divide by zero encountered in true_divide error without having zeros in my data - pandas

this is my code and this is my data, and this is the output of the code. I've tried adding one the values on the x axes, thinking maybe values so little can be interpreted as zeros. I've no idea what true_divide could be, and I cannot explain this divide by zero error since there is not a single zero in my data, checked all of my 2500 data points. Hoping that some of you could provide some clarification. Thanks in advance.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from iminuit import cost, Minuit
import numpy as np
frame = pd.read_excel('/Users/lorenzotecchia/Desktop/Analisi Laboratorio/Analisi dati/Quinta Esperienza/500Hz/F0000CH2.xlsx', 'F0000CH2')
data = pd.read_excel('/Users/lorenzotecchia/Desktop/Analisi Laboratorio/Analisi dati/Quinta Esperienza/500Hz/F0000CH1.xlsx', 'F0000CH1')
# tempi_500Hz = pd.DataFrame(frame,columns=['x'])
# Vout_500Hz = pd.DataFrame(frame,columns=['y'])
tempi_500Hz = pd.DataFrame(frame,columns=['x1'])
Vout_500Hz = pd.DataFrame(frame,columns=['y1'])
# Vin_500Hz = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['y'])
def fit_esponenziale(x, α, β):
return α * (1 - np.exp(-x / β))
plt.title('Fit Parabolico')
plt.scatter(tempi_500Hz, Vout_500Hz)
least_squares = cost.LeastSquares(tempi_500Hz, Vout_500Hz, np.sqrt(Vout_500Hz), fit_esponenziale)
m = Minuit(least_squares, α=0, β=0)
plt.errorbar(tempi_500Hz, Vout_500Hz, fmt="o", label="data")
plt.plot(tempi_500Hz, fit_esponenziale(tempi_500Hz, *m.values), label="fit")
fit_info = [
f"$\\chi^2$ / $n_\\mathrm{{dof}}$ = {m.fval:.1f} / {len(tempi_500Hz) - m.nfit}",]
for p, v, e in zip(m.parameters, m.values, m.errors):
fit_info.append(f"{p} = ${v:.3f} \\pm {e:.3f}$")
output and example of data

There is actually a way to fit this completely linear.
See e.g.here
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
def fit_exp(x, a, b, c):
return a * (1 - np.exp( -b * x) ) + c
nn = 170
xl = np.linspace( 0, 0.001, nn )
yl = fit_exp( xl, 15, 5300, -8.1 ) + np.random.normal( size=nn, scale=0.05 )
with y = a( 1- exp(-bx) ) + c
we have Y = int y = -1/b y + d x + h ....try it out or see below
so we get a linear equation for b (actually 1/b ) to optimize
this goes as:
Yl = cumtrapz( yl, xl, initial=0 )
ST = [xl, yl, np.ones( nn ) ]
S = np.transpose( ST )
eta = np.dot( ST, Yl )
A = np.dot( ST, S )
sol = np.linalg.solve( A, eta )
bFit = -1/sol[1]
print( bFit )
now we can do a normal linear fit
ST = [ fit_exp(xl, 1, bFit, 0), np.ones( nn ) ]
S = np.transpose( ST )
A = np.dot( ST, S )
eta = np.dot( ST, yl )
aFit, cFit = np.linalg.solve( A, eta )
print( aFit, cFit )
print(aFit + cFit, sol[0] ) ### consistency check
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1 )
ax.plot(xl, yl, marker ='+', ls='' )
## at best a sufficient fit, at worst a good start for a non-linear fit
ax.plot(xl, fit_exp( xl, aFit, bFit, cFit ) )
a ( 1 - exp(-b x)) + c = a + c - a exp(-b x) = d - a exp( -b x )
int y = d x + a/b exp( -b x ) + g
= d x +a/b exp( -b x ) + a/b - a/b + c/b - c/b + g
= d x - 1/b ( a - a exp( -b x ) + c ) + c/b + a/b + g
= d x + k y + h
with k = -1/b and h = g + c/b + a/b.
d and h are fitted but not used, but as a+c = d we can check
for consistency

