React Native - What's the best way to provide a global theme? - react-native

I've started using RN recently and have been doing some research on the implementation of themes and/or a dark-light mode. Here's roughly how I understand the two main options so far:
Context: Easy setup and can be accessed via hook inside the component that needs it. I count things like the React Navigation themes since that works, in essence, the same way(?)
Styled Components: Essentially just replacing the components with custom ones that access the current theme and that can then be set up to change their props on toggle if needed.
What I don't like about context, is that (the way I understand it) it wouldn't let me access the theme when using a StyleSheet, since that's outside the component. With the styled components on the other hands I'm not sure if I can cover all options inside my custom components, wouldn't I still need some sort of hook in each component anyway?
I was also thinking about just saving the current theme into my Store (in my case Zustand), together with an action that lets me toggle to a dark-mode. But so far, I haven't really seen anyone else do that, is there a downside to doing it that way?

It's not hard to pass context to your stylesheet, it just requires a bit of extra boilerplate. Something like the below:
import ThemeContext from '<path>';
export default () => {
const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
const stylesWithTheme = styles(theme);
return <Text style={stylesWithTheme.text>Hi</Text>;
const styles = theme => StyleSheet.create({
text: {
color: themeStyles.color[theme];
const themeStyles = {
color: {
dark: '#FFF',
light: '#000',
I don't think using styled components would be a big departure from the above scheme.
If you did store your theme in state, and define your styles within the body of the component, that could be a savings in boilerplate. It's up to you whether having your styles in the component body is acceptable.
Side note, if you're already using a state manager, I would recommend not mixing it with the Context API without knowing more. It's simpler to have one solution there.


How to wrapper createStackNavigator with redux?

I think my question is clear. Before I start, I should show about the project structure I created myself.
I added the router logic to the project later and I think it will work better.
stack_main.js following;
import Screen from '../screens';
import {createStackNavigator} from 'react-navigation-stack';
export default createStackNavigator(
HomeScreen: Screen.HomeScreen,
MyEarningsScreen: Screen.MyEarningsScreen,
// TestScreen: Screen.TestScreen,
cardStyle: {
backgroundColor: '#000000',
In fact, if you can change the value of "cardStyle.backgroundColor" in any way, there is no need to wrap it with redux. Since redux is state management, I can't wrap the createStackNavigator function in the react-navigation module or I don't know.
I need to change the "cardStyle.backgroundColor" value every time a stack is pushed. How can I do it ?
Thank you for interest.
Why do I want this?
I created a side menu using react-native-drawer as in the image below.
In the module I used, no matter what I gave the offset props value, there were white parts of the background color; As a result of my research as a solution to this cardStyle I saw and applied.
Update to the latest version of react-navigation-stack and then use screenProps customize the colors dynamically.

The purpose of StyleSheet.create in React Native

I wanted to ask the community about the changes in StyleSheet.create in React Native.
I have reviewed the past questions about this topic, such as this question, but they all have been answered pretty a long time ago (apart from this answer, but I wanted to have something definite) and a lot has changed since.
Before StyleSheet was creating a unique id for the styles, mainly for performance optimisations. If you wanted to get the styles out of the created styles object, you should have used the flatten method. The majority of the answers reference this flatten method and you could not access styles property as if it was a normal object.
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
modalContainer: {
width: 100,
backgroundColor: 'white',
padding: 5,
You could not access the padding styles like styles.modalContainer.padding;
However, the behaviour of this has changed. This is the source code of StyleSheet from the React Native team. Just copying the create method:
create<+S: ____Styles_Internal>(obj: S): $ObjMap<S, (Object) => any> {
// TODO: This should return S as the return type. But first,
// we need to codemod all the callsites that are typing this
// return value as a number (even though it was opaque).
if (__DEV__) {
for (const key in obj) {
StyleSheetValidation.validateStyle(key, obj);
if (obj[key]) {
return obj;
Which is just returning the object passed to create without doing anything to it. So you can actually access the styles as styles.modalContainer.padding;
Maybe I don't understand clearly the TODO, but this method has been coded this way at least since RN 0.57 and I don't know whether they are going to change it back.
My question:
Is there any sense in using StyleSheet.create anymore?
Thanks in advance for sharing your opinions!
Stylesheet is generally used to create a global style in react native and add it to the respective views which requires to style the objects.
Some widgets like TextInput, Text, Button cannot apply almost all the css styles in the react native.
So, in those cases what you can do is you can wrap those widgets with and then can create global StyleSheets using StyleSheet.create() method to globally use and reduce your headache.
So the conclusion for your question can be summarized as the Stylesheet.create() can be helpful to improve the performance while styling your multiple views using the same style will create a new object every time for each one.
While Stylesheet.create() will act as a single global object for all the views which are using it to style themselves resulting performance/memory optimisation.
I've never heard of this flatten() being necessary like you described. In fact, in the React Native repo in the very first commit, there was an example provided:
In this example, you can see var styles = StyleSheet.create({..}); being used in its present flavor and at that moment in 2016 you can see styles being referenced in the components as styles.styleName.
Additionally in the StyleSheet class here is create from the initial commit:
class StyleSheet {
static create(obj) {
var result = {};
for (var key in obj) {
StyleSheet.validateStyle(key, obj);
result[key] = StyleSheetRegistry.registerStyle(obj[key]);
return result;
// ...
As you see, no call to flatten on the initial commit, neither inside the create method, nor from the user using create.
In summary it seems this never changed and you could always access the styles using the dot operator.
As for whether to use it I don't think you have a choice. It clearly has some sort of validation code inside of it, it's also using type checking and the react team recommends using it. I don't see any other methods that do what it does. How could you use the class without create, just using some sort of init or constructor method? I don't see one on the class. There is no StyleSheet({...}); To get obj returned you need to call create.
Your editor could not give you IntelliSense if you strip away the validation behavior and make it a plain object. You won't know when you're making typos or referencing styles that don't exist, you won't have autocompletion. You'd need to create your own interfaces and use TypeScript. Thus you should use create because otherwise at a minimum you're breaking your IDE.

