Solving and producing and equation with variables indexed by a given set (Haskell) - variables

I want to solve the following problem in Haskell:
Let n be a natural number and let A = [d_1 , ..., d_r] be a set of positive numbers.
I want to find all the positive solutions of the following equation:
n = Sum d_i^2 x_i.
For example if n= 12 and the set A= [1,2,3]. I would like to solve the following equation over the natural numbers:
It's enough to use the following code:
[(x,y,z) | x<-[0..12], y<-[0..12], z<-[0..12], x+4*y+9*z==12]
My problem is if n is not fixed and also the set A are not fixed. I don't know how to "produce" a certain amount of variables indexed by the set A.

Instead of a list-comprehension you can use a recursive call with do-notation for the list-monad.
It's a bit more tricky as you have to handle the edge-cases correctly and I allowed myself to optimize a bit:
solve :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [[Integer]]
solve 0 ds = [replicate (length ds) 0]
solve _ [] = []
solve n (d:ds) = do
let maxN = floor $ fromIntegral n / fromIntegral (d^2)
x <- [0..maxN]
xs <- solve (n - x * d^2) ds
return (x:xs)
it works like this:
It's keeping track of the remaining sum in the first argument
when there this sum is 0 where are obviously done and only have to return 0's (first case) - it will return a list of 0s with the same length as the ds
if the remaining sum is not 0 but there are no d's left we are in trouble as there are no solutions (second case) - note that no solutions is just the empty list
in every other case we have a non-zero n (remaining sum) and some ds left (third case):
now look for the maximum number that you can pick for x (maxN) remember that x * d^2 should be <= n so the upper limit is n / d^2 but we are only interested in integers (so it's floor)
try all from x from 0 to maxN
look for all solutions of the remaining sum when using this x with the remaining ds and pick one of those xs
combine x with xs to give a solution to the current subproblem
The list-monad's bind will handle the rest for you ;)
λ> solve 12 [1,2,3]
λ> solve 37 [2,3,4,6]
this will fail when dealing with negative numbers - if you need those you gonna have to introduce some more cases - I'm sure you figure them out (it's really more math than Haskell at this point)

Some hints:
Ultimately you want to write a function with this signature:
solutions :: Int -> [Int] -> [ [Int] ]
solutions 4 [1,2] == [ [4,0], [0,1] ]
-- two solutions: 4 = 4*1^2 + 0*2^2, 4 = 0*1^2 + 1*2^2
solutions 22 [2,3] == [ [1,2] ]
-- just one solution: 22 = 1*2^2 + 2*3^2
solutions 10 [2,3] == [ ]
-- no solutions
Step 2. Define solutions recursively based on the structure of the list:
solutions x [a] = ...
-- This will either be [] or a single element list
solutions x (a:as) = ...
-- Hint: you will use `solutions ... as` here


The problem with writing a function in OCaml

I'm trying to write a function that creates a list of powers of a given number.
An example:
powList(2,5) = [0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32]
Here is the code I already wrote:
let rec powList (x,n) =
if n = 0 then []
else (let a = let rec power (x, n) =
if n = 0 then 1
else x * power (x, n-1) in a) ::: powList(x, n-1);;
and this is the problem I get
Line 5, characters 31-32:
5 | else x * power (x, n-1) in a) ::: powList(x, n-1);;
Error: Syntax error: operator expected.
I'm only beginning to code in OCaml so I would be grateful for any help
Few generic remarks:
Don't define (recursive) functions inside recursive functions. Defining helper function in advance will make your code more readable and leave less room for syntax errors. For instance, lifting the definition of power outside of powList give you
let rec power x n =
if n = 0 then 1
else x * power x (n-1)
let rec powList (x,n) =
if n = 0 then []
else ( power ??? :: powList(x, n-1));;
Second, adding an element to a list is done with :: and not :::
Third, functions are generally curried in idiomatic OCaml code
let rec powList x n = ...
rather than
let rec powList (x,n)
because this opens more avenue for composition.
Fourth, your implementation is inefficient because it recomputes x^n at every step without fast exponentation. Consequently, your code ends up computing n * (n+1)/2 multiplications. Using fast exponentiation would reduce the number of multiplication to O(n log n). However the simpler version of using x^(n-1) to computes x yield only n multiplication:
let pow_list x n =
let rec pow_list x_power_n n =
if n = 0 then ...
else ...
pow_list ...

Number of solutions for a particular subset sum

Let's say we have a set : {1, 2, ..., n}.
How many subsets of order R exist S = {a_i1, a_i2, ...a_iR} that sum up to a certain number S?. What is the recursion for this problem?
Just define method to solve original problem. Parameters it receives are:
max number to use (n),
subset size (R),
subset sum (S),
and returns number of combinations.
To implement this method, first we have to check is it possible to make this request. It is not possible to fulfill task if:
subset size is larger than number of possible elements (R > n)
maximal possible sum is smaller than S. n + (n-1) + ... + (n-R+1) < S => R*((n-R) + (R+1)/2) < S
After that it is enough to try all possibilities for larger element that will go in subset. In python style it should be implemented like:
def combinations(n, R, S):
if R > n or R*((n-R) + (R+1)/2) < S:
return 0
c = 0
for i in xrange(R, n+1): # try i as maximal element in subset. It can go from R to n
# recursion n is i-1, since i is already used
# recursion R is R-1, since we put i in a set
# recursion S is S-i, since i is added to a set and we are looking for sum without it
c += combinations(i-1, R-1, S-i)
return c

J: Why does `f^:proposition^:_ y` stand for a while loop?