Here is a working Minuit vs curve_fit example. I scaled the function such that the decay in the exponential is in the order of 1 (generally a good idea for non linear fits ). Eventually, both methods give very similar results.
Note:I leave it open whether the error makes sense like this or not. The starting values equal to zero was definitively a bad idea.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from iminuit import cost, Minuit
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
def fit_exp(x, a, b, c):
return a * (1 - np.exp(- 1000 * b * x) ) + c
nn = 170
xl = np.linspace( 0, 0.001, nn )
yl = fit_exp( xl, 15, 5.3, -8.1 ) + np.random.normal( size=nn, scale=0.05 )
### Minuit
least_squares = cost.LeastSquares(xl, yl, np.sqrt( np.abs( yl ) ), fit_exp )
m = Minuit(least_squares, a=1, b=5, c=-7)
print( "grad: ")
print( m.migrad() ) ### needs to be called to get fit values
print( m.values )### gives slightly different output
print( m.hesse() )
### curve_fit
opt, cov = curve_fit(
fit_exp, xl, yl, sigma=np.sqrt( np.abs( yl ) ),
print( " curve_fit: ")
print( opt )
print( " covariance ")
print( cov )
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1 )
ax.plot(xl, yl, marker ='+', ls='' )
ax.plot(xl, fit_exp(xl, *m.values), ls="--")
ax.plot(xl, fit_exp(xl, *opt), ls=":")


apply my created function to a data frame

I have the following function to calculate the black scholes model,
where I paste the necessary data from S0, K , K , T , r
and market_price in the function manually.
I would like to apply this same function to a pandas data frame
There I have the values ​​needed to perform the calculation
Data frame example
data = {'Name':['BOVAE115', 'BOVAE119', 'BBDCE251', 'BBDCE246'],
'Valor':[110.050003, 110.050003, 19.500000, 19.500000],
'Strike Value':[15.00, 19.00, 24.67, 25.19],
'Temp':[0.119048, 0.119048, 0.119048, 0.119048],
'Taxa':[11.65, 11.65, 11.65, 11.65],
'Market Price':[0.391968, 0.391968, 0.391968, 0.391968],
# Create DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
How do I apply the created function to this list of values
See the code
S0 = df['Valor']
K = df['Strike Value']
T = df['Temp']
r = df['Taxa']
market_price = df['Price']
flag = df['Order']
from py_vollib.black_scholes import black_scholes as bs
from py_vollib.black_scholes.greeks.analytical import vega
def implied_vol(S0, K, T, r, market_price, flag='c', tol=0.00001):
#"""Calculating the implied volatility of an European option
# S0: stock price
# K: strike price
# T: time to maturity
# r: risk-free rate
# market_price: option price in market
max_iter = 500 #max no. of iterations
vol_old = 0.3 #initial guess
for k in range(max_iter):
bs_price = bs(flag, S0, K, T, r, vol_old)
Cprime = vega(flag, S0, K, T, r, vol_old)*100
C = bs_price - market_price
vol_new = vol_old - C/Cprime
new_bs_price = bs(flag, S0, K, T, r, vol_new)
if (abs(vol_old-vol_new) < tol or abs(new_bs_price-market_price) < tol):
vol_old = vol_new
implied_vol = vol_new
return implied_vol
S0 = 14.73
K = 15.04
T = 20/252
r = 0.1165
market_price = 0.41
print(implied_vol(S0, K, T, r, market_price)*100)
I wanted to return the implied vol value in a data frame column
How can I apply this function in my dataframe

