filter unique parameters from file - awk

i have file contains urls plus params like following"//
and i need to filter only urls with unique params
the desired output
i managed to filter only urls with params with grep
grep -E '(\?[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,9}\=)'
but i need to filter params in the same time so i tried with awk with the same regex
but it gives error
awk '{sub(\?[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,9}\=)} !seen[$0]++'
i am sorry for editing the desired output but when i tried the scripts i figured out that their a lot of carbege in my file need to filter too.
i tried #James Brown with some editing and it looks good till the end line it dose not filter it unfortunately
awk -F '?|&' '$2&&!a[$2]++'
and to be more clear why the that output is good for me
it chosed the 1 st line because it has at least param1
2nd line because it has at least param3
3 line because it has at least param2
the comparison method here is choose just unique parameter whatever it concatenate with others with & char or not

Edited version after the reqs changes some:
$ awk -F? '{ # ? as field delimiter
split($2,b,/&/) # split at & to get whats between ? and &
if(b[1]!=""&&!a[b[1]]++) # no ? means no $2
}' file
Output as expected. Original answer was:
A short one:
$ awk -F? '$2&&!a[$2]++' file
Explained: Split records at ? (-F?) and if there is a second field ($2) and (&&) it is unique this far by counting the instances of the parameters in the array a (!a[$2]++), output it.

EDIT: Following solution may help when query string has ? as well as & present in it and we want to consider both of them for removing duplicates.
awk '
if(!seen[val]++ && !seen[substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)]++){
}' Input_file
2nd solution: (Following solution may help when we don't have & parameters in query string) With your shown samples, please try following awk program.
awk 'match($0,/\?.*$/) && !seen[substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)]++' Input_file
OR above could be shorten to as follows:(as per Ed sir's suggestions):
awk 's=index($0,"?") && !seen[substr($0,s)]++' Input_file
Explanation: Simple explanation would be, using match function of awk which matches everything from ? to till end of line value. Then adding an AND condition to it to make sure we get only unique values out of all matched values in all lines.

With gnu awk, you could also match the url till the first occurrence of the question mark, and then capture what follows using your initial pattern for the first parameter ([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,9}=[^&]+) followed by matching any character except the &
Then you can use the !seen[$0]++ part with the value of capture group 1.
awk '
match($0, /https?:\/\/[^?]+\?([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,9}=[^&]+)/, arr) && !seen[arr[1]]++
' file
Using awk you can check that the string starts with the protocol and contains a question mark.
Then to get the first parameter only, you can split on ? and & and use the second part of the split for seen
awk '
/^https?:\/\/[^?]*\?/ && split($0, arr, /[?&]/) > 1 && !seen[arr[2]]++
' file


Select first and last column using regex or linux command

I have [a text file][1] that looks something like this...
("oo" (set CANDRA-E-O 0) "ऊ")
("o" (set CANDRA-E-O ?ऑ) "ओ")
("oa" "ऑ")
("au" "औ")
I need to extract the first and last columns like:
"oo", "ऊ"
"o", "ओ"
"oa", "ऑ"
"au", "औ"
I have managed to extract the first column. But not sure how to select the second column.
\ {2}\(\".+\"\
With your shown samples/attempts, please try following awk command. Written and tested in GNU awk.
awk -v FPAT='"[^"]*"' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){printf("%s%s",$i,i==NF?ORS:OFS)}}' Input_file
Explanation: Simple explanation would be, setting FPAT to '"[^"]*"' which means setting field separator as regex form, from " to till next occurrence of " comes. Then in main program going through all fields of each line and printing them, when its last field of line then printing new line else printing spaces(to get all one line values into a single line).
With this awk solution:
awk -v OFS="," '{sub(/^\(/,"",$1);sub(/\)$/,"",$NF);print $1, $NF}' file
with first sub() we remove the parenthesis ( of the first field.
Idem second sub() for last parenthesis ) of the last field.
we print the two fields separated by comma: OFS=","

Get values from the next row and merge- awk

I have a pipe delimited file like this
I am trying to create a new file where I am trying to merge rows based on the value in the first column (OLD/NEW). First column in the output file will have the new number and the second column will have the old number.
I looked at the answer here How to merge every two lines into one from the command line?. I know it is not the exact solution but used as a starting point.
and tried to make it work to solve this but throws syntax error.
awk -F "|" 'NR%2{OFS = "|" printf "%s ",$0;next;}1'
You may use this awk:
awk 'BEGIN {FS=OFS="|"} $1 == "NEW" {print $2, old} $1 == "OLD" {old = $2}' file
Using $0 will have the value of the whole line. If the field separator is a pipe, the second column is $2 that has the number.
If you want to use the remainder with NR%2, another option could be storing the value of the second column in a variable, for example v
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="|"} NR%2{v=$2;next;}{print $2,v}' file

