What does loopback health really check? - testing

I added the component #loopback/health to my loopback4 server but I don't understand on what it's based to assume my server is up. I searched on https://loopback.io/doc/en/lb4/Health.html#add-custom-live-and-ready-checks and on google but I can't find any infos about how it's working.
Thanks for your light !

Without configuring any additional custom checks, #loopback/health only configures a Startup Check that keeps track when the REST server (which is a LifeCycleObserver) is started and shutdown. This is useful for infrastructure with existing tooling that consumes (e.g. Kubernetes, Cloud Foundry), or if the LoopBack 4 project does more beyond a REST server.
It is still an experimental package, and there are intentions to expand the scope to encompass other LifeCycleObservers of the LoopBack 4 app such as DataSources.


vb.net - passing parameter to an application which is already running [duplicate]

Both Pipes and ASP.NET Core gRPC support local and remote IPC/RPC (with some platform limitations for gRPC)
When would I use one technology (Pipes) or the other (gRPC)?
Observations, thoughts and considerations I'm keeping in mind:
gRPC seems to be geared towards replacing WCF in some future iteration.
local deployments and with machine restrictions (running as non-admin/user, machine firewalls, different platforms/OS)
network traversal, and compatibility with same-machine -> multi-machine (frontend/backend arrays) for load and expansion
Spanning secure zones (where a Proxy is used, or other TLS cipher/order/registry setting) affects the ability for HTTP/2 to work
Pipes (named pipes?) have a different surface area and port (do they also use port 135, or NetBIOS over TCP (not sure of name))... how is it scanned and secured?
"memory mapped files" seem to be a challenge to get working, however it seems to work in ASP.NET Core with gRPC in the UDS configuration. Is this a correct inference?
Right now my scenario is to have two console apps communicate with each other, same machine or remote. Adding Asp.NET Core Web is an optional front end alternative for my scenario.
Simple IPC
Depends on how much communication is going to happen. If your communication is limited to simple collaborative signal passing or sharing some data between two processes you can safely use NamedPipeClientStream and NamedPipeServerStream on local system or local network but if you plan for the same on different systems then I would suggest using TcpClient and TcpListener.
Comprehensive IPC
WCF or now its replacement gRPC is for scenario where a complete API/Framework need to be executed remotely. For example I have an entire library of classes which I need to call from a different process (which mostly run on a different system); in that case gRPC kind of solutions make more sense.
Only you can decide.
This is a design decision which is highly unique for your application; your future plans and your system environment and any third person can only give you clues but ultimately you are the only person who can make the right decision.

How to redirect the Apache log in Kubernetes

I am having one namespace and one deployment(replica set), My Apache logs should be written outside the pod, how is it possible in Kubernetes.
This is a Community Wiki answer so feel free to edit it and add any additional details you consider important.
You should specify more precisely what you exactly mean by outside the pod, but as David Maze have already suggested in his comment, take a closer look at Logging Architecture section in the official kubernetes documentation.
Depending on what you mean by "outside the Pod", different solution may be the most optimal in your case.
As you can read there:
Kubernetes provides no native storage solution for log data, but you can integrate many existing logging solutions into your Kubernetes
cluster ... Cluster-level logging architectures are described in assumption that a logging backend is present inside or outside of your cluster.
Here are mentioned 3 most popular cluster-level logging architectures:
Use a node-level logging agent that runs on every node.
Include a dedicated sidecar container for logging in an application pod.
Push logs directly to a backend from within an application.
Second solution is widely used. Unlike the third one where the logs pushing needs to be handled by your application container, sidecar approach is application independend, which makes it much more flexible solution.
So that the matter was not so simple, it can be implemented in two different ways:
Streaming sidecar container
Sidecar container with a logging agent

ElasticSearch: Is there any application that enable access management to ElasticSearch?

I'm running an ElasticSearch cluster in development mode and want it to be production ready.
For that, I want to block all the unnecessary ports, one in particular is port 9200.
The problem is that I will not e able to monitor the cluster with HEAD or Marvel plugin.
I've searched around and saw that ElasticSearch recommendation is to put the entire cluster behind an application that manages the access to the cluster.
I saw some solutions (ElasticSearch HTTP basic authentication) which are insufficient for this matter.
Is there any application that can do it?
Elasticsearch actually have a product for this very purpose called Shield. You can find it here.

Behavior of WL.server.createEventSource on a Worklight Cluster Environment

Let's assume I have a cluster of 2 worklight servers sharing the same WL runtime.
On that runtime, I've installed a application with a adapter that is a create event source function.
Just like this IBM article.
My question is, what will happen on a cluster environment.
Will repeated work ensue?
By other words, would my two WL Servers will be pooling for events?
Or perhaps that functionality is writing a task on the WL DB that the WL Servers poll regularly to check for work if no instance is taking care of it, so that only a server at a time would be "the event source"?
I'm working with IBM Worklight 6.2 and Websphere Liberty Profile 8.5.5
Thanks in advance!
Here's my attempt to answer this after some consultation:
My question is, what will happen on a cluster environment. Will
repeated work ensue? By other words, would my two WL Servers will be
pooling for events?
While the Worklight Servers share the same runtime, they are still considered as 2 instances. This means that each of them will attempt to perform a polling action. This is considered OK.
However, it is important to note that the backend system that is being polled should likely be smart enough to handle such a situation where 2 polling attempts are done for the same message.
If the backend doesn't know how to handle polling properly, the same message can be pulled more than once. This is true even of you have a single eventsource running. So this is something to keep in mind.

Mule Inter - App communication in same instance

I have explored the web on MULE and got to understand that for Apps to communicate among themselves - even if they are deployed in the same Mule instance - they will have to use either TCP, HTTP or JMS transports.
VM isn't supported.
However I find this a bit contradictory to ESB principles. We should ideally be able to define EndPoints in and ESB and connect to that using any Transport? I may be wrong.
Also since all the apps are sharing the same JVM one would expect to be able to communicate via the in-memory VM queue rather than relying on a transactionless HTTP protocol, or TCP where number of connections one can make is dependent on server resources. Even for JMS we need to define and manage another queue and for heavy usage that may have impact on performances. Though I agree if we have distributed and clustered systems may be HTTP or JMS will be only options.
Is there any plan to incorporate VM as a inter-app communication protocol or is there any other way one Flow can communicate with another Flow Endpoint but in different app?
EDIT : - Answer from Mulesoft
Yes, we are thinking about inter-app communication for a future release.
Still is not clear when we are going to do it but we have a couple of ideas on how we want this feature to behave. We may create a server level configuration in which you can define resources to use in all your apps. There you would be able to define a VM connector and use it to send messages between apps in the same server.
As I said, this is just an idea.
Regarding the usage of VM as inter-app communication, only MuleSoft can answer if VM will have a future feature or not.
I don't think it's contradictory to the ESB principle. The "container" feature is pretty well defined in David A Chappell's "Enterprise Service Bus book" chapter 6. The container should try it's best to keep the applications isolated.
This will provide some benefits like "independently deployable integration services" (same chapter), easier clusterization, and other goodies.
You should approach same VM inter-app communications as if they where between apps placed in different servers.
Seems that Mule added in 3.5 version, a feature to enable communication between apps deployed in the same server. But sharing a VM connector is only available in the Enterprise edition.