Calculate the area of a 2d closed polygon using numpy

I have a 2d numpy array, and I would like to evaluate the following equation.
Is there a numpy like(vectorized) way to implement this evaluation rather than just iterating over the values?
Bonus question, is there a way(vectorized again) to save each result of the product inside a new 1d numpy array?
Thanks in advance
btw, The formula was found from this site: https://www.seas.upenn.edu/~ese502/lab-content/extra_materials/Polygon%20Area%20and%20Centroid.pdf
You can use numpy.roll as follows:
import numpy as np
N = 5
a = np.random.rand(N, 2)
x, y = a[:,0], a[:,1]
area = 1/2 * np.sum(x*np.roll(y, 1) - y*np.roll(x, 1))
Here an implementation in SQF language:
private _n0 = count(_polygon);
private _surface = 0;
for "_i0" from 0 to (_n0 - 1) do {
private _p1 = _polygon select _i0;
private _p2 = _polygon select ((_i0 + 1) % _n0);
private _p1x = _p1 select 0;
private _p1y = _p1 select 1;
private _p2x = _p2 select 0;
private _p2y = _p2 select 1;
_surface = _surface + ((_p1x * _p2y) - (_p2x * _p1y)) / 2;
You just need to translate it in python
einsum is handy to implement the shoelace formula
A # --- sample array representing a polygon ordered clockwise
array([[ 0.00, 0.00],
[ 0.00, 10.00],
[ 10.00, 10.00],
[ 10.00, 0.00],
[ 0.00, 0.00]])
# --- can be implemented in a list comprehension of for loop
def _bit_area_(a):
"""Mini e_area, used by `areas` and `centroids`."""
x0, y1 = (a.T)[:, 1:]
x1, y0 = (a.T)[:, :-1]
e0 = np.einsum('...i,...i->...i', x0, y0)
e1 = np.einsum('...i,...i->...i', x1, y1)
return np.sum((e0 - e1) * 0.5)
100.0 # --- result for a 10 x 10 unit square,

Errors on parameters using scipy.curve_fit

I am fitting the following function (variables A, D, μ and τ) and x and E are fixed:
I created some example data using the equation and added some noise. The fit looks very good and has a low chi-squared however the errors from the covariance matrix are odd; some are very large whereas others are smaller. What am I doing wrong?
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
# Constants
E_field = 1
x = 1
def function(t, A, D, μ, τ):
return A/np.sqrt(4*np.pi*D*t) * np.exp(-pow(x-μ*E_field*t, 2)/(4*D*t) - t/τ)
def chi(E, O):
return np.sum(np.ma.masked_invalid(pow(O-E, 2)/E))
def fit(t, n, m, p0):
ddof = n.size - m
popt, pcov = curve_fit(function, t, n, p0=p0)
fitted_n = function(t, *popt)
reduced_χ_squared = chi(n, fitted_n) / ddof
σ = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov))
return popt, σ, reduced_χ_squared
# Choose random variables to generate data
x, t = 1, np.linspace(0.01, 5, num=100)
A, D, μ, τ = 1, 0.2, 1, 1
n = function(t, A, D, μ, τ)
n_noise = n + 0.005 * np.random.normal(size=n.size)
n_noise += abs(min(n_noise)) # Shift data to lie on y = 0
p0 = [1, 0.25, 1, 1]
vars, σ, reduced_χ_squared = fit(t, n_noise, 4, p0)
fitted_A, fitted_D, fitted_μ, fitted_τ = vars
σ_A, σ_D, σ_μ, σ_τ = σ
