Azure Function App Authentication Sign In - authentication

I am currently working on a function app and would like to understand more on the built in authentication using Microsoft as the identity provider. I have created an app registration as per this guide but upon testing the authentication in a browser, I have been redirected to instead of Is that the expected behavior?

For your function app, in the Authentication blade, check what is being displayed for Issuer Url for the Microsoft Authentication provider. If you have configured to authenticate users from your organization's Azure AD, then that will be the tenant ID, and the url should be<guid of tenant>. It depends on what you chose for your target audience, refer here.


Is it possible to authenticate a user using google identity without provider's sign in page

I have a web application "APP1" (front-end: Vue.js & Back end:Azure function) deployed in azure app service. I have implemented client directed sign in (easy auth using this), after that I can authenticate user using provider's sign in page [both AAD & google].
I have another web application "APP2" deployed in on-primes server. I want to redirect to APP1 from "APP2" and automatically sign in without provider's sign in page. I will read credentials from environment variable.
Tried solutions
I have found a similar issue here, however I am unable to use the solution because the DB between AAP1 and AAP2 can't be shared
I have also checked the google identity providers documentation, however I am unable to find how to programmatically sign in without provider's sign in page
Is it possible to programmatically sign in to google identity to get token without provider's sign in page
The whole point of google identity is to prove the identity of the person behind the machine.
OpenID Connect is an open standard that companies use to authenticate (signin) users. IdPs use this so that users can sign in to the IdP, and then access other websites and apps without having to log in or share their sign-in information. (id_token)
OAuth 2.0. This standard provides secure delegated access. This means an application created by a developer, can take actions or access resources from a server on behalf of the user, without them having to share their credentials (login and password). It does this by allowing the identity provider (IdP) to issue tokens to third-party applications with the user’s approval. (access_token, refresh_token)

ASP.NET Core Authentication via Google Sign In with REST API in between

I have a requirement to authenticate ASP.NET Core App via Google Sign In, but a Web API between client app (i.e. ASP.NET Core app) and Google sign in... I know it sounds confusing, so let me explain it with diagrams.
Here is the typical way to include google sign-in button and get user authenticated via their google credentials, It works perfectly fine
Step 1: First, create a new app on google identity developer portal, generate ClientId, ClientSecret and specify redirect_url like :
Step 2: In the Startup.cs class of ASP.NET Core project, Use AddGoogle as authentication middleware and it works perfectly fine.
Including diagram below for your understanding:
And here is the proposed flow. With a REST API in between client and google sign in. Question is, how do I authenticate client ?
From what I understand, you want your Client Application to invoke the REST Service on behalf of the user. The REST service needs assurance that both the Client and the User are authenticated.
We have achieved this using the OpenID Connect Hybrid flow. The bad news is that we had to add another service to the solution to achieve this.
How this differs from your proposed solution is this:
You must have your own identity service, and this must know of the existence of the REST service, the Client Application, and the User Identity.
The Client Application redirects the user to authenticate with the Identity Service (which further on redirects the user to authenticate with Google)
Identity Server provides the client application with an ID token for the user, and also a code which can be exchange for an Access Token
The client application requests the Access Token. This Access Token will authenticate both the client and the user
The client application then authenticates using this access token when invoking the REST Service
The REST Service issues a one-off request to Identity Server for the signature keys, and uses these keys to validate the access token.
We happened to use IdentityServer4 when implementing the Identity Server, but the protocol exists independently of any one implementation.

Authentication on LDAP Server using React Native and Firebase custom tokens

I'm trying to authenticate my users (from my RN application) through the LDAP server (I've already found one to try authentication here, and it works!). I can create a custom token using Firebase every time I receive the credentials of the users (username and password) and save it in the Firebase real-time database.
The main problem is that I do not know how to connect my application with the LDAP server, I investigated and found that I have to install something like openLDAP or ldapjs but I do not understand how authentication has to be
My guess is:
User login in my RN application
The RN application sends credentials to Firebase
Firebase creates a custom token (uses the Firebase Functions to generate the custom token)
Firebase returns the custom token to the RN application
The RN application sends the token to the LDAP server (the server has predetermined users and passwords for testing)
The LDAP server validates the token, therefore, authentication
LDAP server returns attributes or "not found" to the RN application
RN App grant / deny access to the app
Any help or advice will be well received, thanks :)
Sorry for my bad english.
You're almost there, but instead of sending the Firebase custom token to the LDAP server, you authenticate the user with the LDAP server before minting the Firebase token. Both of these must be done in a trusted environment, such as a server you control or Cloud Functions, and you'll typically use a Firebase Admin SDK on that environment.
User login in my RN application.
The RN application sends credentials to trusted environment.
Trusted environment verified credentials with the LDAP server.
Trusted environment creates a custom token using the Firebase Admin SDK. If needed this token can contain custom attributes from the LDAP server, in the form of Custom Claims.
Trusted environment returns the custom token to the RN application
RN App grant / deny access to the app
For more on this, see the Firebase documentation on custom auth. From there:
To achieve this, you must create a server endpoint that accepts sign-in credentials—such as a username and password—and, if the credentials are valid, returns a custom JWT. The custom JWT returned from your server can then be used by a client device to authenticate with Firebase (iOS, Android, web).

