How to implement a user selectable theme / style in react native? - dynamic

If user has selected light-theme, and switches to dark-theme, then all scenes will immediately render to using the dark-theme.
I am using react-native-router-flux if this helps.
Thanks in advance,

Different approaches are possible. One of them is to use React context. Generally it should be used with caution but theming is one of the official examples where it is suitable.
Theming is a good example of when you might want an entire subtree to have access to some piece of information
So the example might look like
class App extends Component {
getChildContext() {
return {theme: { primaryColor: "purple" }};
App.childContextTypes = {
theme: React.PropTypes.object
where you set the context for rest of your application and then you use it in your components
class Button extends Component {
render() {
return <TouchableHighlight underlayColor={this.context.theme.primaryColor}>...
Button.contextTypes = {
theme: React.PropTypes.object
If you want to switch theme, you can set context based on your state/props that can be based on user selection.
Currently we are dealing with same questions and therefore we have starting prototyping library called react-native-themeable.
The idea is to use context to store theme and (re)implement RN components so they can replace original components but supports theming.
Example of theme switching you can find in

You can start by creating one JS file containing two objects that have the colors for each theme. Then just use one as a default and if the user picks another theme save it in the database or using local storage and pull the relevant object.
export const theme1 = {
blue: '#fddd',
red: '#ddddd',
buttonColor: '#fff'
export const theme2 = {
blue: '#fddd',
red: '#ddddd'
buttonColor: '#fff'
Then just import the relevant file:
import * as themes from 'Themes'
const currentTheme = this.props.currentTheme ? this.props.currentTheme : 'theme1'
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
button: {
color: themes[currentTheme].buttonColor

Wouldn’t it be great if you could import a colors object directly, and modify the object every time you change the theme and have those new colors propagate to the entire app? Then your components wouldn’t need to have any special theme logic. I was able to achieve this using a combination of AsyncStorage, forced app restart, and async module loading.


NativeBase: How to set colorScheme of Input?

I want to change the colorScheme of a NativeBase Input component.
Other components, like button, slider or checkbox, have a prop "colorScheme" which, if set, changes all the associated colors of that component. Input does not have that prop.
These approaches would technically work:
Setting colors for border, background etc. manually
-> But it would be a lot or work and pretty ugly
Changing the primary color in the theme
-> But maybe I want to have two different color schemes for Input on the same page, so it would not make sense to change the theme.
So, what is the best way to easily change all the associated colors of an Input component, without setting all colors manually or changing the overall theme?
I've never used NativeBase ( but now I'll take a look, thanks for this discovery... )
I highly recommend you to have a read at the Customizing Components doc which provide a way to do what you're looking for...
You can create a "variant" which is a predefined theme for a specific component. You have to define it in your customized theme ( If you don't use a <NativeBaseProvider theme={theme} /> yet check this )
export default function () {
const theme = extendTheme({
components: {
Input: {
variants: {
otherColorInput: ({ colorScheme }) => {
return {
bg: /*otherColorToSet*/ ,
return (
<NativeBaseProvider theme={theme}>{/* components */}</NativeBaseProvider>
Then you can call you new Input like this :
<Input variant="otherColorInput">

React Native - What's the best way to provide a global theme?

I've started using RN recently and have been doing some research on the implementation of themes and/or a dark-light mode. Here's roughly how I understand the two main options so far:
Context: Easy setup and can be accessed via hook inside the component that needs it. I count things like the React Navigation themes since that works, in essence, the same way(?)
Styled Components: Essentially just replacing the components with custom ones that access the current theme and that can then be set up to change their props on toggle if needed.
What I don't like about context, is that (the way I understand it) it wouldn't let me access the theme when using a StyleSheet, since that's outside the component. With the styled components on the other hands I'm not sure if I can cover all options inside my custom components, wouldn't I still need some sort of hook in each component anyway?
I was also thinking about just saving the current theme into my Store (in my case Zustand), together with an action that lets me toggle to a dark-mode. But so far, I haven't really seen anyone else do that, is there a downside to doing it that way?
It's not hard to pass context to your stylesheet, it just requires a bit of extra boilerplate. Something like the below:
import ThemeContext from '<path>';
export default () => {
const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
const stylesWithTheme = styles(theme);
return <Text style={stylesWithTheme.text>Hi</Text>;
const styles = theme => StyleSheet.create({
text: {
color: themeStyles.color[theme];
const themeStyles = {
color: {
dark: '#FFF',
light: '#000',
I don't think using styled components would be a big departure from the above scheme.
If you did store your theme in state, and define your styles within the body of the component, that could be a savings in boilerplate. It's up to you whether having your styles in the component body is acceptable.
Side note, if you're already using a state manager, I would recommend not mixing it with the Context API without knowing more. It's simpler to have one solution there.