fitted_n = function(t, *vars)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(t, n_noise)
ax.plot(t, fitted_n)
#ax.text(0.82, 0.75, "χᵣ²={:.4f}".format(reduced_χ_squared), transform = ax.transAxes)
ax.legend(["Observed n", "Expected n"])
print("Fitted parameters: A = {:.4f}, D = {:.4f}, μ = {:.4f}, τ = {:.4f}".format(*vars))
print("Fitted parameter errors: σ_A = {:.4f}, σ_D = {:.4f}, σ_μ = {:.4f}, σ_τ = {:.4f}".format(*σ))
print("Reduced χ² = {:.4f}".format(reduced_χ_squared))
Running this code gives me the following output
As mentioned in my comment above, correlation is a big problem here. Biggest problem though is that you fit more parameters than required.
Let us transform:
A = exp( alpha) i.e alpha = log(A)
delta = 4 * D
epsilon = mu * E
We then get:
1 / sqrt( pi* delta ) * exp( -( x**2 + epsilon**2 * t**2 -2*x*epsilon t) / ( delta * t ) -t / tau + alpha )
= 1 / sqrt( pi* delta ) * exp( -( x**2 + epsilon**2 * t**2 -2*x*epsilon t) / ( delta * t ) -delta / tau * t**2/( delta * t) + delta * alpha * t/ ( delta * t ) )
= 1 / sqrt( pi* delta ) * exp( -( x**2 + epsilon**2 * t**2 -2*x*epsilon t + delta / tau * t**2 - delta * alpha * t ) / ( delta * t ) )
= 1 / sqrt( pi* delta ) * exp( -( x**2 + ( epsilon**2 + delta / tau ) * t**2 -x * ( 2 * epsilon + delta * alpha ) * t ) / ( delta * t ) )
now renaming:
( epsilon**2 + delta / tau ) -> gamma**2
( 2 * epsilon + delta * alpha ) -> eta
we get
= 1 / sqrt( pi * delta ) * exp( -( x**2 + gamma**2 * t**2 - x * eta * t ) / ( delta * t ) )
So there are actually only 3 parameters to fit and it looks like this:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
# Constants
E_field = 1
x = 1
def function(t, A, D, μ, τ):
return A/np.sqrt(4*np.pi*D*t) * np.exp(-pow(x-μ*E_field*t, 2)/(4*D*t) - t/τ)
def alt_func( t, gamma, eta, delta ):
return np.exp( -( x**2 + gamma**2 * t**2 - eta * t ) / ( delta * t ) ) / np.sqrt( np.pi * delta * t )
# Choose random variables to generate data
x, t = 1, np.linspace(0.01, 5, num=100)
A, D, μ, τ = 1, 0.2, 1, 1
n = function(t, A, D, μ, τ)
n_noise = n + 0.005 * np.random.normal(size=n.size)
n_noise += abs(min(n_noise)) # Shift data to lie on y = 0
guess=[1.34, 2, .8]
palt, covalt = curve_fit( alt_func, t, n_noise)
print( covalt )
print( palt )
yt = alt_func( t, *palt )
yg = alt_func( t, *guess )
yorg = function( t, A, D, μ, τ )
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(t, n_noise)
ax.plot(t, yg )
ax.plot(t, yt, ls="--")
ax.plot(t, yorg, ls=":" )
This has a reasonable covariance matrix. One can get the original parameters easily via error propagation.
Altzernatively, it should be enough to fix A=1 and only fit the three left parameters in the original function.
Concerning the transformation and back calculation one has to keep in mind that this is of course from R³ to R⁴, so it is naturally not unique either. Again one can just fix one value, or one might to try to spread the error evenly between the parameters or who knows....

