React-Native componentWillRecieveProps rendering issue - react-native

In my RN project, I want to achieve this.
// componentWillReceiveProps
componentWillReceiveProps = async (nextProps) => {
let { searchText, peopleTab } = this.props;
let params = {};
if (peopleTab !== nextProps.peopleTab) {
params.peopleTab = nextProps.peopleTab;
// here i want to pass nextProps.searchText without a condition with the params like this.
// params.searchText = nextProps.searchText
if (Object.keys(params).length > 0) {
await this.props.fetchUnfollowedPeople(params);
I want to send nextProps.searchText with params object, if there is a new value. Otherwise I want to send this.props.searchText with the params object.
The above code, if I uncomment
// params.searchText = nextProps.searchText
it gives the infinity loop. How can I achieve this?

Setting the let { searchText, peopleTab } = this.props; in componentWillReceiveProps causes the new value to be pasted
componentWillMount() {
this.searchText = this.props.searchText ;
this.peopleTab = this.props.peopleTab ;
componentWillReceiveProps = async (nextProps) => {
const params = [];
if (this.peopleTab !== nextProps.peopleTab) {
params['peopleTab'] = nextProps.peopleTab ;
if (Object.keys(params).length > 0) {
await this.props.fetchUnfollowedPeople(params);


Async function react native

We have to create a Bingo game in React Native with Firebase Realtime Database on Android simulator. The app game is for 2 players. When the first player enter in the app, he create the game and wait for the second player to join.
we want to create a screen with the writing: "Waiting for another player" that appears to the first player until the second player connects then when the second player connects the card is shown.
We wrote this code but it return 'undefined' .
function Game(){
const authCtx = useContext(AuthContext);
const gameCtx = useContext(GameContext);
const [loadPlayer, setLoadPlayer] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
async function gamePlay(){
gameCtx.player1 = authCtx.token;
const play = await setGame(authCtx.token, gameCtx);
console.log(play); //return undefined
if(play == 'CREATE'){
}else if(play == 'UPDATE'){
return <LoadingOverlay message="Waiting for another player... " />;
}, []);
return <Card />;
export default Game;
export function create(game){
const db = getDatabase();
const newGameKey = push(child(ref(db), 'GAME')).key;
set(ref(db, '/GAME/' + newGameKey), game)
.then(() => {console.log('Game Create!');})
.catch((error) => {console.log(error);});
export function setGame(email, game){
const dbRef = ref(getDatabase());
var player = false;
get(child(dbRef, 'GAME/')).then((snapshot) => {
if (snapshot.exists()) {
snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
const key = childSnapshot.key;
const key1 = snapshot.child(key + '/player1').val();
const key2 = snapshot.child(key + '/player2').val();
if( key2 == "" && email != key1){
updateGame(email, key);
player = true;
return true;
if(player == false){
player = true;
} else {
//create the first game!
}).catch((error) => {
export function updateGame(email, key){
console.log('Update: ' + key);
const db = getDatabase();
const updates = {};
updates['/GAME/' + key + '/player2'] = email;
return update(ref(db), updates);
We think this is due to "async" and "await" because not working correctly.
Do you have any suggestions?
How can we redirect the first player to a waiting screen?
is ref(getDatabase()) is promise?. if it is then use await before it.
and use async function before setGame if you are using await while calling.
export async function setGame(email, game){
const dbRef = await ref(getDatabase());
var player = false;
get(child(dbRef, 'GAME/')).then((snapshot) => {
if (snapshot.exists()) {
snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
const key = childSnapshot.key;
const key1 = snapshot.child(key + '/player1').val();
const key2 = snapshot.child(key + '/player2').val();
if( key2 == "" && email != key1){
updateGame(email, key);
player = true;
return true;
if(player == false){
player = true;
} else {
//create the first game!
}).catch((error) => {

$nextTick running before previous line finished

I have a vue function call which is triggered when selecting a radio button but it seems that my code inside my $nextTick is running before my previous line of code is finished. I don't want to use setTimout as I don't know how fast the user connection speed is.
findOrderer() {'/MY/ENDPOINT')
.then((response) => {
this.orderers =;
console.log('FIND_ORDER', this.orderers)
rbSelected(value) {
this.newOrderList = [];
this.$nextTick(() => {
for (var i = 0, length = this.orderers.length; i < length; i++) {
if (value.srcElement.value === this.orderers[i].accountType) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.orderers = [];
this.orderers = this.newOrderList;
Looking at the console log the 'FINE_ORDERER' console.log is inside the 'findOrderer' function call so I would have expected this to be on top or am I miss using the $nextTick
That's expected, since findOrderer() contains asynchronous code. An easy way is to simply return the promise from the method, and then await it instead of waiting for next tick:
findOrderer() {
.then((response) => {
this.orderers =;
console.log('FIND_ORDER', this.orderers);
rbSelected: async function(value) {
// Wait for async operation to complete first!
await this.findOrderer();
this.newOrderList = [];
for (var i = 0, length = this.orderers.length; i < length; i++) {
if (value.srcElement.value === this.orderers[i].accountType) {
this.orderers = [];
this.orderers = this.newOrderList;

