How to queries all the assignments from the repository? - lucene

My environment:
Alfresco Share v5.2.d (r134641-b15, Aikau, Spring Surf
5.2.d, Spring WebScripts 6.13, Freemarker 2.3.20-alfresco-patched, Rhino 1.7R4-alfresco-patched, Yui 2.9.0-alfresco-20141223)
Alfresco Community v5.2.0 (r134428-b13) schema 10005
When I start the workflow, I can assign executors - the list of users who will participate in the business process. Somehow I need to get a list of all those users.
There is an excellent guide, which shows how to use Lucene to get a list of whitepapers.
To interact with repository through REST I'm also use the Web Script Framework MVC.
But how can I get the list of assignments?..
I'm interested in how to look like the query in this case:
var assignments = search.luceneSearch("what should be here?");

If you want to know who is assigned to a specific running Workflow instance, then I don't think you can easily do that via the search service. Instead, you want to be using the Alfresco WorkflowService to get that.
Most likely you'll want to grab the WorkflowInstance for the specific running workflow, grab the tasks, and check from the properties on that.
If you look at WorkflowPermissionInterceptor from the Alfresco source tree, you'll see pretty much the logic you want, covering both individual assignees and group assignments.


How to create a searchable central repository of code documentation using DocFx

I'm looking to create a central repository for all of our published API documentation using DocFx. I have documentation auto-generated via my build (using TFS) and published through my release (using Octopus) just fine for multiple individual sites. However, I'm wanting to pull it altogether in one location. The thinking is that through a parent site you could filter content in any of the individual sites without having to drill down into them. Do you have a recommendation on how to do this?
Also, within this same documentation repository I want to provide the capability to search by all of the meta data (project-level documentation) across the hundreds of projects in our portfolio. This will give our BA, DEV and QA teams easier access to what all our systems do. I like the "filtering" capability built into DocFx, but I'm wanting full-text search across all of the meta data. Do you have a recommendation for this functionality as well?
To change the location of the docfx output, edit the docfx.json file and specify the dest value. By default it is "dest": "_site". For more formatting guidance, reference:
Regarding full-text search, that is possible by simply ensuring the ExtractSearchIndex post-processor is invoked (in order to generate an index.json file of keywords) and that the global _enableSearch value is set to true in the docfx.json file. A snippet from that file would look like:
"postProcessors": [ "ExtractSearchIndex" ],
"globalMetadata": {
"_enableSearch": "true"
For your first question:
I think what you expect is like the .NET API Browser. The source code behind this page is not open to public, so you need create this page by yourself, through collecting xrefmap.yml from multiple sites, and extract the needed data into this page.
For your second question:
DocFX uses Luna to scan all the output files and generate an index file called index.json for later search use. In your case, you should want to limit the search scope only in the metadata you defined. This is also not supported by DocFX by default. You can also use Luna in your central place to search these meta. You can create your specific index.json for each project first, and the cental place to collect them for the search page.

Creating an information repository referencing bot

I would like to create a bot. Someone would type "!123" the bot will search the repository for the value "123" and return(paste) the information found for that value back. I'd like this to be universal..meaning it can be used anywhere, so some sort of firefox plugin maybe.
Can someone provide me with information on where i can start?
I have an understanding of programming in c# and java.
P.s There is no intention for this to be some sort of spam bot, i just want to have a collection of information where people can easily reference it.
there are multiple portions to your project.
Bot that would crawl the data from the web and save the data in the db. (given you are considering to build your repository from web). Google Web Crawler/scraper for that.
Data extractor/Cleanser that would clean the data and extract relevant information about a particular document. (this is important so that you could tag the information for relevant information)
Then is the Search Engine part which enables you to retrieve relevant data from the repository. try vector similarity algorithm for that

How to log searches in rails?

I'd like to keep a log of all searches that users do on my site which uses the sunspot-rails gem. I don't need the logs to be real-time accessible by my application as they're for analytics that will be processed later.
I'm thinking that I should do the logging in rails rather than in solr itself so that I have access to the entire session, but I'm not sure how to build that. Is there a standard method for this? I saw this question but I would think there would be something more generic than writing it all myself in ApplicationController.
The ultimate answer depends on howwhere you're implementing your search. If you have a single search controller, do the logging there. If you have a collection of search controllers, either do it in each one, or create a base class, do the filter/logging in the base class.
Can you provide any more details?

