I have a getter to check the product stock and amount of the cart. So here is my getters.js:
export const checkStock = (state, productID) => {
let stockAvailable = true;
state.cart.forEach(item => {
if(item.product.id == productID) {
if(item.product.attributes.stock <= item.amount){
stockAvailable = false;
return stockAvailable;
So as you see, I am sending productID to this function as a parameter. And then in the Product component, I am calling this function and I want to add productID to this function but I don't know-how.
checkStockAvailability(productId) {
return this.$store.getters.checkStock;
So how do you think I can add productID to my getters function?
You can use parameters in getters by returning a function that returns the results:
export const checkStock = (state) => (productId) => {
// call the checkStockAvailability here
let stockAvailable = true;
state.cart.forEach(item => {
if(item.product.id == productID) {
if(item.product.attributes.stock <= item.amount){
stockAvailable = false;
return stockAvailable;
// then you can use this getter on the component as
const productId = 2;
Ive got a problem since i realized that I break the DRY(Dont repeat yourself) rule. So basically I have 2 modules(movies, cinemas) and few methods in them which look the same but use their module' state.
Example: Movies has 'movies' state. Cinemas has 'cinemas' state.
deleteCinemaFromStore(id: string): void {
const cinemaIndex = this.cinemas.findIndex((item) => item.id === id);
if (cinemaIndex >= 0) {
const cinemasCopy = this.cinemas.map((obj) => {
return { ...obj };
cinemasCopy.splice(cinemaIndex, 1);
this.cinemas = cinemasCopy;
} else {
throw new Error("Provided id doesn't exist");
deleteMovieFromStore(id: string): void {
const movieIndex = this.movies.findIndex((item) => item.id === id);
if (movieIndex >= 0) {
const moviesCopy = this.movies.map((obj) => {
return { ...obj };
moviesCopy.splice(movieIndex, 1);
this.movies = moviesCopy;
} else {
throw new Error("Provided id doesn't exist");
My struggle is: How can I seperate these methods into utils.ts if they have reference to 2 different states?
define another function that take the id, state and store context (this) as parameters :
function delete(id:string,itemsName:string,self:any){
const itemIndex= self[itemsName].findIndex((item) => item.id === id);
if (itemIndex>= 0) {
const itemsCopy = self[itemsName].map((obj) => {
return { ...obj };
itemsCopy.splice(itemIndex, 1);
self[itemsName] = itemsCopy;
} else {
throw new Error("Provided id doesn't exist");
then use it like :
deleteCityFromStore(id: string): void {
deleteCountryFromStore(id: string): void {
I am having an issue with adding favourite functionality for e-commerce app. Getting error of undefined.enter image description here
const exitsIndex = state.favouriteProducts.findIndex((meal) => meal.id === action.productId);
if(exitsIndex >= 0) {
return { ...state, favouriteProducts: state.favouriteProducts.filter((meal) => meal.id !== action.productId) }
} else {
const favMeal = state.availableProducts.find((meal) => meal.id === action.productId);
return { ...state, favouriteProducts: state.favouriteProducts.concat(favMeal) };
This is my action:
export const toggleFavourite = id => {
return { type: TOGGLE_FAVOURITE, productId: id };
And this is my call function:
const toggleFavouriteHandler = useCallback(() => {
}, [dispatch, productId]);
you have to check for the initial state, when you are doing findIndex on favouriteProducts , favouriteProducts is null.
so just check if
state.favouriteProducts === null and that should work
To prevent TypeError you should check if state.favouriteProducts is undefined or null.
In this case, i would use:
if (!state.favouriteProducts) return false; // you need this
const exitsIndex = state.favouriteProducts.findIndex((meal) => meal.id === action.productId);
if (exitsIndex >= 0) {
return { ...state, favouriteProducts: state.favouriteProducts.filter((meal) => meal.id !== action.productId) }
} else {
const favMeal = state.availableProducts.find((meal) => meal.id === action.productId);
return { ...state, favouriteProducts: state.favouriteProducts.concat(favMeal) };
I found different solution. Now its working
const addedFavourite = action.product;
const id = addedFavourite.id;
const product_name = addedFavourite.product_name;
const product_image = addedFavourite.product_image;
const product_description = addedFavourite.product_description;
const product_price = addedFavourite.product_price;
const category_id = addedFavourite.category_id;
let updatedFavouriteItem = new Product(
if(state.items[addedFavourite.id] != null){
let updatedCartItems = { ...state.items };
delete updatedCartItems[action.product.id];
return {
items: updatedCartItems,
items: {...state.items, [addedFavourite.id]: updatedFavouriteItem }
return state;
I am making a call to an API and the response is somehow what I expect. However, I want to count the number of elements returned and I can not do it. This is what I think is important from the code.