Fluent UI React - how to apply global component styles with Fluent ThemeProvider

I'm working with the theming code below. I'm able to apply a global Fluent theme with the ThemeProvider and createTheme utility, but when I add component specific themes, I'm not getting any typings, which makes theming very difficult.
So my question is: how do I apply global component-specific styles using Fluent ThemeProvider with strong typing.
If, for example, I wanted to add a box shadow to all Fluent PrimaryButtons, I wouldn't know what properties to access on the components key passed into createTheme.
If you've done any global component theming, please let me know what pattern you used and if I'm on the right track, thanks!
import { createTheme } from '#fluentui/react';
import { PartialTheme } from '#fluentui/react-theme-provider';
// Trying to add global component styles (not getting typings)
const customComponentStyles = {
PrimaryButton: {
styles: {
root: {
background: 'red'
export const fluentLightTheme: PartialTheme = createTheme({
components: customComponentStyles, // Want to apply component styles
palette: {
themePrimary: '#0078d4',
themeLighterAlt: '#eff6fc',
themeLighter: '#deecf9',
themeLight: '#c7e0f4',
themeTertiary: '#71afe5',
themeSecondary: '#2b88d8',
themeDarkAlt: '#106ebe',
themeDark: '#005a9e',
themeDarker: '#004578',
neutralLighterAlt: '#faf9f8',
neutralLighter: '#f3f2f1',
neutralLight: '#edebe9',
neutralQuaternaryAlt: '#e1dfdd',
neutralQuaternary: '#d0d0d0',
neutralTertiaryAlt: '#c8c6c4',
neutralTertiary: '#a19f9d',
neutralSecondary: '#605e5c',
neutralPrimaryAlt: '#3b3a39',
neutralPrimary: '#323130',
neutralDark: '#201f1e',
black: '#000000',
white: '#ffffff'
The problem here is, that components is just a Record<string, ComponentStyles>, where ComponentStyles then just is a quite unspecific object of the form { styles?: IStyleFunctionOrObject<any, any>}. They would have to add an entry for every possible I<Component>Styles interface to ComponentsStyles, which I guess would be too much work and errorprone (e.g. forgetting to add a new component here ...).
Since all the I<Component>Styles interfaces are exported by Fluent, I always define the styles for each component separately and than merge them in the components object:
const buttonStyles: IButtonStyles = {
root: {
backgroundColor: 'red'
export const fluentLightTheme: PartialTheme = createTheme({
components: { PrimaryButton: { styles: buttonStyles } },
Here is a codepen example I created by using one of Fluent UIs basic Button examples:

React Native: How can I use the DeviceInfo isTablet() method to conditionally apply a style to an element?

I am trying to adapt the design of my app to tablet and one way to detect if the app is running on a tablet is by using the DeviceInfo module in particular the isTablet() method. How can I use this method to conditionally apply styles to an element?
Here is what I am trying to do at the moment:
import { checkIfDeviceIsTablet } from './helper-functions';
<View style={[styles.wrapper, checkIfDeviceIsTablet() === true ? styles.wrapperTablet : {}]}>
The checkIfDeviceIsTablet() function is as follows:
import DeviceInfo from 'react-native-device-info';
function checkIfDeviceIsTablet() {
DeviceInfo.isTablet().then(isTablet => {
return isTablet;
The issue is that when the component loads the checkIfDeviceIsTablet() method returns a promise as opposed to the expected true/false value and so the conditional styles are not applied when the app is run on a tablet. I tried turning the function into an async/await format with a try/catch but the result is the same.
I would use React Native's own Platform.isPad function but the app must also work on Android.
Any help is appreciated.
I would recommend calling DeviceInfo.isTablet() only once at the beginning of your app. You can store the result globally, and then later on you can check the type without having to deal with async promises.
To store the type globally, your options are:
A global variable
React's Context API
A static property on a class (if using ES6+)
Some sort of global state management solution like Redux
You still have to deal with the initial async problem, since the first call to DeviceInfo.isTablet() will return an async promise.
I'd recommend looking into React's Context API.
Here's a rough example:
render() {
return (
{ ({ isTablet }) => (
<Text>Is this a tablet? {isTablet}</Text>
) }
And your DeviceInfoContext class would look something like this:
class DeviceInfoContext extends React.Component {
state = {
isTablet: false
componentDidMount() {
Device.IsTablet().then(result => this.setState({ isTablet: result }))
render() {
return (
this.props.children({ isTablet: this.state.isTablet })
This is just a rough example. You can learn more about the Context API in the docs
Me too had some troubles with the breaking changes of react native 0.5xx to 0.6xx. The library for device detection change it structure to promises. A paintful.
This library save the day, the installation and use is very easy.
import { isTablet } from 'react-native-device-detection;
// isTablet is a boolean. Return false o true immediately
//So ...
import styled from 'styled-components/native';
import theme from 'styled-theming';
import { isTablet } from 'react-native-device-detection';
const CoverPageDateText = styled.Text`
font-size: ${isTablet ? 23 : 17};
color: gray;
padding-bottom: 9;

StyleSheetRegistry refresh all (and/or some)

I have created my StyleSheet's but having theming in mind so my StyleSheet's:
const CONFIG = {
blue: '#19281a'
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
blah: {
Now I want to change my theme, so I change the value in CONFIG but now I want to refresh all (and/or some) StyleSheets. Is this possible?
The short answer is no. The standard StyleSheet creates static stylesheets.
react-native-extended-stylesheet is what I ended up going with when I needed to do theming. It extends StyleSheet and adds additional functionality so migration is painless.
There are some caveats when changing themes/having to force re-render the entire app/losing state but these are fairly easy to work around.