HTML page is causing error in JMeter even if status is green - testing

HTML page is causing error in JMeter even if status is green , why this error is coming

As per JMeter Project main page:
JMeter is not a browser, it works at protocol level. As far as web-services and remote services are concerned, JMeter looks like a browser (or rather, multiple browsers); however JMeter does not perform all the actions supported by browsers. In particular, JMeter does not execute the Javascript found in HTML pages. Nor does it render the HTML pages as a browser does (it's possible to view the response as HTML etc., but the timings are not included in any samples, and only one sample in one thread is ever displayed at a time).
the Window interface is something browser-specific hence JMeter cannot execute the request properly.
You need to perform manual correlation of the dynamic parameters to replicate browser's behaviour, this way you should stop seeing errors, at least ViewState parameter needs to be extracted from the previous response and passed to the next request, see primefaces-jmeter-test.jmx example test plan for details.


How can I capture dynamic value in Load Runner that appears in the Request header section?

A dynamic value that appears in the subsequent web requests appears in the Request Header throughout the script. I am unable to correlate this value as it is not available in response header / body section. How can I now correlate this value?
I have tried recording using VUGEN - HTML & URL Mode. I have also used Fiddler as well as HAR files exported via Chrome Developer Tools. None of them have any additional request/responses that could have been potentially missed while recording with VUGen or other tools.
The dynamic value appears in the Request Header like this :
The "855b2a...." value appears throughout the script in different places like this below :-
I have manually verified in the application that it this value keeps changing every single time "Create application" link is clicked. Is there a way to capture this dynamically changing value?
If this is not sent to you from the server, as a correlated value, then what remains is that the value is generated on the client, likely as a part of a JavaScript function output.
Speak with the developer of your application about the location of the generation of this value. If it is locally generated then simply execute the JavaScript inside of your HTTP script or reproduce the algorithm in C for native inclusion in a C HTTP virtual user. You have some alternate paths as well, which includes the newer JavaScript based virtual user, Truclient (which runs a full browser), Citrix, RDP or GUI virtual users.
With Truclient, Citrix, RDP or GUI you are simply going to run a full browser and inherit the JavaScript execution and inclusion of the key value as a part of full stack execution.
The Fiddler recording helped in identifying the correlation value as it was hidden in one of the EXTRARES references, which wasn't captured anywhere by the VUGen. The request had to be subsequently added manually into the script to pick up the dynamic value in it's response.

Best way to automate a page and check if it is loaded correctly

I am looking to verify if this page loads correctly -
These are the things I think it would be best to verify if the page is loaded correctly, please let me know if I am missing anything
1) Verify all the links on this page works?
2) Verify if the menu on the top is loaded correctly, Do I need to verify the menu names?
3) Check if the classes are loaded properly?
4) get/post request status 200 and other ajax calls?
As per your question a seperate test to check if the page is loaded correctly will be a complete overhead because the Client (i.e. the Web Browser) will never return the Execution Control back to the WebDriver instance until and unless 'document.readyState' is equal to "complete". Once this condition is fulfilled Selenium performs the next line of code.
You can find a detailed discussion on this topic in Selenium IE WebDriver only works while debugging
Next as you want to Verify if all the links on this page works or not , you can write a function() and invoke the function() whereever required.
Moving on to next question, there is no necessity to Verify if the menu on the top is loaded correctly or not as you can't test each and every aspect of each and every WebElement present on a WebPage. The best approach would be to verify and validate the attributes of only those elements with whom we need to interact.
Again Checking if the classes are loaded properly will be a overhead as JVM takes care of it in the best possible way.
Finally, to validate get/post request status 200 you have to write Tests as per your requirement.

