I'm using FullCalendar v2.3.1 and I'm trying to remove the time as showed in attached screenshot.
I give the display:none to .fc-time class but anything happened.
Thanks in advance!
There are no error in console, I have no idea about that
it's because the jquery.datatables.min.js I import without jquery.datatables.min.css,
please someone at datatables they need to give error for this
Vuetify carousel - I cannot find the way to turn off the looping. I do not show images in my vuetify carousel, I use for a few steps for the user -passive steps, more like a description step by step and I don't need the loop in the carousel..
Thanks for help
For those who are interested I ended up using vue-carousel
There is now a continuous (default=true) prop now.
You can turn it off by setting it like so: :continuous="false"
THe docs of Vuetify do not provide any info of such option.
Since you do not use it as carousel but as stepper, why don't you use stepper..?
Either I was blind yesterday or it just appeared - the docs mention now the cycle prop of carousel: https://vuetifyjs.com/en/components/carousels#api
I think you should give it a try by setting this to false. ;)
There are many buttons sharing the same class.
May have to go with clicking the link /account/logout'.
This is the code I'm trying to use:
input class="btnRed text-uppercase fo_white" value="Logout" onclick="window.location.href='/account/logout';" type="button"
Hard to say because you didn't provide enough info, but you could probably make it work by using value attribute. Something like this if you are using java.
Not pretty solution, but give it a try:
Looking at your HTML DOM this command will work for you:
Let me know if it works for you.
Looking at your HTML, this should work
Let me know if it works.
Is your element visible/enabled? In order to select an element, it must be present in your DOM. If the element is activated through an event, it cannot be selected until the event occurs.
Take a look at this post. This other post also have good ideas.
I am creating a web application using Dojo, composed of a treeView in the left side and a Data Grid on its right. After being loaded,I want the root of the treeView to be focused and clicked, so that the content of the datagrid can be changed accordingly.
I haven't success in doing this..
Thanks for your help
Thanks #Philippe for the clue about logic problem. Because of this clue, I am able to focus my mind by searching the error code. I found it in the defintion of query of the grid. <table id="jurnalGrid" dojoType="dojox.grid.DataGrid" jsId="jurnalGrid" columnReordering="true" sortFields="['tanggal','kode_jurnal']" store="jurnalStore" query="{id: '*'}" I think you can guess that my query string is not correct :) I still left the code from that link without changing it to suit my need. Thanks... –
I'm very new to Joomla. I have a question about components/modules.
I'm doing the development of a site for a firm and they provided me with custom news releases component that's supposed to show on the home page. From what I've seen, I can call modules to a page with "" based on their position.
Do I do the same sort of thing to get this component to display? Can anyone help me out please. Let me know if I'm not being clear.
EDIT: I figured out that I have to add this as a menu item, but this makes it into it's own page. I want this just as a module on the right of the home page. What do I need to do to achieve this?
Thank you
if this is a component than you won't be able to display it in a module position. You will have to write a new module to do that or use some modules which wrap around other types of content. See here, maybe this plugin will fit.
If this is a component you can also use the Component Loader extension to load the component output in a module position.