Vue.js Routing shows 404 error message briefly before redirect after auth check - vue.js

I have followed a number of posts' guidance on Stack Overflow and other websites about setting up Vue routes to check for user authentication. The setup I now have does essentially work correctly (for each route, the user authentication status is checked, and redirected to the login page if necessary) but there is a small issue in that just before the user is redirected, the standard Nuxt/Vue 404 page screen flashes up momentarily.
This is an example of each route that requires user authentication that I have in router.js:
path: '/question/:id/comments',
name: 'comments',
component: page('Comments.vue'),
meta: {requiresAuth: true},
beforeEnter: (to, from, next) => {
guard(to, from, next);
And here is my guard() function that checks the user authentication and then redirects them with next() as required:
const guard = function(to, from, next) {
axios.get(process.env.apiUrl + 'check-auth').then(response => {
if( to.matched.some( record => record.meta.requiresAdmin ) ) {
if( !== 1 ) {
next({ path: '/' });
} else {
} else if( to.matched.some( record => record.meta.requiresAuth ) ) {
if( ! ) {
path: '/login',
params: { nextUrl: to.fullPath }
} else {
} else {
Many articles online suggested using localStorage to check the user authentication but this doesn't work in router.js (presumably because its server side and not client side) but I got around this using a Laravel API call with Axios to check it instead.
If anyone can shed any light on why the 404 screen flashes up first before the redirect? Going to the routes directly works fine, so I am guessing it must be something to do with the next() method.


Navigation guard for dynamic route

I have navigation guards to prevent visitors from viewing protected pages without being logged in. One of the pages I want them to see without login is a dynamic route e.g. Below is my vuejs code:
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
let token = window.sessionStorage.getItem("local_token");
let whitelist = [
below works but it doesn't allow for the dynamic route "/dynamic_part/"
if (whitelist.includes(to.path)) {
below works for the dynamic route but breaks other route guards i.e. can't move to Products after logging in. I get this error: Error: Redirected when going from "/login" to "/Products" via a navigation guard.
whitelist.some(item => console.log(to.path.includes(item), item))
if (whitelist.some(item => to.path.includes(item))) {
The rest of the navigation guard:
if (token) {
name: "Products",
} else {
} else {
if (token) {
} else {
name: "Login",
What am I doing wrong and how can get all urls to work?
The problem here is all routes will match to.path.includes("/").
You need to separate the routes you want to match fully, with the ones you match with contains (you might want startsWith()?).
const whitelist = [
const dynamicWhitelist = [
if (whitelist.includes(to.path) || dynamicWhitelist.some(item => to.path.includes(item))) {
/// etc
The more 'Vue-router-like' way of doing this is defining a meta object in your routes and testing against those.
const routes = [
path: '/login',
component: Login,
meta: { allowAnon: true }
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
let token = window.sessionStorage.getItem("local_token");
if(to.meta.allowAnon) {
See the docs here for more details.

Vue getter in beforeEnter returns undefined after page reloads

I have login page and then if user logs in, there is user page. But when I reload user page, It shows false in the console even though user didnt logged out. For login I'm setting token in local storage. What should I do differently, why the code doesnt work? Thanks
This is my route
path: '/userpage',
name: 'User Page',
beforeEnter: async (to, from, next) => {
if (await store.getters.isLoggedIn == false) {
next({ name: 'Login' })
} else {
component: UserPage,
Use localstorage for storing login data so you can preserve it after reload

How do I automatically redirect the user if they are already logged in using Vue and Firebase authentication?

I am trying to automatically route the user to the "Games.vue" component if they are already logged in. For authentication I am using Firebase and I check if they are logged in using:
var user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
if (user) {
// User is signed in.
} else {
// No user is signed in.
What I want to have happen is for the user to not see the Login page if they are already signed in. So they are taken directly to the Games page. I don't know how to accomplish this using Vue. I need something to run before the Login-component that redirects if logged in.
Attempt at solution
The only way I know how to solve this is to show the Login page, check if the Firebase user is logged in and then go to the Games page. This can work, but it isn't the behavior I am looking for. I am using the Vue router. Thank you for your help.
I would suggest to use a VueRouter global guard like so:
const router = new VueRouter({ ... })
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
if (!user) {
} else {
That being said, you then need a way to specify which route requires authentication. I would suggest to use route meta fields like so:
routes = [
name: 'login',
path: '/login',
meta: {
requiresAuth: false
name: 'games',
path: '/games',
meta: {
requiresAuth: true
Now your guards becomes:
if (!user && to.meta.requiresAuth) {
} else {
Vue router provides an example for this use case, take a look at the documentation.
TIP: Make sure to subscribe to auth changes using Firebase onAuthStateChanged method.
let user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) {
user = user;
EDIT: To redirect once logged in, just watch for auth changes and redirect using router.push.
auth.onAuthStateChanged(newUserState => {
user = newUserState;
if (user) {

How to perform a SignOut action in Nuxt.js

I'm currently working on porting the following router.beforeEach action that I have for a Vue.js application to something workable within Nuxt.js.
I've had a good trawl of the middleware documentation, but I'm not quite sure what the correct pattern would be to follow.
My callback which runs before every route change in my Vue.js application is as:
// This callback runs before every route change, including on page load.
router.beforeEach(async (to, from, next) => {
// Reset All State When A User Logs Out:
if (to.redirectedFrom === '/sign-out') {
if (to.meta.authenticationRequired) {
if (!store.getters['auth/activeUserIsAuthenticated']) {
next({ name: 'signIn' })
} else {
} else {
I have the following redirect in my Vue router to perform the redirect action:
path: '/sign-out',
name: 'signOut',
redirect: {
name: 'signIn'
meta: {
authenticationRequired: false,
sitemap: {
ignoreRoute: true
So on a SignOut redirect, I cleanse local storage and do some further state management inside the Vuex store.
However, I have no idea where to start this with Nuxt.js - any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I suggest that using "Nuxt/auth" for handling your authentication. you can read this docs here:
On a Nuxt.js project I worked on, I created a sign-out.vue page and emptied the localstorage from there, then redirected to the homepage.

vue-router next method not working always in beforeach

i'm creating a navigation guard for redirect user to some page,
i get auth status from vuex:
state: {
auth: false,
and in vue-router beforeach, i set a condition that when auth state is false and route is not adminAuth,
redirect to adminAuth route
var auth = store.state.auth
if (!auth){
if( !== "adminAuth" ){
next( { name: 'adminAuth' } )
problem is when route changed first time, next() not working properly, but second time, working properly!
can you help me?
You want to intercept the navigation request using beforeResolve or beforeEnter because beforeEach is too soon and some attributes of the logic you want to use have not been processed yet, so it is possible on second navigation that some underlying logic appears resolved because the next request is accessing something set by the previous request.
const router = new VueRouter({
routes: { ... }
router.beforeResolve((to, from, next) => {
if(!$store.state.auth && !== 'adminAuth') {
next( { name: 'adminAuth' } )