Modify gps-sdr-sim to point antennas away from Earth's nadir - gps

I'm currently trying to simulate the performance of a a custom PNT satellite constellation I have designed in software. I have parsed the satellite ephemeris data into RINEX Navigation file format and fed it successfully into gps-sdr-sim. However, I now need to modify gps-sdr-sim to somehow "point" the "GPS" antennas away/outwards from Earth since the purpose of the PNT constellation is to service Cislunar users.
I've only found the following line of code which suggests the receiver (based on Earth) uses the elevation angle in the sky/above horizon to calculate the appropriate gain based on the antenna pattern.
ibs = (int)((90.0-rho.azel[1]*R2D)/5.0); // covert elevation to boresight
ant_gain = ant_pat[ibs];
There's also this checkSatVisibility function that just simply checks if it's above the horizon (elvMask = 0).
int checkSatVisibility(ephem_t eph, gpstime_t g, double *xyz, double elvMask, double *azel)
double llh[3],neu[3];
double pos[3],vel[3],clk[3],los[3];
double tmat[3][3];
if (eph.vflg != 1)
return (-1); // Invalid
ltcmat(llh, tmat);
satpos(eph, g, pos, vel, clk);
subVect(los, pos, xyz);
ecef2neu(los, tmat, neu);
neu2azel(azel, neu);
if (azel[1]*R2D > elvMask)
return (1); // Visible
// else
return (0); // Invisible
I'm thinking I can modify this to be TRUE if and only if the satellite is not hidden in the two below cases (Top and Side):


Custom Delaunay Refinement with CGAL Delaunay3D

I want to perform a custom refinement strategy in a tetrahedral mesh.My input is a point cloud and I have tetrahedralized it using Delaunay 3D routine available in CGAL. The points have scalar values associated with it. Now I want to refine the tetrahedral mesh with this following strategy:
1. Get the maximum value among the vertices of each tetrahedra.
2. Get the value at the point that is going to be inserted (May be barycentre, weighted centroid or circumcenter).
3. If the difference is large enough add this point.
Any idea how to do this effectively? Note: I do not require 0-1 dimensional feature preservation.
I have already tried the above strategy. Let me show what I have done so far.
// Assume T is Delaunay_3D triangulation CGAL mesh and I have an oracle f that tells me what is the value at the point that is going to be inserted if conditions are met.
bool updated = true;
int it = 0;
while (updated)
updated = false;
std::vector<std::pair<Point, unsigned> > point_to_be_inserted;
for (auto cit = T.finite_cells_begin(); cit != T.finite_cells_end(); cit++)
Cell_handle c = cit;
Point v = Maximum valued vertex
Point q = Point that is going to be inserted
double val_at_new_pt = oracle(q, &pts, var);
double ratio = std::abs(max_val - val_at_new_pt) / max_val;
if (ratio > threshold) {
point_to_be_inserted.emplace_back(std::make_pair(q, new_pt_ind));
updated = true;
if (updated)
std::cout << "Total pts inserted in it: " << it << " " << point_to_be_inserted.size() << std::endl;
T.insert(point_to_be_inserted.begin(), point_to_be_inserted.end())
The problem is it is quite slow (each time iterating through all the cells). I am not finding any effective strategy to do the refinement locally. I tried using a queue but the cell_handles are getting messed up after I perform one iteration of refinement. I cannot have a map that tells me whether the tetrahedra is refined or not because each time after insertion of new points cell_handles are getting created. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Distance Calculation in NS-3

I need to calculate the distance between the nodes and display them in either in terminal or text file.
I have complied the program using the function GetDistanceFrom();
ns3::MobilityModel::GetDistanceFrom (Ptr<const MobilityModel> other) const
Vector oPosition = other->DoGetPosition ();
Vector position = DoGetPosition ();
return CalculateDistance (position, oPosition);
I have used the above functions in my program but I don't know how to display them.
A standard std::cout or the ns3`NS_LOG' should print you the information you want. See the logging section in the manual here
To calculate the distance between two nodes you need to access the MobilityModel in each node.
Here is an example:
Ptr<MobilityModel> model1 = node1->GetObject<MobilityModel>();
Ptr<MobilityModel> model2 = node2->GetObject<MobilityModel>();
double distance = model1->GetDistanceFrom (model2);
And this is how you print:
NS_LOG_DEBUG("Distance = " << distance);
For the log to appear you must enable loggin. So if you have a component named "MyComp":
you enable loggin using:
LogComponentEnable ("MyComp", LOG_LEVEL_ALL);

