JMeter - RegEx Extractor seems correct but request header has ${token} instead of value - variables

Request #1
POST https://url/
RegEx Extractor
Response #1
Request #2
GET https://some-other-url
Header Manager
As shown:
Instead of
Authorization: Bearer WkQTxNnZRR0nofyJzb-kioALlXgwc7cN9rokXrKzWmtB2BDedUXeQnd94S5KWvaz0
we have
Authorization: Bearer ${token}
Debug Component Results - Starting to Look Like a Variable Scope Issue
... but:
Result of RegExp Tester
Here, I used the same reg-ex as I used in the Reg Ex Extractor, and it finds the desired string.
JSON Extractor Attempt
Still says Bearer ${token}

As per JMeter Documentation Variables are local to a thread hence you cannot refer the variables which are set in one Thread Group in another Thread Group.
You either need to convert the variable into a JMeter Property using __setProperty() function in 1st thread group and load it using __P() function in 2nd thread group or go for Inter-Thread Communication Plugin
Also be informed that JSON is not a regular language hence using regular expressions is not the best choice for extracting the token from the response


I Have a JSON response in string so I used JSR223 processor and extracted the required token

I Have a JSON response in string so I used JSR223 processor and extracted the required token, is there any way to make that variable as global variable for all the threads to use
COuldn't get any slutions or haven't got the right link to check
As per request I have added screenshot for more clarity in my question
enter image description here
I even tried using
still no use
I have extracted a string from response and assigned to text3 and I want to make it as global variable in thread group so that It can be used all other next API's I tried using props.put() however it didn't worked

How to set http response code in Parse Server cloud function?

A parse server cloud function is defined via
Parse.Cloud.define("hello", function(request, response) {..});
on the response, I can call response.success(X) and response.error(Y), and that sets the http response code and the body of the response.
But how do I define a different code, like created (201)?
And how do I set the headers of the response?
thanks, Tim
You are allowed to return any valid JSON from response.success(). Therefore, you could create an object with fields such as code, message, and value, so you can set the code, give it a string descriptor, and pass back the value you normally would, if there is one. This seems to accomplish what you need, though you will have to keep track of those codes across your platforms. I recommend looking up standard http response codes and make sure you don't overlap with any standards.

Jmeter: variable scope - How to use different random value for the same request

I'm willing to use 2 variables for random values with the same request.
I defined both in User Parameters as follows: var1=${__Random(1,100)}; var2=${__Random(1000,2000)} (Also I checked: Update once per iteration)
I have the requests:
Request1: GET user/${var1}
Request2: GET user/${var2}
During run-time, when it gets to request2 var2 equals var1!
How do I fix that?
Well, User Parameters is a PreProcessor so you should put it as a child of your HTTP Request in order to get correct behavior. You can use Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination to validate variables values (see How to Debug your Apache JMeter Script article for more details)
I would recommend discarding this User Parameters and injecting the __Random() function directly into your HTTP Request sampler Path like
This is a simpler way to generate random numbers and get them stored into JMeter Variables.

Encoding response value to base64 and using it on another test

I'm trying to do some testing using JMeter but I'm facing an issue trying to do some complex stuff.
I have a login HTTP request test that comes back with a response which includes an auth_token. I need to add ":" at the end and encode it to base64 to use that value on the request of another test.
I've been reading that it can be done using BeanShell but I could not achieve it yet. I will appreciate if someone could give me some steps to perform this task.
I assume you know how to get this auth_token into a JMeter Variable via i.e. Regular Expression Extractor
If you're have JMeter Plugins installed - you can use __base64Encode() function like:
If you don't have the plugins/cannot have/don't want to have - here is how to do it with Beanshell.
Add Beanshell PostProcessor somewhere after Regular Expression Extractor (or other PostProcessor you're using to fetch the auth_token value
Put the following code into the Beanshell PostProcessor "Script" area:
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.util.Base64Encoder;
String auth_token = vars.get("auth_token");
String auth_token_encoded = Base64Encoder.encode(auth_token);
vars.put("auth_token_encoded", auth_token_encoded);
See How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component to get started with Beanshell scripting.
Both cases assume:
you have "auth_token" value stored in ${auth_token} JMeter Variable
you will be able to access the encoded value as ${auth_token_encoded}
I had a similar test case where I need to put a file as Base64 encoded String into the body of a HTTP Request.
Instead of a BeanShell I used the groovy script functionality¹:
"example": "${__groovy(new File('${SCRIPT_PATH}/test.file').bytes.encodeBase64())}"
If you already have a String this snippet would work similar:
"example": "${__groovy('string to encode'.bytes.encodeBase64())}"
Or this is the usage with a user defined variable:
"example": "${__groovy('${STRING_VARIABLE}'.bytes.encodeBase64())}"
¹ ${SCRIPT_PATH} is a user defined variable pointing – in my case – to the folder of the loaded jmx-file: ${__BeanShell(;)}${__BeanShell(File.separator,)}

How to pass regular expression extracted value in json format for PUT call in jmeter?

I am testing RESTapi with (json format) using (HTTP Request sampler) in jmeter. I am facing problems with the PUT calls for update operation.
The PUT call with parameters don't work at all using (HTTP Request sampler), so now i am using the post body to pass the Json.
How can i pass the extracted values from the previous response to next PUT request in thread group? Passing the 'Regex veritable' to PUT call in Post body don't work, it doesn't take ${value} in Post body.
How do i carry out UPDATE operations using (HTTP Request sampler) in Jmeter?
Check that your regexp extractor really worked using a debug sampler to show extracted value.
Check your regexp extractor is scoped correctly.
See this configuration:
A Variable:
Its use with a PUT request:
The sampler result: