Vercel ignore build step according to folder of committed files - vercel

i'm using vercel's ignore build step field to disable preview deploys (IE - only deploy if the branch is main)
I'm doing this with the following bash script:
if [[ "$VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF" == "main" ]] ; then
# Proceed with the build
echo "✅ - Build can proceed"
exit 1;
# Don't build
echo "🛑 - Build canceled"
exit 0;
Now, another requirement I have is to only deploy if the changed files belong to a specific folder. Can I somehow combine these two requirements in the same script?
How do I access the paths of the committed files in this bash script?

Vercel has added some docs that address this exact situation:
git diff HEAD^ HEAD --quiet ./packages/frontend/
If changes were commited to ./packages/frontend/, the command will yield a non-empty response, allowing the build to proceed.
I also use a similar setup, but call a node script (check it out here) as my Ignored Build Step option.


gclient issue when building Chromium on Windows

I'm following steps on to build Chromium on Windows, when it comes to run gclient, it gives following usage information, it seems something is wrong, any suggestion is appreciated.
Usage: [options]
Meta checkout dependency manager for Git.
Commands are:
config creates a .gclient file in the current directory
diff displays local diff for every dependencies
fetch fetches upstream commits for all modules
flatten flattens the solutions into a single DEPS file
getdep gets revision information and variable values from a DEPS file
grep greps through git repos managed by gclient
help prints list of commands or help for a specific command
metrics reports, and optionally modifies, the status of metric collection
pack generates a patch which can be applied at the root of the tree
recurse operates [command args ...] on all the dependencies
revert reverts all modifications in every dependencies
revinfo outputs revision info mapping for the client and its dependencies
root outputs the solution root (or current dir if there isn't one)
runhooks runs hooks for files that have been modified in the local working copy
setdep modifies dependency revisions and variable values in a DEPS file
status shows modification status for every dependencies
sync checkout/update all modules
validate validates the .gclient and DEPS syntax
verify verifies the DEPS file deps are only from allowed_hosts
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-j JOBS, --jobs=JOBS Specify how many SCM commands can run in parallel;
defaults to 8 on this machine
-v, --verbose Produces additional output for diagnostics. Can be
used up to three times for more logging info.
Specify an alternate .gclient file
--spec=SPEC create a gclient file containing the provided string.
Due to Cygwin/Python brokenness, it can't contain any
--no-nag-max Ignored for backwards compatibility.
When I try it in a clean system, it works.

cmake does not (always) order Fortran modules correctly

I have a code using Fortran modules. I can build it with no problems under normal circumstances. CMake takes care of the ordering of the module files.
However, using a gitlab runner, it SOMETIMES happens that cmake does NOT order the Fortran modules by dependencies, but alphabetically instead, which than leads to a build failure.
The problem seems to occur at random. I have a branch that built in the CI. After adding a commit, that modified a utility script not involved in any way in the build, I ran into this problem. There is no difference in the output of the cmake configure step.
I use the matrix configuration for the CI to test different configurations. I found, that I could trigger this by adding another mpi version (e.g. openmpi/4.1.6). Without that version, it built. With it added in the matrix, ALL configurations showed the problem.
- configure
- build
- test
- hpc_runner
# load submodules
extends: .basic_config
# define job matrix
- COMPILER: [gcc/9.4.0]
PARALLELIZATION: [serial, openmpi/3.1.6]
TYPE: [option1, option2]
BUILD_TYPE: [debug, release]
- COMPILER: [gcc/10.3.0, intel/19.0.5]
TYPE: [option2]
BUILD_TYPE: [debug]
# setup script
# These commands will run before each job.
- set -e
- uname -a
- |
if [[ "$(uname)" = "Linux" ]]; then
export THREADS=$(nproc --all)
elif [[ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]]; then
export THREADS=$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)
echo "Unknown platform. Setting THREADS to 1."
export THREADS=1
# load environment
- source scripts/build/load_environment $COMPILER $BUILD_TYPE $TYPE $PARALLELIZATION
# set path for build folder
stage: configure
extends: .config_matrix
- mkdir -p $build_path
- cd $build_path
- build
expire_in: 1 days
# build script
stage: build
extends: .config_matrix
- cd $build_path
- make
- build
expire_in: 1 days
- configure
# test
stage: test
extends: .config_matrix
- cd $build_path
- ctest --output-on-failure
- build
The runner runs on an HPC machine which a complex setup, and I am not to familiar with the exact configuration. I contacted the admin with this problem, but wanted to see if anybody else had run into this before and have solutions or hints on what is going on.
With the help from our admin I figured it out.
The problem comes from cmake using absolute paths. The runner has actually several runners for parallel jobs, with each using a different prefix path, e.g. /runner/001/ or /runner/012/. So when I run configure on a specific runner, cmake saves that prefix path to the configuration.
Now in the build stage, there is no guarantee to have the same configuration run on the same runner. However, since there are absolute paths in the make files, make tries to access the folders in the configure runner's prefix. Now, that can be anything from non-existing, over old files from previous pipelines to the correct files downloaded by another case.
The only fix I currently can see is to run everything on the same runner in one stage, to avoid the roulette of prefix paths. If anybody has a different idea, or if there is a way to fix a specific matrix case to a specific runner prefix, please comment.