Comparing column of two files

I want to compare the first column of two csv files. I found this answer and tried to adapt it minimally (I want the first column, not the second and I want a print out on any mismatch, regardless of whether the value was present in a control column).
I thought this would be the way to go:
BEGIN { FS = "," }
if(FNR==NR) {a[$1]=$1}
else {if (a[$1] != $1) {print}}
[Here I have already removed one Syntax Error thanks to comment by RavinderSingh13]
The first line was supposed to set the separator to comma.
The second line was supposed to fill the array exactly for as long as I am still reading the first file.
The third line was to compare the elements of the first column of the second file elementwise to said array. Then print the entire line with a mismatch.
However, if I apply this to the following tiny files, which differ in the first non-header entry:
and output.csv:
I dont get any print out. I call it like this:
ludi#ludi-M17xR4:~/Jason$ gawk -f compare_col_print_diff.awk output.csv output2.csv
for line by line comparison, it's easier to match the records first
$ paste -d, file1 file2 | awk -F, '$1!=(f=$(NF/2+1)){print NR":",$1, f}'
will print values for which the first fields don't agree.
With your input files, this will give
2: 4238 4237
3: 4239 4238
The comment by Luuk made me realise a huge fundamental error in my original script, which I think should be recorded. The instruction
Does not produce an array entry per line, but an array entry per distinct ID. Hence, such array is no basis for general strict comparison of the files. To remedy this, I wrote the following, which works on the example, but may still contain traps, as I am still learning:
BEGIN { FS = "," }
if(FNR==NR) {a[NR]=$1}
else {if (a[FNR] != $1) {print FNR, $0}}
$ gawk -f compare_col_print_diff.awk output.csv output2.csv
2 4238,"CHN",2000,1
3 4239,"CHN",2000,1

Awk - Grep - Match the exact string in a file

I have a file that looks like this
ON,454644,FRED84848,Super Man,65757,555,Free
I need to match the values in the fourth column exactly as they are written. So if I am searching for "Super" I need it to return the line with "Super" only.
Likewise, if I'm looking for "Super Man" I need that exact line returned.
ON,454644,FRED84848,Super Man,65757,555,Free
I have tried using grep, but grep will match all instances that contain Super. So if I do this:
grep -i "Super" file.txt
It returns all lines, because they all contain "Super"
ON,454644,FRED84848,Super Man,65757,555,Free
I have also tired with awk, and I believe I'm close, but when I do:
awk '$4==Super' file.txt
I still get output like this:
I have been at this for hours, and any help would be greatly appreciated at this point.
You were close, or I should say very close just put field delimiter as comma in your solution and you are all set.
awk 'BEGIN{FS=","} $4=="Super"' Input_file
Also one more thing in OP's attempt while comparison with 4th field with string value, string should be wrapped in "
OR in case you want to mention value to be compared as an awk variable then try following.
awk -v value="Super" 'BEGIN{FS=","} $4==value' Input_file
You are quite close actually, you can try :
awk -F, '$4=="Super" {print}' file.txt
I find this form easier to grasp. Slightly longer than #RavinderSingh13 though
-F is the field separator, in this case comma
Next you have a condition followed by action
Condition is to check if the fourth field has the string Super
If the string is found, print it

How to filter the OTU by counts with AWK?

I am trying to filter all the singleton from a fasta file.
Here is my input file:
The expected output is:
I've tried
awk -F'>' '{if($1>=2) {print $0}' input.fasta > ouput.fasta
but this will remove all the header for each OTU.
Anyone could help me out?
Could you please try following.
awk -F'[=;]' '/^>/{flag=""} $3>=3{flag=1} flag' Input_file
$ awk '/>/{f=/=1;/}!f' file
awk -v FS='[;=]' 'prev_sz>=2 && !/size/{print prev RS $0} /size/{prev=$0;prev_sz=$(NF-1)}'
Store the size from each line in prev_sz variable and whole line in prev variables. Now check if its >= 2, then print the previous line and the current line. RS is used to print new line.
While all the above methods work, they are limited to the fact that input always has to look the same. I.e the sequence-name in your fasta-file needs to have the form:
A few solutions can handle a bit more extended sequence-names, but none handle the case where things go a bit more generic, i.e.
Print sequence where label xxx matches value vvv:
awk '/>{f = /;xxx=vvv;/}f' file.fasta
Print sequence where label xxx has a numeric value p bigger than q:
awk -v label="xxx" -v limit=q \
'BEGIN{ere=";" label "="}
/>/{ f=0; match($0,ere);value=0+substr($0,RSTART+length(ere)); f=(value>limit)}
f' <file>
In the above ere is a regular expression we try to match. We use it to find the location of the value attached to label xxx. This substring will have none-numeric characters after its value, but by adding 0 to it, it is converted to a number, losing all non-numeric values (i.e. 3;label4=value4; is converted to 3). We check if the value is bigger than our limit, and print the sequence based on that result.