StyleSheetRegistry refresh all (and/or some)

I have created my StyleSheet's but having theming in mind so my StyleSheet's:
const CONFIG = {
blue: '#19281a'
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
blah: {
Now I want to change my theme, so I change the value in CONFIG but now I want to refresh all (and/or some) StyleSheets. Is this possible?
The short answer is no. The standard StyleSheet creates static stylesheets.
react-native-extended-stylesheet is what I ended up going with when I needed to do theming. It extends StyleSheet and adds additional functionality so migration is painless.
There are some caveats when changing themes/having to force re-render the entire app/losing state but these are fairly easy to work around.

How to implement a user selectable theme / style in react native?

If user has selected light-theme, and switches to dark-theme, then all scenes will immediately render to using the dark-theme.
I am using react-native-router-flux if this helps.
Thanks in advance,
Different approaches are possible. One of them is to use React context. Generally it should be used with caution but theming is one of the official examples where it is suitable.
Theming is a good example of when you might want an entire subtree to have access to some piece of information
So the example might look like
class App extends Component {
getChildContext() {
return {theme: { primaryColor: "purple" }};
App.childContextTypes = {
theme: React.PropTypes.object
where you set the context for rest of your application and then you use it in your components
class Button extends Component {
render() {
return <TouchableHighlight underlayColor={this.context.theme.primaryColor}>...
Button.contextTypes = {
theme: React.PropTypes.object
If you want to switch theme, you can set context based on your state/props that can be based on user selection.
Currently we are dealing with same questions and therefore we have starting prototyping library called react-native-themeable.
The idea is to use context to store theme and (re)implement RN components so they can replace original components but supports theming.
Example of theme switching you can find in
You can start by creating one JS file containing two objects that have the colors for each theme. Then just use one as a default and if the user picks another theme save it in the database or using local storage and pull the relevant object.
export const theme1 = {
blue: '#fddd',
red: '#ddddd',
buttonColor: '#fff'
export const theme2 = {
blue: '#fddd',
red: '#ddddd'
buttonColor: '#fff'
Then just import the relevant file:
import * as themes from 'Themes'
const currentTheme = this.props.currentTheme ? this.props.currentTheme : 'theme1'
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
button: {
color: themes[currentTheme].buttonColor
Wouldn’t it be great if you could import a colors object directly, and modify the object every time you change the theme and have those new colors propagate to the entire app? Then your components wouldn’t need to have any special theme logic. I was able to achieve this using a combination of AsyncStorage, forced app restart, and async module loading.

React Native - What is the benefit of using StyleSheet vs a plain object?

