CDK create new user in created user pool - amazon-cognito

I was trying to find ways to automatically create a few dummy users with CDK, like this
but could not find anything useful
Is there any constructs or way we can achieve this?

There is not always a construct class available for the part of a service you'd like to configure but there should be automatically generated Cfn prefixed resources which map 1:1 onto all available AWS CloudFormation resources and properties. As long as it's possible in CloudFormation it should be possible in the CDK.
If you look at the aws-cdk/aws-cognito docs you'll notice two categories on the left hand menu Constructs and a little further down you will find CloudFormation Resources. One of those CloudFormation Resources is CfnUserPoolUser which should be what you are looking for.
If there is any issues utilizing the Cfn resources you can review options for escape hatches to dig even deeper in to the Cfn constructs.


How to create a searchable central repository of code documentation using DocFx

I'm looking to create a central repository for all of our published API documentation using DocFx. I have documentation auto-generated via my build (using TFS) and published through my release (using Octopus) just fine for multiple individual sites. However, I'm wanting to pull it altogether in one location. The thinking is that through a parent site you could filter content in any of the individual sites without having to drill down into them. Do you have a recommendation on how to do this?
Also, within this same documentation repository I want to provide the capability to search by all of the meta data (project-level documentation) across the hundreds of projects in our portfolio. This will give our BA, DEV and QA teams easier access to what all our systems do. I like the "filtering" capability built into DocFx, but I'm wanting full-text search across all of the meta data. Do you have a recommendation for this functionality as well?
To change the location of the docfx output, edit the docfx.json file and specify the dest value. By default it is "dest": "_site". For more formatting guidance, reference:
Regarding full-text search, that is possible by simply ensuring the ExtractSearchIndex post-processor is invoked (in order to generate an index.json file of keywords) and that the global _enableSearch value is set to true in the docfx.json file. A snippet from that file would look like:
"postProcessors": [ "ExtractSearchIndex" ],
"globalMetadata": {
"_enableSearch": "true"
For your first question:
I think what you expect is like the .NET API Browser. The source code behind this page is not open to public, so you need create this page by yourself, through collecting xrefmap.yml from multiple sites, and extract the needed data into this page.
For your second question:
DocFX uses Luna to scan all the output files and generate an index file called index.json for later search use. In your case, you should want to limit the search scope only in the metadata you defined. This is also not supported by DocFX by default. You can also use Luna in your central place to search these meta. You can create your specific index.json for each project first, and the cental place to collect them for the search page.

How to queries all the assignments from the repository?

My environment:
Alfresco Share v5.2.d (r134641-b15, Aikau, Spring Surf
5.2.d, Spring WebScripts 6.13, Freemarker 2.3.20-alfresco-patched, Rhino 1.7R4-alfresco-patched, Yui 2.9.0-alfresco-20141223)
Alfresco Community v5.2.0 (r134428-b13) schema 10005
When I start the workflow, I can assign executors - the list of users who will participate in the business process. Somehow I need to get a list of all those users.
There is an excellent guide, which shows how to use Lucene to get a list of whitepapers.
To interact with repository through REST I'm also use the Web Script Framework MVC.
But how can I get the list of assignments?..
I'm interested in how to look like the query in this case:
var assignments = search.luceneSearch("what should be here?");
If you want to know who is assigned to a specific running Workflow instance, then I don't think you can easily do that via the search service. Instead, you want to be using the Alfresco WorkflowService to get that.
Most likely you'll want to grab the WorkflowInstance for the specific running workflow, grab the tasks, and check from the properties on that.
If you look at WorkflowPermissionInterceptor from the Alfresco source tree, you'll see pretty much the logic you want, covering both individual assignees and group assignments.

Alfresco permissions depending on whether document is currently part of workflow or not

Out-of-the-box, an Alfresco user can read a document based on:
The document's permissions
The user's role
The user's groups
Whether the user owns the document or not
Maybe some other factors I forgot?
Now, I want to add a new factor: Whether the document is currently part of a workflow.
Alfresco's permissionDefinitions.xml allows me to define permissions based on authorities such as ROLE_LOCK_OWNER etc, but it does not seem to be the right place to add permission conditions.
I guess I will have to write some Java source code, but I am not sure what classes are responsible for this, and whether there is an Alfresco way to customize them?
So, I assume you want to somehow have nodes that are attached to a workflow have different access rights? You need to think about the behavior you want in all of the UIs and protocols you are exposing (e.g. share, WebDAV, CIFS, FTP, etc.).
If you want to set a permission on a node, you can do that via JavaScript as well as Java (See and As was mentioned in one of the comments, you can also get the number of active workflows on a node by referencing the activeWorkflows property in JavaScript ( or in Java
Depending on the specifics, I might implement this in different ways, but if all you want to do is have the permission change, you could just update it at the beginning and end of your workflow with a simple javascript call. The only thing bad about that is that it doesn't take into consideration the workflow getting canceled. You could also create a policy/behavior on an aspect you attach or even have a rule or job run that updates content based on the activeWorkflows values.

