How to skip auto login page and redirect to social login site? - amazon-cognito

How to skip auto login page and directly redirect in to social login site?
Is it possible to skip authO login page and directly navigate to gmail or Linkedin page?
I have used AWS cognito for linkedin identity provider as OIDC.
myApp --> authO Login page --> social web site login page --> Myapp
i want to skip authO login page .


What will be the Domain name in Facebook or Twitter Page if Social Login is done from Google Chrome Extension?

I'm trying to create a social login Google Chrome Extension But have no idea of what should be the domain name of redirect URL in doing so.
Is there any social login service I can use for creating Facebook and Twitter Login In Chrome-Extension ?

Facebook/Google Social Login via HTTP Request

Social providers authenticate users passively (i.e: you open their login page and get redirected after login to a redirect uri you specify that contains the login token or failure message).
How can I:
1. launch the authentication request to a social providers uri from within flutter.
2. after login success/failure read the response from the redirect uri provided as part of the login request.
For Facebook, you can open a browser with the url_launcher plugin. Check out this post: Facebook Oauth login flow with Flutter.
For Google Sign-In, there's a google_sign_in plugin that will let you authenticate with the native Google Sign-In SDK.
You may also rely on Firebase Auth Plugins :
Thanks #collin

Facebook login in from a third party static website then redirect to my rails app website

My rails app has many clients with separate data. Apart from admin users for each client using a regular password login from my site I want a public Facebook login where each public user is associated with a particular customer.
My plan is to have each client include a Facebook login on their own static website and use the state parameter to set the client id. After the Facebook authorization the public user should be redirected to my rails site.
Can I do this? The only documentation I can find involves a link to auth/facebook from my rails site, however, I don't want to allow users to initiate a login from my site.
Facebook login on websites ties an app to one domain (or subdomains) - so using the same app for login from different domains will not work. (Although you could have the login button on the other sites link to your app page first, and then handle login there.)

Import Linked in profile by using LinkedIn email and password with my website page without redirecting LinkedIn website page?

My requirement is as below,
I have web page own login page when i enter email and password and click on Connect to LinkedIN button then request goes to linkedin and import LinkedIn profile (same as fetching google contact list) and display my web page without redirecting to linkedin authorization page or without embed Linkedin Import profile button in my application.
If I understand you correctly, what you want to do is against the LinkedIn API terms of service:
In order to access member specific Content through the APIs, your users must sign-in with their LinkedIn credentials and grant your Application access to their Content.
Your users can't sign in through your own site and then be automatically logged into LinkedIn without first authorizing your access.

How to get mobile login page when using facebook graph api

I have a web app that authenticates via Facebook app login
that will redirect to (user is not already logged in)
How can I get facebook to redirect to the mobile login page (
It seems that Facebook does not take the user agent into account here.