how fix the y-axis's rate in plot - matplotlib

I am using a line to estimate the slope of my graphs. the data points are in the same size. But look at these two pictures. the first one seems to have a larger slope but its not true. the second one has larger slope. but since the y-axis has different rate, the first one looks to have a larger slope. is there any way to fix the rate of y-axis, then I can see with my eye which one has bigger slop?
x = np.array(list(range(0,df.shape[0]))) # = array([0, 1, 2, ..., 3598, 3599, 3600])
fit = np.polyfit(x, df1[skill], 1)
fit_fn = np.poly1d(fit)
df[['Hodrick-Prescott filter',skill,'fit_fn(x)']].plot(title=skill + date)

Two ways:
One, use matplotlib.pyplot.axis to get the axis limits of the first figure and set the second figure to have the same axis limits (using the same function) (could also use get_ylim and set_ylim, which are specific to the y-axis but require directly referencing the Axes object)
Two, plot both in a subplots figure and set the argument sharey to True (my preferred, depending on the desired use)


why is ggplot2 geom_col misreading discrete x axis labels as continuous?

Aim: plot a column chart representing concentration values at discrete sites
Problem: the 14 site labels are numeric, so I think ggplot2 is assuming continuous data and adding spaces for what it sees as 'missing numbers'. I only want 14 columns with 14 marks/labels, relative to the 14 values in the dataframe. I've tried assigning the sites as factors and characters but neither work.
Also, how do you ensure the y-axis ends at '0', so the bottom of the columns meet the x-axis?
Sites: 2,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17
Concentration: 10,16,3,15,17,10,11,19,14,12,14,13,18,16
You have two questions in one with two pretty straightforward answers:
1. How to force a discrete axis when your column is a continuous one? To make ggplot2 draw a discrete axis, the data must be discrete. You can force your numeric data to be discrete by converting to a factor. So, instead of x=Sites in your plot code, use x=as.factor(Sites).
2. How to eliminate the white space below the columns in a column plot? You can control the limits of the y axis via the scale_y_continuous() function. By default, the limits extend a bit past the actual data (in this case, from 0 to the max Concentration). You can override that behavior via the expand= argument. Check the documentation for expansion() for more details, but here I'm going to use mult=, which uses a multiplication to find the new limits based on the data. I'm using 0 for the lower limit to make the lower axis limit equal the minimum in your data (0), and 0.05 as the upper limit to expand the chart limits about 5% past the max value (this is default, I believe).
Here's the code and resulting plot.
df <- data.frame(
Sites = c(2,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17),
Concentration = c(10,16,3,15,17,10,11,19,14,12,14,13,18,16)
ggplot(df, aes(x=as.factor(Sites), y=Concentration)) +
geom_col(color="black", fill="lightblue") +
scale_y_continuous(expand=expansion(mult=c(0, 0.05))) +

How to apply matplotlib quiver autoscale to two vector fields?

I am plotting two vector fields on top of each other and I want to use the auto-scale feature to set the arrow size such that the two fields are at the same scale automatically. (Part of this notebook.)
If I plot them one after the other, they are drawn at different scales. In this case the black arrows are artificially inflated compared to green.
plt.quiver(*XY, *np.real(UV))
plt.quiver(*XY, *np.imag(UV), color='g')
If I use this solution the first plot sets the scale for the second plot. But this fails to take the scale of the second field into account. If the first field has a small magnitude compared to the second, then it looks terrible.
Q = plt.quiver(*XY, *np.real(UV))
plt.quiver(*XY, *np.imag(UV), scale=Q.scale, color='g')
I want to set the auto-scale based on both fields, not just one or the other. Ideas?
You need to pass the same scale argument to both plt.quiver calls.
If you don't provide a scale than a visually pleasing scale is derived automatically. So you could in principle extract the autoscaling code and use it to get the automatic scales for both quiver plots and then use for instance the average of the two values.
Another, easier, way is to first invisibly plot both quiver plots using the do-nothing backend 'template', retrieve the automatically calculated scales and use the average of them in both real plotting calls:
def plot_flow(x,y,q,XY,G=source,args=(),size=(7,7),ymax=None):
"Plot the geometry and induced velocity field"
# Loop through segments, superimposing the velocity
def uv(i): return q[i]*velocity(*XY, x[i], y[i], x[i+1], y[i+1], G, args)
UV = sum(uv(i) for i in range(len(x)-1))
def get_scale(XY, UV):
"""Get autoscale value by plotting to do-nothing backend."""
backend = plt.matplotlib.get_backend()
Q = plt.quiver(*XY, *UV, scale=None)
return Q.scale
# Get autoscales
scale_real = get_scale(XY, np.real(UV))
scale_imag = get_scale(XY, np.imag(UV)) if np.iscomplexobj(UV) else scale_real
scale = (scale_real + scale_imag)/2
# Create plot
ax=plt.axes(); ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
# Plot vectors and segments
plt.quiver(*XY, *np.real(UV), scale=scale)
if np.iscomplexobj(UV):
plt.quiver(*XY, *np.imag(UV), scale=scale, color='g')
In the example, we get a scale of 7.7 as the average of 12.2 and 3.3:
Normalizing the data before plotting it can help getting similar scales on the arrow sizes:
scale = 1
UV_real = np.real(UV) / np.linalg.norm(UV)
UV_imag = np.imag(UV) / np.linalg.norm(UV)
Q1 = plt.quiver(*XY, *UV_real, scale=scale)
Q2 = plt.quiver(*XY, *UV_imag, scale=scale, color='g')
Tested for multiple magnitude ratios between real and imaginary parts.

