nvm unable to switch version , show me error exec: "cmd": executable file not found in %PATH%: - nvm

C:\Users\HP>nvm list
16.13.0 (Currently using 64-bit executable)
C:\Users\HP>nvm use 15.0.0
exec: "cmd": executable file not found in %PATH%:
C:\Users\HP>nvm root
Current Root: C:\Users\HP\AppData\Roaming\nvm

Run nvm use 15.0.0 again as administrator, this works for me.

I had the same problem when i tried on vscode terminal, but I tried this on cmd instead of vscode terminal,
opened as administrator on cmd,
nvm use [version needed]
and it worked, even when I looked up nvm list on vscode terminal it was changed to my desired version


'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command after installing nvm, node and setting path

I installed NVM from the nvm-setup.zip
Then, at the command prompt, I ran
nvm install 8.11.2
Then I ran
nvm use 8.11.2
which output
now using node v8.11.2 (64-bit)
Then I ran
SET PATH=C:\Program Files\Nodejs;%PATH%
However when I type
I get
'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command
I removed the following folders ( kirst being my user name)
C:\Program Files\nodejs
Then I ran the following at the command prompt ( 8.11.2 being the version I wanted)
Nvm uninstall 8.11.2
Nvm install 8.11.2
Nvm use 8.11.2
I encountered this issue after installing nvm and node version 16.5.1. FOr anyone who may have a similar issue.
the command nvm on solved this for me.
Please, can you try once C:\Program Files\Nodejs with double quotes and close the cmd prompts. Re-open cmd prompts and try once.
Delete C:\Program Files\Nodejs.
Reinstall nvm.
C:\Program Files\Nodejs is recreated and npm and node command work now.
Remove/Uninstall your locally installed nodejs and then install node versions thought the NVM.
Just run "nvm use version" without quotes..

"Spawn unknown" error while using npm's OpenFin

I installed OpenFin-cli using npm on windows 10. After OpenFin was installed, I tried to test it using the command
openfin -l -u https://apple.com
on cmd. I get the following error:
I have:
Node version 6.11.2
Link to OpenFin documentation that I referred: https://openfin.co/documentation/getting-started/
Can you try deleting the %LOCALAPPDATA%/OpenFin directory & re-running or downloading the OpenFinRVM.exe as suggested in this github issue
You can also try just manually launching the RVM by invoking the .exe with --config=http://yourappjsonurl.json
I believe the asset wasn't fully retrieved

unable to see grunt terminal after entering pig command?

unable to open grunt terminal after typing pig in Ubuntu, it got stuck and just blinks ,how to debug this issue, restarted the machine and checked .bashrc files.
**There is a file with 'pig' installed in (found this using locate command)
folder ... this is causing problem when i issue the pig command ,
i removed the file, rm -rf /usr/games/pig
and then issued pig command in ubuntu terminal it worked fine.**

'npm' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I'm getting:
'npm' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
when I issue:
npm install -g bower polyserve
Even though I have downloaded node.
I think you have not defined the path of nodejs in Environment Variables on the System Properties.
Add ;C:\Program Files\nodejs\ (path of your nodejs installed directory)
To the end of your Path variable on the "User variable" section of the Environment Variables on the System Properties.
Then reopen cmd prompt and type npm again.It should work now.Hope it helps.
You can do one more thing if still it does not work.Reboot your machine after installing node.
Set path for node.js in your environment variables.
To do this:
right click on MyComputer->properties->advance system setting-> Environment variables-> select & edit "Path" variable in System variables.
Add C:\Program Files\nodejs\; in path
Restart your command prompt
Type node --version in a new console window, the version number should appear as a response.
I would recommend using https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows instead of directly installing a version of node, as it is common to switch between node versions for different projects. Following are the instructions to set it up.
Open PowerShell with 'Run as Administrator' option (Admin role is required for creating symlink)
Check if nvm is installed:
nvm version
If not, follow instructions on https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows#node-version-manager-nvm-for-windows to install it.
If nvm was installed, check if nodejs is in system path:
If nodejs (likely 'C:\Program Files\nodejs') is not in the path and 'nodejs' symlink file exists in the directory 'C:\Program Files', then add it to the path as described by Vikas Sharma.
If 'C:\Program Files\nodejs' is in the path and symlink file doesn't exists in the directory, list installed node versions using:
nvm ls
Then create the symlink using (needs Admin role):
nvm use <node version>
Check if npm is working now:
npm --version
I had the same issue. Environment variables were all in place (as suggested by the user above). I was using node 8.9.4. Changing node version to 8.16.0 worked for me.
If node is there but npm only not found (which is my case), then
if you have the downloaded node.js in your (windows) pc run the repair option it will do the rest.
Close the cmd window and reopen and test it by running the command
npm -v
Now it will show you the npm version.

Urturn API ur: command not found

I am trying to install urturn api and write my own expression for urturn.com
following http://webdoc.github.com/urturn-expression-api/#!guides/start
npm install urturn-toolbelt -g
I am trying to run sandbox with:
ur sandbox
and got error:
-bash: ur: command not found
Please help
P.S. I am on Mac Os
It is likely your nodeJS npm/bin folder that is not included in your PATH.
Can you check your PATH variable?
Node NPM package bin files are all symlinked in the same ./bin folder. If you installed NodeJS using Homebrew (brew install node), it should be /usr/local/share/npm/bin.
You can echo your current path using:
echo $PATH
If the folder above does not appear in the list, check your .bashrc or .bash_profile files and fix any problem.
A fix that is likely to work is to add the following line in ~/.bash_profile