The problem with writing a function in OCaml - syntax-error

I'm trying to write a function that creates a list of powers of a given number.
An example:
powList(2,5) = [0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32]
Here is the code I already wrote:
let rec powList (x,n) =
if n = 0 then []
else (let a = let rec power (x, n) =
if n = 0 then 1
else x * power (x, n-1) in a) ::: powList(x, n-1);;
and this is the problem I get
Line 5, characters 31-32:
5 | else x * power (x, n-1) in a) ::: powList(x, n-1);;
Error: Syntax error: operator expected.
I'm only beginning to code in OCaml so I would be grateful for any help

Few generic remarks:
Don't define (recursive) functions inside recursive functions. Defining helper function in advance will make your code more readable and leave less room for syntax errors. For instance, lifting the definition of power outside of powList give you
let rec power x n =
if n = 0 then 1
else x * power x (n-1)
let rec powList (x,n) =
if n = 0 then []
else ( power ??? :: powList(x, n-1));;
Second, adding an element to a list is done with :: and not :::
Third, functions are generally curried in idiomatic OCaml code
let rec powList x n = ...
rather than
let rec powList (x,n)
because this opens more avenue for composition.
Fourth, your implementation is inefficient because it recomputes x^n at every step without fast exponentation. Consequently, your code ends up computing n * (n+1)/2 multiplications. Using fast exponentiation would reduce the number of multiplication to O(n log n). However the simpler version of using x^(n-1) to computes x yield only n multiplication:
let pow_list x n =
let rec pow_list x_power_n n =
if n = 0 then ...
else ...
pow_list ...


How to match on all integers in a range in a total function?

Let's say we want to check the parity of an Int:
data Parity = Even | Odd
It would be pretty easy for Nat:
parity0: Nat -> Parity
parity0 Z = Even
parity0 (S k) = case parity0 k of
Even => Odd
Odd => Even
The first attempt to implement that for Int:
parity1: Int -> Parity
parity1 x = if mod x 2 == 0 then Even else Odd
This function is not total:
Main.parity1 is possibly not total due to: Prelude.Interfaces.Int implementation of Prelude.Interfaces.Integral
It makes sense because mod is not total for Int. (Although I'm not sure how I could know it in advance. The REPL shows that mod is total. Apparently, you can use a partial function to implement a total function of an interface? Strange.)
Next, I try to use DivBy view:
parity2: Int -> Parity
parity2 x with (divides x 2)
parity2 ((2 * div) + rem) | (DivBy prf) =
if rem == 0 then Even else Odd
This function works and is total, but the implementation is error-prone and doesn't scale to cases where we have multiple possible values. I'd like to assert that rem can only be 0 or 1. So I attempt to use case on rem:
parity3: Int -> Parity
parity3 x with (divides x 2)
parity3 ((2 * div) + rem) | (DivBy prf) = case rem of
0 => Even
1 => Odd
This function also works but is not total. How can I use prf provided by DivBy to convince the compiler that it's total? How can I use this prf in general?
Would using Integer or some other type make this problem easier to solve?
And there is another very concerning thing. I tried to case-split on prf and discovered that the following function is total:
parity4: Int -> Parity
parity4 x with (divides x 2)
parity4 ((2 * div) + rem) | (DivBy prf) impossible
Is that a bug? I can use this function to produce a runtime crash in a program that only contains total functions.