Expo-pixi Save stage children on App higher state and retrieve

I'm trying another solution to my problem:
The thing is: im rendering a Sketch component with a background image and sketching over it
onReady = async () => {
const { layoutWidth, layoutHeight, points } = this.state; = new PIXI.Graphics();
const linesStored = this.props.screenProps.getSketchLines();
if (this.sketch.stage) {
if (layoutWidth && layoutHeight) {
const background = await PIXI.Sprite.fromExpoAsync(this.props.image);
background.width = layoutWidth * scaleR;
background.height = layoutHeight * scaleR;
if (linesStored) {
for(let i = 0; i < linesStored.length; i++) {
this lineStored variable is returning a data i've saved onChange:
onChangeAsync = async (param) => {
const { uri } = await this.sketch.takeSnapshotAsync();
image: { uri },
showSketch: false,
if (this.sketch.stage.children.length > 0) {
image: uri,
changeAction: this.state.onChangeAction,
startSketch: this.startSketch,
undoSketch: this.undoSketch,
storeSketchOnState saves this.sketch.stage.children; so when i change screen and back to the screen my Sketch component in being rendered, i can retrieve the sketch.stage.children from App.js state and apply to Sketch component to persist the sketching i was doing before
i'm trying to apply the retrieved data like this
if (linesStored) {
for(let i = 0; i < linesStored.length; i++) {
but it is not working =(

Wrong queryString when building navigation plan in aurelia-router

We're using aurelia-open-id-connect in our project and after successful login the redirect is removing the querystring from the url. I've debugged my way through the aurelia-router and I think I found something. Should'nt the queryString in redirectInstruction be used there?
export const buildRedirectPlan = (instruction: NavigationInstruction) => {
const config = instruction.config;
const router = instruction.router;
return router
.then(redirectInstruction => {
const params: Record<string, any> = {};
const originalInstructionParams = instruction.params;
const redirectInstructionParams = redirectInstruction.params;
for (let key in redirectInstructionParams) {
// If the param on the redirect points to another param, e.g. { route: first/:this, redirect: second/:this }
let val = redirectInstructionParams[key];
if (typeof val === 'string' && val[0] === ':') {
val = val.slice(1);
// And if that param is found on the original instruction then use it
if (val in originalInstructionParams) {
params[key] = originalInstructionParams[val];
} else {
params[key] = redirectInstructionParams[key];
let redirectLocation = router.generate(redirectInstruction.config, params, instruction.options);
// Special handling for child routes
for (let key in originalInstructionParams) {
redirectLocation = redirectLocation.replace(`:${key}`, originalInstructionParams[key]);
let queryString = instruction.queryString;
// use redirectInstruction.queryString instead?
if (queryString) {
redirectLocation += '?' + queryString;
return Promise.resolve(new Redirect(redirectLocation));

How to get the name of the method (#action)?

class UserStore {
#observable rules = {
isFeatching: false,
#observable rooms = {
isFeatching: false,
#observable money = {
isFeatching: false,
async getRules() {
try {
this.rules.isFeatching = true;
const data = await api.getRules();
this.rules.isFeatching = false;
async getRooms() {
try {
this.rooms.isFeatching = true;
const data = await api.getRooms();
this.rooms.isFeatching = false;
async getMoney() {
try { = true;
const data = await api.getMoney(); = false;
Help me please.
Conditions of the problem:
1) I need to get three types of data in one Store.
Task Objective:
1) How to make it so that "isFeatching" is automatically placed?
Is there any way to automate?
I had the following thought:
Create a global array (or a class from which I will inherit):
const globalManagerFetching = {UserStore: {
getRules: {isFeatching:false}
getRooms: {isFeatching:false}
getMoney: {isFeatching:false}
But how to do it?
  How can I get the name action?
my pseudocode:
async getMoney() {
const methoneName = 'getMoney'; // how to get it automatically?
try {
globalManagerFetching[][methoneName] = false;
const data = await api.getMoney();
globalManagerFetching[][methoneName] = true;
my pseudocode other:
async getMoney() {
try {
setFetching(true);//how to do this?
const data = await api.getMoney();
setFetching(false);//how to do this?
Tell me please.
Sorry for bad english
If I understand the context of your question correct - you would like to avoid code duplication. I would recommend to solve you this by restructuring your code in such a way:
const { getRules, getRooms, getMoney} = api;
class UserStoreResource {
#observable data = [];
#observable isFetching = false;
#observable error;
constructor(fetchFunction) {
this.fetchData = async ( ) => {
this.isFetching = ture;
await fetchFunction();
this.isFetching = false;
class UserStore {
rules = new UserStoreResource(getRules);
rooms = new UserStoreResource(getRooms);
money = new UserStoreResource(getMoney);
async fetchAllData() {
try {
await Promise.all([
If in your components you will use any observable from UserStoreResource - you will get correct rerendering.
Answering your question about getting a function name - its possible by requesting a property - but this is deprecated functionality. More here. Most of all - if you need this property - this is an indicator that code requires restructure.
you can get function name like this
const methodName =