react native avoid scrollview/flatlist shrinking while keyboard is open - react-native

In my react native app, I have a header with a search option and a body with content which is a flatlist and a footer. The flatlist is shrinking when the keyboard is active and my footer is showing above the keyboard.
I don't want to shrink flatlist while the keyboard is active or don't want to show the footer while the keyboard is active. how I can achieve that?

You can use KeyboardAvoidingView from react-native.
Please check your android manifest it should have
something like this(please check this)


React Native KeyboardAvoidingView event

There is a way to create a component that run when KeyboardAvoidingView is running. For example, in a screen there are a TextInput (in the bottom like footer) and a Text. When I click in TextInput to edit (KeyboardAvoidingView is enable) I want the Text disappear. I know how can disappear the Text but I should find a way to detect when KeyboardAvoidingView open.

scrolling not working with Tab in react native

I have data in flatList. I want to build app for people to use it with external keyboard by connecting keyboard with bluetooth.
But Now Problem is By pressing Tab button from keyboard FlatList Not scrolling till Bottom View Its only select views which present in current scree.
so is there any solution for this. please guide me over this

How to remove this bottom keyboard section for emoji and mic buttons in react native

Does anyone know how to remove this bottom section of the keyboard on react-native iOS? Maybe a secret keyboardType prop on a TextInput or something?

How to hide the keyboard toolbar (InputAccessoryView) in WebView in React native? (iOS)

I use WebView in react native and when clicking input and the keyboard open i get with the keyboard toolbar (InputAccessoryView)
how i can hide this line? or control on this part, like change "done" text?
just referred the issues in react-native-webview and found an ios only props called hideKeyboardAccessoryView which may resolve this issue. following links are the way i find-out it and the source code reference . this feature available version 2.3.0 or greater

React Native: Animate shrinking header with tabs and faltlist in tab

Im trying to create a view with an animated shrinking header with a tabview that contains tabs with flatlist(such as google play). See Image.
I'm using react-navigation with a TabNavigator. The header is a component with a fixed height, currently above the TabNavigator. The header is fixed above the tabs all the time taking precious space.
I've tried React Native: Animate shrinking header with tabs but I can't get it to work because I gonna integrate flat list in to tab.
This article is using scrollview in tab panel.
Certainly, I am looking for solution for using flatlist.