Beginner Finite Elemente Code does not solve equation properly

I am trying to write the code for solving the extremely difficult differential equation:
x' = 1
with the finite element method.
As far as I understood, I can obtain the solution u as
with the basis functions phi_i(x), while I can obtain the u_i as the solution of the system of linear equations:
with the differential operator D (here only the first derivative). As a basis I am using the tent function:
def tent(l, r, x):
m = (l + r) / 2
if x >= l and x <= m:
return (x - l) / (m - l)
elif x < r and x > m:
return (r - x) / (r - m)
return 0
def tent_half_down(l,r,x):
if x >= l and x <= r:
return (r - x) / (r - l)
return 0
def tent_half_up(l,r,x):
if x >= l and x <= r:
return (x - l) / (r - l)
return 0
def tent_prime(l, r, x):
m = (l + r) / 2
if x >= l and x <= m:
return 1 / (m - l)
elif x < r and x > m:
return 1 / (m - r)
return 0
def tent_half_prime_down(l,r,x):
if x >= l and x <= r:
return - 1 / (r - l)
return 0
def tent_half_prime_up(l, r, x):
if x >= l and x <= r:
return 1 / (r - l)
return 0
def sources(x):
return 1
Discretizing my space:
n_vertex = 30
n_points = (n_vertex-1) * 40
space = (0,5)
x_space = np.linspace(space[0],space[1],n_points)
vertx_list = np.linspace(space[0],space[1], n_vertex)
tent_list = np.zeros((n_vertex, n_points))
tent_prime_list = np.zeros((n_vertex, n_points))
tent_list[0,:] = [tent_half_down(vertx_list[0],vertx_list[1],x) for x in x_space]
tent_list[-1,:] = [tent_half_up(vertx_list[-2],vertx_list[-1],x) for x in x_space]
tent_prime_list[0,:] = [tent_half_prime_down(vertx_list[0],vertx_list[1],x) for x in x_space]
tent_prime_list[-1,:] = [tent_half_prime_up(vertx_list[-2],vertx_list[-1],x) for x in x_space]
for i in range(1,n_vertex-1):
tent_list[i, :] = [tent(vertx_list[i-1],vertx_list[i+1],x) for x in x_space]
tent_prime_list[i, :] = [tent_prime(vertx_list[i-1],vertx_list[i+1],x) for x in x_space]
Calculating the system of linear equations:
b = np.zeros((n_vertex))
A = np.zeros((n_vertex,n_vertex))
for i in range(n_vertex):
b[i] = np.trapz(tent_list[i,:]*sources(x_space))
for j in range(n_vertex):
A[j, i] = np.trapz(tent_prime_list[j] * tent_list[i])
And then solving and reconstructing it
u = np.linalg.solve(A,b)
sol =
But it does not work, I am only getting some up and down pattern. What am I doing wrong?
First, a couple of comments on terminology and notation:
1) You are using the weak formulation, though you've done this implicitly. A formulation being "weak" has nothing to do with the order of derivatives involved. It is weak because you are not satisfying the differential equation exactly at every location. FE minimizes the weighted residual of the solution, integrated over the domain. The functions phi_j actually discretize the weighting function. The difference when you only have first-order derivatives is that you don't have to apply the Gauss divergence theorem (which simplifies to integration by parts for one dimension) to eliminate second-order derivatives. You can tell this wasn't done because phi_j is not differentiated in the LHS.
2) I would suggest not using "A" as the differential operator. You also use this symbol for the global system matrix, so your notation is inconsistent. People often use "D", since this fits better to the idea that it is used for differentiation.
Secondly, about your implementation:
3) You are using way more integration points than necessary. Your elements use linear interpolation functions, which means you only need one integration point located at the center of the element to evaluate the integral exactly. Look into the details of Gauss quadrature to see why. Also, you've specified the number of integration points as a multiple of the number of nodes. This should be done as a multiple of the number of elements instead (in your case, n_vertex-1), because the elements are the domains on which you're integrating.
4) You have built your system by simply removing the two end nodes from the formulation. This isn't the correct way to specify boundary conditions. I would suggesting building the full system first and using one of the typical methods for applying Dirichlet boundary conditions. Also, think about what constraining two nodes would imply for the differential equation you're trying to solve. What function exists that satisfies x' = 1, x(0) = 0, x(5) = 0? You have overconstrained the system by trying to apply 2 boundary conditions to a first-order differential equation.
Unfortunately, there isn't a small tweak that can be made to get the code to work, but I hope the comments above help you rethink your approach.
EDIT to address your changes:
1) Assuming the matrix A is addressed with A[row,col], then your indices are backwards. You should be integrating with A[i,j] = ...
2) A simple way to apply a constraint is to replace one row with the constraint desired. If you want x(0) = 0, for example, set A[0,j] = 0 for all j, then set A[0,0] = 1 and set b[0] = 0. This substitutes one of the equations with u_0 = 0. Do this after integrating.

