Datatables pagination button styling problem, no CSS there - datatables

There are no error in console, I have no idea about that

it's because the jquery.datatables.min.js I import without jquery.datatables.min.css,
please someone at datatables they need to give error for this


vue transpiled text in headings - accessibility

Im working through an accessibility audit for one of our sites. One of the things that has came back is empty headers where we have used vue for the text content. The audit is not seeing the rendered content and is hightlighting this as an issue. Does anyone have any ideas as to a solution?
<h3 v-html="post.title.rendered"></h3>
This is seen as an empty h3
I found an link here that helps
Screen readers and Javascript
Thanks for the replies

How to remove the fc-time from Fullcalendar?

I'm using FullCalendar v2.3.1 and I'm trying to remove the time as showed in attached screenshot.
I give the display:none to .fc-time class but anything happened.
Thanks in advance!

Setting Custom Editor shows kendoDropDownList is not a function

We like to use dropdown inside the grid, so we using this ( example in our project we are getting this error:
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).appendTo(...).kendoDropDownList is not a function
at VueComponent.categoryDropDownEditor (git.vue?26ca:154)
Could anyone help me on this?
Answering my own question it may helpful for someone
by adding kendo.all.min.js it working fine :)
But don't know why it wont included in default kendo vue.
<script src=""></script>

Trigger form file bootstrap vue with button

Hi i have a problem about triggering component b-form-file.
<b-form-file ref="imageProfile"></b-form-file>
I try with this.$ not work. And i see not found click function on that element.
Thank You.
The file form component of bootstrap-vue is a little different, for someone still get this problem, try this:
<b-form-file ref="pickImage" v-model="file" :state="Boolean(file)"></b-form-file>
hope this help !
You need to trigger the click on the element, not the component.
Try this:
See Vue Docs at

Bootstrap 3 validation using bootstrapValidator with input-group not display error properly

I am using Bootstrap 3 and for validation using bootstrapValidator( It is dislaying error message proplerly for input field but not working with
As shown in above github link, same issue occur to me and here is the solution for jquery form validator ,not for bootstrapvalidator.
can anyone help me to solve this issue?
You can check code here:
Thanks in advance.