installation of EJBCA as a CA - ejbca

root#casandbox:/home/ejbca/ejbca_ce_7_4_3_2# ant runinstall
Buildfile: /home/ejbca/ejbca_ce_7_4_3_2/build.xml
[echo] No custom changes to merge.
/home/ejbca/ejbca_ce_7_4_3_2/build.xml:75: Basedir /home/ejbca/ejbca_ce_7_4_3_2/$EJBCA_HOME/bin does not exist
Total time: 0 seconds
but the dir exists; it's shown below
root#casandbox:/home/ejbca/ejbca_ce_7_4_3_2# cd /home/ejbca/ejbca_ce_7_4_3_2/$EJBCA_HOME/bin

This does not look right with "$EJBCA_HOME" in the message. Are you using $EJBCA_HOME as a path somewhere (with the dollar sign)? The file it is looking for is simply "/home/ejbca/ejbca_ce_7_4_3_2/bin/cli.xml". Did you set some configuration variable somewhere using the value "$EJBCA_HOME"?


CodePipeline ElasticBeanstalk [ERROR] An error occurred during execution of command [app-deploy] - [CheckProcfileForDotNetCoreApplication]

I've built a Code Pipeline (Source > Build > Deploy) and it's failing on the deploy step.
It's a Net Core 3.1 Api project.
I check the elastic beanstalk logs and I see:
2020/07/02 14:14:00.600060 [ERROR] An error occurred during execution of command [app-deploy] - [CheckProcfileForDotNetCoreApplication]. Stop running the command. Error: error stat /var/app/staging/MyApi/MyApi.dll: no such file or directory with file /var/app/staging/MyApi/MyApi.dll
As far as I know I have no control over /var/app/staging/ and this is built in AWS stuff?
The build step is working so I am unsure on this error.
My buildspec.yml is:
version: 0.2
- dotnet publish -c release -o ./build_output ./MyApi/MyApi.csproj
- '**/*'
base-directory: 'build_output'
This is the "zipfile/build_output" folder:
This is the zip file root folder:
These are the files in the build artifacts zip file that pipeline is using. The error says it cannot find MyAppName.dll (renamed to MyApi in the pic). It's there so I wonder why the problem.
Perhaps it doesnt like the folder structure in the zip file - see pic.
I had the same problem.
In my case, if the solution name and project name were different, I got the same error when I deployed the code from Visual Studio to Beanstalk, but when I added a project with the same name as the solution name and built it, I didn't get an error.
I suspect that there will be behavior during deployment that assumes the .dll file has the same name as the solution name.
Warning: This is a workaround, not a solution!
On the project that's failing to deploy, change the "Assembly name" in Project Properties / Application tab, to the name of the DLL it's missing (typically the solution name or the first period-separated part of the namespace).
i.e. "SLNNAME"
Then, redeploy your beanstalk app and it should work.
As Marcin correctly noticed, the indentation was incorrect for the "base-directory"
base-directory: 'build_output'
Should be
base-directory: 'build_output'
As others have noted, it is looking for only the first part of your project name .dll. In my case, my project and Assembly name were both UC.Web which yielded the error during deployment:
Error: error stat /var/app/staging/UC.dll: no such file or directory with file /var/app/staging/UC.dll
My solution that worked was I renamed my Assembly name from UC.Web to simply UC and it deployed successfully. While a solution for everyone, it is a workaround for the time being until Amazon fixes this.

SonarQube Runner fails on a file having comma in its name

SonarQube: 5.2
Scanner For MSBuild: 1.0.2
Below line exists in FilesToAnalyze.txt deep inside .sonarqube folder
And, MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe end throws below exception. Notice how file name is truncated just before first comma in file name.
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The folder 'C:\<full\path>\Help\User\Duplicating' does not exist for '<sonar:key>:509A1B17-E264-4DF5-99FC-AF27D064FBC4' (base directory = <dir containing .sonarqube>)
I decided to exclude the folder containing Help\User\ by passing /d:sonar.exclusions="**\<parentDir>\Help\**". This has no effect.
Is there an issue in Sonar Runner if file names contained comma?
Why doesn't sonar.exclusions have any effect?
Finally, log message states ERROR: Re-run SonarQube Runner using the -X switch to enable full debug logging. How do I pass -X switch to Sonar Runner from MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe. Is it in the begin command or end command?
This is indeed a known issue.
Please refer to for details as to when it will be fixed.

