Query on TYPO3 IRRE property - sql

I have created a new extension with the extension builder which includes some tables and inline relations between some tables.
For reporting I need some queries where the selection condition is based on the related records.
Here I have difficulties to get the data (except doing raw queries, which seems wrong).
do the query in the related records and extract the field which holds the uid of the parent records.
Problem: in the query result is no field with the uid of the parent record (although it is in the database).
This is understandable as there are no methods to get/set the relation. (But it does not change if I insert these methods.)
Also in the children record there is no TCA definition of the relation field except:
'parent' => [
'config' => [
'type' => 'passthrough',
which might be the reason the field can not be displayed in the record even if inserted in the showitem list.
doing a join from the parent record.
Here I have not found any examples how to build a join.
There are other possibilities for a query, but the plainest seems this in the parent record repository:
public function getParentsByFilter($mainCondition,$subCondition) {
$parentQuery = $this->createQuery();
// $childQuery->equals('children_field',$subCondition)
// $parentQuery->joinTable('tx_myext_domain_model_children', ...)
$parentQuery->setOrderings(['crdate'=> QueryInterface::ORDER_DESCENDING]);
return $parentQuery ->execute();
Here I don't know how to join the children table.
I expect some methods like the commented lines, but have not found anything like it.

What's about the same configuration like in the table sys_category?


Property [participants_count] does not exist but exists and can be dumped

I have 2 tables, evenements and participants, represented by 2 models Evenement and Participant.
Those entities are belongsToMany related, so I have a third table evenement_participant following Laravel's naming conventions, and inside are foreign evenement_id and participant_id columns.
I'm able to retrieve the relationship and I can
which gives me a collection of participants.
In my controller, I have this db call:
$evenements = Evenement::withCount(['participants' => function($query) {
$query->where('is_active', 1);
This withCount generates a participants_count attribute for each evenement.
In my blade view, there is a for-each loop on the evenements collection, and somewhere I do this:
and I face this error:
Property [participants_count] does not exist on this collection
However, if instead I do the following in the same blade view
it dumps me the count.
I dropped all the evenements to keep just one for testing, and I still have the same error.
Sorry, made a typo in a condition inside my blade loop

Multiple "_TypeHierarchy" in rally query?

I am trying to extract items from different TypeHierarchies from a single query. 3 of the attributes are from "HierarchicalRequirement" while 3 other are from "PortfolioItem".
My question is, can I mention multiple TypeHierarchies in a single query? in the find, like this:
"find" => {"_ProjectHierarchy" => projectID, "_TypeHierarchy" => ["HierarchicalRequirement","PortfolioItem"] , "ScheduleState" => "Accepted" }
You are correct, the LookbackAPI figures out what field belongs to what hierarchy type.
PortfolioItem has field "State" and HierarchicalRequirement has field "ScheduleState". Just to illustrate your answer for the benefit of other users here is a screenshot of results fragment from a query that specifies two types "_TypeHierarchy":{$in:["PortfolioItem","HierarchicalRequirement"]} :
https://rally1.rallydev.com/analytics/v2.0/service/rally/workspace/1111/artifact/snapshot/query.js?find={"_ProjectHierarchy":12352814790, "_TypeHierarchy":{$in:["PortfolioItem","HierarchicalRequirement"]},"__At":"2013-08-01T00Z"}&fields=["_TypeHierarchy","_UnformattedID","ScheduleState","State"]&hydrate=["_TypeHierarchy","ScheduleState","State"]