Support for "Expired Object Delete Marker" with CloudFormation

When creating an S3 Bucket with Versioning turned on how do you use CloudFormation to enable the lifecycle option to delete "Object Delete Markers" when there are no "Non Current" objects remaining.
See Example 8 in the Examples of Lifecycle Configuration documentation that uses ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker:
By setting the ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker element to true in the Expiration action, you direct Amazon S3 to remove expired object delete markers. Amazon S3 will remove an expired object delete marker no sooner than 48 hours after the object expired.
This is achievable via the UI, however I cannot find reference to this support via CloudFormation: Amazon S3 Lifecycle Rule
At the time of writing CloudFormation syntax doesn't have the option. Instead of using the original S3 LifecycleConfiguration they renamed the properties for CloudFormation purposes and forgot this particular one (and a couple of others).
A much better place to ask this question would be CloudFormation forums, where people working at AWS can actually notice and fix the problem by implementing the missing rule.
Example of another missing rule (AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload) that was asked about in the forums:
As a workaround, one possible solution is to use CloudFormation Custom Resources which can be implemented using a Lambda function. The process is described at
AWS prioritizes the CloudFormation roadmap based on votes on github issues. Vote for adding ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker support here
I've posted my solution as a GitHub gist here.
Basically, this CloudFormation template creates a Lambda function written in Python using Boto and passes it the name of the bucket to set/unset ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker on. The rest of the bucket life cycle is NOT controlled by the function.

Suggestions on addressing REST resources for API

I'm a new REST convert and I'm trying to design my first RESTful (hopefully) api and here is my question about addressing resources
Some notes first:
The data described here are 3d render
A user (graphics company) has multiple projects.
A project has multiple render jobs.
A render job has multiple frames.
There is a hierarchy enforced in the data (1 render job
belongs to one project, to one user)
How's this for naming my resourses...?
OR a shortened address for renders?
OR should I shorten (even more) the address if possible, omitting the user when not needed...?
Instead of thinking about your api in terms of URLs, try thinking of it more like pages and links
between those pages.
Consider the following:
Will it be reasonable to create a resource for users? Do you have 10, 20 or 50 users? Or do you have 10,000 users? If it is the latter then obviously creating a single resource that represents all users is probably not going too work to well when you do a GET on it.
Is the list of Users a reasonable root url? i.e. The entry point into your service. Should the list of projects that belong to a GraphicsCompany be a separate resource, or should it just be embedded into the Graphics Company resource? You can ask the same question of each of the 1-to-many relationships that exist. Even if you do decide to merge the list of projects into the GraphicsCompany resource, you may still want a distinct resource to exist simple for the purpose of being able to POST to it in order to create a new project for that company.
Using this approach you should be able get a good idea of most of the resources in your API and how they are connected without having to worry about what your URLs look like. In fact if you do the design right, then any client application you right will not need to know anything about the URLs that you create. The only part of the system that cares what the URL looks like is your server, so that it can dispatch the request to the right controller.
The other significant question you need to ask yourself is what media type are you going to use for these resources. How many different clients will need to access these resources? Are you writing the clients, or is someone else? Should you attempt to reuse an existing standard like XHTML and classes/microformats? Could you squeeze most of the information into Atom? Maybe Atom with some extra namespaces like GDATA does it? Or is this only going to be used internally so you can just create your own media types, like application/vnd.YourCompany.Project+xml, application/vnd.YourCompany.Render+xml, etc.
There are many things to think about when designing a REST api, don't get hung up on what your URLs look like and you should really try to avoid doing "design by URL".
Presuming that you authenticate to the service, I would use the 1st option, but remove the user, particularly if the user is the currently logged in user.
If user actually represents something else (like client), I would include it, but not if it simply designates the currently logged in user. Agree with StaxMan, though, don't worry too much about squeezing the paths, as readability is key in RESTful APIs.
Personally I would not try to squeeze path too much, that is, some amount of redundant information is helpful both to quickly see what resource is, and for future expansion.
Generally users won't be typing paths anyway, so verbosity is not all that bad.