Gitlab CI exit 1 even if it is successful

I have a step on my gitlabci that runs php code sniff. I used custom base image for this step.
This step exit with code 1 and failed the step.
I checked this with starting a container with my docker image. phpcs command is working like charm inside of base image.
It seems like gitlab-ci throw this code even if job is succeded.
this is the output from gitlab-ci.
I checkout artifacts file row number and cli commands(inside docker container) row number. They are the same.
I could allow failure but this error is strange.
if [[ -f "phpstan.txt" && -s "phpstan.txt" ]]; then echo "exist and not empty";
I tried to allow failure inside bash script. I write a small custom control as above and place it after phpcs command inside my .gitlab-ci.yml. But job is failed before this script.
Gitlab version : v11.9.1
Docker image : custom based on php:7.2
My gitlab CI step :
stage: analysis
- phpcs --standard=PSR2 --extensions=php --severity=5 -s src | tee phpcs.txt
when: always
expire_in: 1 week
- phpcs.txt
I think this is not about phpcs. I have a similar step (like phpcs) is named phpstan also an analsis mecahinism. It throws exactly same error on same line of script

How to directly execute cmake script without -P?

I know -P is used to execute a cmake script file. But I don't want create a file for a simple logic. I want to execute statement like this:
cmake "if(foo) do_something endif()"
The reason I want this feature is that I want to use if/else in add_custom_target and add_custom_command to execute some command according to whether a CMAKE variable is defined.
Finally I got a good solution to this. Now describe as follows.
Let's say I want to add two targets, whose aim are to create docker images and upload to remote repository when issuing make images and make publish. I use VERSION , GIT_COMMIT and PATCH to compose an image tag. GIT_COMMIT can be obtained from git log by using execute_process, and I need to pass newer VERSION and PATCH from command line every time I want to create images. (But if I don't plan to create, they won't be given)
So the complete statements are like this:
execute_process(COMMAND git log --pretty=format:%h -n 1 OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_COMMIT)
COMMENT "Creating docker images ..."
# clean the cache
COMMAND rm -f CMakeCache.txt # important !
# if VERSION and PATCH are not given, don't build it
COMMAND /bin/sh -c "if [ x${VERSION} != x -a x${PATCH} != x ]; then docker build -t ${DOCKER_CERBERUS_URL} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/docker/; fi"
DEPENDS cerberus
COMMENT "Uploading images ..."
DEPENDS images )
Then every time I want to create or publish with newer version number and patch number, I use cmake .. -DVERSION=xxx -DPATCH=xxx, make images or make publish.
There's something which may be strange. When I first issue cmake .. -DVERSION=xxx -DPATCH=xxx, then make images, sh command will be executed. Then I issue make images again, sh command will not be executed. My guess is: in the first run of make images, cmake will first load variable from CMakeCache.txt into memory, then sh command can get variables's value from memory, and at this time CMakeCache.txt has been deleted. So in the second run, the variables have no value.

How to fail gitlab CI build?

I am trying to fail a build in gitlab CI and get email notification about it.
My build script is this:
echo "Listing files!"
ls -la
echo "##########################Preparing build##########################"
mkdir build
cd build
echo "Generating make files"
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=on ..
echo "##########################Building##########################"
I have commited the code that breaks build. However, instead of finishing, build seems to be stuck in "running" state after exiting make. Last line is:
make: *** [all] Error 2
I also get no notifications.
How can i diagnose what is happening?
Upd.: in runner, following is repeated in log:
Submitting build <..> to coordinator...response error: 500
In production.log and sideq.log of gitlab_ci, following is written:
ERROR: Error connecting to Redis on localhost:6379 (ECONNREFUSED)
Full message with stacktrace is here: pastebin.
I have the same problem, i can help you with a workaround but im trying to fully fix it.
1- most of the times he hangs but the jobs keeps on going and actually finishes it, you can see the processes inside the machine, example: in my case it compiles and in the end it uses docker to publish the build, so the process docker doesn't exist until he reaches that phase.
2- to workaround this issue you have to make the data persistent and "retry" the download over and over again until he downloads everything he needs.
PS: stating what kind of OS you are using always helps.