NHibernate Fluent Join mapping for many to one relationship

I'm trying to fetch a collection of read-only objects from NHibernate where all the properties come from a single table (Answers), with the exception of one property that comes from another table (Questions) in a many to one relationship. The fact it's two tables is an implementation detail that I want to hide, so I want the repository to return a sensible aggregate. The trouble is this requires I have two classes, one for each table, that NHibernate returns and then I have to select/map that into a third class that my repository returns. This feels a bit rubbish so instead I was hoping to have a mapping that joins the two tables for me but maps all the columns onto a single class. My mapping looks like this:
public QuestionAnswerMap()
Id(x => x.Id).Column("questionId").GeneratedBy.Identity();
Map(x => x.AnswerShortCode).Column("AnswerShortCode");
Join("Answers", join =>
join.Map(x => x.QuestionId).Column("QuestionId");
join.Map(x => x.AnswerId).Column("AnswerId");
join.Map(x => x.MemberId).Column("MemberId");
The SQL this generates looks perfect and returns exactly what I want, but when there are multiple Answers that join to the same row in the Questions table, NHibernate seems to map them to objects wrongly - I get the right number of results, but all the Answers that have a common Question are hydrated with the first row in sql result for that Question.
Am I doing this the right way? NH is generating the right SQL, so why is it building my objects wrong?
because Join was meant to be this way. It assumes a one to one association between the two tables which are not the case.
Instead of a mapped Entity i would prefere a on the fly Dto for this:
var query = session.Query<Answer>()
.Where(answer => ...)
.Select(answer => new QuestionAnswer
QuestionId = answer.Question.Id,
AnswerShortCode = answer.Question.AnswerShortCode,
AnswerId = answer.Id,
MemberId = answer.MemberId,
return query.ToList();

kohana ORM question

i am using kohana ORM in order to get some results from the database. My problem is: even though i have consulted the documentation, i can't find a way to select only the column i am interested in. To be more explicit, i have:
$sale_stock = Model::factory('product_type')
->where('product_type_id','=', $id )
-> find_all();
var dumping it, it selects me all the "SELECT product_type.* from product_type where etc".
But i want to select only the 'stock' field from the salestock table. doing find('stock') instead find_all() returns a weired object... Where am i wrong, and how can i actually select only the column 'stock' using kohana orm?
thank you!
ORM methods find() and find_all() always select all table columns, so there is two ways to get specified fields:
Load full table rows and get columns
from it:
$sale_stock = Model::factory('product_type')
->where('product_type_id','=', $id )
-> find_all();
// get array of id=>stock values
$columns = $sale_stock->as_array('id', 'stock');
Create special method in model using
Query Builder:
// model Model_Product_Type
public function get_stocks($product_type_id)
return DB::select(array('stock'))
->where('product_type_id', '=', $product_type_id)
I realise this isn't exactly what you're looking for, but I've pulled the following from the Kohana documentation ...
$articles = ORM::factory('article')->select_list('id', 'title');
foreach ($articles as $id => $title)
// Display a list of links
echo html::anchor('articles/'.$id, $title);
// Display a dropdown list
echo form::dropdown('articles', $articles);
You could think of it as a discount, two fields for the price of one.
It's common practice for ORMs to return a 'non-standard' object when partial model or merged model fields are requested. This prevents confusing operations using the original object (ie. how do you save an object when it contains only 2 of 8 fields, plus maybe some fields from another model?).
If you print_r the object, and give me an indication of how that looks ... it might be just what you want.
I know this is an old question, but i found maybe easier solution:
$sale_stock = ORM::factory('product_type')
->where( 'product_type_id','=', $id )

One table two model

i have posts table
type enum(A,Q)
and i need controllers questions_controller and answer_controller to use
please lead the right way to
make 2 models (question and answer) and use 'posts' as model's table
use post model in questions_controller and answer_controller
For me, it should be one table has one model
So better use
$uses = array('Post'); in your controllers.
As far I understood you want to filter the data depending from the type column. Actually your db model is wrong, because except if they are totally unrelated your answers need to belong to the question. This mean you need an extra column parent_id which will determine what is the parent node (question) and child nodes (answers).
If we have this assumption, then you can set a relation in the model like:
class Post extends AppModel {
var $belongsTo = array(
'Parent' => array('className' => 'Post','foreignKey' => 'parent_id', 'conditions' => 'Parent.parent_id IS NOT NULL')
So you automatically have Post and Post->Parent. But I think that it would be better to have 2 tables - one which holds the questions and another the answers.