As title says, I don't understand why f^:proposition^:_ y is a while loop. I have actually used it a couple times, but I don't understand how it works. I get that ^: repeats functions, but I'm confused by its double use in that statement.
I also can't understand why f^:proposition^:a: y works. This is the same as the previous one but returns the values from all the iterations, instead of only the last one as did the one above.
a: is an empty box and I get that has a special meaning used with ^: but even after having looked into the dictionary I couldn't understand it.
Excerpted and adapted from a longer writeup I posted to the J forums in 2009:
while =: ^:break_clause^:_
Here's an adverb you can apply to any code (which would equivalent of the
loop body) to create a while loop. In case you haven't seen it before, ^: is the power conjunction. More specifically, the phrase f^:n y applies the function f to the argument y exactly n times. The count n maybe be an integer or a function which applied to y produces an integer¹.
In the adverb above, we see the power conjunction twice, once in ^:break_clause and again in ^:_ . Let's first discuss the latter. That _ is J's notation for infinity. So, read literally, ^:_ is "apply the function an infinite number of times" or "keep reapplying forever". This is related to a while-loop's function, but it's not very useful if applied literally.
So, instead, ^:_ and its kin were defined to mean "apply a function to its limit", that is, "keep applying the function until its output matches its input". In that case, applying the function again would have no effect, because the next iteration would have the same input as the previous (remember that J is a functional language). So there's
no point in applying the function even once more: it has reached its limit.
For example:
cos=: 2&o. NB. Cosine function
pi =: 1p1 NB. J's notation for 1*pi^1 analogous to scientific notation 1e1
cos pi
cos cos cos pi
cos^:3 pi
cos^:10 pi
cos^:_ pi NB. Fixed point of cosine
Here, we keep applying cosine until the answer stops changing: cosine has reached its fixed point, and more applications are superfluous. We can visualize this by showing the
intermediate steps:
cos^:a: pi
3.1415926535897 _1 0.54030230586813 ...73 more... 0.73908513321512 0.73908513321
So ^:_ applies a function to its limit. OK, what about ^:break_condition? Again, it's the same concept: apply the function on the left the number of times specified by the function on the right. In the case of _ (or its function-equivalent, _: ) the output is "infinity", in the case of break_condition the output will be 0 or 1 depending on the input (a break condition is boolean).
So if the input is "right" (i.e. processing is done), then the break_condition will be 0, whence loop_body^:break_condition^:_ will become loop_body^:0^:_ . Obviously, loop_body^:0 applies the loop_body zero times, which has no effect.
To "have no effect" is to leave the input untouched; put another way, it copies the input to the output ... but if the input matches the output, then the function has reached its limit! Obviously ^:_: detects this fact and terminates. Voila, a while loop!
¹ Yes, including zero and negative integers, and "an integer" should be more properly read as "an arbitrary array of integers" (so the function can be applied at more than one power simultaneously).
f^:proposition^:_ is not a while loop. It's (almost) a while loop when proposition returns 1 or 0. It's some strange kind of while loop when proposition returns other results.
Let's take a simple monadic case.
f =: +: NB. Double
v =: 20 > ] NB. y less than 20
(f^:v^:_) 0 NB. steady case
(f^:v^:_) 1 NB. (f^:1) y, until (v y) = 0
(f^:v^:_) 2
(f^:v^:_) 5
(f^:v^:_) 21 NB. (f^:0) y
This is what's happening: every time that v y is 1, (f^:1) y is executed. The result of (f^:1) y is the new y and so on.
If y stays the same for two times in a row → output y and stop.
If v y is 0→ output y and stop.
So f^:v^:_ here, works like double while less than 20 (or until the result doesn't change)
Let's see what happens when v returns 2/0 instead of 1/0.
v =: 2 * 20 > ]
(f^:v^:_) 0 NB. steady state
(f^:v^:_) 1 NB. (f^:2) 1 = 4 -> (f^:2) 4 = 16 -> (f^:2) 16 = 64 [ -> (f^:0) 64 ]
(f^:v^:_) 2 NB. (f^:2) 2 = 8 -> (f^:2) 8 = 32 [ -> (f^:0) 32 ]
(f^:v^:_) 5 NB. (f^:2) 5 = 20 [ -> (f^:0) 20 ]
(f^:v^:_) 21 NB. [ (f^:0) 21 ]
You can have many kinds of "strange" loops by playing with v. (It can even return negative integers, to use the inverse of f).

How to choose a range for a loop based upon the answers of a previous loop?

