What are the best practices for advanced row-level security in SSAS tabular models? - ssas

I am currently building up a new data model in the area of sales. In the old data model, which I want to replace, I had very specific row-level security settings for each user: Sometimes, settings can be done with an "AND" filter:
UserXY should have access to all customers from China selling Toys
Sometimes, they are defined as "OR":
UserXYZ should have access to all customers from Europe and to all food products
As the access rights differ from one customer to another, one or more role per user had to be created (if the rights are "AND" based, a additional role has to be created).
In the future, we would like to control the data access trough a table, where the respective objects the user has access to are defined. But I am afraid of possibly not be able to cover AND/OR logic on different dimensions.
Of course MS also has concepts about dynamic RLS (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/connect-data/desktop-tutorial-row-level-security-onprem-ssas-tabular). But as this is just for one dimension, it would not cover our requirements.
Did someone once stumbled upon a similar problem inside the data models? Is there any best practice solution for a better handling of individual RLS access rights in tabular models?

Whenever you have complex RLS requirements, there's a simple pattern to follow in your model.
Introduce and populate user entitlement tables of the form (UserName,DimensionKey) that flow filters to the target dimension (or perhaps (GroupId, DimensionKey) ).
So for
UserXY should have access to all customers from China selling Toys
So ahead of time run a query that calculates "all customers from China selling Toys" an insert into the CustomerEntilement table all the
insert into CustomerEntitlement (UserName, CustomerId)
select 'UserXY', CustomerId
from DimCustomer c
join FactSales s
on s.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
where s.ProductType = 'Toys'
Then you simply put an RLS filter on CustomerEntitlement.


Correct relations to Loans table?

Hello stackers!
Ive made a library databse, i was wondering.. i am making one-to-one relation between Copies and Loans. and one-to-many relation from Users to Loans.
Since a copy of a book only should be allowed to be assigned one loan at a time, and a loan should only be able to containt one copy of a book. if they rent other books, its multiple loans.
and a user should be able to make multiple loans, but a loan can only be assigned one specific user.
is my current relations between these three tables correct?
if not, i would love to know how to fix it, and the reason to my failed logic on the issue.
thank you in advance!
Following on from the earlier answer. If you add a User_Roles table it could/(will) prevent you from falling into the membership trap. If you assume a user with the Admin role can perform every function a user with only Basic role, then every function which requires role-checking has to have a list of acceptable roles (Admin + Basic). Many times it is more efficient to just directly assign all the different roles, i.e. Basic AND Admin, to individual users. Then when a feature requires Basic role-authorization all users can treated the same way. It's simpler in the long run.
The Loans table has a number of issues. First, there's no primary key, to be consistent with the rest of your design, it could be a LoanID. CopyID should a foreign key to the Copies table (maybe that's what is currently drawn).
One 'advanced' or modern approach to your data model could be to use a temporal table to model the Copies. Since a single copy may only be lent out 1 time, properties of the loan could be add to the Copies table. Then anytime a change is made the System Version'ed Copies table the Copies_history table would automatically keep a full accounting of all prior loan activity.
The model looks good to me. You may need to apply some in the logic to enforce a user to have only one loan with same copy of a book.
A user will be able loan a copy over and over again ? then the relationship to loan to copy 1:M

