ElasticSearch: Is there any application that enable access management to ElasticSearch? - authentication

I'm running an ElasticSearch cluster in development mode and want it to be production ready.
For that, I want to block all the unnecessary ports, one in particular is port 9200.
The problem is that I will not e able to monitor the cluster with HEAD or Marvel plugin.
I've searched around and saw that ElasticSearch recommendation is to put the entire cluster behind an application that manages the access to the cluster.
I saw some solutions (ElasticSearch HTTP basic authentication) which are insufficient for this matter.
Is there any application that can do it?

Elasticsearch actually have a product for this very purpose called Shield. You can find it here.


What does loopback health really check?

I added the component #loopback/health to my loopback4 server but I don't understand on what it's based to assume my server is up. I searched on https://loopback.io/doc/en/lb4/Health.html#add-custom-live-and-ready-checks and on google but I can't find any infos about how it's working.
Thanks for your light !
Without configuring any additional custom checks, #loopback/health only configures a Startup Check that keeps track when the REST server (which is a LifeCycleObserver) is started and shutdown. This is useful for infrastructure with existing tooling that consumes (e.g. Kubernetes, Cloud Foundry), or if the LoopBack 4 project does more beyond a REST server.
It is still an experimental package, and there are intentions to expand the scope to encompass other LifeCycleObservers of the LoopBack 4 app such as DataSources.

How to redirect the Apache log in Kubernetes

I am having one namespace and one deployment(replica set), My Apache logs should be written outside the pod, how is it possible in Kubernetes.
This is a Community Wiki answer so feel free to edit it and add any additional details you consider important.
You should specify more precisely what you exactly mean by outside the pod, but as David Maze have already suggested in his comment, take a closer look at Logging Architecture section in the official kubernetes documentation.
Depending on what you mean by "outside the Pod", different solution may be the most optimal in your case.
As you can read there:
Kubernetes provides no native storage solution for log data, but you can integrate many existing logging solutions into your Kubernetes
cluster ... Cluster-level logging architectures are described in assumption that a logging backend is present inside or outside of your cluster.
Here are mentioned 3 most popular cluster-level logging architectures:
Use a node-level logging agent that runs on every node.
Include a dedicated sidecar container for logging in an application pod.
Push logs directly to a backend from within an application.
Second solution is widely used. Unlike the third one where the logs pushing needs to be handled by your application container, sidecar approach is application independend, which makes it much more flexible solution.
So that the matter was not so simple, it can be implemented in two different ways:
Streaming sidecar container
Sidecar container with a logging agent

Prometheus target management

We are using prometheus in our production envirment recently. Before we only have 30-40 nodes for each service and those servers not change very often, so we just write it in the prometheus.yml, but right now it become too long to hold in one file and change much frequently then before, so my question is should i use file_sd_config to put those server list out of yml file and change those config files sepearately, or using consul for service discovery(same much easy to handle changes).
I have install 3 nodes consul cluster in data center and as i can see if i change to use consul to slove this problem , i also need to install consul client in each server(node) and define its services info. Is that correct? or does anyone have good advise.
I totally advocate the use of a service discovery system. It may be a bit hard to deploy at first but surely it will worth it in the future.
That said, Prometheus comes with a lot of service discovery integrations. It's possible that you don't need a Consul cluster. If your servers are in a cloud provider like AWS, GCP, Azure, Openstack, etc, prometheus are able to autodiscover the instances.
If you keep running with Consul, the answer is yes, the agent must be running in every node. You can also register services and nodes via API but it's easier to deploy the agent.

What are the most effective tools to manage multiple apache httpd instances?

We have many Apache instances all over our intranet. Some instances run on the same machine. Some instances run on different machines.
I need a tool that can manage these instances from one central location.
Get CPU stats
Get Connection stats
Stop/start Apache instances
Get access to error log
I looked at webmin, but the documentation isn't too clear how it works. Without installing it I'd have trouble getting it to go.
Any recommendations?
I've never used it myself, but I've seen people with monitoring requirements be very happy with Cacti. Besides general health monitoring like CPU stats it has an extremely simple Apache stats plugin that might do what you need:
Script to get the requests per second and the requests currently being processed from
an Apache webserver.
maybe you can put something together with that.

Can my requirements be met with JMX?

I am completely new to JMX. I have a specific requirement and wanted to know if it is possible to accomplish within the scope of JMX.
I have a set of resources which include many weblogic instances, jBoss instances and Tomcat instances running across many servers. Now I need a one stop solution, UI to monitor these resources, check their current status and if they are down, I need to start and stop them from that webpage.
Is this possible using JMX?
You could use nagios combined with check_jmx to monitor (create statistics)
and may trigger a restart of a resource. (I'm not sure if can trigger a restart direct via JMX)
Check out Jopr, http://www.jboss.org/jopr/
jmx4perl comes with a full featured Nagios Plugin check_jmx4perl for access JMX information. It comes with a set of preconfigured check for various resources, currently for JBoss, Tomcat and Jetty (more are in the pipeline).