Collision response for rectangles

I've been working on a physics engine for about a week now, being stuck for several days trying to work out how to resolve collisions.
My problem is that if there's a box stuck in the middle of 2 other boxes, or between a box and a wall, my application will get stuck in a while loop. It wont resolve the collisions.
This is my code (note: if collision is right side, it means that object A is colliding against object B with its right side. Distance is negative because the objects are inside eachother, and it's in x or y axis depending on side of collision. If you need more code, for example the collision class, which is simply a container of the 2 objects, i can provide that.):
edit: Code edited with new way of dealing with collisions:
//Move colliding objects so they don't collide anymore.
while (getCollidingAmount(objectVector)){
for (int i = 0; i < objectVector.size(); i++){
PhysicsObject* A = objectVector[i];
if (objectVector[i]->getPhysicsType() != PhysicsType::staticT && A->_collision.size() > 0){
Collision collision = A->_collision[A->getDeepestPenetrationCollisionIndex(A->_collision)];
PhysicsObject* B = collision.getObject();
switch (collision.getSide()){
case SideOfCollision::left:
case SideOfCollision::top:
//Opposite velocity
if (A->_saveVelocity.x < 0 && B->_saveVelocity.x > 0){
long double percentageOfVelocity = std::min(abs(B->_saveVelocity.x), abs(A->_saveVelocity.x)) /
std::max(abs(B->_saveVelocity.x), abs(A->_saveVelocity.x));
A->_position.x -= percentageOfVelocity*collision.getVectorPenetration().x;
A->_position.y -= percentageOfVelocity*collision.getVectorPenetration().y;
A->_position.x -= collision.getVectorPenetration().x;
A->_position.y -= collision.getVectorPenetration().y;
case SideOfCollision::right:
case SideOfCollision::bottom:
//Opposite velocity
if (A->_saveVelocity.x > 0 && B->_saveVelocity.x < 0){
long double percentageOfVelocity = 1 - std::min(abs(B->_saveVelocity.x), abs(A->_saveVelocity.x)) /
std::max(abs(B->_saveVelocity.x), abs(A->_saveVelocity.x));
A->_position.x -= percentageOfVelocity*collision.getVectorPenetration().x;
A->_position.y -= percentageOfVelocity*collision.getVectorPenetration().y;
A->_position.x -= collision.getVectorPenetration().x;
A->_position.y -= collision.getVectorPenetration().y;
Something wrong with my trigonometry in bottom and top collisions:
sf::Vector2<long double> Collision::getVectorPenetration() const{
long double x;
long double y;
long double velX = _object->getVelocity().x;
long double velY = _object->getVelocity().y;
long double angle = atan2(velY, velX);
if (_side == SideOfCollision::left || _side == SideOfCollision::right){
x = getDistance();
y = x * tan(angle);
return sf::Vector2<long double>(x, y);
else if (_side == SideOfCollision::top || _side == SideOfCollision::bottom){
y = getDistance();
x = y / tan(angle);
return sf::Vector2<long double>(x, y);
Update 2
Thanks to Aiman, i solved my issue. Updated my collisionResponse code aswell to match my new way of dealing with collisions. I'm having another issue now where gravity makes it so i can't move in X direction when touching another object. If anyone familiar with this issue wants to give any tips to solve it, i appreciate it :).
Update 3
So it seems gravity is not actually the problem since i can swap gravity to the x axis, and then be able to slide boxes along the walls. There seems to still be something wrong with the trigonometry.
I can think of many ways to approach the problem.
1-**The more complicated one is to **introduce friction. Here is how I'd implement it, though this is untested and there is a chance I missed something in my train of thought.
Every shape gets a friction constant, and according to those your objects slide when they collide.
First, you need to get the angle that is perpendicular to your surface. To do this, you just get the arctan of the the surface's normal slope. The normal is simply -1/m, where m is the slope of your surface (which you is the ratio/quotient of how much the surface extends in y to/by how much it extends in x). Let's call this angle sNormal for "surface normal". We may also need sAngle-"surface angle" for later (you find that by arctan(m)). There remains some ambiguity in the angle that has to do with whether you're talking about the 'front' or the 'back' of the surface. You'll have to deal with that manually.
Next, you need the angle of the trajectory your object flies in, which you already know how to find (atan2(y,x)). We'll call this angle oAngle for "object's surface angle". Next, you calculate deltaAngle = sNormal - oAngle. This angle represents how much momentum was not blocked completely by the surface. A deltaAngle of 0 means all momentum is gone, and a value of PI/2 or 90 means the 2 surfaces are in parallel touching each other not blocking any momentum at all. Anything in between, we interpolate:
newSpeed = objectSpeed * deltaAngle/(PI/2);
newVelocity.x = cos(sAngle) * objectSpeed;
newVelocity.y = sin(sAngle) * objectSpeed;
Now this assumes 0 friction. If we let a friction of 1 be the maximum friction which doesn't allow the object to "slide", we modify the newSpeed before we apply the newVelocity values, like so: newSpeed *= (1-friction);.
And there we have it! Just give your platform a friction value of less than 1 and your box will be able to slide. If you're dealing with upright boxes, then the surface angle is PI for top wall, 0 for the bottom, PI/2 for the right and -PI/2 for the left wall.
2-The simpler option is to subtract gravity from the object's y-velocity in the solver's calculation.