RGB to HSV in numpy

I'm trying to implement RGB to HSV conversion from opencv in pure numpy using formula from here:
def rgb2hsv_opencv(img_rgb):
img_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img_rgb, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)
return img_hsv
def rgb2hsv_np(img_rgb):
assert img_rgb.dtype == np.float32
height, width, c = img_rgb.shape
r, g, b = img_rgb[:,:,0], img_rgb[:,:,1], img_rgb[:,:,2]
t = np.min(img_rgb, axis=-1)
v = np.max(img_rgb, axis=-1)
s = (v - t) / (v + 1e-6)
s[v==0] = 0
# v==r
hr = 60 * (g - b) / (v - t + 1e-6)
# v==g
hg = 120 + 60 * (b - r) / (v - t + 1e-6)
# v==b
hb = 240 + 60 * (r - g) / (v - t + 1e-6)
h = np.zeros((height, width), np.float32)
h = h.flatten()
hr = hr.flatten()
hg = hg.flatten()
hb = hb.flatten()
h[(v==r).flatten()] = hr[(v==r).flatten()]
h[(v==g).flatten()] = hg[(v==g).flatten()]
h[(v==b).flatten()] = hb[(v==b).flatten()]
h[h<0] += 360
h = h.reshape((height, width))
img_hsv = np.stack([h, s, v], axis=-1)
return img_hsv
img_bgr = cv2.imread('00000.png')
img_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img_bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
img_rgb = img_rgb / 255.0
img_rgb = img_rgb.astype(np.float32)
img_hsv1 = rgb2hsv_np(img_rgb)
img_hsv2 = rgb2hsv_opencv(img_rgb)
print('max diff:', np.max(np.fabs(img_hsv1 - img_hsv2)))
print('min diff:', np.min(np.fabs(img_hsv1 - img_hsv2)))
print('mean diff:', np.mean(np.fabs(img_hsv1 - img_hsv2)))
But I get big diff:
max diff: 240.0
min diff: 0.0
mean diff: 0.18085355
Do I missing something?
Also maybe it's possible to write numpy code more efficient, for example without flatten?
Also I have hard time finding original C++ code for cvtColor function, as I understand it should be actually function cvCvtColor from C code, but I can't find actual source code with formula.
From the fact that the max difference is exactly 240, I'm pretty sure that what's happening is in the case when both or either of v==r, v==g are simultaneously true alongside v==b, which gets executed last.
If you change the order from:
h[(v==r).flatten()] = hr[(v==r).flatten()]
h[(v==g).flatten()] = hg[(v==g).flatten()]
h[(v==b).flatten()] = hb[(v==b).flatten()]
h[(v==r).flatten()] = hr[(v==r).flatten()]
h[(v==b).flatten()] = hb[(v==b).flatten()]
h[(v==g).flatten()] = hg[(v==g).flatten()]
The max difference may start showing up as 120, because of that added 120 in that equation. So ideally, you would want to execute these three lines in the order b->g->r. The difference should be negligible then (still noticing a max difference of 0.01~, chalking it up to some round off somewhere).
h[(v==b).flatten()] = hb[(v==b).flatten()]
h[(v==g).flatten()] = hg[(v==g).flatten()]
h[(v==r).flatten()] = hr[(v==r).flatten()]