Semantic store and entity hub

I am working on a content platform that should provide semantic features such as querying with SPARQL and providing rdf documents for the contained content.
I would be very thankful for some
clarification on the following
Did I get that right, that an entity
hub can connect several semantic
stores to a single point of access?
And if not, what is the difference
between a semantic store and an
entity hub?
What frameworks would you use to
store content documents as well as
their semantic annotation?
It is important for the solution to be able to later on retrieve the document (html page / docs such as pdf, doc,...) and their annotated version.
Thanks in advance,
The only Entityhub term that I know is belong to Apache Stanbol project. And here is a paragraph from the original documentation explaining what Entityhub does:
The Entityhub provides two main services. The Entityhub provides the
connection to external linked open data sites as well as using indexes
of them locally. Its services allow to manage a network of sites to
consume entity information and to manage entities locally.
Entityhub documentation:
Enhancer component of Apache Stanbol provides extracting external entities related with the submitted content using the linked open data sites managed by Entityhub. These enhancements of contents are formed as RDF data. Then, it is also possible to store those content items in Apache Stanbol and run SPARQL queries on top of RDF enhancements. Contenthub component of Apache Stanbol also provides faceted search functionality over the submitted content items.
Documentation of Apache Stanbol:
Access to running demos:
You can also ask your further questions to stanbol-dev AT
Alternative suggestion...
Drupal 7 has in-built RDFa support for annotation and is more of a general purpose CMS than Semantic MediaWiki
In more detail...
I'm not really sure what you mean by entity hub, where are you getting that definition from or what do you mean by it?
Yes one can easily write a system that connects to multiple semantic stores, given the context of your question I assume you are referring to RDF Triple Stores?
Any decent CMS should be assigning documents some form of unique/persistent ID to documents so even if the system you go with does not support semantic annotation natively you could build your own extension for this. The extension would simply store annotations against the documents ID in whatever storage layer you chose (I'd assume a Triple Store would be appropriate) and then you can build appropriate query and presentation layers for querying and viewing this data as required.
Apache Stanbol
Do you want to implement a traditional CMS extended with some Semantic capabilities, or do you want to build a Semantic CMS? It could look the same, but actually both a two completely opposite approaches.
It is important for the solution to be able to later on retrieve the document (html page / docs such as pdf, doc,...) and their annotated version.
You can integrate Apache Stanbol with a JCR/CMIS compliant CMS like Alfresco. To get custom annotations, I suggest creating your own custom enhancement engine (maven archetype) based on your domain and adding it to the enhancement engine chain.
One this is done, you can use the REST API endpoints provided by Stanbol to retrieve the results in RDF/Turtle format.

ecommerce using stripes

We have planned to start an e commerce project using Stripes + Hibernate.
Please let me know if it is good to have admin & user part in same project or two separate ones.
If it is a single project , how do i separate admin side code & user code.
for eg: if i have admin actions in com.ecommerce.adminactions pacakge and user actions in com.ecommerce.useractions package should i use dynamicmappingfilter to direct admin request to com.ecommerce.adminactions and user request to com.ecommerce.useractions ?
-* - > should always go to com.ecommerce.adminactions
- -> should go to com.ecommerce.useractions
Should i use #urlbinding(/admin/st.action) in each class (Hard code).
The requirement is they need multistore concept.
Please let me know your thoughts on this.Your thoughts & suggestions will be helpful
The Stripes framework does not really influence decisions on how you should organize you're project, or how you should organize your IDE project structure, or even Java package structure or URL structure.
One or more project
Unless you have many developers, keep it all in a single project.
Package structure
A package structure should organize you're Java classes so that you put classes that are logically related (as defined by your architecture!) is in the same package. For example: com.ecommerce.action.admin and com.ecommerce.action.. See also: Properly package your Java classes
URL structure
Typically you want you're URL structure to reflect the logical structure of your website (not the same as your technical structure). To accomplish this, you should not rely on the default URL's but use #UrlBinding. With the annotation you do not hard code links, as all generated links will automatically use the UrlBinding pattern.
Multi store concept
For a multi store concept, you will need to build logic in your application for distinguishing between the different shops. For example by adding a shop id to your URL parameters. Or more sophisticated by detecting the (sub)domain name used and map that to a shop id (You can implement this by using an interceptor).