How to not expose REST calls to the client in Oracle Visual Builder? - api

After working with Oracle ADF for a while, I am now developing an application using Oracle Visual Builder. When calling REST services using the action chain component "Call REST", the call is visible in the browser console. (The services are added from the catalog, they are not defined by their specific endpoints)
Using Firefox's Inspection tools I can right click the request, edit it and resend it successfully despite the service using authorization.
In Oracle ADF I would simply call the service in a managed bean, the user wouldn't know I called it.
How can we not let the client/user know we called the service that in Visual Builder (or hide it from the console)?
Is there a way to call REST services other than the "Call REST" component in the Action Chain tools?

That's a key difference between the architecture of ADF that was running logic on the server, and VB that runs the logic on the client side.
Any web page that calls a REST endpoint (including from JS code) will show the REST call in the browser's log - this is not a VB specific behavior.
The security should be defined on the REST side requiring proper authentication to invoke the REST endpoint.

Maybe consider making the call from a custom JS function - and calling the JS function from the action chain?


How to automatically generate a web UI from a REST API

Is there any solution to automatically generate a web UI from a REST API?
I found Swagger codegen but it generates a client for the API, not a UI.
I need a basic UI, allowing directly from the browser to use the different endpoints and display the response prettily. Something like a basic Postman that would be directly integrated into my website.
I don't have constraint about how the generation is done. Can be done once at build time, or at runtime on server side or on client side.
I've heard good things about, it seems to do what you need.

WCF deserializing body error because of adding async behind the method name

I've created a WCF service with a method GetTestValue. I've also created a test application to test this service.
When I add this WCF service with connected service to the test application I can only call GetTestValueAsync, there is no GetTestValue method. Somehow this add process add this async thing behind the method name. So in this test application, the WCF call works fine when I call GetTestValueAsync. I get the result back.
Then I've created a Xamarin cross application app where I added this WCF service too, and when I call the GetTestValueAsync from this application I get the following error:
Error in deserializing body of request message for operation 'GetTestValue'. OperationFormatter encountered an invalid Message body. Expected to find node type 'Element' with name 'GetTestValue' and namespace ''. Found node type 'Element' with name 'GetTestValueAsync' and namespace ''
Somehow strange in the test project it works fine, and in the Xamarin cross application not.
Did someone have the same problem?
Why is this connected service always this Async to my method name?
How can I stop this Async being added to the method name?
Thanks for any help.
At the moment Xamarin apps aren't compatible with the Task-based asynchronous WCF proxy methods that the WCF Web Service Reference connected service provider generates ( Bug 51959).
One way to generate an older, compatible style of WCF proxy methods is to run SvcUtil.exe with the /async and /tcv:Version35 switches in a Developer Command Prompt. That will generate synchronous proxy methods, Begin/End style Asynchronous Programming Model (APM) callback proxy methods, and event-based proxy methods, all of which are compatible with Xamarin apps.
(Note: If you leave out the /async switch, SvcUtil.exe will generate the newer, incompatible Task-based proxy methods.)
Duplicate: By chance, I replied on a more recent duplicate of this question first:
How to use WCF services in .netstandard with Xamarin.Forms project?
I know this is old, but I had the same problem and searched a while. When you are adding the Reference in your project, you can check "generate synchronized operations" and the "Async"-suffix aren't generated anymore. My VS runs in german language, so I just translated the options. If your adding new methods the setting will be considered too.
Greetings from germany.