Database design for coupon usuage restriction

While working on implementing voucher feature for an eCommerce application, I need to implement Voucher usage restriction, some of restriction I am planning to have
Exclude products
Product categories
Exclude categories
Email /Customer restrictions
Currently We are supporting following 2 type of Vouchers with an option to create Custom voucher type and all those Vouchers types are being maintained in a single table with help of discriminator (Hibernate use).
Serial Vouchers
Promotion Vouchers.
these are only few which I am targeting at initial stage.My main confusion is about database design and restriction of these voucher usage with Voucher.I am not able to decide which is best way to Map these restrictions in database.
Should I go for a single table for all these restriction and have a relation with Voucher table or is it good to group all similar type of restriction in a single table and have their relation with Voucher table.
As an additional information , we are using hibernate to map our entities with the DB table.
This seems like a very wide-open and freeform requirement. Some questions:
How complex will the business rules you are attempting to model be? If you’re allowing (business) users to define their own vouchers, odds are good they’ll come up with some pretty byzantine rules and combinations. If you have to support anything they come up with, you will have problems.
What will the database be tasked to do with this data? Store the “voucher definition”, sure, but then what? Run tallies or reports on them? Analyze how many are used, by who/when/how/for what? Or just list out what was used/generated over the past year?
What kind of data volumes are you going to have? One entry per voucher definition, or per voucher printed/issued? (If the latter, can you use one entry per voucher, with a count of how many issued?) Are we talking dozens, hundreds, or millions of vouchers?
If it’s totally free-form, if they just want a listing without serious analysis, if the overall volume is small, consider using blob fields rather than minutiae-oriented columns. Something like a big text field and a data-entry box wherein the user will “Enter any other criteria defining the voucher”. (You might even do this using XML.) Ugly, you can’t readily analyze the data, but if the goals are too great or diffuse and you're not going to use all that detailed data, it might be necessary.
A final note: a voucher that is good for only selected products cannot be used on products that are added after the voucher is created. A voucher that is good for all but selected products can be used for subsequently created products. This logic may apply to any voucher-limiting criteria. Both methodologies have merit, make sure the users are clear on what they’re doing.
If I understand what your your are doing, you will have a problem with only one table for all restrictions, because it means 1 row per Voucher and multiple values in your different restrictions columns.
It will be harder for you to UPDATE, extract and cast restrictions values.
In my opinion, you should have one table for each restrictions type and map them with Voucher table. However It will be easier for you to add new restrictions.
As a suggestion:
Isn't it more rational to have valid-products and valid-categories instead of Exclude-products and Exclude-categories?
Having a Customer-Creditgroup table will lead us to have valid-customer-group table.
BTW in the current design we can have a voucher definition table, I will call it voucher-type table.
About the restrictions:
In RDBMS level you can state only two types of table constraints decoratively:
uniquely identifying attributes (keys)
Subsets requirements referencing back to the same or other table
(foreign key)
Implementing all other types of table constraints (like a multi-tuple constraints or transition constraints) requires you to develop procedural data integrity code.
When a voucher is going to sold to a specific customer for a specific product we will need to check validity of excluded elements, that could be done by triggers in data base level or business logic of your application.
I would personally go with your second proposal... grouping all similar types of restrictions in a single table, which refers the Voucher table.
I'll add to that, that you can handle includes and excludes on the same table.
So the structure I'd use is some along the lines of:
Voucher (id, type, etc...)
VoucherProductRestriction (id,voucher_id,product_id,include)
VoucherProductCategoryRestriction (id,voucher_id,product_category_id,include)
VoucherCustomerRestriction (id,voucher_id,customer_id)
VoucherEmailRestriction (id,voucher_id,email)
...where the include column could be a boolean that is true in case you want to restrict the voucher to that product or category, or false if you want to restrict it to any product or category other than those specificied.
If I understand your context correctly, it makes no sense to have both include and exclude restrictions on the same voucher (although it could make sense to have more than one of the same type). You can probably handle and check this better if you use a single table for both types of restrictions.

Database design for CRM User table for a specific scenario

I'm designing a database for our CRM system and need some help with the CRM User table.
Types of users:
Sales Reps from Branch 2
Sales Reps from Branch 3
Client login
Now for this scenario would it make sense to have all users in a single table and have a table attribute called "type" to identify the type of user? OR should I have a seperate table for each type of user? Also, there will be some information sharing between the Sales reps.
Typically, I usually go with one User table with a Type associated with it. If you have additional Sales Rep attributes you want to store, create a SalesRep table with a foreign key back to the User table. Then, create a view that joins User and SalesRep, so it looks, logically, like there's just a usvSalesRep table that has all of the attributes you need for Sales Reps.
But, this depends a lot on data volume and transaction load, so additional information you can supply there is useful.
It depends on the number of users that you expect.
But usually a single table is enought.
If you'll have billions of users maybe you can do horizontal partitioning and make multiple tables.
Single table should be fine. And I disagree that the number users really have much impact on its design in this case.
Whenever possible, you should design your tables to mimick real life. Admin, Sales Rep, etc are just descriptions/attributes of who they are. Ultimately, they are all "People"... or User. So having one "User" table with "Admin", "SalesRep" as attibutes makes sense to me. Use the "Type" approach only if the user can only be one "Type". Use separate columns if they can be multiple user types. Ie. one can be a SalesRepBranch2 and SalesRepBranch3 at the same time. Might consider normalizing this even further.

Is this a correct schema design for what I need to accomplish?

