No pos tags by Spacy's multilingual xx_ent_wiki_sm - spacy

I am using Spacy's multilingual pos-tagger -- xx_ent_wiki_sm. The problem is it doesn't return any pos tags. If you have encountered the same issue, please, share your ideas/solution. Thank you!
Code in python:
nlp = spacy.load('xx_ent_wiki_sm')
doc = nlp(u'Por David García')
print(' '.join('{word}/{tag}'.format(word=t.orth_, tag=t.pos_) for t in doc))
Por/ David/ García/```

This model does not contain a part-of-speech tagger, it only contains a named entity recognizer.


How not to get "datum" as the lemma for "data" when using Spacy?

I've run into a quite common word "data" which gets assigned a lemma "datum" from lookups exceptions table spacy uses. I understand that the lemma is technically correct, but in today's english, "data" in its basic form is just "data".
I am using the lemmas to get a sort of keywords from text and if I have a text about data, I can't possibly tag it with "datum".
I was wondering if there is another way to arrive at plain "data" then constructing another "my_exceptions" dictionary used for overriding post-processing.
Thanks for any suggestions.
You could use Lemminflect which works as an add-in pipeline component for SpaCy. It should give you better results.
To use it with SpaCy, just import lemminflect and call the new ._.lemma() function on the Token, ie.. token._.lemma(). Here's an example..
import lemminflect
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
doc = nlp('I got the data')
for token in doc:
print('%-6s %-6s %s' % (token.text, token.lemma_, token._.lemma()))
got get get
the the the
data datum data
Lemminflect has a prioritized list of lemmas, based on occurrence in corpus data. You can see all lemmas with...
{'NOUN': ('data', 'datum')}
It's relatively easy to customize the lemmatizer once you know where to look. The original lemmatizer tables are from the package spacy-lookups-data and are loaded in the model under nlp.vocab.lookups. You can use a local install of spacy-lookups-data to customize the tables for new/blank models, but if you just want to make a few modifications to the entries for an existing model, you can modify the lemmatizer tables on the fly.
Depending on whether your pipeline includes a tagger, the lemmatizer may be referring to rules+exceptions (with a tagger) or to a simple lookup table (without a tagger), both of which include an exception that lemmatizes data to datum by default. If you remove this exception, you should get data as the lemma for data.
For a pipeline that includes a tagger (rule-based lemmatizer)
# tested with spaCy v2.2.4
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
# remove exception from rule-based exceptions
lemma_exc = nlp.vocab.lookups.get_table("lemma_exc")
del lemma_exc[nlp.vocab.strings["noun"]]["data"]
assert nlp.vocab.morphology.lemmatizer("data", "NOUN") == ["data"]
# "data" with the POS "NOUN" has the lemma "data"
doc = nlp("data")
doc[0].pos_ = "NOUN" # just to make sure the POS is correct
assert doc[0].lemma_ == "data"
For a pipeline without a tagger (simple lookup lemmatizer)
import spacy
nlp = spacy.blank("en")
# remove exception from lookups
lemma_lookup = nlp.vocab.lookups.get_table("lemma_lookup")
del lemma_lookup[nlp.vocab.strings["data"]]
assert nlp.vocab.morphology.lemmatizer("data", "") == ["data"]
doc = nlp("data")
assert doc[0].lemma_ == "data"
For both: save model for future use with these modifications included in the lemmatizer tables
Also be aware that the lemmatizer uses a cache, so make any changes before running your model on any texts or you may run into problems where it returns lemmas from the cache rather than the updated tables.

When creating a Doc using the standard constructor the model is not loaded [E029]

I'm trying to use SpaCY and instantiate the Doc object using the constructor:
words = ["hello", "world", "!"]
spaces = [True, False, False]
doc = Doc(nlp.vocab, words=words, spaces=spaces)
but when I do that, if I try to use the dependency parser:
for chunk in doc.noun_chunks:
print(chunk.text, chunk.root.text, chunk.root.dep_,
I get the error:
ValueError: [E029] noun_chunks requires the dependency parse, which requires a statistical model to be installed and loaded. For more info, see the documentation:
While if I use the method nlp("Hello world!") that does not happens.
The reason I do that, is because I use the entity extraction from a third party application I want to supply to SpaCy my tokenisation and my entities.
Something like this:
## Convert tokens
words, spaces = convert_to_spacy2(tokens_)
## Creating a new document with the text
doc = Doc(nlp.vocab, words=words, spaces=spaces)
## Loading entities in the spaCY document
entities = []
for s in myEntities:
entities.append(Span(doc=doc, start=s['tokenStart'], end=s['tokenEnd'], label=s['type']))
doc.ents = entities
What should I do? load the pipeline by myself in the document, and exclude the tokeniser for example?
Thank you in advance
nlp() returns a Doc where the tokenizer and all the pipeline components in nlp.pipeline have been applied to the document.
If you create a Doc by hand, the tokenizer and the pipeline components are not loaded or applied at any point.
After creating a Doc by hand, you can still apply individual pipeline components from a loaded model:
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
Then you can add your own entities to the document. (Note that if your tokenizer is very different from the default tokenizer used when training a model, the performance may not be as good.)

Using spacy visualizer with custom data

I want to visualize a sentence using Spacy's named entity visualizer. I have a sentence with some user defined labels over the tokens, and I want to visualize them using the NER rendering API.
I don't want to train and produce a predictive model, I have all needed labels from an external source, just need the visualization without messing too much with front-end libraries.
Any ideas how?
Thank you
You can manually modify the list of entities (doc.ents) and add new spans using token offsets. Be aware that entities can't overlap at all.
import spacy
from spacy.tokens import Span
nlp = spacy.load('en', disable=['ner'])
doc = nlp("I see an XYZ.")
doc.ents = list(doc.ents) + [Span(doc, 3, 4, "NEWENTITYTYPE")]
print(doc.ents[0], doc.ents[0].label_)

Don't include apostrophe s in Spacy named entities

Is there a way to avoid an apostrophe s being included in a named entity, and keep it as a separate token?
For example, I would like to keep the "'s" separate after merging the ents in the following sentence
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en')
s = 'Donald Trump\'s role in the negotiations.'
doc = nlp(s)
for ent in doc.ents:
ent.merge(tag=ent.root.tag_, lemma=ent.text, ent_type=ent.label_)
for t in doc:
Thanks a lot!

how do I split Chinese string into characters using Tensorflow

I want to use to read Chinese sentences, then use the map() function to divide into the single word, but tf.split doesn't work for Chinese.
I also hope someone can help us kindly with the issue.
It is my current solution:
read Chinese sentence from the file with Utf-8 coding format.
tokenize the sentences with some tool like jieba.
construct the vocab table.
convert source/target sentence according to vocab table.
convert to the dataset using from_tensor_slices.
get iterator from the dataset.
do other things.
if using TextLineDataset to load chinese sentences directlly, the content of dataset is something strange , displayed with byte flow.
maybe we can consider every byte as one character in english kind of language.
can anyone confirm with this or has any other suggestion, plz?
The above answer is one common option when handling non-English style language like Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc.
You can also use the code below.
BTW, as you know, TextLineDataSet will read text content as a byte string.
So if we want to handle Chinese, we need to first decode it to unicode.
Unfortunately, there is no such option in tensorflow.
We need to choose other method like py_funct to do this.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import tensorflow as tf
def preprocess_func(x):
ret= "*".join(x.decode('utf-8'))
return ret
str = tf.py_func(
with tf.Session() as sess:
value =
output: 我*爱*,*南*京