Use of third parameter in the WL.Client.InvokeProcedure

I am using the client side API WL.Client.InvokeProcedure(invocationData, options, UseSendInvoke) in worklight 6. But I could not find a description for the parameter UseSendInvoke in the API. Do you guys know what it is?
This parameter is used internally by WL authentication framework. Technically there should not be a reason for developer to use it.
There are several ways to invoke adapters.
(1) First one is via client application. This is where you use WL.Client.invokeProcedure(invocationData, options) API.
(2) Second is by using adapter invocation service - Basically issuing an http request to WL server and getting a response from adapter. RPC style.
When you're doing it via (1) - you have two authentication layers - first is security test defined for application, second is security test defined for adapter procedure.
When you're doing it via (2) - there is only one security layer - security test defined for adapter procedure.
UseSendInvoke param (which is, once again, for internal usage) means that your application will go via path (2) instead of regular path (1).
There's no UseSendInvoke argument that WL.Client.invokeProcedure takes, at least not in the public API defined in the documentation. You can look at the documentation for Worklight v6.0.0, Worklight v5.0.6, Worklight v5.0.5 to learn more about that particular API.

Build subscription alerts for service changes

I am using Biztalk UDDI V3 (stand-alone install) on a windows 2008. I have configured all services (web, database and subscription):
I successfully published a couple of services
I successfully accessed and retrieved service information from my .net console application.
My issue at this point is with the subscription service. I tried to subscribe to one of the published services only to find out that I need to create my own listener.
I followed the steps listed here. Please take a look at the section entitled "Building subscription alerts for service changes". I am confused as to what the WCF service I create is supposed to look like. The instructions state the following:
Now we create a new WCF Service project and reference this existing service library. After making sure the .svc file points to our referenced library object, and adding a valid endpoint configuration file, view our service in the web browser to ensure that it's up and running.
I find this section confusing. Not sure what public methods would the WCF service expose(if any at all) or how to expose the functionality within the service library that I just referenced from within my WCF project.
Of course, if you know of a different way to achieve what I am trying to accomplish, that also would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
This may help. I actually just wrote a complete port for Apache jUDDI's client library using .NET C#. One of the use cases is actually what you are attempting to do. Here's the rough approach used.
Generate the code from wsdl (using wsdl.exe, because svcutil doesn't like the UDDI wsdls)
Alter the interface code to have WCF bindings for the Subscription Listener class
Create an implementation of the subscription listener and handle the callbacks
Fire up the implementation using WCF's embedded service
Register your sub listener endpoint with UDDI (using the correct annotations per the spec)
Setup the subscription using your sub listener's binding template
Wait for callbacks
Here's the code
There's also a Java version that does the exact same thing.

Custom "Basic" Authentication for my WCF services. REST and RIA. Possible?

My server side contains WCF4 REST services and I'm going to add RIA services for my future SL4 application. Currently I'm doing Basic authentication like this:
var auth = HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers.GetValues("Authorization");
And so on.. You get the idea.. I call this on every request. If header not present or I can't validate UN/Password - I do this:
outgoingResponse.Headers.Add("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Secure Area\"");
That got me by so far but I'm refactoring my server side. Implementing IoC for linked services. Created custom ServiceHost, ServiceHostFactory, InstanceProvider and all is well.
Now I need to figure how to properly handle authentication and authorization with WCF so I don't have to manually inspect headers. I do have my custom MembershipProvider so there have to be some method that get's UN/PW to process.
Any pointers? I looked at but it uses RequestInterceptor and it is not available in WCF4. I found ServiceAuthenticationManager and ServiceAuthorizationManager but there is no samples available on how to code and wire those..
Can anybody suggest which way I should go?
Try to use this custom HTTP module. It will add new authentication mode to IIS and it will allow you using custom credentials validation.
I had all types of issues using the built-in annotations for WCF in a recent SOAP/C# project. I know this isn't the best solution, but for my purposes, I enabled basic authentication in IIS7 for my application, disabled anonymous authentication and created Active Directory users for the external clients that would call the web service endpoints. I then changed the application's permissions in IIS7 (it uses file system permissions) to allow a group containing those users.
This moves authentication outside your application, which may not be what you want, but does allow you to easily add users via the IIS7 console and deployment tools that can copy those permissions. The advantage is that you don't have to redeploy your application for permission changes. The disadvantage is you can't do fine grained permission control per function.