Can't figure out, why script on Jython working differently from script on Pascal

Long story short: I'm writing script, which should move mouse and do clicks like human (it's a bot, actually), using SikuliX. SikuliX uses Jython 2.7 as lang for scritps.
I found nice lib for my purposes (moving mouse like human): mouse.simba written in Pascal-like lang, and rewrite function _humanWindMouse() in jython. It works, but not like I expected it would be.
Test run of my script, drawing rectangle:
Result of using original function with same coords:
sorry for links, I can't post images yet (
My code:
import random
import time
import math
from time import sleep
from math import sqrt
from math import ceil
from math import hypot
from java.awt import Robot
def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
return math.hypot(x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
def myrandom(x):
return random.randint(0, x-1)
def myround(x):
return int(round(x))
# function MMouseMove (MyMouseMove) for moving mouse using only coord
def MMouseMove(x,y):
robot = Robot()
# function HumanWindMouse by BenLand100 & Flight, python implementation
def humanWindMouse(xs, ys, xe, ye, gravity, wind):
veloX = veloY = windX=windY=veloMag=dist=randomDist=lastDist=D=0
mouseSpeed = 20
MSP = mouseSpeed
sqrt2 = sqrt(2)
sqrt3 = sqrt(3)
sqrt5 = sqrt(5)
TDist = distance(myround(xs), myround(ys), myround(xe), myround(ye))
t = time.time() + 10000
while True:
if time.time() > t:
dist = hypot(xs - xe, ys - ye)
wind = min(wind, dist)
if dist < 1:
dist = 1
D = (myround((myround(TDist)*0.3))/7)
if D > 25:
D = 25
if D < 5:
D = 5
rCnc = myrandom(6)
if rCnc == 1:
D = random.randint(2,3)
if D <= myround(dist):
maxStep = D
maxStep = myround(dist)
windX= windX / sqrt2
windY= windY / sqrt2
veloX= veloX + windX
veloY= veloY + windY
veloX= veloX + gravity * (xe - xs) / dist
veloY= veloY + gravity * (ye - ys) / dist
if hypot(veloX, veloY) > maxStep:
temp = int(myround(maxStep) // 2)
if temp == 0:
temp = 1
randomDist= maxStep / 2.0 + myrandom(temp)
veloMag= sqrt(veloX * veloX + veloY * veloY)
veloX= (veloX / veloMag) * randomDist
veloY= (veloY / veloMag) * randomDist
lastX= myround(xs)
lastY= myround(ys)
xs= xs + veloX
ys= ys + veloY
if lastX <> myround(xs) or lastY <> myround(ys):
MMouseMove(myround(xs), myround(ys))
W = (myrandom((myround(100/MSP)))*6)
if W < 5:
W = 5
W = myround(W*0.9)
lastdist= dist
if hypot(xs - xe, ys - ye) < 1:
if myround(xe) <> myround(xs) or myround(ye) <> myround(ys):
MMouseMove(myround(xe), myround(ye))
mouseSpeed = MSP
def MMouse(x,y):
mouseSpeed = 20
randSpeed = (myrandom(mouseSpeed) / 2.0 + mouseSpeed) / 10.0
curPos = Mouse.at()
x1 = curPos.x
y1 = curPos.y
humanWindMouse(x1, y1, x, y, 5, 10.0/randSpeed)
And I used this in such a way:
MMouseMove(227, 146)
MMouse(396, 146)
MMouse(396, 252)
MMouse(227, 252)
MMouse(227, 146)
mouseDown() and mouseUp() are built-in functions in SikuliX
And I didn't use built-in mouseMove(), because with it going from A to B is too slow.
Any help would be appreciated
After few hours of debugging i figured out the problem: in source code for unknowing reason author passed constant called MOUSE_HUMAN to variable named gravity when caling his function _humanWindMouse(), this looks like an error to me. Thats why I decided to fix this in my code, and throw out one argument of the function and a few lines of code (and that was wrong move). After re-adding needed code my function working, as I expected.
So, here's the working code:
# function HumanWindMouse by BenLand100 & Flight,
# python implementation by Nokse
def humanWindMouse(xs, ys, xe, ye, gravity, wind, targetArea):
veloX = veloY = windX=windY=veloMag=dist=randomDist=lastDist=D=0
mouseSpeed = 20
MSP = mouseSpeed
sqrt2 = sqrt(2)
sqrt3 = sqrt(3)
sqrt5 = sqrt(5)
TDist = distance(myround(xs), myround(ys), myround(xe), myround(ye))
t = time.time() + 10000
while True:
if time.time() > t:
dist = hypot(xs - xe, ys - ye)
wind = min(wind, dist)
if dist < 1:
dist = 1
D = (myround((myround(TDist)*0.3))/7)
if D > 25:
D = 25
if D < 5:
D = 5
rCnc = myrandom(6)
if rCnc == 1:
D = random.randint(2,3)
if D <= myround(dist):
maxStep = D
maxStep = myround(dist)
if dist >= targetArea:
windX = windX / sqrt3 + (myrandom(myround(wind) * 2 + 1) - wind) / sqrt5
windY = windY / sqrt3 + (myrandom(myround(wind) * 2 + 1) - wind) / sqrt5
windX = windX / sqrt2
windY = windY / sqrt2
veloX = veloX + windX
veloY = veloY + windY
veloX = veloX + gravity * (xe - xs) / dist
veloY = veloY + gravity * (ye - ys) / dist
if hypot(veloX, veloY) > maxStep:
halfSteps = int(myround(maxStep) // 2)
if halfSteps == 0:
halfSteps = 1
randomDist = maxStep / 2.0 + myrandom(halfSteps)
veloMag = sqrt(veloX * veloX + veloY * veloY)
veloX = (veloX / veloMag) * randomDist
veloY = (veloY / veloMag) * randomDist
lastX = myround(xs)
lastY = myround(ys)
xs = xs + veloX
ys = ys + veloY
if lastX <> myround(xs) or lastY <> myround(ys):
MMouseMove(myround(xs), myround(ys))
W = (myrandom((myround(100/MSP)))*6)
if W < 5:
W = 5
W = myround(W*0.9)
lastdist = dist
#condition for exiting while loop
if hypot(xs - xe, ys - ye) < 1:
if myround(xe) <> myround(xs) or myround(ye) <> myround(ys):
MMouseMove(myround(xe), myround(ye))
mouseSpeed = MSP
I tested it with different parameters, and choose this one:
humanWindMouse(xs, ys, x, y, 9, 10.0/randSpeed, 10.0*randSpeed)
but I recommend to play with parameters first, to understand, how do they affect the behavior of the mouse.
How to calc randSpeed, what should be imported, and sub-functions, such as myround(), could be found at my first post.
Hope, this code will help somebody someday)