how to make the keyboard show search icon when searching ? (React-native) - react-native

I was wondering is it possible in react-native to when doing a search to search icon at the bottom corner like instagram.
Also is it possible using TextInput native Component
Like this:

You need to add returnKeyType as 'search' for your required keyboard.


react native avoid scrollview/flatlist shrinking while keyboard is open

In my react native app, I have a header with a search option and a body with content which is a flatlist and a footer. The flatlist is shrinking when the keyboard is active and my footer is showing above the keyboard.
I don't want to shrink flatlist while the keyboard is active or don't want to show the footer while the keyboard is active. how I can achieve that?
You can use KeyboardAvoidingView from react-native.
Please check your android manifest it should have
something like this(please check this)

Is there a way to grab the keyboard search/return input in react-native-paper SearchBar?

I am working on a react native android app that needs a search bar. I am using the SearchBar from react-native-paper, and I checked their documentation and couldn't find any sort of way to find if the user pressed the little search button on their keyboard.
Not sure if there is an official name for this input or the button itself as I am unfamiliar with mobile app development, but here is an screenshot from the app in case it is unclear. I am referring to the search button on the keyboard itself, which is in this case blue.
From some digging I found out that TextInputs in react native have an onSubmitEditing={} that triggers whatever return key action you want.
Essentially I was wondering if there was an equivalent prop for the SearchBar in react-native-paper.
If you take a look at the implementation of react-native-paper SearchBar it looks like you can pass a onSubmitEditing prop to it and, as react-native-paper uses a TextInput, that input will receive that prop
Ok so it seems that as tintef pointed out, you can just pass onSubmitEditing to the SearchBar since it uses a TextInput. I just tested this and it works perfectly!

hiding react native webview bottom status bar

I have a webview in React Native that has a text input box. When I focus on the text input box, a Safari status bar component shows up at the bottom of the view. Is there any way to prevent this?
It looks like a keyboardType prop
. A keyboardType
Determines which keyboard to open, e.g.numeric.
The following values work across platforms:
iOS Only
The following values work on iOS only:
try using a different keyboardType and check the difference.
Also, I'm not sure but you can try setting the backgroundColor of the WebView to transparent and the "border" won't be rendered.

React Native Picker with Image Icon

I am trying to build a language selection picker in react native which has a picture of the country's flag next to the label, like this:
The icons have to be images and not unicode. I've had a look around but there doesn't seem to be anything available. Does anyone know of anything I can use to create this?
If nothing can be used then I will create a custom picker, I aim to make use of a ScrollView to handle the scrolling but I am not sure what I can use to replicate the rotation effect of the native iOS picker, so if anyone can help me with this also I would really appreciate it.
You can try this:
It's not inside a native picker like your screenshot, but it should do what you are asking for.
You can use emoji by copy from online emoji website(many available on internet) and add picker item code as below,
<Picker.Item label="🇫🇷 France" value="fr" />

Change the pull down icon for React Native Calendars

I am looking for a way to change the icon used to bring down the calendar view when viewing Agenda. I am using this component
Right now it's a small line, I'd like to replace it with a delta arrow or similar.
You can use the renderKnob prop as mentioned in the docs to render your own icon
renderKnob={() => {return (/*Render your Icon JSX here*/);}}