CGAL::Intersection thread safe - cgal

I'm using 2D CGAL::Intersection via Cartesian kernel but it leads to double free or corruption (fasttop) error when i'm using it in parallel mode. Is there a way to call it from an object or is there a thread-safe version of this function ?
Can someone help me fix it ?

Thread safety for handles and CGAL::Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel will be added in CGAL 5.4.
For prior versions, you can use GMPXX and CGAL::Simple_cartesian<mpq_class> as Kernel type.


Vulkan ShaderViewportIndexLayerEXT support

I'm in the process of porting some rendering code to Vulkan. I've been using the SPIR-V cross-compiler to avoid the requirement of re-writing all my shaders, which has been working well in most cases, but now I've hit an issue I just can't get past.
I have a vertex shader being compiled to SPIR-V that uses SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex. This maps to ShaderViewportIndexLayerEXT in SPIRV. The device I'm running on (an NVidia 3090 with latest drivers) supports the VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer extension (which is core in 1.2), and I'm explicitly enabling both shaderOutputViewportIndex and shaderOutputLayer in the VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan12Features struct (chained off the vkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 which is in turn chained on pNext for the vkDeviceCreateInfo struct.
I've also added the line:
To the .hlsl source file, and verified the SPIRV being output contains the extension reference.
The validation layer is whining, with:
Validation Error: [ VUID-VkShaderModuleCreateInfo-pCode-01091 ] Object 0: handle = 0x1e66c477eb0, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DEVICE; | MessageID = 0xa7bb8db6 | vkCreateShaderModule(): The SPIR-V Capability (ShaderViewportIndexLayerEXT) was declared, but none of the requirements were met to use it. The Vulkan spec states: If pCode declares any of the capabilities listed in the SPIR-V Environment appendix, one of the corresponding requirements must be satisfied
Is there something else I need to do to enable this feature on the device? Any help/insight would be greatly appreciated.
(I can always drop the requirement to use this feature - realistically in my use case on DX12 it's not gaining me much if anything, but I'd rather figure this out!)

Context switch in module's function execute

I read that when you run module, the code becomes part of the kernel. But I figured that there can be context switch between processes while module's function is still executing. How could it be? I read that there are no context switches while in kernel.
Certainly there are context switches in the Linux kernel. It's called kernel pre-emption. I'm not sure where you read that there are no context-switches in the kernel or why you'd think it's impossible.
A kernel thread (presumably where your module code will be executing on) is scheduled just like any other user thread.
But the question seems incorrect.
But I figured that there can be context switch between processes while module's function is still executing.
Say we have a module which implements a filesystem. If you open a file on such a filesystem through open syscall, the code goes open -> some lookups -> the code in the module. All of this is happening in the context of the same thread. There is no concept of module context. It may be the code in the module created some kernel threads on its own, but this has zero relation to it being a module.
process could run in one of these context at any given point of time :
user mode
kernel mode
Interrupt mode
Context switch happens in all cases. In Interrupt mode, it is programmer responsibility to disable context switch on the CPU while executing top half section of the interrupt. I dont know where you read that context switching do not happen in kernel mode.

Does primitive wrapper instantiation cause memory allocation in JDK 1.6

From PMD:
IntegerInstantiation: In JDK 1.5, calling new Integer() causes memory allocation. Integer.valueOf() is more memory friendly.
ByteInstantiation: In JDK 1.5, calling new Byte() causes memory allocation. Byte.valueOf() is more memory friendly.
ShortInstantiation: In JDK 1.5, calling new Short() causes memory allocation. Short.valueOf() is more memory friendly.
LongInstantiation: In JDK 1.5, calling new Long() causes memory allocation. Long.valueOf() is more memory friendly.
Does the same apply for JDK 1.6? I am just wondering if the compiler or jvm optimize this to their respective valueof methods.
In theory the compiler could optimize a small subset of cases where (for example) new Integer(n) was used instead of the recommended Integer.valueOf(n).
Firstly, we should note that the optimization can only be applied if the compiler can guarantee that the wrapper object will never be compared against other objects using == or !=. (If this occurred, then the optimization changes the semantics of wrapper objects, such that "==" and "!=" would behave in a way that is contrary to the JLS.)
In the light of this, it is unlikely that such an optimization would be worth implementing:
The optimization would only help poorly written applications that ignore the javadoc, etc recommendations. For a well written application, testing to see if the optimization could be applied only slows down the optimizer; e.g. the JIT compiler.
Even for a poorly written application, the limitation on where the optimization is allowed means that few of the actual calls to new Integer(n) qualify for optimization. In most situations, it is too expensive to trace all of places where the wrapper created by a new expression might be used. If you include reflection in the picture, the tracing is virtually impossible for anything but local variables. Since most uses of the primitive wrappers entail putting them into collections, it is easy to see that the optimization would hardly ever be found (by a practical optimizer) to be allowed.
Even in the cases where the optimization was actually applied, it would only help for values of n within in a limited range. For example, calling Integer.valueOf(n) for large n will always create a new object.
This holds for Java 6 as well. Try the following with Java 6 to prove it:
System.out.println(new Integer(3) == new Integer(3));
System.out.println(Integer.valueOf(3) == Integer.valueOf(3));
System.out.println(new Long(3) == new Long(3));
System.out.println(Long.valueOf(3) == Long.valueOf(3));
System.out.println(new Byte((byte)3) == new Byte((byte)3));
System.out.println(Byte.valueOf((byte)3) == Byte.valueOf((byte)3));
However, with big numbers the optimization is off, as expected.
The same applies for Java SE 6. In general it is difficult to optimise away the creation of new objects. It is guaranteed that, say, new Integer(42) != new Integer(42). There is potential in some circumstances to remove the need to get an object altogether, but I believe all that is disabled in HotSpot production builds at the time of writing.
Most of the time it doesn't matter. Unless you have identified you are running a critical piece of code which is called lots of times (e.g. 10K or more) it is likely it won't make much difference.
If in doubt, assume the compiler does no optimisations. It does in fact very little. The JVM however, can do lots of optimisations, but removing the need to create an object is not one of them. The general assumption is that object allocation is fast enough most of the time.
Note: code which is run only a few times (< 10K time by default) will not even be fully compiled to native code and this is likely to slow down your code more than the object allocation.
On a recent jvm with escape analysis and scalar replacement, new Integer() might actually be faster than Integer.valueOf() when the scope of the variable is restricted to one method or block. See Autoboxing versus manual boxing in Java for some more details.

