4 RESIZING 20:47:28 01:04:22 [0812,0827],[0663-0664]
1448590.0 4 COMPLETED 20:47:30 20:47:30 [0812,0827],[0663-0664]
1448590.1 4 RESIZING 20:47:30 01:04:22 [0812,0827],[0663-0664]
1448590 3 RESIZING 01:04:22 01:06:42 [0812,0827],0663
1448590 2 RESIZING 01:06:42 1:12:42 0827,tnxt-0663
1448590 4 COMPLETED 05:33:15 Unknown 0805-0807,0809]
The first lines show everything works fine, nodes are getting released but in the last line, it shows a completely different set of nodes with an unknown end time. The slurm logs show the job got requeued:
requeue JobID=1448590 State=0x8000 NodeCnt=1 due to node failure.
I suspect this might happen because the head node is killed, but the slurm documentation doesn't say anything about that.
Does anybody had an idea or suggestion?
In this post there was a discussion about resizing jobs.
In your particular case, for shrinking I would use:
Assuming that j1 has been submitted with:
$ salloc -N4 bash
Update j1 to the new size:
$ scontrol update jobid=$SLURM_JOBID NumNodes=2
$ scontrol update jobid=$SLURM_JOBID NumNodes=ALL
And update the environmental variables of j1 (the script is created by the previous commands):
$ ./slurm_job_$
Now, j1 has 2 nodes.
In your example, your "remaininghost" list, as you say, may exclude the head node that is needed by Slurm to shrink the job. If you provide a quantity instead of a list, the resize should work.

How to get information on latest successful pod deployment in OpenShift 3.6

I am currently working on making a CICD script to deploy a complex environment into another environment. We have multiple technology involved and I currently want to optimize this script because it's taking too much time to fetch information on each environment.
In the OpenShift 3.6 section, I need to get the last successful deployment for each application for a specific project. I try to find a quick way to do so, but right now I only found this solution :
oc rollout history dc -n <Project_name>
This will give me the following output
deploymentconfigs "<Application_name>"
1 Complete config change
2 Complete config change
3 Failed manual change
4 Running config change
deploymentconfigs "<Application_name2>"
18 Complete config change
19 Complete config change
20 Complete manual change
21 Failed config change
I then take this output and parse each line to know which is the latest revision that have the status "Complete".
In the above example, I would get this list :
<Application_name> : 2
<Application_name2> : 20
Then for each application and each revision I do :
oc rollout history dc/<Application_name> -n <Project_name> --revision=<Latest_Revision>
In the above example the Latest_Revision for Application_name is 2 which is the latest complete revision not building and not failed.
This will give me the output with the information I need which is the version of the ear and the version of the configuration that was used in the creation of the image use for this successful deployment.
But since I have multiple application, this process can take up to 2 minutes per environment.
Would anybody have a better way of fetching the information I required?
Unless I am mistaken, it looks like there are no "one liner" with the possibility to get the information on the currently running and accessible application.
Assuming that the currently active deployment is the latest successful one, you may try the following:
oc get dc -a --no-headers | awk '{print "oc rollout history dc "$1" --revision="$2}' | . /dev/stdin
It gets a list of deployments, feeds it to awk to extract the name $1 and revision $2, then compiles your command to extract the details, finally sends it to standard input to execute. It may be frowned upon for not using xargs or the like, but I found it easier for debugging (just drop the last part and see the commands printed out).
On second thoughts, you might actually like this one better:
oc get dc -a -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"\n\t"}{.spec.template.spec.containers[0].env}{"\n\t"}{.spec.template.spec.containers[0].image}{"\n-------\n"}{end}'
The example output:
[map[name:SQL_QUERIES_DIR value:daily-checks/]]
You get the idea, with expressions like .spec.template.spec.containers[0].env you can reach for specific variables, labels, etc. Unfortunately the jsonpath output is not available with oc rollout history.
You could also use post-deployment hooks to collect the data, if you can set up a listener for the hooks. Hopefully the information you need is inherited by the PODs. More info here: