app crashed when using Geolocation.getCurrentPosition in react native máp - react-native

Can anyone tell me how to fix this app crash bug.
I use react-native-maps with react-native-geolocation-service .
When I press the update my location button, the app crashes without knowing why. I have configured and granted the location permission as above but do not know where the error is? Hope everyone can help me enter image description here
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Did you check the Logcat in Android Studio? I think you will find the root cause by checking the Error logs.


Errors when using react native paper checkbox

I cant get CheckBox from React-native-paper to work. Tried in EXPO and CLI - always get the same error message
enter image description here
Tried Googling it but cant get it fixed.
Any help will be much appreciated

SwiftUI Preview is not working with Error message

enter image description here
Hi, check the attached picture, please.
I can't use preview with SwiftUI with that error message.
Can anyone help me to use that?

How to display image with React Native and Expo?

I'm making my first react native project, and I've used the create-react-native-app command to get everything set up. However, when I try to get an image to show up in Expo, it gives me an error message that it can't find the png file. I currently have the file under './img/record_video.png' (it's just an icon I'm going to use as a button).
Here's my project layout and the code I'm using to call it
That is, I'm using <Image source={require('./img/record_video.png')} /> in order to call that file.
This is the error message I receive on my phone from the Expo app In short it says undefined Unable to resolve module './img/record_video.png' from C:\Users\ddude\Desktop\AwesomeProject\App.js':The module './img/record_video.png' could not be found from 'C:\Users\ddude\Desktop\AwesomeProject\App.js'. Indeed, none of these files exist:
I'm not sure if it's that I'm using Expo and that it's not exporting to the phone properly, or if it needs to be in a specially-named folder. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
remove the underscore & rename image assets to record-video.png, record-voice.png and convert-to-text.png. Restart the package manager and try.
Just another observation I do not see an image record_audio.png in img folder
as required in second line.
Hopefully it helps.

I cant edit my app description

I cant edit my app description in iTunes after submitting the app. It was showing a LOCK SYMBOL in the description place which is not editable. I have a small spelling mistakes. Can anyone help me please.
App descriptions are no longer editable once an app has been submitted. They used to be, but this changed with the latest updates to the App Store. You'll only be able to edit the description when you submit a new version of the app.
You can find more information about what fields you can edit here:

Has anyone been able to use web images with the Tiles and Badges App sample?

I've been trying to get my app's tile to display an image from the web, but couldn't get it to work. I then tried the Tiles and Badges app sample, where in scenario 3 you can send a tile notification that uses a web image. No matter which image url I paste in the text box, the tile refuses to get updated. So apparently, the sample isn't working either, or something is very wrong.
The images are all smaller than 1024x1024 and less than 200KB. Fun fact: if I download one of the images I unsuccesfully tried to feed the sample, add it to the project and then send a notification using it as a local image, the tile gets updated. So apparently the image isn't the problem.
Has anybody been able to get this working? I don't get what I'm doing wrong.
Do have internet permission ticket in app manifest? Maybe only your app dont have permission to download your image from web.