Domain still alive after erasing it - apache

I have an new vps plesk server where I've migrated some domains.
One of them did some strange things and I decided to eliminate from plesk panel to try to migrate another time. After eliminating the site from plesk and (no files are in server) site still answer with the same error.
After reestarting plesk system and all of his instances and not having the domain in my panel. It's still answering. (I've validated the domain IP)
Sure it will be a silly question, but I'm really newbie in host administration: ¿Is there any hosting (apache or plesk) cache to reset? ¿Something I've missed?

As I said, it was a silly question.
My browsers (both) cahced the answer of the host. Four hours trashed for this stupid error. It's being a too-long weekend.


Inconsistent Connection to Site (Apache, Nextcloud,OpenCMS)

So I'm pretty new to the server and website dev. Self "taught".
I recently setup a home server running Apache on Ubuntu 20.04(MicroK8s, Linux Server). Postgres database. Nextcloud Cloud server. TomCat and OpenCMS system. And Postfix.
I have a domain name pointing to my address. When I'm home, i.e. physically near my server. And I connect to my subdomain. I get nextcloud. When I connect to the 8080 port( I get tomcat and OpenCMS. So far, so good.
When I use a VPN, or am not near my server, and go to the subdomain,I sometimes get one of those random "ad" sites that says "this site may be able to purchase".
After more testing it seems like the number of connected users also changes whether I get the rando site or the intended one.
My server is... Old. Likely slow (4GBram and a Core 2 Duo, it's the fastest old tower I had laying around). So I think it's a timeout error within OpenCMS, that serves a rando site when it can't get nextcloud to respond fast enough. But honestly, I'm not even sure where to start, or what to even ask/say or what you would need to see to even start diagnostic...
When I connect to from the vpn i get a 404. Which makes sense, as I haven't built it yet in OpenCMS.
Any pointers on where to start?
What am I missing?
Do I need to delete my /var/www sites or Virtual Hosts, and let OpenCMS handle all the routing?
I'm confused as to how my server knows to point 8080 to tomcat/OpenCMS, as I never setup a virtual host. How will it eventually know to point to the sites I build in OpenCMS? Or will OpenCMS deploy them to /var/www? Will I need to transfer the netcloud site to the OpenCMS directory?
I know this is a lot of free help to ask for, but I'm doing this mostly for fun and to learn, and don't have anyone who knows. I don't want to pay it out as I'd rather learn it. I'm not even sure where to start asking, but have browsed stack overflow for A LOT of excel, Apache, Linux, and other answers in the past, so thought I would ask here first.

Why tomcat does'nt work with proxy set in a network with netbeans(8.2)?

so i have been working on apache tomcat in netbeans and i faced one issue due to which tomcat was not starting in my organization's network, but with same settings it was running perfectly on my home wifi.
Later, i figured out if i set proxy to "No proxy" in the netbeans settings it will work and the solution worked. But, i still do not understand why this happened.
I researched a little but answers were not satisfactory. Basically, i want to understand how apache tomcat startup was affected and in what cases i may need a proxy.
You can consider me as a beginner if you are answering to this... Thanks!

Apache 2.4 Being a Complete Jerk and Not Allowing non-localhost Traffic Under Any Circumstances

I'm super frustrated and created an account just to get this solved. I've tried everything under the sun and nothing is doing any good whatsoever. Please give me the benefit of the doubt.
I have 2 configurations of Apache, one that's working perfectly fine and another that isn't. I want to make the one that isn't working work like the one that is working. The one that isn't working isn't allowing any non-localhost traffic yet came installed with wamp which I'm trying to leverage, and the one that is working is an independent install that I've configured to allow all traffic. Configuring the wamp Apache in a way that seems to me to be exactly the same is still not allowing any non-localhost traffic through
Here is the configuration file from the working Apache server:
And here is the non-working configuration from the wamp apache server:
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...

Error encountered with migration to cpanel

I was running my webserver on Plesk platform before moving to CPanel due to my perceived perception of Plesk's over-sensibility to threats to security.
After the migration, my site runs quite alright but a sister site that has my IP in its A records couldn't connect through me anymore. It only brings a default website CGI page. Please, I need help.
Have you created your second site on your cPanel server ? If yes, then there is an issues with the IP, Please check your domain IP and httpd configuration file on cPanel server and try update that IP in your DNS zone which are you using on cPanel server. Most of the time this type of issues occur due to wrong IP.
All i did was to create a wildcard subdomain which was attached to the subdomain already created on the other server i was trying to point to. That did the magic. Sorry my response seems belated.

Redirecting web traffic in a server hosting both an Apache and a Glassfish web

I am hosting two web pages in my server. One is running on Apache and the another one on Glassfish. By now I solve the redirection problem making the Glassfish server to listen on a port distinct than the 80. The problem is that I think my web users have a firewall blocking those ports so they can´t access the GlassFish web. Which way would you recommend me to take in order to make a URL request-based redirection? I want to make the glassfish web a subdomain of the Apache one, being both running at the same IP.
If I have not been sufficiently clear with my question, please let me know
Thank you for your time.
Have you tried modifying the domain or using subdomains? If one application is eg. at and another at it should do the trick without any problems. Or try for your main program and for sub program. That looks meaningful also for the service user.
Tick the answer if you got help :)