Telegram bot - How can I create a popup message? - telegram-bot

Thanks for reaching this feed.
I would like to request the method/example/API doc for the popup "Spin Wheel" (see below image) in the Telegram doc.
I have tried a couple of keywords e.g. telegram bot custom popup, but still no luck..
Thanks for your time!

I think now you can do similar custom controlls with telegram web apps feature:


Open specific conversation on whatsapp from ionic 4

I have tried to call whatsapp from InAppBrowser plugin by passing url "".
I have also added config.xml changes as suggested
(access launch-external="yes" origin="whatsapp:*" /)
It opens the browser (when I run this on device) with send button on it to send the message to Whatsapp.
But I am unable to tap the Send button. It is not redirecting me to whatsapp application with given number.
Please can you show me some sample code or the way to achieve this.
i also face this problem. following code fixed my problem'whatsapp://send?phone=923130601266', '_system');
You should try to call below api in InAppBrowser.
The direct conversation will open with the number you set below the link.
Don't forget to add country code before number.

In-app messenger api with prepopulated text

Many apps used an in-app Facebook messenger api to share referral link directly to messenger. They also use prepopulated text with a link.
My question is fairly simple : How do they do it ?
I could not find any documentation about it, the closest thing I found is the send dialog api which doesn’t allow any prepopulated text.
Example (Lime app):
You need a Link not share, try this package or find something similar

Facebook messenger API bot : "Typing bubble" " indicator bubble"

I've created a messenger bot, and some action that I perform can take some time. So in order to make the user wait I would like to display the "Indicator Bubble" (the one you see when the people you talk with are typing):
Typing bubble
It is not defined in the Messenger API documentation how to do it, but it seems possible has they perform it when you hit "callBack" on their card.
How can I simulate this?
It's now available into the messenger bot API via the Sender Action. You can find the documentation here.
It's just a post with an on or off value to display / hide the bubble indicator.
"sender_action":"typing_on" // typing_off
The official messenger API does not support this feature for now. Even if #hiponcho – one of the featured by Facebook chatbot is actually using it.
A workaround would be to use the unofficial messenger API, which has a method called sendTypingIndicator that does exactly what you want. But be careful, you can be banned for using of non-official API.
api.sendTypingIndicator(threadID, [callback])
Yes, it is the only way.
When you have the Button Template and someone clicks on "button" for "postback" (documentation in section "button template").
Then during your parsing of the message and sending answer, it is shown like "writing".
I know it is a hack, but currently I send the "Typing Bubble Indicator" as a animated gif as my first reply, if I anticipate a waiting time (like an API call). At the user end, you can't tell the difference.

Post on twitter from ios app

I simply want to post some text and if possible also photo from my ios 7 app. When I click some button and perform action, I want to post silently to twitter. However, if the user has not sign in to twitter, I want to ask for authentication.
I have look through many examples, but could not find any satisfactory guide. Can anbybody please help me out giving guideline and resources?
Thanks in advance
Please find below link for simple tweet example .

Authenticate on a website and Screen scraping with objective-c

I'm developing an iPhone application where I wish to authenticate (login form) on a site and retrieve some information by doing some screen scraping. Is there an API available to do this or documentation how I could do this?
ASIHTTPRequest is a fantastic alternative to NSURLRequest, and the linked page has some great code examples to get you started on the right track.
You may try Gogybot library for Monotouch. Its allow you to use very simple commands, like GoToUrl to open page, SetValue to enter text into text boxes and ClickSubmit to authenticate.
See the docs for NSURLRequest