Splunk - Create customized query for Splunk dashboard based on Input selection - splunk

I'm creating a Dashboard in Splunk.
It has one dropdown menu to select App-name(App1 or App2), another drop-down to select log_type (Detailed and App_specific), and a Search panel to show output of search query.
For instance,
If user selects App1 and log_type as app_specific, then the Panel should result for the query:
index=App1 "taskExecutor-1" | sort -_time | table msg
For App1, selecting app_specific should add "taskExecutor-1" to the query.
If user selects App2 and log_type as app_specific, then the Panel should result for the query:
index=App2 "ool-44-thread-1" | sort -_time | table msg
For App2, selecting app_specific should add "ool-44-thread-1" to the query.
If user selects App1 and log_type as Detailed, then the Panel should result for the query:
index=App1 | sort -_time | table msg
Selecting Detailed should not anything to the query. Or we can say, an empty value.
How can I customize the query to accommodate such behavior in Splunk? Is there any any if/else or case functionality in Splunk that can help achieve this behavior?

Investigate dashboard tokens
In your input field(s) (radio, dropdown, etc) on your dashboard, set the token to have multiple possible options (static or dynamic - your choice)
Then in your SPL, do the following:
index=ndx "$mytoken$" msg=*
| sort 0 - _time
| table msg


Splunk Query Recommendation

I have below log from my application:
BookData, {
id: 12312
}, appID : 'APP1', Relation_ID : asdas-12312
host = aws#asd. sourcetype=service_name
The entire log above is in the form of a single String. I want to create a table with the no. of times an appID has hit the service. i.e. I want to count the no. of events and group them by appID.
Basically, something like:
appID Count
APP1 23
APP2 25
APP3 100
I tried with below query, but it is not working. It is giving as 0 records found.
index=my_index sourcetype=service_name * | table appID Count | addColTotals labelfield=appID label="appID" count
As per my understanding, above query is not working because appID is not a label, but in that case, how do I go about forming the query with my desired result.
The query doesn't work in part because there is no Count field for the table command to display and no count field for the addcoltotals command to add to the results. To get a count you must tell Splunk to count fields by using the stats, eventstats, streamstats, or timechart command.
Try this:
index=my_index sourcetype=service_name
| stats count as Count by appID

Splunk Count Specific String in a Field

In Splunk, I need to get the count of events from the below msg field value which matches factType=COMMERCIAL and has filters.
Using the basic Splunk query with wildcard does not work efficiently. Could you please assist
app_name="ABC" cf_space_name=prod msg="*/facts?factType=COMMERCIAL&sourceSystem=ADMIN&sourceOwner=ABC&filters*"
msg: abc.asia - [2021-08-23T00:27:08.152+0000] "GET
Try this:
index=ndx sourcetype=srctp msg=*
| rex field=msg "factType=(?<facttype>\w+).(?<params>.+)"
| stats count by facttype params
| fields - count
| search facttype="commercial"
The rex will extract the facttype and any following parameters (note - if the URL is submitted with the arguments in a different order, you'll need to adjust the regular expression)
Then use a | stats count by to bin them together
Lastly, search only where there is both a facttype="commercial" and the URL has additional parameters

Splunk - Lookup values + static search string = output with count

I want to perform a search where I need to use a static search string + input from a csv file with usernames:
Search query-
index=someindex host=host*p* "STATIC_SEARCH_STRING"
Value from users.csv where the list is like this- Please note that User/UserList is NOT a field in my Splunk:
I have tried using multiple one of them being-
| inputlookup users.csv | join [search index=someindex host=host*p* "STATIC_SEARCH_STRING"] | lookup users.csv UserList OUTPUT UserList as User| stats count by User
The above one just outputs the list of users with count as '1' - which I assume it is getting from the table itself.
When I try searching events for a single user like-
index=someindex host=host*p* "User1" "STATIC_SEARCH_STRING". I get 100's of events for that user.
Can someone please help me with this?
Sorry if this is a noob question, I have been trying to learn splunk in order to reduce my workload and am stuck here.
Thanks in advance!
index=someindex host=host*p* "STATIC_SEARCH_STRING" [ | inputlookup users.csv | fields UserList | rename UserList as query]
What is happening here is that there is a sub-search, which does an inputlookup on the users.csv file. We then use fields to ensure there is only a single field (UserList) in the data. We then rename that field to query. This is a special field in sub-searches; when the sub-search returns the field query, it is expanded out into the expression (field_value_1) OR (field_value_2) OR ....
This expression is then appended to the original search string, so the final search that Splunk executes is index=someindex host=host*p* "STATIC_SEARCH_STRING" ("alice") OR ("bob") OR ("charlie")
This approach is outlined at https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.3/Search/Changetheformatofsubsearchresults
You can also look at the Splunk format command, https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/SearchReference/Format if you need to alter the sub-search's expression format, for example, adding * around each returned expression.
I think you're doing the search inside out
What I think you may want is the following:
index=ndx sourcetype=srctp host=host*p* User=*
| search
[| inputlookup users.csv ]
| stats count by User
If I understand your question correctly, you want to use the values in your lookup as a filter on the data (ie, only where User is in that list)
If that is the case, the above will do just that
If you need to make the fieldnames match because the lookup table has a different name, change the subsearch to the following:
[| inputlookup users.csv
| rename lookup_field_name as User ]

splunk join 2 search queries

I am writing a splunk query to find out top exceptions that are impacting client. So I have 2 queries, one is client logs and another server logs query. Joined both of them using a common field, these are production logs so I am changing names of it. I am trying to find top 5 failures that are impacting client. below is my query.
index=pirs sourcetype=client-* env=* (type=Error error_level=fatal) error_level=fatal serviceName=FailedServiceEndpoint | table _time,serviceName,xab,endpoint,statusCode | join left=L right=R where L.xab = R.xab [search index=zirs sourcetype=server-* | rex mode=sed field=span_name "s#\..*$##" | search span_success = false spanName=FailedServiceEndpoint | table _time,spanName,xab] | chart count over L.serviceName
I explicitly mentioned a service name in here, In the final query there wont be service name, because we need top 5 failures that are impacting client.
This query provides me with service name and count, I also need other columns like endpoint name, httpStatusCode I am not sure how to do that and also if there is anything refactoring required for splunk query?
That's an odd use of join. I don't see that particular syntax documented, but apparently it works for you.
To get more fields, use stats instead of chart.
| stats count, values(endpointName) as endpointName, values(httpStatusCode) as httpStatusCode by serviceName

Splunk index usage search adding column titled NULL to results

I'm running a fairly simple search to identify index usage on my Splunk install by source, as we're running through the Enterprise 30-day trial with the intention of using Splunk Free after it expires:
index=_internal source=*license_usage.log | eval MB=b/1024/1024 | timechart span=1d sum(MB) by s where count in top50
The results for all of my data sources are returned as expected but there's an additional column titled "NULL" at the end of the results:
Splunk index search NULL column
All of my data has an input source and when I click on the column and choose to view the data, it brings back no results.
Can anyone help me understand what this NULL column is please? If it's correct it suggests I'm using over the 500MB/day limit for Splunk Free, which I need to address before the trial period ends.
The NULL column appears because some events do not have an 's' field. You only want to sum those events with an s field so modify your query to
index=_internal source=*license_usage.log type=Usage
| eval MB=b/1024/1024
| timechart span=1d sum(MB) by s where count in top50