Inconsistent Connection to Site (Apache, Nextcloud,OpenCMS) - apache

So I'm pretty new to the server and website dev. Self "taught".
I recently setup a home server running Apache on Ubuntu 20.04(MicroK8s, Linux Server). Postgres database. Nextcloud Cloud server. TomCat and OpenCMS system. And Postfix.
I have a domain name pointing to my address. When I'm home, i.e. physically near my server. And I connect to my subdomain. I get nextcloud. When I connect to the 8080 port( I get tomcat and OpenCMS. So far, so good.
When I use a VPN, or am not near my server, and go to the subdomain,I sometimes get one of those random "ad" sites that says "this site may be able to purchase".
After more testing it seems like the number of connected users also changes whether I get the rando site or the intended one.
My server is... Old. Likely slow (4GBram and a Core 2 Duo, it's the fastest old tower I had laying around). So I think it's a timeout error within OpenCMS, that serves a rando site when it can't get nextcloud to respond fast enough. But honestly, I'm not even sure where to start, or what to even ask/say or what you would need to see to even start diagnostic...
When I connect to from the vpn i get a 404. Which makes sense, as I haven't built it yet in OpenCMS.
Any pointers on where to start?
What am I missing?
Do I need to delete my /var/www sites or Virtual Hosts, and let OpenCMS handle all the routing?
I'm confused as to how my server knows to point 8080 to tomcat/OpenCMS, as I never setup a virtual host. How will it eventually know to point to the sites I build in OpenCMS? Or will OpenCMS deploy them to /var/www? Will I need to transfer the netcloud site to the OpenCMS directory?
I know this is a lot of free help to ask for, but I'm doing this mostly for fun and to learn, and don't have anyone who knows. I don't want to pay it out as I'd rather learn it. I'm not even sure where to start asking, but have browsed stack overflow for A LOT of excel, Apache, Linux, and other answers in the past, so thought I would ask here first.


Domain still alive after erasing it

I have an new vps plesk server where I've migrated some domains.
One of them did some strange things and I decided to eliminate from plesk panel to try to migrate another time. After eliminating the site from plesk and (no files are in server) site still answer with the same error.
After reestarting plesk system and all of his instances and not having the domain in my panel. It's still answering. (I've validated the domain IP)
Sure it will be a silly question, but I'm really newbie in host administration: ¿Is there any hosting (apache or plesk) cache to reset? ¿Something I've missed?
As I said, it was a silly question.
My browsers (both) cahced the answer of the host. Four hours trashed for this stupid error. It's being a too-long weekend.

Understanding Apache Traffic

I run a 2GB RAM Linode (Ubuntu) that hosts a few WordPress websites. Recently my server has been OOMing and crashing and I have been up all night trying to find out what's causing it. I have discovered there I get an enormous influx of traffic (a tiny DoS) that brings the whole thing down.
I have access logs setup across all of the virtual hosts and I am using tcptrack to monitor activity on the server.
The traffic appearing in my access logs does not account for the traffic I am seeing on tcptrack. i.e. there are a dozen i.p. addresses that are constantly opening and closing connections on the server, but are nowhere to be seen in the access logs for each virtual host.
Clearly it's because these are not hitting the virtual hosts, but I have tried to set up access logs to monitor server-wide traffic so that I can see what requests their making but I'm really struggling.
Can anyone please point me in the right direction, perhaps tcptrack is just too simplified to provide any meaningful insight?
Start using mod_security
Debian has it which means Ubuntu likely does as well. You should also make sure the kernel is setup properly, search google for SYN_COOKIES. Look into iptables/shorewall etc. Shorewall is a package that wraps iptables. Iptables can be configured for detect floods and start dropping packets.

Protect home (webserver's) dynamic ip from reverse DNS issue

this is my first question here =)
I'm setting my webserver at home (trying both apache and nginx) and I've found that you can easily get and use free dynamic dns (sub) domain to make your server available not only with your home ip that would be changed next time after disconnect and connect to the internet. Actually I've made it working and it's great..
But the problem is that my personal unique data (account id/machine name) could be retrieved with reverse dns look up and I can not hide my real ip that is attached to server.
You can use proxy while browsing the internet, but how to proxy your web server (apache) that have free dyn dns (sub) domain?
I've already tried to create VirtualHost configurations, also with the use of proxy modules (mod_proxy, mod_proxy_http, mod_proxy_html) and additionally with proxifier tool, but no luck.
Some people say that it is possible to hide ip with nginx, but I never used to work with nginx. Still believe it is also possible with Apache, just can't figure it out.
I'm using private proxy in format [proxyip:port]. I must attach it everytime to my home ip to make it work. Maybe it's better to get login/password auth proxy, but at first I should find the way how to use it with web server.
Is there anyone who have luck with it? Can you explain, please, the proper config for apache? Currently I'm using version 2.4.
Many thanks and have a good day!

Hosting Slim Framework Rest API in Windows

I created an api using SLIM framework, but the services are not accessible to public as they are limited to localhost. how to host the services on a realtime server, so that, they can be accessible from anywhere?
please some one help me
This question requires more detail in order to answer properly.
If you are hosting your API on a windows server, then it is likely you have configured some kind of "WAMP" stack, correct? Or maybe serving PHP through IIS? This are important questions because we need to know what port you have bound your web application server to, which leads us to the next question...
Where are you hosting the server which is running the application which bound to what port?
Ultimately, a public, external IP will need to be either:
a. NAT'ed to the internal IP of your web server instanced
b. Port-forwarded to the internal IP of the server running your web application
Still, we are making a lot of assumptions here because getting a web application "accessible from anywhere" will require different work depending on your environment.
Here is the most basic example:
You are at home, running this API on your Windows workstation and will like to be able to hit it from a remote location.
Ensure Windows firewall allows inbound traffic to the port on which your application is running (probably port 80/HTTP, maybe 443/HTTPS).
Log into your ISP's router and configure port-forwarding to ensure inbound traffic on, say, port 80, is routed to the internal IP of the workstation running the API.
That's all there is to it.
Keep in mind that this also assumes that your ISP even allows you to expose your own web server to the internet on port 80 (or 443). Also, since we know nothing about your environment, this is all pure conjecture. Please provide more information you would like a real answer.
The most traditional way to host Slim Framework, would be through Apache. Install Apache and be sure you have the proper network settings to allow inbound connections, but more information about your setup could be needed for proper guidance.
When Apache is installed and working, you need to set Rewrite rules on the URL, information on that can be found on
Your question on the verge of off topic, it probaly is, but read up on what questions can be asked and not, here on Stackoverflow, hope i could help.

Serving two sites (Apache and Node.JS) from one server

I am on Dreamhost VPS with root access. It runs Apache, and is hosting a site "". At the same time, I am developing a Node.js web site, and binding Node.js to port 3456 (for example). So the Node.js site is accessible by typing "".
These are two distinct websites. I don't ever want users of the "" accessing my Node.js website (which will be migrated to Nodejitsu after development).
Will I run into any problems with this setup?
I do not believe this will be a problem, unless one of your visitors happens to end up at port 3456. To mitigate this, you should think about writing your own small piece of middleware to whitelist your IP (thus rejecting anyone else). You can see an example at: I'm sure you wont have a problem modifying this to your needs.