TextField (with recycler, viewpager or something else ) - android-recyclerview

What is the correct way of implementing this kind of view
Age Categories are dynamic. And it may be more than 3.

You can implement it through Recycler view, even I did in one of my project. I had created number line, and added numbers dynamically. Also I have used ViewPager2.


Create a Mention friend in iOS with Objective-C

still learning iOS development, want to create something like mention friend likes in Facebook / Instagram.
Mention People UI in Instagram
Is it using new TableViewController and add subview to the same View Controller? (in this case, CommentViewController) , but, when i already have UITAbleViewController in my CommentViewController, how can i handle the second tableviewcontroller?
Looking at the image you provided it looks as though the best way to implement this would be a UIViewController that has a UITableView added to it. Each tableview that is created can have a delegate and datasource set for it. When the textview detects that a mention is being entered (more about detecting this later) you would trigger a second tableview to appear as an additional view (subview) that overlays your current tableview (or as the accessory view of the keyboard, the way apple and others present a textview over the keyboard for text entry ex: messages app).
In order to manage the two tableviews my suggestion would be to create two additional classes each of which conform to the UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewData source. The first one would be the CommentsTableViewManager and the second would be the MentionsTableViewManager. The first tableview would set the CommentsTableViewManager as its delegate and datasource while the second would use the MentionsTableViewManager.
The other problem you may run into later on is determining how to properly detect mentions being typed into the textview. I've actually created an open source library that will help you with this problem. It's located here: https://github.com/szweier/SZMentionsSwift the README should provide enough information for you to get started if you choose to use it.
I hope the information about helps get you started with your app.
From architecture prospective it's way better to have a single table view with altered data source container, depending on current mode.
Speaking an instagram way - either you're showing comments, or, if # symbol was detected, displaying a list of users. So almost all your UITableView's delegate and data source methods will start with something like if (isMentionMode) and you'll choose specific cell class/cell's height/amount of rows per section/etc depends on isMentionMode state.

The same UI as in Contacts (buttons and a table view in the same place)

Please go to your Contacts app, and choose one of your contacts.
You'll see that the view has labels, buttons and a table view all in the same view. And you can also scroll it around.
I want to set up the same kind of UI.
How would I organize things in interface builder to accomplish this? I would imagine I’d have to create a regular UIViewController subclass, and create a XIB file with a scroll view, which in turn contains the buttons and table view? I tried, but it doesn't give me the desired effect. For example, the view refuses to “bounce” upon scrolling.
You have to create a UITableViewController and create the Table you want.
The buttons are costum Table cells in the UITableView with round rect buttons in it. They have selectors to call methods.
Edit: Wrong answer, poster wants something different, but I'll let the answer stand because people might land here while searching.
What you probably want is the ABPeoplePickerNavigationController. Apple has sample code that demonstrates how to use it.
It might be using tableview or might be just a UIVIew with ScrollView and labels+buttons. You approach is right and it'll bounce if your view size is larger than your screen size

Cocoa Merging Custom Views

Currently, I have an NSStatusItem that, when clicked, shows a custom view below it. The view contains some information and text fields. What I need is for a separate custom view to merge with the first and appear below it, as in further down the screen, not on top or behind the original view. This needs to be a separate view because there are actually several custom view that will be appended depending on what the user does in the first view. I would like to be able to independently add or remove each of these without affecting the others. I've dug through apple documentation but I haven't found anything about putting one custom view inside another programatically.
NSView has an addSubview:positioned:relativeTo: method you can use to add and order views to appear above or below each other. Use superview: to access this method on a container from any of its subviews.
Try adding both views to an NSSplitView with a hidden divider. To hide the divider, subclass NSSplitView and override the dividerThickness: method to return 0;

switch to randomly selected view in xcode

utilising xcode using the random function i want to switch to from a view to a randomly selected new view...can some one give me some direction.
A new view (randomly selected) subview of the current view or some view across your application?
For subviews: you could use the tag property of every view, assign a value to it and use viewWithTag: to find a view based on the tag (= the randomly generated number from before).
For views across your app: Why would you want to do something like this? Doesn't sound exactly like good design to me.

Using a UIPickerView with custom values

Im using a navigation controller and a normal view. In the view I'd like a UIPickerView with custom values in it. It would have one column with about 15 values in it. And I want the ability to add an action to each value.
Is there any way I can do this using Xcode? I can't seem to find the corrent help.
You need to look at the documentation for UIPickerViewDelegate.
In order to have an action for each value you will implement pickerView:didSelectRow:inComponent: and have a different action based on which row was selected.
For the contents of the rows you can implement pickerView:titleForRow:forComponent: if your contents are simple text.
If you want custom drawn contents you can provide a custom view for each row with the pickerView:viewForRow:forComponent:reusingView: method.
See the UICatalog example that is available in the iPhone Developer examples.