I'm sorry the title is so confusingly worded, but it's hard to condense this problem down to a few words.
I'm trying to find the minimum value of a specific equation. At first I'm looping through the equation, which for our purposes here can be something like y = .245x^3-.67x^2+5x+12. I want to design a loop where the "steps" through the loop get smaller and smaller.
For example, the first time it loops through, it uses a step of 1. I will get about 30 values. What I need help on is how do I Use the three smallest values I receive from this first loop?
Here's an example of the values I might get from the first loop: (I should note this isn't supposed to be actual code at all. It's just a brief description of what's happening)
loop from x = 1 to 8 with step 1
x = 1 -> y = 30
x = 2 -> y = 28
x = 3 -> y = 25
x = 4 -> y = 21
x = 5 -> y = 18
x = 6 -> y = 22
x = 7 -> y = 27
x = 8 -> y = 33
I want something that can detect the lowest three values and create a loop. From theses results, the values of x that get the smallest three results for y are x = 4, 5, and 6.
So my "guess" at this point would be x = 5. To get a better "guess" I'd like a loop that now does:
loop from x = 4 to x = 6 with step .5
I could keep this pattern going until I get an absurdly accurate guess for the minimum value of x.
Does anybody know of a way I can do this? I know the values I'm going to get are going to be able to be modeled by a parabola opening up, so this format will definitely work. I was thinking that the values could be put into a column. It wouldn't be hard to make something that returns the smallest value for y in that column, and the corresponding x-value.
If I'm being too vague, just let me know, and I can answer any questions you might have.
nice question. Here's at least a start for what I think you should do for this:
Sub findMin()
Dim lowest As Integer
Dim middle As Integer
Dim highest As Integer
lowest = 999
middle = 999
hightest = 999
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
Do While i < 9
If (retVal(i) < retVal(lowest)) Then
highest = middle
middle = lowest
lowest = i
If (retVal(i) < retVal(middle)) Then
highest = middle
middle = i
If (retVal(i) < retVal(highest)) Then
highest = i
End If
End If
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub
Function retVal(num As Integer) As Double
retVal = 0.245 * Math.Sqr(num) * num - 0.67 * Math.Sqr(num) + 5 * num + 12
End Function
What I've done here is set three Integers as your three Min values: lowest, middle, and highest. You loop through the values you're plugging into the formula (here, the retVal function) and comparing the return value of retVal (hence the name) to the values of retVal(lowest), retVal(middle), and retVal(highest), replacing them as necessary. I'm just beginning with VBA so what I've done likely isn't very elegant, but it does at least identify the Integers that result in the lowest values of the function. You may have to play around with the values of lowest, middle, and highest a bit to make it work. I know this isn't EXACTLY what you're looking for, but it's something along the lines of what I think you should do.
There is no trivial way to approach this unless the problem domain is narrowed.
The example polynomial given in fact has no minimum, which is readily determined by observing y'>0 (hence, y is always increasing WRT x).
Given the wide interpretation of
[an] equation, which for our purposes here can be something like y =
many conditions need to be checked, even assuming the domain is limited to polynomials.
The polynomial order is significant, and the order determines what conditions are necessary to check for how many solutions are possible, or whether any solution is possible at all.
Without taking this complexity into account, an iterative approach could yield an incorrect solution due to underflow error, or an unfortunate choice of iteration steps or bounds.
I'm not trying to be hard here, I think your idea is neat. In practice it is more complicated than you think.

Relatively Prime numbers VB

I have this number x and i wanted to find all numbers which are relatively prime to it.
my code so far:
For i = 1 To x-1
if [number n is relatively prime to x] Then
End If
Thanks in advance
Two numbers are relatively prime if their greatest common divisor is 1. VB doesn't have the GCD function built-in, but the algorithm is simple enough (and about 2300 years old!):
function gcd(m, n)
while n > 0
m, n = n, m%n
return m
Note that m and n are assigned simultaneously. I'll leave it to you to complete the VB implementation. You might be interested in googling for the totient of a number and the list of its totatives, which is what you are calculating.
Assuming you want only numbers that are smaller than x, which are coprime with it - you could also take a generative approach, running a special kind of a sieve. When the multiples of each prime are generated, you'd see if that sequence "hits" your upper limit x or misses it, and mark all the numbers in it as non-coprimes if it does hit x.
Or in "pseudocode" (with Haskell syntax :) ),
coprimes n = go( [1..n-1], [2..n-1]) where
go( xs, [] ) = xs -- ' no more numbers to sieve - return xs
go( xs, p:ks ) = -- ' p is first in candidates, ks is the rest
let ms = [p, 2*p .. n-1] -- ' p's multiples
go( if ( (mod n p) == 0 ) -- ' is n a multiple of p ?
then (xs\\ms) -- ' yes: remove p's multiples
else xs, -- ' no: possible coprimes
ks\\ms ) -- ' candidates to sieve
Haskell's set difference \\ is very inefficient with unordered list representation of sets, but you would naturally encode this efficiently, on top of mutable arrays, in VB.