OCaml Syntax Error fixed by double semicolon

I'm sorry for asking such a basic question here, but I'm getting a syntax error when trying to compile the following code,
let sum_of_squares_of_two_largest x y z =
let a :: b :: _ = List.sort (fun x y -> -(compare x y)) [x; y; z] in
a * a + b * b;
let rec factorial n =
if n = 0 then 1 else n * factorial (n - 1);
let e_term n = 1.0 /. float_of_int (factorial n);
let rec e_approximation n =
if n = 0 then (e_term 0) else (e_term n) +. (e_approximation (n - 1));
let rec is_even x = if x = 0 then true else is_odd (x - 1);
and is_odd x = not (is_even x);
let rec f_rec n =
if n < 3 then n else f_rec(n - 1) + 2 * f_rec(n - 2) + 3 * f_rec(n - 3);
The uninformative compiler tells me there is syntax error on line 19, which is the last line of the file.
File "", line 19, characters 0-0:
Error: Syntax error
That is, line 19 is a blank line, only with a new-line character.
I can "fix" this syntax error by adding ;; at the end of each function definition instead of the ;.
Am I missing a semicolon somewhere?
As has been pointed out in the comments, ; is not a statement terminator like in many other (Algol-inspired) languages, but a sequence operator. It takes two values, throws away the first (but warns if it is not unit) and returns the second. a; b is therefore roughly equivalent to let _ = a in b.
You say you would have expected the error to say something like ';' is missing the second operand., but the thing is: it doesn't. Not until it reaches the end of the file (at which point the error message certainly could have been more intelligent, but probably not very accurate anyway).
What follows each ; in your code looks like a perfectly valid expression that might yield a value. For example, if let rec factorial n = ...; had been let rec factorial n = ... in 2 The value of the expression would have been 2. The problem here, from the compiler's point of view, is that it runs out of file before the expression is finished.
As you've also found out, ;; actually is a statement terminator. Or perhaps a toplevel definition terminator is a better term (I don't know if it even has an official name). It's used in the REPL to terminate input, but isn't needed in normal OCaml code unless you mix toplevel definitions and expressions, which you never should.
;; can still be useful for beginners as a "bulkhead", however. If you put just one ;; in place of a ; in the middle of your file, you'll find the compiler now points the error location there. That's because ;; terminates the definition without the preceding expression being complete. So you now know there's an error before that. (Actually in the preceding expression, but since your entire file is one single expression, "before that" is really the best we can do).

Solving and producing and equation with variables indexed by a given set (Haskell)

I want to solve the following problem in Haskell:
Let n be a natural number and let A = [d_1 , ..., d_r] be a set of positive numbers.
I want to find all the positive solutions of the following equation:
n = Sum d_i^2 x_i.
For example if n= 12 and the set A= [1,2,3]. I would like to solve the following equation over the natural numbers:
It's enough to use the following code:
[(x,y,z) | x<-[0..12], y<-[0..12], z<-[0..12], x+4*y+9*z==12]
My problem is if n is not fixed and also the set A are not fixed. I don't know how to "produce" a certain amount of variables indexed by the set A.
Instead of a list-comprehension you can use a recursive call with do-notation for the list-monad.
It's a bit more tricky as you have to handle the edge-cases correctly and I allowed myself to optimize a bit:
solve :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [[Integer]]
solve 0 ds = [replicate (length ds) 0]
solve _ [] = []
solve n (d:ds) = do
let maxN = floor $ fromIntegral n / fromIntegral (d^2)
x <- [0..maxN]
xs <- solve (n - x * d^2) ds
return (x:xs)
it works like this:
It's keeping track of the remaining sum in the first argument
when there this sum is 0 where are obviously done and only have to return 0's (first case) - it will return a list of 0s with the same length as the ds
if the remaining sum is not 0 but there are no d's left we are in trouble as there are no solutions (second case) - note that no solutions is just the empty list
in every other case we have a non-zero n (remaining sum) and some ds left (third case):
now look for the maximum number that you can pick for x (maxN) remember that x * d^2 should be <= n so the upper limit is n / d^2 but we are only interested in integers (so it's floor)
try all from x from 0 to maxN
look for all solutions of the remaining sum when using this x with the remaining ds and pick one of those xs
combine x with xs to give a solution to the current subproblem
The list-monad's bind will handle the rest for you ;)
λ> solve 12 [1,2,3]
λ> solve 37 [2,3,4,6]
this will fail when dealing with negative numbers - if you need those you gonna have to introduce some more cases - I'm sure you figure them out (it's really more math than Haskell at this point)
Some hints:
Ultimately you want to write a function with this signature:
solutions :: Int -> [Int] -> [ [Int] ]
solutions 4 [1,2] == [ [4,0], [0,1] ]
-- two solutions: 4 = 4*1^2 + 0*2^2, 4 = 0*1^2 + 1*2^2
solutions 22 [2,3] == [ [1,2] ]
-- just one solution: 22 = 1*2^2 + 2*3^2
solutions 10 [2,3] == [ ]
-- no solutions
Step 2. Define solutions recursively based on the structure of the list:
solutions x [a] = ...
-- This will either be [] or a single element list
solutions x (a:as) = ...
-- Hint: you will use `solutions ... as` here

