I am currently implementing a Firebase React Native connection with Microsoft. But on https://rnfirebase.io/auth/social-auth , there is no section on Microsoft. I searched the documentation https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/android/microsoft-oauth
But I find it difficult to understand. I'm just trying to make a connection, nothing else.
You can make a connection with Microsoft Azure AD with Firebase React Native application.
Please follow the below steps to get this implemented.
To sign in users using Microsoft accounts (Azure Active Directory and
personal Microsoft accounts), you must first enable Microsoft as a
provider for your Firebase project:
Add Firebase to your Android project.
In the Firebase console, open the Auth section.
On the Sign in method tab, enable the Microsoft provider.
Add the Client ID and Client Secret from that provider's developer console to the provider configuration:
To register a Microsoft OAuth client, follow the instructions in Quickstart: Register an app with the Azure Active Directory v2.0
Note that this endpoint supports sign-in using Microsoft personal
accounts as well as Azure Active Directory accounts. Learn
about Azure Active Directory v2.0.
When registering apps with these providers, be sure to register the *.firebaseapp.com domain for your project as the redirect domain
for your app.
Click Save.
If you haven't yet specified your app's SHA-1 fingerprint, do so from the Settings
of the Firebase console. Refer to Authenticating Your
Client for
details on how to get your app's SHA-1 fingerprint.
Reference: Authenticate Using Microsoft on Android | Firebase
You Can also refer this document for more clarification : https://medium.com/seed-digital/using-microsoft-azure-identity-with-firebase-in-a-react-native-app-c9eef0fd0af8
I am currently working on a function app and would like to understand more on the built in authentication using Microsoft as the identity provider. I have created an app registration as per this guide but upon testing the authentication in a browser, I have been redirected to login.microsoftonline.com/common instead of login.microsoftonline.com/. Is that the expected behavior?
For your function app, in the Authentication blade, check what is being displayed for Issuer Url for the Microsoft Authentication provider. If you have configured to authenticate users from your organization's Azure AD, then that will be the tenant ID, and the url should be login.microsoftonline.com/<guid of tenant>. It depends on what you chose for your target audience, refer here.
I'm currently trying to connect using GAM with a 3rd party authentication provider that is Auth0. It provides many different types of connecting with them, one of which is by using Oauth2.
I've followed this article in Genexus Wiki that has some examples. The configuration is very straight forward, using the information provided by Auth0 (client secret, client id, endpoints, etc) but after setting up all that, at the moment of trying to login it only shows up with the local login, instead of redirecting to Auth0 Login Page.
Has anybody configured and run succesfully with this Provider, or any other that isn't the Google/Office365 examples from the wiki?
I'm using Genexus 17 U5 with Java Generator
You probably did not fill in the "URL" property correctly, like this image below:
We have it up & running with Office 365.
The config for Office 365 is here:
I had the same problem.
It was solved unchecking "Include Redirect URL" in Authorization tab.
I'm working on a blazor web assembly, core hosted project.
The users must have a local account to use the website. For that I use default blazor authentication provider with IdentityServer.
I have a calendar page, where users can add and watch some events.
I would like to offer them the possibility to log in their google or microsoft account in order to see their personnal events in the same place.
But the google or microsoft authentication can't replace the local authentication. It must be a secondary option.
I can't find out how to manage this. All exemples I see use the RemoteAuthenticatorView.
You need to add external provider authentication to your server project by following steps described in Facebook, Google, and external provider authentication in ASP.NET Core
I'm having issues setting up the Microsoft auth module for Jetbrains Hub. I have created an app within the Azure App registrations portal.
Under the heading "Authorization Service Endpoints" I changed the Authorization and Token endpoints to the ones found within the Azure App registration. Specifically the OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint (v2) and OAuth 2.0 token endpoint (v2) URL.
I am using the following scopes: email offline_access openid profile User.Read
Everything seemed to work fine, I click on the auth module login button and get redirected to my organisation's portal and am asked to login. Once I login however I am redirected back to my Hub environment and the only error I receive is: "Cannot retrieve details from the user profile in the OAuth provider." I have tested this with multiple accounts.
Have I forgotten something?
Following these steps in the documentation should do the trick: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/hub/azure-ad-auth-module.html#common-tenant-setup I've just set it up in my local environment and it works fine. So please check that you've not missed anything and followed the steps. Thanks.
If you've done everything per doc, but the issue still persists, the best solution would be sharing the details with the Jetbrains Hub support directly.
I am trying to integrate the Sign-In functionality of Microsoft. I have registered my app in Azure Portal and My requirement is to give authority to any end-user (MS Account holder) to sign-in into my app and get the Access Token, so as per documentation i have set the client Id, Redirect URI, Tenant-ID to "Common", but its not allowing the personal MS account holder to sign-IN. Its giving below error:
"You can't sign in here with a personal account. Use your work or school account instead."
Can anyone help into this?
You should register the Azure AD app as this type: Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts.
If you want to modify the exist Azure AD app to make it support personal account login, you could modify the manifest file, setting AzureADandPersonalMicrosoftAccount as the value for "signInAudience".
See reference here.