run Pentaho transformation from Pan fails

I get an "not recognised as an internal or external command " error message when I run the following command:
C:\pdi-ce>Pan.bat /file=c:\pdi_labs\matches.ktr usa_201210.txt
pentaho 4.4.0 community edition is installed in :
transformation and files are saved in :
Any hint to run the transformation from Pan since I am able to run it from Spoon.
Generally Pentaho kettle creates another wrapper folder "data-integration" in installation directory. Check whether Pan.bat exists in the directory. If not cd to the directory which has it.
Pan.bat -file="c:\pdi_labs\matches.ktr" > usa_201210.txt
Assuming usa_201210.txt is the log file.
I would recommend starting pan.bat in a different shell and make it wait until it completes as below.
start /wait cmd "c:\pdi-ce\Pan.bat -file=c:\pdi_labs\matches.ktr > usa_201210.txt"
cd /C:/pdi-ce/
Pan.bat /file:"c:\pdi_labs\matches.ktr" /usa_201210.txt

Index Sources & Publish Symbols step fails in TFS 2015

By default TFS Build creates a "Index Sources & Publish Symbols" step in a Visual Studio Build definition. When the step's property "Path to publish symbols" is empty, everything works fine. But when setting the path to a local directory, the step generates the following error:
2015-09-25T11:00:09.7991491Z Executing the powershell script: C:\NewAgent\tasks\PublishSymbols\1.0.4\PublishSymbols.ps1
2015-09-25T11:00:10.0022755Z Find-Files -SearchPattern **\bin\**\*.pdb -RootFolder C:\NewAgent\_work\990dcb3f\Projects
2015-09-25T11:00:10.0491548Z Found 15 files to index...
2015-09-25T11:00:10.0491548Z Invoke-IndexSources -RepositoryEndpoint <repositoryEndpoint> -SourceFolder C:\NewAgent\_work\990dcb3f\Projects -PdbFiles <pdbFiles>
2015-09-25T11:00:10.6272794Z Invoke-PublishSymbols -PdbFiles <pdbFiles> -Share C:\DebugSymbols -Product EntityMapper -Version 20150925.14 -MaximumWaitTime 7200000 -MaximumSemaphoreAge 1440 -ArtifactName
2015-09-25T11:00:10.7348541Z ##[error]Can't infer artifact type from artifact location C:\DebugSymbols.
2015-09-25T11:00:10.7504779Z Start: AssociateArtifact
2015-09-25T11:00:10.7504779Z ##[error]Artifact Type is required.
2015-09-25T11:00:10.7504779Z End: AssociateArtifact
The pdb files are published to the specified directory, so i don't really understand what is causing the error (which then causes the whole build job to fail).
When the step's property "Path to publish symbols" is empty, everything works fine.
Yes, because if symbols path is not set, the script only index sources, not publishing symbols.
But when setting the path to a local directory, the step generates the error
You need prepare your symbol store. In your case setup folder sharing and permissions.
In my case changing the "Path to publish symbols" from
solved the issue. Don't know why this happend to me but ok... :)

Jenkins + Phing: Build Failure - can't find build.xml

Trying to set up Jenkins on one of my servers for the first time and think I might be missing something.
Jenkins 1.545
Phing 2.6.1
Jenkins builds give me the following output.
Building in workspace /var/www/vhosts/
looking for '/var/www/vhosts/' ...
looking for '/var/www/vhosts/' ...
looking for 'build.xml' ...
buildfile 'build.xml' not found.
Build step 'Invoke Phing targets' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
If I run my build.xml on it's own it works fine.
I'm using a custom workspace at the moment, before I tried a symlink from the default workspace to my webroot, when I did that it found the build file but failed when trying to run phing. I know it's a problem with permissions but I'm not sure exactly what.
I'm running this on a plesk web server and have tried adding the jenkins user to the psacln and psaserv groups but that didn't work either.
I use hudson but I think is the same problem.
Provide to ant job the full path (advanced settings)
Assuming the correct set of jenkins user
Go to the custom workspace and
chown -R jenkins:jenkins myworkspace
if it doesn't work
chmod -R 777 myworkspace
then you will fix later.
I hope it helps.