Haskell Heap Issues with Parameter Passing Style

Here's a simple program that blows my heap to Kingdom Come:
intersect n k z s rs c
| c == 23 = rs
| x == y = intersect (n+1) (k+1) (z+1) (z+s) (f : rs) (c+1)
| x < y = intersect (n+1) k (z+1) s rs c
| otherwise = intersect n (k+1) z s rs c
where x = (2*n*n) + 4 * n
y = (k * k + k )
f = (z, (x `div` 2), (z+s))
p = intersect 1 1 1 0 [] 0
main = do
putStr (show p)
What the program does is calculate the intersection of two infinite series, stopping when it reaches 23 elements. But that's not important to me.
What's interesting is that as far as I can tell, there shouldn't be much here that is sitting on the heap. The function intersect is recursives with all recursions written as tail calls. State is accumulated in the arguments, and there is not much of it. 5 integers and a small list of tuples.
If I were a betting person, I would bet that somehow thunks are being built up in the arguments as I do the recursion, particularly on arguments that aren't evaluated on a given recursion. But that's just a wild hunch.
What's the true problem here? And how does one fix it?
If you have a problem with the heap, run the heap profiler, like so:
$ ghc -O2 --make A.hs -prof -auto-all -rtsopts -fforce-recomp
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( A.hs, A.o )
Linking A.exe ...
Which when run:
$ ./A.exe +RTS -M1G -hy
Produces an A.hp output file:
$ hp2ps -c A.hp
Like so:
So your heap is full of Integer, which indicates some problem in the accumulating parameters of your functions -- where all the Integers are.
Modifying the function so that it is strict in the lazy Integer arguments (based on the fact you never inspect their value), like so:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
intersect n k !z !s rs c
| c == 23 = rs
| x == y = intersect (n+1) (k+1) (z+1) (z+s) (f : rs) (c+1)
| x < y = intersect (n+1) k (z+1) s rs c
| otherwise = intersect n (k+1) z s rs c
where x = (2*n*n) + 4 * n
y = (k * k + k )
f = (z, (x `div` 2), (z+s))
p = intersect 1 1 1 0 [] 0
main = do
putStr (show p)
And your program now runs in constant space with the list of arguments you're producing (though doesn't terminate for c == 23 in any reasonable time).
If it is OK to get the resulting list reversed, you can take advantage of Haskell's laziness and return the list as it is computed, instead of passing it recursively as an accumulating argument. Not only does this let you consume and print the list as it is being computed (thereby eliminating one space leak right there), you can also factor out the decision about how many elements you want from intersect:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
intersect n k !z s
| x == y = f : intersect (n+1) (k+1) (z+1) (z+s)
| x < y = intersect (n+1) k (z+1) s
| otherwise = intersect n (k+1) z s
where x = (2*n*n) + 4 * n
y = (k * k + k )
f = (z, (x `div` 2), (z+s))
p = intersect 1 1 1 0
main = do
putStrLn (unlines (map show (take 23 p)))
As Don noted, we need to be careful so that accumulating arguments evaluate timely instead of building up big thunks. By making the argument z strict we ensure that all arguments will be demanded.
By outputting one element per line, we can watch the result being produced:
$ ghc -O2 intersect.hs && ./intersect
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( intersect.hs, intersect.o )
Linking intersect ...