what is [(selection)] in Angular 8? - angular8

Is it the same as [(ngModel)] ? Some kind of two-way binding ?
I do have the following tag on our project :
<p-table #tt [value]="universitiesList"[(selection)]="selectedUniversity" [globalFilterFields]="['Name']">
universitiesList and selectedUniversity are 2 variables which exist on the typescript of this component. I understand that. But are 'value' and 'selection' reserved words ? Why is value writen with [] and selection written within [()] ?
Ty a lot

[(selection)] is a property of a primeNG table
It is a form of two-way-binding
When a row / checkbox of the table is selected, the value is saved to that array
(the value is saved to the array"selectedUniversity") :
https://www.primefaces.org/primeng/v8.2.9-lts/#/table/selection :
<p-table [columns]="cols" [value]="cars" selectionMode="single" [(selection)]="selectedCar1" dataKey="vin">


is there a way to pass muttiple values which are not in side a component(dom)?

I am very new to Vue,
i tried to simulate this in bellow link.
I have this simple html select tag. Where I am showing values from object(banks).
now I have used v-on:change so when ever user will select any values, i want to get values of
> ledger_object_type_sub_id and ledger_object_type_sub_name
Now, I can get the ledger_object_type_sub_id from v-bind or v-model,
but how do i pass the value of ledger_object_type_sub_name into a function.
i.e get_existing_bank_id(bank_name_id, **bank_name**) so that i can use that value can be use later on?
Thanks for your help.
Just bind object value on your option tag
<option v-bind:value="bank">..</option>
What you can do is to find in your banks array the ledger_object_type_sub_id who is equal to your bank_name_id.
get_existing_bank_id: function(bank_name_id) {
console.log(this.banks.find(bank => bank.ledger_object_type_sub_id === bank_name_id).ledger_object_type_sub_name);
Here is your fiddle update with the working solution : https://jsfiddle.net/sjh038w9/

how to solve vue short if in v-model?

I need to do a shortif in a v-model, but eslint gives the folowing problem:
[vue/valid-v-model] 'v-model' directives require the attribute value
which is valid as LHS.eslint-plugin-vue
so the code works. but its not the way it needs to work.
this is the code i have now
v-show="field.type == 'String'"
v-model="_isMultiple(content_data[tabindex]) && subitem != null ? content_data[tabindex][subitem][field.name]
: content_data[tabindex][field.name]"
So this code needs a little explanation to it.
I try to build this as an dynamic module. If I get an array back from my json response it needs to v-model the subitem. If I get an object back from the response it just needs to v-model that object.
The data (content_data[tabindex]) + field do i get from a v-for loop and other loops in my vue html
so I think its not an option to do a computed prop because
I can't get in the right data.
_isMultiple function code:
_isMultiple(content_data) {
return Array.isArray(content_data)
any solution for this?
Maybe you should not use v-model, but build it on your own with value binding and event listening.
v-model is only a shorthand: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/forms.html.
By implementing it on your own you can use a method to set the values and a computed property to get it.

Disable Vue Bootstrap Table Header Renaming

I am using b-table on vue-bootstrap using this code:
b-table :fields="queryResult.columns" :items="queryResult.rows"
The field is like this: id, column_name, column_hide
But, it automatically generates 'translated' header name, column_name to Column Name.
Is there any way to disable 'auto-renaming' on that table header ?
According the documents, there is a label attribute that can be set on the fields prop
Appears in the columns table header (and footer if foot-clone is set).
Defaults to the field's key (in humanized format) if not provided.
It's possible to use empty labels by assigning an empty string "" but
be sure you also set headerTitle to provide non-sighted users a hint
about the column contents.

PEGA SLIDER - and get refresh property

I got a requirement to do a slider in PEGA.
The issue is that I do not manage to get the field/property refreshed with the slider value. I need to use this property in a declare expression and in conditional visibility (layout).
I am looking for something like the autocomplete where the value is refresh without submitting.
Any idear will be welcome.
Ok, I have solved the issue. In order to actualise the property .Amount outside the layout, I needed to configure an action on the first layout. The one holding the slider. In this layout -> in actions : add an event: Change and Add an Action : Refresh-This section / Target Section.
The value is then dynamicly refreshed in the clipboard too.
PS : in order to have different step value inside the same slider (ex: from 0 to 10 step = 1, form 10 to 30 step = 3 ... ) just use a property in the Slider Parameters 'step' of the slider and link this property to a declare expression. Within the declare expression you can configure as much step as you want.

Retrieve s:hidden value and add as a param to an url

I have an hidden input field which value changes according to the option selected in a s:select in Struts 2. Then, there's a button that points to an action like loadData.action.
I would like to add to this action a parameter named item.id with the value of the hidden field as its value, a value changing each time I select a new option.
I've tried to use an s:param with an s:property inside and the name or the id of the s:hidden, but it doesn't print the value after the = sign.
How can I do to achieve this result? loadData.action?item.id=12 where 12 is the value of s:hidden name="item" id="item" ?
Please Provide complete action link and which value to be change also your HTML structure, so it will be easy to answer your question
Assuming your HTML structure's elements, I have tried to answer your question
You can change action using jQuery on change event of your <s:select>
Have a look at https://jsfiddle.net/shantaram/qy9rew4v/
$('#id-select').change( function () {
var newAction = $('#id-form').prop('action');
newAction = newAction.substring(0, newAction.lastIndexOf('='));
$('#id-form').prop('action', newAction+"="+varItemId);
//varItemId is value of your hidden field
//which you want to change Dynamically
id-select -> Id of your <select> element
id-form -> Id of your <form> element