How to foreach sql result - sql

i have the following problem. I have a table like that:
at the moment we get 1 line like that above, but we want to have the line repeated CountRollIDs times. So in this case 5 times and want to add a new RollID every time, like 1235 in the second row 1236 in the third row and so on. Is there any way to do that with normal sql?


How to query the front and back n rows of a piece of random row in hive

After selecting a random row, I want to be able to select n number of records preceding and following it.
id content
1 add
2 bob
3 cdf
4 asd
random row id is 3,i need select result:
2 bob
3 cdf
4 asd

Use excel and vba pivot tables to summarize data before and after dates

I have an excel document that is an dumped output of all service tickets(with statuses, assigned to, submitted by...etc) from our ticket tracking software. There is one row per ticket.
I am trying to make a flexible report generator in vba that will allow me to take in the ticket dump and output a report which will have a copy of the data in one sheet, a summary in another sheet, and a line graph in another sheet.
I feel like a pivot table is the perfect approach for this, the only problem is in the summary.
The data from the ticket dump looks something like this:
| Submitted_On | Priority | Title | Status | Closed_On |
10/10/2016 1 Ticket 1 New
10/11/2016 1 Ticket 2 Fixed 11/10/2016
10/12/2016 3 Ticket 3 Rejected 11/9/2016
10/15/2016 1 Ticket 4 In Review
The problem is the way I want the summary to look. Basically the summary should show all tickets that were opened and closed at the first of every month at exactly midnight within the past three years. In other words, if this report was a time machine, at that exact time X would be open and Y would be closed. Furthermore, The summary table should break that down by priority.
The hard part is that these simulated report dates (first of every month within the last 3 years) are extraneous values and are not within each data row.
So the report would be like this:
| Open | Closed |
| Reporting Date | P1 | P2 | P3 | P1 | P2 | P3 |
1-Oct-2016 6 10 0 3 2 0
1-Nov-2016 4 10 0 5 2 0
1-Dec-2016 6 3 0 5 9 0
Basically the formula for the Open section would be something like:
priority=1 AND Submitted_On<Reporting Date AND (Closed_On>Reporting Date OR Closed_On="")
and the formula for the closed section would be something like:
priority=1 AND Submitted_On<Reporting Date AND Closed_On<Reporting Date
It would be needed where I can filter the data so that its only coming assigned to x or only with these statuses...etc. which is why I don't think a regular sheet with formulas would work.
I thought pivot tables would work but Reporting Date isn't a field.
Do you have any advice as to what I can do to make this report work and be very flexible as far as filtering goes?
Thank you!
P.S. I am using excel 2010, so I do not have access to queries

Microsoft Access 2007 Report with Conditional Columns

I am looking to make a very simple report to condense and show data side by side. All of the examples of reports I find are only row by row.
The query I will use will only have three schema "Company, Model, Total"
The format I am trying to get to is
Company Model Total Company Model Total
A 123 2 B 123 4
A 222 3 B 333 3
A 444 7 B 444 7
The idea is to present the information in a way that multiple companies side by side can compare inventory of the same model and find discrepencies. Ideally the report would eventually group all Model's that span every company at the top, but thats a next generation problem.
I have attempted conditional formating on multiple "Company" boxes, but the conditionals do not seem to be applying properly or for some reason every "Company" box is adopting the same conditionals.
I think you want a crosstab query grouping by model (the rowHeader), company as the column header, and first(total) as the value.
The results should look like
model A total B total
123 2 4
222 3
333 3
444 7 7
then you can create another query based on the crosstab results to calculate the difference between company totals, if you want.
You have to do this in two steps:
Build a query that gives you:
Company Model Total
A 123 2
A 222 3
A 444 7
B 123 4
B 333 3
B 444 7
Let's call q this query.
Build a second query
SELECT q1.Company, q1.Model, q1.Total, q1.Company, q2.Model, q2.Total
FROM q AS q1 INNER JOIN q AS q2 ON q1.Model = q2.Model
This will give you:
A 123 2 B 123 4
A 444 7 B 444 7
(There are no matching data for models 222 and 333)

count the instances of value in sub-query, update table

I am trying to count the number of times a value (mytype) appears within a distinct id value, and update my table with this count (idsubtotal) for each row. The table I have:
id | mytype | idsubtotal
44 red
101 red
101 red
101 blue
101 yellow
494 red
494 blue
494 blue
494 yellow
494 yellow
I need to calculate/update the idsubtotal column, so it is like:
id | mytype | idsubtotal
44 red 1
101 red 2
101 red 2
101 blue 1
101 yellow 1
494 red 1
494 blue 2
494 blue 2
494 yellow 2
494 yellow 2
When I try this below, it is counting how many times the mytype value appears in the entire table, but I need to know how many times it appears within that sub-group of id values (e.g. How many times does "red" appear within id 101 rows, answer = 2).
SELECT id, mytype,
COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY mytype) idsubtotal
FROM table_name
I know storing this subtotal in the table itself (versus calculating it live when needed) constitutes a bad data model for the table, but I need to do it this way in my case.
Also, my question is similar to this question but slightly different, and nothing I've tried to tweak using my very primitive understanding of SQL from the previous responses or other posts have worked. TIA for any ideas.
UPDATE table_name a
SET idsubtotal=( SELECT COUNT(1)
FROM table_name b
AND a.mytype=b.mytype
When I try this below, it is counting how many times the mytype value appears in the entire table, but I need to know how many times it appears within that sub-group of id values (e.g. How many times does "red" appear within id 101 rows, answer = 2).
SELECT id, mytype, COUNT(*)
FROM table_name
GROUP BY id, mytype

update table from other table whithout join

Here is the deal. I have a table T with many columns but two of interest: gen_ID, ordernumber.
Records in this table are always by groups of 5 with the gen_ID being the same and the ordernumber being blank.
So in essence, it looks like this:
Gen_ID ordernumber
Now I have a query Q that, when executed, randomizes the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
I want to update ordernumber with the random numbers of Q so it looks like this:
Gen_ID ordernumber
233 3
233 4
233 1
233 2
233 5
234 4
234 5
234 3
234 2
234 1
Any idea on how to do this using MS Access 2010 SQL?
Udate query would be fine but I cannot join the two since I don't have a common ID.
Any suggestions? Note that I can run this magic query once a set of 5 records are created in the table (I don't need to have that done once I have more than one set).
I don't think this can be achieved by SQL alone and will need some VB running alongside. My approach would be to get your 1 - 5 numbers in a random order stored in an "Array", you can then open up a recordset to "T" and step through one by one assigning a number from your array. You could also loop this process to begin again whenever it detects a new Gen_ID in "T" and thus populate the whole table in one pass.