Pawnshop business model:
CLIENTES (customer table), LOTES (lot table), ARTICULOS (item table) and TRANSACCIONES (transaction table).
The reason I defined a lot table is because when customers pawn or sell items, the pawnshop groups all these items into one lot, calculates the total loan or purchase amount, stores these values under one transaction and prints the ticket with a description of all the items and total amount. So I want the ability to say, if customer defaults on interest payments or does not redeem pawn, then customer forfeits all items and pawnshop may choose to sell some items to gold refinery and/or transfer other non-gold items to inventory to sell to the public. In other words, I want the ability to do a break-out explosions of each item.
Would the above ER be adequate for this capability?
From the point of view of a logical model, you probably don't want store_id on the lot (as it comes from the customer) or the transactions or articles (as they get it through the lot and customer). At the physical level you might have those as attributes (called denormalisation), you have the risk of data showing, for example, LOT 1234 being on CUSTOMER C12 and at STORE S1, while the customer table has C12 being at store S2.
Of course it is possible that you allow Mr Smith to pawn an item at one store but make payments on it at another. Or perhaps an item might be pawned at one store but physically relocated to a different one for security or space reasons. If so, then it is appropriate to have distinct store ids on these entities.
However that doesn't sit comfortably with the 'store' being an attribute of the customer, since that implies they have a relationship with only one store.
Also consider what happens if MR P BROKER has three stores, but decides to close one and move the business to one of the others. You need to merge the stores but do you update the store id on all the transactions and articles and lots (including ones that are 'in progress' and those redeemed) or do you leave them with the original store id ?
Another common data modelling issue is identifying customers. Is Mr Smith one customer and Mrs Smith another, or can Mr and Mrs Smith be 'parts' of the same customer ? If Mr Smith pawns something, can Mrs Smith redeem it ? I'm thinking family squabbles, disputed heirlooms.... Perhaps she can't redeem it, but can make payments on it.
If an item (eg a watch) is included in one lot, then redeemed, then included in a different lot, does it get a different item_id ?
When a client buys an article offered to the general public, is that a transaction? Or does your database only track transactions about lots?
Can an item exist in your system without being part of any lot? You can't express that fact in the ER model you've presented.
Your ER model doesn't show any many to many relationships. That makes me suspicious. I've never worked in a pawnshop, so I can't say for sure. But every other enterprise database I've ever seen has at least one many-to-many relationship. Sometimes a relationship is treated as though it were an entity, and appears with a box of its own. But that box would be on the "infinity" end of more than one relationship, something I don't see in your diagram.
Buena suerte.

Database design to hold a person's information that changes with time?

We use a third-party product to manage our sports centre membership. We have several membership types (eg. junior, student, staff, community) and several membership statuses (eg. annual, active, inactive, suspended). Unfortunately the product only records a member's current membership type and status. I'd like to be able to track the way our members' type and status have changed over time.
At present, we have access to the product's database design. It runs on SQL Server and we regularly run our own SQL queries against the product's tables to produce our own tables. We then link our tables to pivot-tables in Excel to produce charts. So we're familiar with database design and SQL. However we're stuck as to how to best approach this problem.
The product records a member's membership purchases and their start and expiry dates. So we can work back through that data to determine a member's type and status at any point in time. For example, if they bought a junior membership on Jan 1, 2007 and it expired on Dec 31, 2007 and then they bought a student membership on Jun 1, 2008, we can see their status went from active to inactive to active (on Jan 1, 2008 and Jun 1, 2008, respectively) and their type went from junior to student (on Jun 1, 2008).
Essentially we'd like to turn a member's type and status properties into temporal properties or effectivities a-la Fowler (or some other thing that varies with time).
Our question (finally :) - given the above: what database table design would you recommend we use to hold this member information. I imagine it would have a column for MemberID so we can key into the existing Member table. It would also need to store a member's status and type and the date range they were held for. We'd like to be able to easily write queries against this table(s) to determine how many members of each type and status we had at a given point in time.
UPDATE 2009-08-25: Have been side-tracked and haven't had a chance to try out the proposed solutions yet. Hope to do so soon and will select an answer based on the results.
Given that your system is already written and in place, the simplest approach to this problem (and the one that affects the existing database/code the least), is to add a membership history table that contains MemberID, status, type and date columns. Then add an UPDATE and an INSERT trigger to the main member table. When these triggers fire, you write the new values for the member (along with the date of the status change) into the member history table. You can then just query this table to get the histories for each member.
This is fairly simple to implement, and won't affect the existing system at all.
I'll write this for you for a free membership. :)
I cannot recommend you enough to read Joe Celko's "Sql for smarties - advanced sql programming". he has a whole chapter on temporal database design AND how to (effeciently and effectively) run Temporal Projection, Selection and Temporal Join queries. And I would not do him justice to even attempt to explain what he says in his chapter in this post.
I would create a reporting database that was organized into a star schema. The membership dimension would be arranged temporally, so that there would be different rows for the same member at different points in time. That way different rows in the fact table could pertain to different points in history.
Then I would create update procedures for updating the reporting database periodically, say one a week, from the main database. This is where the main work would come.
Then, I would drive the reports off the reporting database. It's pretty easy to make a star schema do the same things a pivot table does. If necessary, I'd get some kind of OLAP tool to sit in front of the reporting database.
This is a lot of work, but it would pay off over time.
I would put the membership info in it's own table with start and end dates. Keeping the customer in separate table. This is a pain if you need the "current" membership info all the time but there are many ways to get around that either through queries or triggers.