Circular buffer in VB.NET

How can I create a circular buffer on the heap in VB.NET ?
This would be used for audio playback via P/Invoke to winmm.dll waveoutopen and waveoutwrite to support development of a software synth.
I currently use the marshall class to build a regular array of bytes in the heap.
OK, I'll byte...
Do you really mean CIRCULAR ( as in fixed size) or could you use a linked-list?
Why worry about "heap?" This is VB not "c/c++" on an embedded hardware system. Is the use of the term "heap" due to data scope, life cycle, or availability (to other apps? as in ALLOC/MALLOC)

JIT code generation techniques

How does a virtual machine generate native machine code on the fly and execute it?
Assuming you can figure out what are the native machine op-codes you want to emit, how do you go about actually running it?
Is it something as hacky as mapping the mnemonic instructions to binary codes, stuffing it into an char* pointer and casting it as a function and executing?
Or would you generate a temporary shared library (.dll or .so or whatever) and load it into memory using standard functions like LoadLibrary ?
You can just make the program counter point to the code you want to execute. Remember that data can be data or code. On x86 the program counter is the EIP register. The IP part of EIP stands for instruction pointer. The JMP instruction is called to jump to an address. After the jump EIP will contain this address.
Is it something as hacky as mapping the mnemonic instructions to binary codes, stuffing it into an char* pointer and casting it as a function and executing?
Yes. This is one way of doing it. The resulting code would be cast to a pointer to function in C.
Is it something as hacky as mapping the mnemonic instructions to binary codes, stuffing it into an char* pointer and casting it as a function and executing?
Yes, if you were doing it in C or C++ (or something similar), that's exactly what you'd do.
It appears hacky, but that's actually an artifact of the language design. Remember, the actual algorithm you want to use is very simple: determine what instructions you want to use, load them into a buffer in memory, and jump to the beginning of that buffer.
If you really try to do this, though, make sure you get the calling convention right when you return to your C program. I think if I wanted to generate code I'd look for a library to take care of that aspect for me. Nanojit's been in the news recently; you could look at that.
Yup. You just build up a char* and execute it. However, you need to note a couple details. The char* must be in an executable section of memory and must have proper alignment.
In addition to nanojit you can also check out LLVM which is another library that's capable of compiling various program representations down to a function pointer. It's interface is clean and the generated code tends to be efficient.
As far as i know it compiles everything in memory because it has to run some heuristics to to optimize the code (i.e.: inlining over time) but you can have a look at the Shared Source Common Language Infrastructure 2.0 rotor release. The whole codebase is identical to .NET except for the Jitter and the GC.
As well as Rotor 2.0 - you could also take a look at the HotSpot virtual machine in the OpenJDK.
About generating a DLL: the additional required I/O for that, plus linking, plus the complexity of generating the DLL format, would make that much more complicate, and above all they'd kill performance; additionally, in the end you still call a function pointer to the loaded code, so...
Also, JIT compilation can happen one method at a time, and if you want to do that you'd generate lots of small DLLs.
About the "executable section" requirement, calling mprotect() on POSIX systems can fix the permissions (there's a similar API on Win32). You need to do that for a big memory segment instead that once per method since it'd be too slow otherwise.
On plain x86 you wouldn't notice the problem, on x86 with PAE or 64bit AMD64/Intel 64 bit machines you'd get a segfault.
Is it something as hacky as mapping
the mnemonic instructions to binary
codes, stuffing it into an char*
pointer and casting it as a function
and executing?
Yes, that works.
To do this in windows you must set PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE to the allocated block:
void (*MyFunc)() = (void (*)()) VirtualAlloc(NULL, sizeofblock, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
//Now fill up the block with executable code and issue-