J-Meter gives false results

I'm trying to learn J-Meter.
When I'm running a sample script of logging into a site using both valid/invalid credentials,it doesn't stop thread execution when invalid login credential is used and also login is not recorded in database.
Does it actually login to the website or only creates virtual login to create a similar environment.Is there any way to achieve this using Samplers?
JMeter is/acts as a headless browser.
Whatever your browser with an UI does, JMeter can also do - except executing a javascript. So, If you had recorded your script correctly - JMeter can login to the actual application as well.
Jmeter is not like QTP/Selenium. It does not know if it is a valid credential/invalid credential. It passes/fails the request based on the HTTP codes. If the HTML response from the server comes with a 200 http code, It passed for JMeter. If the server responds with code 500, JMeter fails the request. But JMeter also provides a way to validate the response you get - Assertion. You can use Response Assertion to see if you are seeing the home page or not to confirm if the user has logged in successfully.
To stop the test on error, select the appropriate option here in thread Group properties.
JMeter is a very nice tool & have been using it for 2 years with no issues.
Good luck!
Does your script have Config Element -> HTTP Cookie Manager? It needs cookie for the login function.
If your script has many transactions with the same level with login transaction and the option you select in your Thread Group is Continue, all transactions will be executed no matter login transaction is passed or failed.
In case you want the other transactions will not be executed if login fails, let add a Regular Expression Extractor as child of the login transaction to retrieve the text Dashboard, put other transactions into a Logic Controller -> If Controller. Suppose the Regular Expression Extractor has name Dashboard and Default value is NotFound, then the Condition of If Controller will be "${Dashboard}"!="NotFound"
JMeter automatically treats 2xx and 3xx HTTP Response Codes successful so it won't be able to detect failed login unless you explicitly tell it to check presence or absence of some specific content in the response data.
So if you add a Response Assertion you will be able to conditionally fail sampler and choose what to do in case of failure via "Action to be taken after a Sampler error" on Thread Group level.
See How to Use JMeter Assertions in Three Easy Steps guide for more details on the assertions domain.
If you're unsure what JMeter Sampler is doing you can check request and response details via View Results Tree listener. If you cannot simulate login event in majority of cases it is due to missing HTTP Cookie Manager and/or failed correlation of dynamic mandatory parameter(s) like Viewstate, CSRF token, etc.

Getting web driver logging information running Protractor

So I am in the process of writing some tests with Protractor for an angular application I am working on. I ran into an issue where a test was failing because I tried to click on an element that while existed, it could not be clicked because another element was above it and it was receiving the click event. The error was just that true not does equal false which gives no insight to the real underlaying issue. I have run into this issue many times with other tests so I knew pretty quickly was the issue was but if I had not experienced this before, I don't know how long it would take me to figure it out.
I am 99% sure that when you send a click event with the JSON Wire Protocol that if the element does receive the click, there will be a message relating to that in it's response. Is there any way with Protractor to get the JSON Wire Protocol responses on to the screen when running the tests or at least get the responses captured in a file or something?
Assuming you are using Jasmine (the default) i suggest you start using explicit waits for elements to be present and visible before interacting with them like in your example.
I'm using this custom mathers.
var theElementFinder = $('#someElm');
a way with Protractor to get the JSON Wire Protocol responses
You already see selenium errors in your Terminal / Console output.

Jmeter : How to test a website to render a page regardless of the content

I have a requirement where the site only needs to respond to the user within certain seconds, regardless of the contents.
Now there is a option in Jmeter in HTTP Proxy Server -> URL Patterns to exclude and then to start recording.
Here I can specify gif, css or other content to ignore. However before starting the recording I have to be aware of what are the various contents that are going to be there.
Is there any specific parameter to pass to Jmeter or any other tool which takes care about loading the page only and I can assert the response code of that page and no the other contents of the page are recorded.
Use the standard HTTP Request sampler with DISABLED (not checked) option Retrieve All Embedded Resources from HTML Files (set via sampler's control panel):
"It also lets you control whether or not JMeter parses HTML files for
images and other embedded resources and sends HTTP requests to
retrieve them."
NOTE: You may also define the same setting via HTTP Request Defaults.
NOTE: See also "Response size calculation" in the same HTTP Request article.
Add assertions to your http samplers:
Duration Assertion: to tests if response was received within a defined amount of time;
Response Assertion: to ensure that request was successfull,
Response Field to Test = Response Code
Pattern Matching Rules = Equals
Patterns to Test = 200
You want to run test that would ignore resources after certain number of seconds?
I don't understand, what are you trying to accomplish by doing that?
Users will still receive those resources when they request your url, so your tests wont be accurate.
I don't mean any disrespect, but is it possible that you misunderstood the requirements?
I assume that the requirement is to load all the resources in certain number of seconds, not to cut off the ones that fail to fit in that time?