Raw Input mouse lastx, lasty with odd values while logged in through RDP

When I attempt to update my mouse position from the lLastX, and lLastY members of the RAWMOUSE structure while I'm logged in via RDP, I get some really odd numbers (like > 30,000 for both). I've noticed this behavior on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10.
The usFlags member returns a value of MOUSE_MOVE_ABSOLUTE | MOUSE_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP. Regarding the MOUSE_MOVE_ABSOLUTE, I am handling absolute positioning as well as relative in my code. However, the virtual desktop flag has me a bit confused as I assumed that flag was for a multi-monitor setup. I've got a feeling that there's a connection to that flag and the weird numbers I'm getting. Unfortunately, I really don't know how to adjust the values without a point of reference, nor do I even know how to get a point of reference.
When I run my code locally, everything works as it should.
So does anyone have any idea why RDP + Raw Input would give me such messed up mouse lastx/lasty values? And if so, is there a way I can convert them to more sensible values?
It appears that when using WM_INPUT through remote desktop, the MOUSE_MOVE_ABSOLUTE and MOUSE_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP bits are set, and the values seems to be ranging from 0 to USHRT_MAX.
I never really found a clear documentation stating which coordinate system is used when MOUSE_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP bit is set, but this seems to have worked well thus far:
case WM_INPUT: {
UINT buffer_size = 48;
LPBYTE buffer[48];
GetRawInputData((HRAWINPUT)lparam, RID_INPUT, buffer, &buffer_size, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER));
RAWINPUT* raw = (RAWINPUT*)buffer;
if (raw->header.dwType != RIM_TYPEMOUSE) {
const RAWMOUSE& mouse = raw->data.mouse;
static Vector3 last_pos = vector3(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
const bool virtual_desktop = (mouse.usFlags & MOUSE_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP) == MOUSE_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP;
const int width = GetSystemMetrics(virtual_desktop ? SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN : SM_CXSCREEN);
const int height = GetSystemMetrics(virtual_desktop ? SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN : SM_CYSCREEN);
const Vector3 absolute_pos = vector3((mouse.lLastX / float(USHRT_MAX)) * width, (mouse.lLastY / float(USHRT_MAX)) * height, 0);
if (last_pos != vector3(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX)) {
MouseMoveEvent(absolute_pos - last_pos);
last_pos = absolute_pos;
else {
MouseMoveEvent(vector3((float)mouse.lLastX, (float)mouse.lLastY, 0));

Unwanted click when using SoXR Library to do variable rate resampling

I am using the SoXR library's variable rate feature to dynamically change the sampling rate of an audio stream in real time. Unfortunately I have have noticed that an unwanted clicking noise is present when changing the rate from 1.0 to a larger value (ex: 1.01) when testing with a sine wave. I have not noticed any unwanted artifacts when changing from a value larger than 1.0 to 1.0. I looked at the wave form it was producing and it appeared as if a few samples right at rate change are transposed incorrectly.
Here's a picture of an example of a stereo 440Hz sinewave stored using signed 16bit interleaved samples:
I also was unable to find any documentation covering the variable rate feature beyond the fifth code example. Here's is my initialization code:
bool DynamicRateAudioFrameQueue::intialize(uint32_t sampleRate, uint32_t numChannels)
mSampleRate = sampleRate;
mNumChannels = numChannels;
mRate = 1.0;
mGlideTimeInMs = 0;
// Intialize buffer
size_t intialBufferSize = 100 * sampleRate * numChannels / 1000; // 100 ms
pFifoSampleBuffer = new FiFoBuffer<int16_t>(intialBufferSize);
soxr_error_t error;
// Use signed int16 with interleaved channels
soxr_io_spec_t ioSpec = soxr_io_spec(SOXR_INT16_I, SOXR_INT16_I);
// "When creating a var-rate resampler, q_spec must be set as follows:" - example code
// Using SOXR_VR makes sense, but I'm not sure if the quality can be altered when using var-rate
soxr_quality_spec_t qualitySpec = soxr_quality_spec(SOXR_HQ, SOXR_VR);
// Using the var-rate io-spec is undocumented beyond a single code example which states
// "The ratio of the given input rate and ouput rates must equate to the
// maximum I/O ratio that will be used: "
// My tests show this is not true
double inRate = 1.0;
double outRate = 1.0;
mSoxrHandle = soxr_create(inRate, outRate, mNumChannels, &error, &ioSpec, &qualitySpec, NULL);
if (error == 0) // soxr_error_t == 0; no error
mIntialized = true;
return true;
return false;
Any idea what may be causing this to happen? Or have a suggestion for an alternative library that is capable of variable rate audio resampling in real time?
After speaking with the developer of the SoXR library I was able to resolve this issue by adjusting the maximum ratio parameters in the soxr_create method call. The developer's response can be found here.