What exactly is the benefit of using StyleSheet.create() vs a plain object?
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1
const styles = {
container: {
flex: 1
There is no benefit. Period.
Myth 1: StyleSheet is more performant
There is absolutely no performance difference between StyleSheet and an object declared outside of render (it would be different if you're creating a new object inside render every time). The performance difference is a myth.
The origin of the myth is likely because React Native team tried to do this, but they weren't successful. Nowhere in the official docs you will find anything about performance:, while source code states "not implemented yet":
Myth 2: StyleSheet validates style object at compile time
This is not true. Plain JavaScript can't validate objects at compile time.
Two things:
It does validate at runtime, but so does when you pass the style object to a component. No difference.
It does validate at compile time if you're using Flow or TypeScript, but so does once you pass the object as a style prop to a component, or if you properly typehint object like below. No difference either.
const containerStyle: ViewStyle = {
Quoting directly from comment section of StyleSheet.js of React native
Code quality:
By moving styles away from the render function, you're making the code easier to understand.
Naming the styles is a good way to add meaning to the low level components in the render function.
Making a stylesheet from a style object makes it possible to refer to it by ID instead of creating a new style object every time.
It also allows to send the style only once through the bridge. All subsequent uses are going to refer an id (not implemented yet).
Also StyleSheet validates your stylesheet content as well. So any error of incorrect style property is shown at time of compiling rather than at runtime when StyleSheet is actually implemented.
The accepted answer is not an answer to the OP question.
The question is not the difference between inline styles and a const outside the class, but why we should use StyleSheet.create instead of a plain object.
After a bit of researching what I found is the following (please update if you have any info).
The advatanges of StyleSheet.create should be the following:
It validates the styles
Better perfomances because it creates a mapping of the styles to an ID, and then it refers inside with this ID, instead of creating every time a new object. So even the process of updating devices is faster because you don't send everytime all the new objects.
It used to be considered that using a StyleSheet was more performant, and was recommended for this reason by the RN team up until version 0.57, but it is now no longer recommended as correctly pointed out in another answer to this question.
The RN documentation now recommends StyleSheet for the following reasons, though I think these reasons would apply equally to plain objects that are created outside of the render function:
By moving styles away from the render function, you're making the
code easier to understand.
Naming the styles is a good way to add meaning to the low level
components in the render function.
So what do I think are the possible benefits of using StyleSheet over plain objects?
1) Despite claims to the contrary my testing on RN v0.59.10 indicates that you do get some validation when calling StyleSheet.create() and typescript (and probably flow) will also report errors at compile time. Even without compile time checking I think it's still beneficial to do run time validation of styles before they are used for rendering, particularly where components that use those styles could be conditionally rendered. This will allow such errors to be picked up without having to test all rendering scenarios.
2) Given that StyleSheet is recommended by the RN team they may still have hopes of using StyleSheet to improve performance in future, and they may have other possible improvements in mind as well, for example:
3) The current StyleSheet.create() run-time validation is useful, but a bit limited. It seems to be restricted to the type checking that you would get with flow or typescript, so will pick up say flex: "1" or borderStyle: "rubbish", but not width: "rubbish" as that could be a percentage string. It's possible that the RN team may improve such validation in future by checking things like percentage strings, or range limits, or you could wrap StyleSheet.create() in your own function to do that more extensive validation.
4) By using StyleSheet you are perhaps making it easier to transition to third party alternatives/extensions like react-native-extended-stylesheet that offer more.
So, today, September of 2021, after reading all the answers and doing some researches, I created a summary about using Stylesheet instead of a plain object.
Based on React Documentation, you should use the stylesheet when the complexity starts to grow.
The style prop can be a plain old JavaScript object. That's what we usually use for example code.
As a component grows in complexity, it is often cleaner to use StyleSheet.create to define several styles in one place.
In the simulator, when using stylesheet will display an ERROR, and when using the plain object will display only a WARNING.
Based on item 2, it looks like it has some validation while compiling. (A lot of people say that’s a myth)
If you need to migrate for a third-party library in the future, for some of them like react-native-extended-stylesheet, if you are using stylesheet, it will be easier.
You have some methods and properties that boost the development. For example, the property StyleSheet.absoluteFill will do position: 'absolute', left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0, or the method compose() will allow you to combine two styles, overriding it.
P.S.: The performance answer looks to be a myth.
My opinion?
Based on item 2 and 5, go to stylesheet instead of plain objects.
I did not find any differences between StyleSheet and plain object, except of typing validation in TypeScript.
For example, this (note the typing differences):
import { View, Text, Image, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
import logo from './logo.svg';
export default class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.someViewStyle}>
<Text style={styles.someTextStyle}>Text Here</Text>
<Image style={styles.someImageStyle} source={logo} />
const styles: StyleSheet.create({
someViewStyle: {
backgroundColor: '#FFF',
padding: 10,
someTextStyle: {
fontSize: 24,
fontWeight: '600',
someImageStyle: {
height: 50,
width: 100,
equals to this:
import { View, Text, Image, ViewStyle, TextStyle, ImageStyle } from 'react-native';
import logo from './logo.svg';
export default class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.someViewStyle}>
<Text style={styles.someTextStyle}>Text Here</Text>
<Image style={styles.someImageStyle} source={logo} />
const styles: {
someViewStyle: ViewStyle;
someTextStyle: TextStyle;
someImageStyle: ImageStyle;
} = {
someViewStyle: {
backgroundColor: '#FFF',
padding: 10,
someTextStyle: {
fontSize: 24,
fontWeight: '600',
someImageStyle: {
height: 50,
width: 100,
Creating your styles via StyleSheet.create will pass though validation only when global variable __DEV__ is set to true (or while running inside Android or IOS emulators see React Native DEV and PROD variables)
The function source code is pretty simple:
create < +S: ____Styles_Internal > (obj: S): $ReadOnly < S > {
// TODO: This should return S as the return type. But first,
// we need to codemod all the callsites that are typing this
// return value as a number (even though it was opaque).
if (__DEV__) {
for (const key in obj) {
StyleSheetValidation.validateStyle(key, obj);
if (obj[key]) {
return obj;
I would recommend using it because it performs run-time validation during development, also it freezes the object.
i know that this is a really late answer, but I've read that it shows you errors and provides auto completion in editors when you use StyleSheet.