Call in Vue component
return {
messages: {}
.then((data) => { this.messages = data.data})
Api controller
public function index(){
$messages = Message::all()->where('read_at', NULL);
foreach($messages as $message){
$from = User::find($message->from_id);
$message->fromPrenom = $from->first_name;
$message->fromNom = $from->last_name;
$message->fromImage = $from->user_image;
$messages = [];
return $messages;
Type of response from the API
{"3":{"id":560,"from_id":2,"to_id":1,"content":"tgr","created_at":"2019-07-15 16:59:03","read_at":null,"fromPrenom":"abdel1","fromNom":"Hidalgo","fromImage":"user2-160x160.png"}}
I want to count the number of objects I obtain. if (in vue component) I do
it returns undefined
Try this:
const messages = {"3":{"id":560,"from_id":2,"to_id":1,"content":"tgr","created_at":"2019-07-15 16:59:03","read_at":null,"fromPrenom":"abdel1","fromNom":"Hidalgo","fromImage":"user2-160x160.png"}}
console.log(Object.keys(messages).length) // 1
Or in your code:
.then((data) => {
this.messages = data.data
class UserStore {
#observable rules = {
isFeatching: false,
#observable rooms = {
isFeatching: false,
#observable money = {
isFeatching: false,
async getRules() {
try {
this.rules.isFeatching = true;
const data = await api.getRules();
this.rules.isFeatching = false;
async getRooms() {
try {
this.rooms.isFeatching = true;
const data = await api.getRooms();
this.rooms.isFeatching = false;
async getMoney() {
try {
this.money.isFeatching = true;
const data = await api.getMoney();
this.money.isFeatching = false;
Help me please.
Conditions of the problem:
1) I need to get three types of data in one Store.
Task Objective:
1) How to make it so that "isFeatching" is automatically placed?
Is there any way to automate?
I had the following thought:
Create a global array (or a class from which I will inherit):
const globalManagerFetching = {UserStore: {
getRules: {isFeatching:false}
getRooms: {isFeatching:false}
getMoney: {isFeatching:false}
But how to do it?
How can I get the name action?
my pseudocode:
async getMoney() {
const methoneName = 'getMoney'; // how to get it automatically?
try {
globalManagerFetching[this.constructor.name][methoneName] = false;
const data = await api.getMoney();
globalManagerFetching[this.constructor.name][methoneName] = true;
my pseudocode other:
async getMoney() {
try {
setFetching(true);//how to do this?
const data = await api.getMoney();
setFetching(false);//how to do this?
Tell me please.
Sorry for bad english
If I understand the context of your question correct - you would like to avoid code duplication. I would recommend to solve you this by restructuring your code in such a way:
const { getRules, getRooms, getMoney} = api;
class UserStoreResource {
#observable data = [];
#observable isFetching = false;
#observable error;
constructor(fetchFunction) {
this.fetchData = async ( ) => {
this.isFetching = ture;
await fetchFunction();
this.isFetching = false;
class UserStore {
rules = new UserStoreResource(getRules);
rooms = new UserStoreResource(getRooms);
money = new UserStoreResource(getMoney);
async fetchAllData() {
try {
await Promise.all([
If in your components you will use any observable from UserStoreResource - you will get correct rerendering.
Answering your question about getting a function name - its possible by requesting a property arguments.callee.name - but this is deprecated functionality. More here. Most of all - if you need this property - this is an indicator that code requires restructure.
you can get function name like this
const methodName = arguments.callee.name
In my RN project, I want to achieve this.
// componentWillReceiveProps
componentWillReceiveProps = async (nextProps) => {
let { searchText, peopleTab } = this.props;
let params = {};
if (peopleTab !== nextProps.peopleTab) {
params.peopleTab = nextProps.peopleTab;
// here i want to pass nextProps.searchText without a condition with the params like this.
// params.searchText = nextProps.searchText
if (Object.keys(params).length > 0) {
await this.props.fetchUnfollowedPeople(params);
I want to send nextProps.searchText with params object, if there is a new value. Otherwise I want to send this.props.searchText with the params object.
The above code, if I uncomment
// params.searchText = nextProps.searchText
it gives the infinity loop. How can I achieve this?
Setting the let { searchText, peopleTab } = this.props; in componentWillReceiveProps causes the new value to be pasted
componentWillMount() {
this.searchText = this.props.searchText ;
this.peopleTab = this.props.peopleTab ;
componentWillReceiveProps = async (nextProps) => {
const params = [];
if (this.peopleTab !== nextProps.peopleTab) {
params['peopleTab'] = nextProps.peopleTab ;
if (Object.keys(params).length > 0) {
await this.props.fetchUnfollowedPeople(params);