Authenticating AD user automatically and manually - WebAPI 2 server and SPA client

I'm developing an Enterprise/Internet Application with WebAPI 2 RESTful server and SPA web client (Angular2) —So I have two separated projects created using ASP.NET 4.6 Empty template and both use OWIN and are IIS hosted.
The requirement for Authentication is:
Active Directory user which is logged in to the workstation will authenticated automatically once she opens any page from app in the browser if user id/name found in the database, with no need to enter her user/pass. Let name this as auto-login. Else if it's not found in the DB it will redirected to the login page.
Also there should be a logout option which redirects user to the login page after logging she out.
In the login page any AD user can enter her/his AD user&pass and after successful check against database (existed) and AD (valid credential) she/he will logged in to the system (Obviously it may be different than user currently is logged in to the workstation)
In addition to the web client it will have other clients such mobile apps which will connect and be served by the WebAPI back-end. Users will login there using their AD user & pass too. Let name it manual-login.
According to the REST architecture and having both AD enterprise and internet/mobile users together, the authentication should be token based —this is what I found till now but I'm not sure.
I read about OWIN Authentication architecture and Windows Authentication and I checked MixedAuth, Now I think it is the nearest solution for this requirement as it lets app-defined users to authenticate side by side of windows/AD users. But even after dig into it and its SPA sample I didn't found my way yet and confused.
Anyone can help?
What should I actually do on the WebApi server and SPA Client to accomplish those authentication requirements?
Which middlewares should I add and how should config/manipulate them?
UseCookieAuthentication ?
UseExternalSignInCookie ?
UseOAuthBearerTokens ?
Can I rely just on Bearer tokens (using OAuthBearerTokens MW) and get same token for authenticated windows users to unify authentication model based on bearer tokens? If so, how?
How and where should I put my code for checking that AD user exists in the DB and if not so reject the authentication?
Thanks a lot.

Connect to Azure to create an Application registration

I'm trying to write a C# console app that will register an application in Azure Active Directory. It should work just as the web application project creation wizard in VS 2013 when you Change Authentication and select Organizational Accounts in Azure.
Following the fiddler trace, I can see that it authenticates the user using wsfederation and an oauth2 token and then uses the graph api to configuration the AAD directoryObjects service principal and application.
I have tried to use the sample Graph API app, but it requires the app be registered first so that I have the clientId (application id) and password (key) to send in the Acquire Token request using the Windows Azure AD Authentication Library for .NET.
I've tried using a bunch of the different Azure APIs but they all have my chicken and egg problem, I want to use an unregistered client application to register an application in AAD. I need to avoid Configuring Application Authentication and Authorization for the Graph API so that the user has no manual steps.
Does anyone know how Visual Studio does it, using just the user login with browser prompt or if there is a standard application id and password that can be used to access the graph API, like there is the standard login URL, Some C# samples would be greatly appreciated.
This post does the Application creation, but requires a clientId and password, which I don't think I have.
You can't register a new application using the Graph API from an unregistered client. The only reason the VS2013 flow works is because VS2013 is already registered in a special way within Azure AD -- it's a first party application and has unique permissions. In my Fiddler trace, VS2013 uses a client ID of 872cd9fa-d31f-45e0-9eab-6e460a02d1f1. Technically you can use this client ID and the redirect URI of VS2013 to initiate sign-on with Azure AD. This still involves user interaction (the user has to authenticate via browser pop-up) so it doesn't meet your requirement for "no manual steps," but it's somewhat helpful for understanding the protocol flows and how registration works.
The bottom line is that if you want to call the Graph API without user interaction (client credential flow), the client needs to be registered with the proper application permissions.