Is there a function for checkbox hide/show row in appscript google spreadsheet? - spreadsheet

I currently have I55:I231 as my tickbox option to hide and show the row, and the range is from A55:H231, some formula is not working for me, Is this possible to run a code?
Thank you for your help!

function onEdit(e) {
const col = e.range.columnStart;
if (col !== 9) { return; }
const row = e.range.rowStart;
if (row < 55 || row > 231) { return; }
if (e.value === 'TRUE') { e.source.getActiveSheet().hideRows(row); }


GSheets Multi-Select Dropdown affects entire worksheet instead of a specific sheet

I am new to this and I found an old post with this code. I am currently using it but it affects all tabs of my spreadsheet. Is there a way for it to work on a specific tab only? Thank you.
`const separator = ', ';
const dvType = SpreadsheetApp.DataValidationCriteria.VALUE_IN_RANGE;
function onEdit(e) {
if (e.value != null && e.oldValue != null && e.value !== "") {
var dataValidation = e.range.getDataValidation();
if(dataValidation != null && dataValidation.getCriteriaType() == dvType &&
e.value.indexOf(separator) < 0 && e.oldValue.indexOf(e.value) < 0) {
e.range.setValue(e.oldValue + separator + e.value);
I tried to change the criteria but since I am new to coding, I always get error.

ag grid vue grouping set columns expanded after component reload

I use ag-grid table - I am grouping the columns e.g. like:
Is it possible to set columns expanded the same way they were after components reload?
How to save how columns were expanded and then reload it?
One way is to store the ids of the nodes which are expanded (I do so in local storage as there aren't many rows in my table and I know I won't store anything confidential). Then on reload, retrieve the nodes that should be expanded and expand them:
localStorageKey = 'storage-key-name';
onRowGroupOpened(): void {
let allExpanded = true;
const expandedNodeDetails: string[] = [];
if (this.myGrid.gridApi != null) {
this.myGrid.gridApi.forEachNode(node => {
if ( || (node.allChildrenCount > 0)) {
if (!this.restoringExpandedNodes) {
if (!this.restoringExpandedNodes) {
localStorage.setItem(this.localStorageKey, JSON.stringify(expandedNodeDetails));
onGridReady(): void {
restoreExpandedNodes(): void {
const itemsInStorage = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.localStorageKey));
if ((itemsInStorage != null) && (this.myGrid != null) && (this.myGrid.gridApi != null)) {
this.restoringExpandedNodes = true;
this.myGrid.gridApi.forEachNode(node => {
if ( || (node.allChildrenCount > 0)) {
const expandedDetails = this.getExpandedDetails(node, null);
const index = itemsInStorage.findIndex(storageItem => storageItem === expandedDetails);
if (index !== -1) {
node.expanded = true;
} else if ((itemToSelect != null) && (node.key == itemToSelect.ItemFullName)) {
node.expanded = true;
this.restoringExpandedNodes = false;
I've had to sanitise this code so please let me know if something doesn't make sense

vue.js function only working if value is greater than zero

I have the following function that is formating font colour based on the value returned. The value returned is from a GraphQl non-nullable field and is in a range from 0-10. It works perfectly if the value is 1-10, if the value is zero it does not run as expected.
formatFont: function (state) {
if (state) {
if (state >= 0 && state <= 6) {
return 'red--text';
} else if (state >= 7 && state <= 8) {
return 'orange--text';
} else if (state >= 9 && state <= 10) {
return 'green--text';
} else {
return 'white-text' // i.e. white on white = invisible
} else {
console.log('Output else')
return 'white--text' // i.e. white on white = invisible
If the value is zero it will return the else statement, I have a solution to increment each value by 1 which resolves but it feels like a hack, I want to understand why it doesn't recognise zero?
if (state) {
if (typeof state !== 'undefined') {
why because 0 is falsey
var a= 0
var b= '0'
var c= 1
if(a) {'a',a)
Because of the 0 as a false consider but you pass as a string then it will go the true.

Dojo Datagrid - Get the row number

I am trying to retrieve the line number in dojo data grid. rowIndex function would not help me much because I need the 'line number' and NOT 'row number' when sorted.
The scenario:
I would like to set the focus on one specific row and this focus should remain even after sorting. But if I use the code below, it does not select the correct row.
For example, the index 1 is on the 5th line after sorting. However, the still remains as 1, expected is 5.
calendar.on("itemClick", function (e)
MyGrid.doclick({ rowIndex: });
Additionally, I also tried...
calendar.on("itemClick", function (e)
var identity = MyGrid._by_idx[].idty;
var gridItem = MyGrid.getItem(identity);
var gridItemIndex = MyGrid.getItemIndex(gridItem);
MyGrid.doclick({ rowIndex: gridItemIndex });
Could you please let me know how to get the correct row after fitering? I thank you for your time.
Okay, I figured out the answer.
GetGridItemIndexByGridItem = function (gridItem) {
var indexLength = MyGrid._by_idx.length;
var element = null;
var gridItemIndex = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < indexLength; i++) {
element = MyGrid._by_idx[i];
if (element.item.Guid == gridItem.Guid) {
gridItemIndex = i;
return gridItemIndex;
Best Wishes

datatables create filter checkbox

Does anyone have examples on how to create a Datatablest filter checkbox? I want to display only rows that have a value above X or below Y being controlled by a checkbox.
You would have to write your own custom filtering function but after that the code would be vary simple
$(document).ready(function() {
$.fn.dataTableExt.afnFiltering.push(function(oSettings, aData, iDataIndex) {
var checked = $('#checkbox').is(':checked');
if (checked && aData[4] > 1.5) {
return true;
if (!checked && aData[4] <= 1.5) {
return true;
return false;
var oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
$('#checkbox').on("click", function(e) {