"Zoom in" on a violinplot whilst keeping accurate quartile lines (matplotlib/seaborn)

TL;DR: How can I get a subrange of a violinplot whilst keeping accurate quartile lines?
I am using seaborn violinplots to make static charts for a report, but as far as I can tell, there's no way to redraw a particular area between limits whilst retaining the 25/median/75 quartile lines of the original dataset.
Here's my example dataset as a violin. The 25/median/75 values are left side: 1.0/5.0/9.0; right side: 2.0/5.0/9.0
My data has such a long tail that all the useful info is scrunched up into a tiny area. I want to ignore (but not throw away) the tail and show a closer look at the interesting bit.
I tried to reset the ylim using ax.set(ylim=(0, upp)), but the resultant graph is not great: it's jaggy and the inner lines don't meet the violin edge.
Is there a way to reset the y-axis limits but get a better quality result?
Next I tried to cut off the tail by dropping values from the dataset. I dropped anything over the 97th centile. The violin looks way better, but the quartile lines have been recalculated for this new dataset. They're showing a median of about 4, not 5 as per the original dataset.
I'm using inner="quartile", so the code that gets called in Seaborn is _ViolinPlotter::draw_quartiles
def draw_quartiles(self, ax, data, support, density, center, split=False):
"""Draw the quartiles as lines at width of density."""
q25, q50, q75 = np.percentile(data, [25, 50, 75])
self.draw_to_density(ax, center, q25, support, density, split,
dashes=[self.linewidth * 1.5] * 2)
As you can see, it assumes (understandably) that one wants to draw the quartile lines at percentiles 25, 50 and 75. It'd be amazeballs if there was a way I could call draw_to_density with my own values (is there?).
At the moment, I am attempting to manually adjust the position of the lines. It's trivial to figure out & set the y-values:
for l in ax.lines:
l.set_ydata(<get correct quartile value from original dataset>)
but I'm finding it hard to figure out the limits for x, i.e. the density of the distribution at the quartiles. It seems to involve gaussian kde, and tbh it's getting hacky and inelegant at this point. Is there an easy way to calculate how long each line should be?
What do you suggest?
Thanks for your help
W/ Thanks to #JohanC.
added gridsize=1000 to the params of the violinplot and used ax.set(ylim=(0, upp)) to resize the y-axis to show the range from 0 to upp where upp is the upper limit. Much prettier lookin' graph:

How do create a scale for a second axis without unnecessary (or redundant) plotting?

I have a plot in which I have already plotted all my data and a "twined" axis, on which I'd like to use another scale, in this case dates. I also have a list of all the dates corresponding to each element of my data, and want to add an a scale for the dates to the twined axis.
For example, I have
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
and lists x_temporal_data, y_day_offsets, y_dates, all of the same length, and have already plotted the relationship between the first two with
ax1.plot(x_temporal_data, y_day_offsets)
and I just want to have a scale on ax2 for the dates in y_dates, since y_day_offsets and y_dates are "synonyms" for the same time information.
Is there a way to do this without "plotting" something I don't need to display (since all my data is already plotted). For example, I can get the dates to appear perfectly on ax2 with
ax2.plot(len(y_dates)*[some_random_out_of_xrange_value], y_dates)
but that seems like a hack: plotting nothing to "calibrate" the second axis.
Is there a better, more idiomatic way of accomplishing this?
Simply set the scale on the second y-axis to your liking with:
ax2.set_ylim([min(y_dates), max(y_dates)])

Put pcolormesh and contour onto same grid?

I'm trying to display 2D data with axis labels using both contour and pcolormesh. As has been noted on the matplotlib user list, these functions obey different conventions: pcolormesh expects the x and y values to specify the corners of the individual pixels, while contour expects the centers of the pixels.
What is the best way to make these behave consistently?
One option I've considered is to make a "centers-to-edges" function, assuming evenly spaced data:
def centers_to_edges(arr):
dx = arr[1]-arr[0]
newarr = np.linspace(arr.min()-dx/2,arr.max()+dx/2,arr.size+1)
return newarr
Another option is to use imshow with the extent keyword set.
The first approach doesn't play nicely with 2D axes (e.g., as created by meshgrid or indices) and the second discards the axis numbers entirely
Your data is a regular mesh? If it doesn't, you can use griddata() to obtain it. I think that if your data is too big, a sub-sampling or regularization always is possible. If the data is too big, maybe your output image always will be small compared with it and you can exploit this.
If you use imshow() with "extent" and "interpolation='nearest'", you will see that the data is cell-centered, and extent provided the lower edges of cells (corners). On the other hand, contour assumes that the data is cell-centered, and X,Y must be the center of cells. So, you need to be care about the input domain for contour. The trivial example is:
x = np.arange(-10,10,1)
X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,x)
P = X**2+Y**2
My tests told me that pcolormesh() is a very slow routine, and I always try to avoid it. griddata and imshow() always is a good choose for me.